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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1960, p. 16

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Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEAJ^ER Thursday. June 30# 19£fT PER S 0 N A L S Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer and Mrs. Eleanor Young attended a gathering at t'-h e ;liome of Mr. and Mrs. John ^ MiMred T-onne of Flor- :M in Waukegan Sundav. gee Ala., and her daughter 0ther ts wore Mr.-and f Aurora were guests Tues- Mrs Fred Schoewer, Mr. and lhe, IIlJ,z'ne« home on Mrs George Fellens of Wauke_ Crystal Lake road. Mrs. Tonne gan and ^jr and ^|rs prank Wmained for the rest of the Heynalk of Berwyn. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Xrans -Mrs. Mollis Althoff and nnd scns Eddv and Tommy, of daughter. Mrs.^ Charles Vycital, Santa Ana. Calif.. are visiting md the latter s son, CJarj, left jier parentSi Mr. and Mrs. Her- Tuosdny morning for a visit in mnn Schnefer< and other tfy; Clinton Beekenbaugh home in Clinton, Iowa. ^ Mrs. Alvin Miller and childrife and Mrs. Rose Staines spent a few days with relatives ifr Humbolt, Iowa. tivos here. Mrs. Ella Rosenkrans of Berwyn visited relatives here this week Among the out of tr»\vn lolks v here to attend the funeral of Miss Clara Miller, aerom- John Thjes ]ast Satuvdav worP ponied by Mrs. Ida Quinlan Rov Fr Charles O'Brien. Mr. dnd Fist or. Mrs. Bessie Schnei- nnd Mrs. Charles Thies Mr der. of Park R.dge and Miss and Mrs Rov Sandors Chiea- Mnrearet Hall of Chicago, are „o; Mr and Mrs j Rrmvn ,his wcek ,he DeI1S .Lake Forest;' Rev. Fr. Euger.e ' j . Baumhoter." Woodstock; Mr. The Howard Bickler family hnd Mrs Henrv T oc and Mr of Chicago were visitors in the and Mrs Art Borr<! skokio; Mrs. Annabel Aicher home Ml, ahd Mrs, John B,ohn*n.. ^aturday. Northfield: Mr. and Mrs. Walt- Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Basset t er ppterson, Sycamort; Mr. returned Saturd?»v from a and jv{rs Ralph Schroeder and weeks trip to. Denver. Col., and Mrs, Roland,Dilg.Vawhere they visited their rinugh- ]atine ter, Ileiie. They also had the Treasure of meeting an aunt of M^. Bassett's from Los Angeles, Calif., while there and called on the Major John'Price family in Colorado Springs. Mrs. Price is the former C\nthia Erickson of McHeniv. Mr. and Mrs. William P-ies were in Sycamore Saturdny evenlnp. where they a«tended a reunion of the class of Sycamore high school of which Mrs. Pries was a member. It The Joseph J, Miller family held its annual family reun:an at the Robert Becker home on Crescent drive Sunday. Present for the happy occasion were the William Morgan family of Elkhorn. Wis.; the John Purvey and Donald Church families, of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller: the Gerald Miller and Robert Becker families. McHer.ry. Misses Joan and Joyce Adwir held at the Sycamore Elks ,nm!: sPpnl weekend at the Club. * lmme of their aunt and uncle. Misses Leta Clark T^d Gene- Mr. ac^ Mrs. Kenneth Munay, vjeve; Knox sj>ent a f"\v da\s Mundelieti and on Saturday last week with friends in Ohi- accompanied them to earn and Rogers Park. HiPside to see the stage show Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen "Oklahoma . and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low Mrs. Clare Highland of Rock- Were callers ;n the home nf the f°rr* pnr* Miss Kathryn Korten- j late Mrs. Erma Burmeister. ;n dick ^ oodstock were v nek- ; Woodstock Saturday evening. guests of their sister. Mrs. ; who had passed away tne day ^°hn Bolger. A reunion of the before. ' " • f've sisters was held on Sun- : Mr. and, Mrs. George H. day when accompanied bv Airs, j Johnson -a few days last Howard Ashton the three moweek in tHe home of th»ir son loved to Milwaukee to visit George and familv in Skoki.