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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1960, p. 7

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u; f.-j lursday . iuna 3(). lsfeo 1BE McHENBT PLAINDEALEB CLASSIFIED Help Wanted FARMER would like a high school boy or semi-retired man t^help with chores and drive tractor, by Sept. 1st. Write Box 635 c-o McHenry Plaindealer. 9-2 CLEANING lady for camp; pleasant surroundings; congenial people; age no factor, if you can work. Last employee worked 8 years. Salary good. EV 5-5792. 9 WORKING mother desires * Aie for 1 or 2 children ages 4 & 8. Call EV 5-4918, evenings only. *9 SERVICE station attendant. EV 5-1150. 9 Wanted To Buy TOP PRICE PAID foir iron, metals and junk cars. Ed $0rsh, phone Woodstock - FE 8-4287. . ' , 26-ti 300 JUNK CARS, trucks and tractors. Dealers in all other types of scrap. Call Courtesy Salvage. EV. 5-1260 - EV. 5- 4774. 7-4 LICENSED Beautician, high school graduates to take teacher's training. (500 hours), l^jst have 5 years practical exjwrience in beauty shop. EV. 5-9850. 7-4 Real Estate LvU' <->& EDGlS c. awcHenry' golf course, 100' .x 130'. Price reduced to sell, EV 5-5452 22»tt Real Estate Real Estate Pag# S«Tto Real Estate MUST SELJ*, Leaving' state. Attractive McCullom Lake § room home on-3 lots:. Cyclone fence, 2 bedrooms, Ige. knotty pine combination family and utility room. Air conditioned, automatic washer & dryer, G.- E. push button range. Carpeted, dining and living .room. Flexalum drapes,. double , garage, cement floor and driveway. Fully landscaped, fruit trees, etc. $15,500. 40$ Spring Road, McCullom Lake. Phone EV 5-3477. 7-tf C ROOM brick ranch house, 2 car attached garage full bostnr.ent, tile kitchen, built-:n j 4389. appliances l'fc tiled baths, near CaJholic churches, scho jR Ph. EV 5-3590. 9 3 BEDROOM ranch. Pier & 1 FOR SALE OR FOR RENT river rights. $14,500. EV 5- 'with option to buy. for small 9 j family of discriminating taste. Deluxe two bedroom house. Ur.- FOR SALE Dy owner. 3 bedroom ranch, attached garage. Small down payment, near Jake, to a reliable buyer. EV 5-1079. 64 FOR SALE or RENT: Small office building located at 532 Main Street,, McHenry, 111;, presently used as law and insurance and real estate office. Will rent for $50. a month or sell building for $3,000. and assign land rent lease at $10. a month which has. .approximately 6 years to run. Call R. A. Stueben for details. £V, 5-0268. 6tf 3 BEDROOM house, dining room, screened porch, large lot. Near town. Beach and water rights. $13,000. EV 5- 5012. 9 .3 BEDROOM RANCH. Cabinet kitchen. Built-in oveif and range. Carpeting, combination windows and doors, other features. Reasonable. EV 5-2443. 9 WE HAVE on the. Fox River 4 bedroom home with large living room, , fireplace, sun room, full bath, steel cabinet kitchen, breakfast room and garage for the low sum of $12.- 500. The Kent Corp. 9 MUST SELL -- Transferred. 3 bedroom ranch, attached garage, tile bath, colored plumbing, extras, established trees and shrubbery. Reasonable, by owner. EV 5-2841. 9-2 HOW MUCH DO FARM PROGRAMS COST COUNTRY? SUNRISE RIDGE -- 1 year old, attractive ranch house, of cedar, stone, 1 wall glass, large panelled living room, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, spacious closets, built-in range and oven with exhaust. Full basement, lot 75'xl45\ big trees, 3 blks. from lake. Priced for fast sale, very low down payment. Wonder Lake 4498. 9-4 usual amount closet space, ceramic tile bath, breezeway. attached garage. Large lot. Approx. two miles north of McHenry. EV 5-0802. 9-tf ' 2 BEDROOM home, fully landsoaped, tile kitchefi and bath, priced $10,000. will sell on contract, $1,500 down. EV 5-1619. 9 00x125' LOT in Lakeland Park. $1,450. Charle^ V. Pagano, 4400 N Mango Ave., Chicago 30, 111. Klldare 5-5050. 9-tf SET of men's golf clubs. Also late model encyclopedia. Call EV 5-1169. 9 FOR SALE -- Business corner in Richmond. Two story brick building 21' frontage x 60. Full basement and spacious apartment on second floor. By owner. Phone Richmond 4371. 