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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1960, p. 12

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Page Twelve Lakeland Park CHILD CUT BY BROKEN BOTTLE THROWN IN LAKE Carole Humann KV. 5-1605 Viekey Bottarl KV. 5-22S2 Due to careless people putting their refuse in the lake instead of in the eans provided by the bearh committee. 3 year old Brian Root needed ten stilches to close the gash in his foot caused by a broken bottle in the water. The beach committee can only do so much in the way of keeping,!he beaches clean for everyone's use. It's a shame that people using the beach don't cooperate by picking up their own refuse. One accident is one too many. THE McHEtfRY PLAINDfiALER Thursday. July 21., I960 White Christmas? It: was Christmas in July when the ladies of the bunco squad had their annual Christmas party last week at the home of Dorothy Meineke. After several postponements Santa Claus \va's finally able to schedule his visit complete with grabbag and Christmas tree. The ladies sang carols and wore Christmas corsages. Guests full'of Yuletide spirits were Elmira Kujak. Dolores Rogers. C h a r 1 e n e Mueller. Marge Franklin and Jackie Hagen. Anniversary Greetings To Ed and Janice Stach who celcbraled 5 years of wedded bliss on July 9 with the help of neighbors, Ron and Charlene Mueller. On the Sick List Get-well quick to Rita Malinowski who has been in bed with tonsillitis and hope she ends her string of ailments soon. Vacationers Back home again after re- , taxing for a week at Fish Lake, J Ind., are Bob and Adele Kroenini; and family and Del's fa- • ther. Mr. Gort. who went with them. ] Birthday Greetings To* Mary Hagen who cele- !brated her ninth birthday on July 9 with Grandpa and j Grandma Hagen and Uncles Rich and Larry and Aunt Dolores on- one day. The next day Grandpa and Grandma Daniels came with Aunt Idie, Aunt Fran and Uncle Mi Ladin. Happy birthday to Chuckie Campo who was 6 on July 7. He celebrated on the sixth with friends Bobby. Ann, Bonnie, Tlit resa and Margaret Kroening and Allen, "Linda. Shirley • and Johnny. Meurer. Kenny fand Donny, Prazak. Frank and Jolrne Vanek. Greg. Grayson . and Cindy Reuter and sister. iKathy, and cousin, Chuckie Salazar. Helping to keep the i gang in order were mothers Adele Kroening. Barbara Meurer, Agnes Prazak. Sally ' Reuter and mom Grace Campo. Happy birthday to Billy Krater who Was "10 on July 12. , He entertained several of his friends with the traditional I party fare. Guests included Raymond Bottari, Raymond ; Barle, Paul Schwegle Vnd i Charles Coles and was assisted I by his sister, Diane. On July 17 a family party was held I with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dupon | and Mrs. James Evans of Chi- Icago. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kratj or of Villa Park, Mr. and Mrs. I Lawrence Krater and sons, Steven and Jimmy, of Munde- • lein and his cousin. Johnny 1 Landis, from Elkhart, Ind. Lakeland Park Indians 1 3 Lakeland Park Tigers 1 4' McCullom Lake Sox 1 4 Scoreboard ; Tuesday.1 July 12 at Lakeland Park, Cubs 13. Indians 8; i at McCullom Lake. Tigers 5. Sox 4; Thursday, July 1,4 at Lakeland Park, Cubs 8, Indians 0. Thursday, July 14 at j McCullom Lake, Braves 12, Tigers 6. j Correction In Ihe welcome to Mr. and Mrs. ' Infantion in last week's issue of the paper it should have read welcome to LuAnne and Chuck instead of LaVern. Demonstration A demonstration was held on .Tulv 7 in the evening by Janice Stach Present to partake of Ihe cake and coffee served later were Jackie Hagen. Dorothy Meineke. Barbara Malinowski, i Joanne Getteman. Connie We- [ vik, Evelyn Kaminski and i Charlene Mueller. Visitors Weekend visitors of the Don Gerstads were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gerstad of Sun Prairie. Wis. Don took his wife and folks to Chicago to visit the Museum of Science and Industry, Aquarium and the Prudential building. All they could get in. in one day! Recent visitors of the David