\ Sister Veronica, at St. John's Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Patzke convent, who is attending sum- I and son. Jeffrey, returned to 'mer school at Marquette uni- , their home in Champaign. Sun- <versity. i <tay. After spending a few days ' -- *| Mth his mother. Mis. Pearl P$t?ke, and grandmother, Mrs. Mfcrtha Feltz. 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen visitors in 'b1 Thn-^i'v York home in Sharon. Wis, Sunday! • Mrs. John Justice and son. a disorderly conduct charge. John of Woodstock, were visi- -- tors in the Puke Adams home ' Men\bers of the evening COURT BRIEFS In court last week Wednesdav. a S10 fine was ordered on John L. Wright of Wonder ! Lake wms fined $7 and "?:'15 ^n two charges, the first disturbbridge club ^nd guests\ed jpg peace with noisy mufflers their annudl outing at Delavan and the second for driving 37- Thursdey. Included in those miles-per hour in a 30-mile who made the trip wer*>: Mos- zone. 4^mes Agnes Bienapfl. Mildred Twice Told Tales B W ai mm mmmwqmmm m mmmmmm | FIFTY YEARS AGO j Taken from the Flics of June 28. 1910 1 Mathias Engeln passed away j unexpectedly at his home on * Water street Sunday morning, ' June 13. He w a s McHenry's oldest business min and is survived by his widow, Barbara, and ten childre'n. The Plaindealer completed i its thirty-fifth year of service j with last week's issue. While giving a new canoe j that they had just purchased ! its first try-out on Fox river Tuesday evening. F. E. Covalt and George H. Johnson forgot (for a second) to sit still, resulting in the Indian craft capsizing and letting its two occupants intr. stream. There was an awful scramble for a minute i>r two, as the spill took place vithin a few feet of the deep hole near the bridge. Johnson had brought a bathing suit along and made good use of it. Covalt wasn't so fortunate and ihere wasn't a barrel in sight, either. ( Two pretty, Ju n e church weddings took place here and at Johnsburg yesterday. Mr. Stephen Justen of this place, and Miss Lizzie Lay of Johnsburg were the contracting parties of Johnsburg, while Mr. i Matthew Maxwell of Evanston and Miss Mary Weber were united in McHenry. The Norlh Shore Electric company is picking up considerable new business in McHenry these days. Among the business houses to put in electricity of late, we note those of M. J. Walsh, J. J. Vycital. McHenry House and Heimer Bros. Announcement has been made of the marriage of J. Earl Waite, youngest son of , Postmaster and Mrs. Rollin Waite, to Miss Maude E. i Waite, which took place at j Nelson. Neb., June 13. They 1 will make their home in Lake Geneva. Wis. The moving picture show at i the Central last Sunday eve- I ning again drew a large house, j The pictures seem to be gain- ] ing in popularity with theatre i goers. Miss Mayme Heimer did \ the singing, and as usual : pleased the' audience. . | FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files i of June 17, 1930 The annual banquet and ; dance, as sponsored by the McHenry High School Alumni association, took place at Justen's hotel Saturday evening, ; Miss Nellie Doherty, president ; of the alumni introduced Floyd i Cooley as toastmai&ter. Miss Agnes Dodge welcomed the class of 1920 and Miss Kathleen O'Reilly, in behalf of the "20" class responded. A piano solo by Miss Mary Bonslett and vocal solos by Miss Opal Cooley ; concluded the program. T. J. Walsh? who became.McHenry's postmaster on Sept. 1, i 19115, has been officially reappointed for 'another four years. Extraordinarily severe lightning, wind and rain storms continuing until late Monday night have caused enormous damage in the suburban territories of the Chicago Telephone company. Patrons are requested to have