6-4 USED pool table. Phone EV 5-3604. 9 Real Estate LOT FOR SALE. By owner. In Edgebrook Heights. Reasonably priced for quick sale. Call EV 5-5264. 5-5 FOR SALE OR RENT -- 3 bedroom house by owner. Eastwood Manor. Air conditioning, Al/z% mortgage. Full basement, large lot. TV jack. Call EV 5-2089. 8-2 BY OWNER -- 3 bedroom ranch type home on large landscaped lot. Full basement, gas heat, newly decorated. Immediate possession. $18,500. 507 N. Riverside Drive. Phone Richmond 5142. 3-tf FOR SALE by owner: Beautiful 80x134 ft. lot on high ground in Edgebrook Heights. Call EV. 5-1804 between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. '48-tf 5EDROOM home, 1% bath, sun porch, living, dining carpeted, kitchen, 2 screened porches, basement, garage, gas heat, near high school. Call after 6 EV 5-6423. *8-4 } _ FOR SALE -- New 3 bedroom brick ranch home with full basement, double car garage. Wooded, lake front lot. Gas heat. Immediate occupancy. £ic<* $21,000. EV 5-2838. 8-tf HOMES FOR RENT -- In Holiday Hills -- Large 3 bedroom ranch. Rent with option to buy. Immediate occupancy. Phone Hickory 7-8111. 49-tf BY OWNER -- Pistakee Lake. 7 room year 'round 4 bedroom house, full basement, automatic oil heat, wall to wall carj peting, natural fireplace, attached garage, choice location, water rights, lower 20's. JU 7- 5414 or JU 7-0220. 7-tf FOR SALE New House 3 bedroom ranch, 2% car garage, hardwood floors, carpeted living room, built-in kitchen appliances, ceramic tile bath, 1320 sq. ft. living space. Corner of Logan and Ponoa »*eets, Cooney Heights. $18,950 mplete. Only 10% down. LEE COONEY Contractor FHA or Conventional Financing Available fliONE EV 5-4345 48-tf 7 ROOM RANCH HdUse on lake front, 3 bedrooms, toths, patio, garage. In excel- Mt condition. EV. 5-1219. 47-eow FOR SALE BY OWNER. 2 story brick building zoned bus iness located at 414 W. Mali St., McHenry. 111. This build ing needs work to remodel Sale price $6,000. Call EV 5- 2458. 33-tl LOT FOR SALE, 60x167 in Cooney Heights Subdivision located Southwest corner, Callista & Ponca. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 4-tf 4 BEDROOM home, 30 ft. liv ing and dining combination IVa. baths. One block to store.' and schools. Full basement. 4 car garage. $17,000. EV 5-0723. 29-tJ 4 Crystal Lake's LEONARD HEIGHTS 1 block east of Rt. 14 2 doors north of Rt. 17# New 3 Bit Ranch, 1005 sq. ft. NO MONEY DOWN! $89 PER MO. Principal & Interest Visit model this Sat. or Sun. afternoon at 264 Hickory Drive Whlock east of Rt. 14, 2nd door north of Rt. 176. Wooded Lots Screens and storms included Comb. Screen-Storm Doors JOHN L. GOODMAN BUILDER 270 Hickory Dr. Crystal Lake, 111. Crystal Lake 3541 5-5 3®BEDROOM face brick ranch, close to stores, churches. In town. Modern built-in kitchen and bath. Attached heated garage. Large lot. Price $22,000. EV 5-6273. 4-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Store and six room modern apartment. Wonder Lake 5851. 9 FIVE-ROOM expandable twobedroom home; garage; fuil "baSftortefit; lot 70x150;' patio; gas heat: decorated. E. Tucker, 46 Lakeview, Sunnyside, McHenry. 9 McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal Homes, farms vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, II! Ph. EVergreen 5-0037 9-tf 3 BEDROOM split level, fully carpeted, built-in oven, range, recreation room, attached garage, water softener, combination jstorms and screens. EV 5-5149. 9 McCullom Lake. Bargain year 'round home. $6500. 3 YR. OLD 2 bedroom ranch, attached garage, ' aluminum storms and screens, glazed porch, large utility room, tile bath, gas heat, concrete drive, corner lot, wall to wall carpeting. One block to lake. 5 minutes to town and train. Furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable. EV. 5-4414. 9-4 6 ROOM HOUSE with furnishings, enclosed porch, gas heat, partial basement, river rights. Mineral Springs Subdivision.-- $7500. EV 5-5463. 9 .*>0x300 FT. LOT. Country Club Subdv.. 24x24 garage. Sandy beach and pier. Priced for quick sale. EV 5-3771, or EV 5-0817. *9 2 BEDROOM RANCH. 2 car garage, gas heat, newly decorated. Must be seen to be appreciated. EV 5-1877.. *9 4 bedrooms, ideal location, zoned for business, leaving town, $16,500. 3 bedrooms, all brick. 2 fiir>- places, bi-level, on Wonder Lake. Must be seen to be appreciated. $25,000 or best ofter. Small 2 bedroom home on 1 acre of ground on Highway 120. Ideal for retired couple. $5500. Phone EV 5-0430 REAL BARGAIN at $15,000. 3 bedrom home in excellent condition. Gas heat, basement, garage, wooded corner lot, 115 x 125' Rogers. EV 5-4738. 8-2 FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS-BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: EVergreen 5-0421 3-tf CHOICE HOME" SITES FOR SALE Re-Sales SUNNYSIDE Channel front, reduced to $1,800. Other residence lot, $1,500. Make offer. McHENRY SHORES corner lot 70x150. Improvements, gas electric water. Price reduced from $3,150 to $2,650. JOHNSBURG in JAK-ANA HEIGHTS. Lots 100x170. Price from $1,850. Restricted to brick, brick veneer, or stone. Jacob Fritz Realtors Rt. ^ Mchenry, 111. Phone EV 5-0037 5-tf fHfifeE New Brick Ranch Homes Edgebrook Heights Sub. 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, concrete drive, full basement, gas heat, complete built-in electric kitchen, fireplace, wood {bartering, 1^4 $led b&ths. Many other extras. Must be seen to be appreciated. Priced to sell Fred Pepping, Builder 1401 Timothy Lane McHenry, I1L Ph. EV 5-0409 5 ROOM HOUSE $5150 Lot 50 x 100, high and dry. Beautifully landscaped, in Lilymoor Subdn. Must be seen to appreciate. 6 ROOM HOUSE $4850 Needs carpenter work. High and dry. In good location. Village of Lakemoor. Excellent opportunity for handy man. Reasonable terms for right party. Lake front lot on Lily Lake. 44 x 200. Only lake front lot left for building. Bargain $2250 Several excellent buys in three bedroom homes in McHenry and vicinity. See us before you decide. Active Realty Realtor EVergreen 5-0742 8-2 2 bedroom ranch home, large utility, attached garage, fully plastered walls, face brick on all 4 sides, lot 100x170, gas heat. Price $16,500. An excellent building. 3 BEDROOM house near Lakeland Park on the laket'ronr High ground, many trees. Lor runs out into lake. Total price $8,988. E-Z terms. Immediate occupancy. Will furnish free. EV 5-0169. , 9-3 FOR SALE OR RENT WATERFRONT 3 bedroom year 'round home. Attached 2 car garage. Alum, comb, doors and windows. 10 .months old. Now vacant. $1,000 DOWN $106 PER MONTH Includes interest, tax and insurance deposit. Private owner will carry mortgage at 4I2rr int. or rent with or without option to buy. Owner on premises Thurs Fri., Sat., Sun. 203 Riverside Drive McHenry Shores Subdivision ll2 miles south of McHenry on west side of Fox River. Chicago Phone LUdlow 5-2563 July 1? Juvenile Forester Picnic -- Veterans' Acres, Crystal Lake. July 15-16 . Jewish Studies Group Rummage Sale -- Gladstone's Barn. Richmond Road -- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Benefit Woman's Auxiliary of McHenry Hospital. July 16-17 St. Peter's Parish Carnival, Spring Grove. July 17 Fiesta Day July 13 St. Patrick's Annual Lawn Party,-- Church Lawn. August 24 Lady Foresters' Annual Picnic. St. Mary's P.T.A. Fall Fashion Revue and Salad Luncheon --- V.F.W. Clubhouse. LENNONS LEAVE JULY 10 ON TRIP THROUGH ISRAEL JAK-ANA HEIGHTS -- custom built bi-level, 3 bedrooms, living, dining, birch cabinet kitchen, 1 Vz baths, fully plastered walls, face brick, corner lot 100x170. Price $23,750.00. Reasonable terms. 