patience while miles of poles are erected, lines restrung and fuses replaced. All plant gangs have been working night and day. A deal was consummated l a s t w e e k , w h e r e b y - A l l e n Noonan came into possession of one of the cement block houses, owned by.N. J. Justen • on Main street. TSfie house, : since its erection af few years ago; has been occupied by the ! J. E! Pufahl family. The body of Ferdinand Vogt. | father of,Walter F. Vogt, West i Side druggist, who passed j away in Milwaukee Wednes- , day, was brought herie for bur- : ial in Woodland cemetery Fri-I day. ' A marriage in which a num- ; ber of our young people will be 1 interested took place at Streator, III., Saturday, June 5, when Frank Meyer, an em- j ployee of the Star garage, was united in marriage to Miss Grace Geary, daughter of Mrs. Alice Geary of WaUconda. Houses are becoming more scarce each day and if the selling of same continues in the future as it has in the past two or three weeks, it will not be long before a number of our families are homeless. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO j Taken from the Files j of June 20, 1935 j About thirty guests were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- OPEN CLOGGED SEWERS WITHOUT DIOOINOI DImoIvm Roots, Sludgo, Orooto, Popor oosily and inexpensively! BOYER ROOT DESTROYER RUCK'S Hardware 501 W. Main St. McHenry liam Pries at their home on Green street Sunday evening, in honor of the silver anniversary *ot their wedding and also j tile homecoming of their son, J j William,- who had been in Los I | Angeles. Calif., for the past ' • two years. ! ! Mrs. Louis Wrede died at her | home on Riverside Drive about i I noon Wednesday, following a | lingering illness. . j ! A lone bandit held up the ' Standard Oil Service Station ; on Riverside D,pve Monday morning, forced the attendant, | Arlhur AKrause. into „a wash! ! room and made away with j 1*211. *. j The people of St. John the | ! Baptist parish, Johnsburg,' | joined with Rt. Rev. Edward . Unban, priests and Sisters of ! l h o d i o c e s e i n c e l e b r a t i n g t h e ' sil\er jubilee of the priesthood o! Rev. A. J. Vollman, pastor oi St John's church Wednes-" day, June 19. , .Residents of Ridgefield are I much disturbed over the word i which has come to them that | tlioir postoffice will be discontinued on July 15, 1935. . Alvin Anderson, son of John * Anderson of this city, is grda- • uiting today (Thursday) from lhe Harvard Law s.cho.ol at Boston, Mass. Mrs. Catherine Tonyan, 83, passed away at the home of h e r d a u g h t e r , M r s . J o h n Kreund, near Ringwood. Sun-1 day, tfune 16, -after a few weeks' illness. Guests were present from Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, Elgin, Wheat on, Elmhurst, Wauconda, Iowa, and McHenry to enjoy a family reunion Sunday on the old Sutton homestead where the M. A. Sutton family now reside. A $1,000 Government Bond bought in 1940, if cashed now, would buy $472.00 worth of merchandise, at 1940 prices. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS TV Teclinieiun Walter F. Hojnacki has been certified as a qualified technician under a nation-wide program to benefit the radio-television owning public. Hojnacki is a charter member of the program. NAMED DISTRIBUTOR ^ Vycital's Hardware has beeh appointed as the new local distributor of Pyrofar £a;§. STORE CHANGES NAME A ten-day open house is now in progress at Ernie's Sport. Center at 212 S. Green street,, which is the new name for the' former Mark's Sport Centf£ A tropical hurricane struclc" 30 of the ships of the fourth and last voyage of Columbus --and only 1 reached port. Complete Wheel Alignment Service Save on excessive tire wear, brake wear and. wheel wobble by having* your car checked out on the latest BEAR testing equipment. Complete Brake Service and Minor Automotive Repairs. DRIVING SIDEWAYS? Then come in today for a FREE Side-Drag Test at . . . SMITH'S All NEMENT SERVICE Across from Ball Park in West McHenry Phone EV 5-0724 Elmer Smith, prop. SAVE AS YOU Nfek^)tt. Gertrude Schaefer, Daniel Adams paid a SH fine /TQna Winkejman, Carrie Jus- ^OJ. travelling 4n miles^pbr-hour ten. Alice Lindsav. Etta Reed of this citv and Florence Alexander of Hebron. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bower and son®, Tommv and Jimmy, of Richmond, were visitors in tHe home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Wednesday evening in a 30-mile zone. Another motorist was fined $3 for illegal parking. In Saturday court. Alfred Ballstadt of Huemann's subdi- Cathy and ^'">7 ^uffev re- vision paid a $38 fine for drivturned to their home in Rich- jncr 42 miles-per-hour in a 30- mond, Monday, after spending mjje zonea few days with the>r grandtoother, Mrs. Irene Guffev. Mrs, Henry Zenner. Mr. and A speeding charge was also Mrs. Renard Blum and Eugene ™dp a^ai,1K' John BouSh of hughes spent the weekend in Holiday Hills, who was fined Tbpeka, Kans.. where ihov ;t)- *3n for driving 50 jn a 40-mile tended the wedding of their bro- zone an<3 7® 'n a SO-mile zone, ther and hrother-in-11 .v. 1 pp • -- • • , Hughes. Chicago, to Miss Eve- Richard Haekard paid S20 lyh Murray, which look pbicc when he was found guilty of at Assumption church Satur- the same violation, driving 50 day, June 25. They will make in a 40-mile zone and 70 in a their home in Chicago. 50-milc zone. IN McHENRY IN RICHMOND IT'LL ALL COME OUT IN THE WASH At MILLSTREAM COIN WASH 203 W. Elm Street Open 24 Hours Daily mm. IM i 1 Titliiii sportswear for sportsmen the new length in swim trunks The Hawaiian... a square-leg trunk reaching to a midway length... is preferred by basketball pro Bob Cousy, because it gi^es him that trim appearance and is rugged enough for the most active swimming. $6.00 TOOTHPASTE GREASELESS SUNTAN LOTION HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KILLER 14-oz. POLAROID SUNGLASSES GLARE-PROOF MENS OR LADIES §g??5EJ TING 79^ illi Ath OF JULY GET YOUR SHARE OF VALUES JERGENS OFFER Hill view Shopping Center Route 120 7 STORE for MEN 7?V 117 8. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 MeHenry, III. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. til 12 Noon l*SE THE FREE (iltEEN STREET PARKING AREA COMBINATION Jergens Moisture Creaiit Reg. 59c Jergens Lotion B°£ 54c $1.49 Halo Shampoo $1.19 49c Vaseline 39c $2.00 Lustre Creme Hair Spray 99c 89c 5-Day Siick Deodorani 57c Summer Colognes $1.00 20 Bubble Bath Packets $1.00 bargains are booming! NEW POOL ALGICIDE Jf ALGIMYCIN • Effective In AU Waters For All • Saves On Chlorine Swimming # Keeps Filters Clean Pools Swimmer's Ear Plugs 25c Budget Bond Stationery 59c Energine Cleaning Fluid 29c Plastic Beach Balls 98c Swimmers Nose Clips 49c 80 Paper Napkins 30c Plastic Swim Ring $1.49 Underwater Swimming Mask 98c Children WANT to Brush Their Teeth . . . with • . ICE CREAM BRUSHES In These Flavors 9 Chocolate # Vanilla Strawberry § Orange • Lemon § Lime Just 39c CELEBRATE THE 4th SAFELY! CAP PISTOLS TO DELIGHT ANY AAg YOUNGSTER from 031 Single Shot or Repeaters Let lis compound your next ptescripfion iiii? iiifjii Jul:::::: 59c VASELINE HAIR TONIC 49* SPECIAL ANAHIST RELIEVES ALLERGY MISERIES TABS. 55^ OFF! INSECT REPELLENT BOMB *1.19 CAMPHOPHENIQUE FOR INSECT BITES AND -£»\ SKIN RASH CHUX DISPOSABLE $<|98 DIAPERS I BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Let us do your PHOTO FINISHING. Fast Servico 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 Plus 10% F«d«ral Eicii* Tm on Toiletries

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