5 room seasonal home near beach, completely furnished. Owner leaving. Only $8,500.00. Take offer. We have a substantial listing of water front homes. Jacob Fritz Realtor Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-0037 9-tf HOUSE FOR SALE 2,a year old water front ranch home on hill. Picture winnows in living and dining room. IV2 tile bath. 32 foot, living room, corner fireplace. Baseboard hot water heat, gas fired. Pink Range and Pink refrigerator. Built-in Westinghouse washer and dryer. Attached finished garage. Completely landscaped. Black top parking area. Sea wall and dock. Many extras. EV 5-2882 EVergreen 5-4000 H. F. Harrison Company Realtors Kenneth J. Leibach * 407 W, Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Mr. and Mrs. James Lennon will leave on an intensive twoweek tour of Israel Sunday. July 10, as part of a fifty-nine member delegation traveling to the Middle Eastern country under the auspices of the Israel Bond Organization. The eroup will see how more than $26,000,000 in bonds purchased by Chicagoans has been spent in Israel. The two-week tour will include visits to Tel Aviv, Jeru- 9-tfj-salem, Eilat, Haifa, Beersheba, and many other cities in addition to personal meetings with David Ren Gufion. prime minister of the srate of Israel; Yitshak Ren Zvi, president of Israel; Abba Ehan, minister without portfolio in the Israel government and president of the Weizmann Institute; and the Hon. Ogden Reid, U.S. Ambassador to Israel. The entire delegation will be feted r.t a farewell luncheon 011 July 6. 9-tf Village of Sunnyside 3 bedroom L shape ranch with 2!a car plus garage. Natural fireplace in living-dining room with picture windows. ATTEND CELEBRATION" Among those from out of the county who attended the wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Built-in book cases, tile bath, 'John Aylward and Mr. and easy care tile floors throughout. Enclosed breezewtay, fenced yard, patio and Bar-B-Q pit. Quiet 60 ft. channel front wjth boat rack. Near proposed shopping center. , Modern schools and churches. Priced to sell at $18,500. Extra lot available. Phone EV 5-1461 6-tf Wanted To Rent TWO BEDROOM FRAME on 150x72 ft. landscaped corner lot; attached garage; a terrific bargain at $10,000. THREE-BEDROOM RANCH with cathedral living room; stainless steel built-in kitchen; attached garage; gas heat. $16,000. FOUR-YEAR-OLD frame ranch, three-bedroom; full basement; twchcar garage; blacktop driveway. Will consider selling under contract. $17,500. For homes, business opportunities, farms or vacants CALL MR. HEINEN - EV 5-2527 BAIRD & WARNER, INC. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN ACROSS FROM BEACH 2 year old 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch. Family room. 2 kitchens. Fireplace. Newly painted and in excellent condition Wonderful set-up for in-law who wishes to live near but be ndependent. Attached garage. Secluded patio. COONEY HEIGHTS 4 year old Coral Stone and Redwood two story home 4 bedrooms, llb tile baths. Shower stall in full basement. Large Dutch kitchen. 1st floor den. Attached garage. Patio. Beautifully landscaped high lot. Fruit trees. a FOX RIVER 3 bedroom Summer home on 75 ft. frontage. Seawall. Double pier and canopy. Large jalousied porch. Paneled living ropm with natural fireplace. 2 other cottages on property for extra income. 200 feet of pine tree lined road frontage. PISTAKEE BAY . 10 year old 4 bedroom, 2¥j bath home on 150 ft. of frontage. Club room with fireplace. 17x23 living room with fireplace. Separate dining room. 2 car attached garage. Carpeted. Refrigerator and electric range included. 9 A. H. GALLAGHER AND ASSOCIATES EVergreftn 5-1629 EVergreen 5-3080 8 JINNY GALLAGHER ANN ZAHN 9 -- PONY to rent for summer or purchase. Must be medium size, broken, gentle and safe for girl of 7. Wonder Lake 6429 9 To Be Gven Away Mrs. Art Brocket- of Elgin; Mr and Mrs. Robert Sailers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sourek of Cicero; Mrs. Carol Warner and Mrs. Hazel Porotiensk. v of Reloit, Wis.: Mr and Mrs. Fred Nickels of Barrington: Mr. and Mrs Pain McKnight of Western Sprintrs: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fondelle and family aund Mrs. ChaHc- Cole, of Dubuque. Iowa: Mr ad Mrs. Henry Berzin and Mr and Mrs. Gregory Oaims and son, Pat. of North Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyer of Dundee: Mrs. Helen Jacoby of Pompano Beach, Fla., and Joe Rehor of Chicago: also two sisters, of Mrs. Conway. Mrs. Tressie Huffman of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Kate Wegener of Lakemoor. The office of budget and fi- ; nance recently published a dei tailed tabulation of costs of > various programs for the Uniii ed States Department of Agrii cultuh? « over a period of ten i years, including estimates for I the years ending June 30 of j this year and June 30. 1961. I In this tabulation the department's programs are divided into two major groups: (1> programs predominantly for the benefit of farmers and (2) programs having multiple benefits to the general public. We will list tjht^ various programs of the United .States Department of Agriculture and their estimated cost for the fis-1 cal year 19t>0 (i.e., ending June 30V •PROGRAMS FOR FARMERS. Expenditures for;the agricultural conserv at ion program will be about $244 million. Soil bank programs, are taking $5 million for the acreage 'reserve program and about $365 million for the conservation reserve program. Price-support programs include loans made. SI.239 million: commodity purchases. $2,003 million; storage, handling and transportation. $744 million: interest and operating expenses. $513 million; and other program net expense. $103 million. These outlays will total about $4,632 million, hut the net cost to the United States Treasury will lie reduced by about S2.S04 million, proceeds from the sale of commodities. Another $29 million is subtracted because it represents payments lo the Veterans:' Administration and the armed services for purchases of dairy products in excess or" 'heir normal requirements. Net cost of the CCC price-support program thus is set at $2,731 million. The National Wool Act program will take about $9-1 motion this fiscal year end in'; June 30. Acreage alio; md marketing quota administrative expenses will be about $41 milliori. The Sugar Act program will require $74 million. The total net cost of these urogram which are primarily for the benefit of farmers will he around $2,622 million this vc->r. This compares with S3.- 957 million last year. PRO GRAMS H A V I N G MULTIPLE BENEFITS. Programs having foreign relations Mid. defense aspects inc'iide •.ales of surplus agricultural "ommodilies for foreign cut • "cneies which are taking $1.- Tvi million. The program of '•"mine relief in friendly for- 'ign countries will take $115 Million. International wheat (greement commitments cost ^49 million. Transfer of bartered materials to supplemental stockpile costs $237 million "ajments to the Veterans' Administration and armed servces for buying dairy products in excess of normal requirements. $29 million.- Foreign currencies used by the military, $5 million. Food distribution programfc. The school lunch I taking $134 million; the school j milk program. $80 million; ajrvd other surplus food and disposal programs. $108 million, "tr REA and FHA loans, whkln i are subject to repayment are taking S325 million for the Rurai Electrification administration and $251 million for ; the Farmers Home administration. Programs .for the improvement of agricultural resources, i including research, meat inspection. disease and pest control. education, and regulation of markets, etc. Expenditures for the year ending June 30 are estimated as follows: Forest Service $208 million; ,Agri- , cultural Research Service. $172 1 million; Soil Conservation Service, $130 million; Extension Ser\ice. SK4 million: marketing research and service (AMS), $40 million: Farmers Home j Administration expenses. $31 | million; and other expenses : (including expenses of the Farmer Cooperative Service, • Foreign . Agricultural Service. Commodities Exchange Authority. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation and Rural Electrification Adm i n i s t ration!. S31 million. The total cost of these multiple- benefit programs for this year is estimated at $3,084 million. compared with $3,134 million a year ago. L. H. Simerl Department of Agricultural Economics Residence Change Mr. and Mrs. Alan Freund and son, Michael, have moved to Cincinnati. Ohio, where he has been transferred by h I s company. Sf .IK I ' O I . I C K c a n d i d a t e s Qualified candidates aspiring te bet omp members of the Illinois State Police may still app'y to the State Police Merit Hoard. Gov. Stratton announced. Continuous processing of recruits is designed to maintain the state police at its fuil strength of 1.200 men authorized in 1957 to augment Gov. Stratton's highway safety program. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says FEMALE dog, part Labrador, J good with children, also 2 male & 4 female puppies. EV 5-2886. Lost and Found BROWN Kennedy tool box in vicinity of Broadway and Idyll Dell Road. McHenry Shores, June 23. Reward. EV. 5-2081, leave message for Eric Johnson. *9 LOST - 1 Pointer, white,with liver head; answers to "Pete". $50 reward for information leading to recovery of this dog. No questions asked. EV. 5-5352 9 Notice CLUB LILYMOOR Route 120 Saturday, July 2nd RUTH SMITH at the organ Fish Fry on Fridays Rev. Jack Hanford New Greenwood Pastor Rev. John Paul Eddy and his wife are leaving Greenwood today, June 30, for Mankato State college. Mankato, Minn., where he will assume new duties as minister to students. R e v . E d d y h a s s e r v e d t h e Greenwood church for two years as pastor. Rev. Jack Hanford will take over the pastorship at Greenwood oh July 1. SUBDIVISION PICNIC Worthmoor Estates subdivision is planning its annual picnic, to be held Saturday, July 2, at the public beach. CHECK SOCIAL SECURITY PRIOR TO RETIREMENT If you have set a date for retirement even if it is two or three months from now, you should call at your nearest Social Security office and file a claim , for your benefits. When you call at the office bring with you jour W-2 form for your last years wages, bring some document to prove your age and know how much you earned so far this year. Having this information with you will insure prompt service on your application. For women who file before age 65, it would be to their advantage financially not to file until they are actually retired. As you know, a woman in this category who files a claim for benefits suffers a reduction in her benefits for each month she is under 65 at the time she files. However, even in these cases, it is best that they inquire before they retire as we will be able to partially develop their claim and help them secure the proper proofs. Remember -- Inquire before vou retire! I*f*s ceaNy honor Motfior tfcft day--and mothers mrywhtit for their on-going concern for Hit otfc^ cation at welfare of childroa. Illinois Education Attoctafaa THAI'S R FIltT w -- EARLY AIR KAIL Cf/V7l/e/£5 HA'i K,^r> r,/Mze rue f.esrHC/ ;VAi MAX- SyA PIGEONf Av l- ~-yP7'Ah CAl-'PH AK OF CJ-rb~* R,S~5 Tr .'SgACS'r rOHfV OA 600M#eSC> MESSENGERS r WATER SUPPLY More than 800 billion gallons of water were contained in Illinois water-supply reservoirs on June 1. This is about 5 per cent above normal spillway crest capacity, according to William C. Ackermann. chief of the Illinois State Water Survey. During the last three months, March through May. precipitation was above normal in the western portions of Illinois, west of a line from Alton to Rockford. Northwestern Illinois had four inches in excess of normal. Rainfall in eastern Illinois and in the southern one-third of the state was more than three inches below normal. ODD ESCAPE pptS^MBU x^AFED fScmA rtvw.Mit sy rscATWa H/S SO&CS n .7f PROMHJS :s£j. m;j. avt maecdec MO ~~F yA<* -t«55avO A'/W : lAP. "OPTTh/SCUM rhea^s Avr ihE jAt^pier' rim.p.s. HE tYASRECAPTURED / U.S. sawa/qs bc»vds i \ - iv fit-: rre- P 'V \'fr* .• .• > v ^ v vv •,,• Avt» pp. I- V rr- •' -J-. • s - - -H y .'K-£j .VXr.o *s£*c*0 , \<A '/ *V o tY/TW /A/TER£S 7" ADDED / Come, Meet Your Friends ai McDONALD'S TAVERN McCullom Lake SUNDAY. JULY 3rd Music by The McHenry All Stars

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