Ladds were Mimi's folks from Wadswerth, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Grow and son. Bill. Weekend visitors at the Bottari residence were Vickey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mazzoni. Sr.. and her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mazzoni. Jr., and three little girls. Judy. Gayle and Joyce. Judy has stayed on and will be with us for two weeks. Bob McEnery is home for six weeks before he leaves for Alaska again where he has signed up for another tour of duty as a civilian employee. House guests for two weeks at the Stachs are Janice's dad, John Bakina, and her sister, Sharon. To Ed Druml who is back home after leing in Hines hospital for several weeks. . Schedule j Thursday, July 21: Lake-' land Park Tigers vs. McCullom Lake Braves at Lakeland i Park. McCullom Lake Sox vs. Lakeland Park Indians at Mc- | Cullom Lake. Tuesday, July 26: Lakeland ! Park Cubs vs. Lakeland Park [ Tigers at Lakeland Park. Mc- , Cullom Lake Braves vs. Lake- i land Park Indians at McCullom Lake. Game Tjme: 6:30 j p.m. SHARP. " . j Just A' Xote Following is a note from Mrs. Marge Gates about whom j so many people have asked j lately: "Hi, we have moved out j here to Warner Robins, Ga. Air ! Force Base, due to the fact that mv husband has been shipped here for his last year tour of the service in the U.S. A.F, We will be back next year at this time. Our home is rented out to the Lawrences -- 26 Short avenue. We miss Mc- j Henry and the boys are doing ! fine. They have found their j places on baseball teams out ; here. John and Bob play on i Connie Mack League and Tom | on Babe Ruth League, as for j me I'm just sitting around try- j ing to keep cool." \ Thanks | Your reporter Vickey Bot- j tari wishes to thank all of you ; who made working on the paper such fun and hope you will continue to call your news in i to Carole Huemann and your i new reporter Veretta Gerstad I at EV. 5-4043. I will enjoy ! reading the column for a ! change instead of having to • write it. - i Ringwood W.S.C.S. HOLDS MONTHLY MEET IN CHURCH SANCTUARY Ruby Shepard Althea Walkington led the period of meditation ih the sanctuary at the monthly meeting of the W.S.C.S. on July 13. The program, and the i n f o r m a l d i s c u s s i o n o f t h e Christians use of leisure, was conducted by Mary Butler, assisted by Shirley Cristy, Bessie Cruickshank and Clara Cristy. A feature of the business meeting was a short brainstorming session, giving all of the members ^n opportunity to suggest changes and new ideas to be considered. Flora Carr and Althea Walkington were hostesses for the social hour. The August meeting will be secret pal where gifts will be exchanged at the home of Alice Peet. A favorite will be just plain | talking. A forum session will ; discuss the Forand bill now in j Congress. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen j entertained at a birthday party ; for their daughter, Dorothy j Kay's ninth birthday Sunday, j Those to attend were the Ar- j nold Harvey family, Mr. and > Mrs. Ronald Rowe and daugh- I ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aissen, Trudy Oonk and Swen Han- Home -Circle The Home Circle was entertained iri the home of Mrs. Agnes Jencks Thursday with Mrs. William Cruickshank as cohostess. A l2:4i| luncheon was served and in the afternoon the usual business meeting was held with Mrs. Wolf Shadle, president, presiding. Bunco followed which provided fun for the afternoon. Anniversary Greetings A belated wish for a happy anniversary to Roy and Doro- . thy Meineke who celebrated ! 17 years of matrimony on June 26. They were surprised on the twenty-fifth with a party given 1 by their daughters, Judy and ! Susie. Present to help in the . surprise were Mr. and Mrs. Averman, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, 'Mr. and Mrs. Stippick, Mrs. ! Grace Meineke, Mr. and Mrs. Genteman; Mr.-and -M*sje Oldham and Mr. and Mrs. Kujak. OFFICKR CANDIDATE j Seventy-seven members of. the Illinois National Guard are > enrolled in the fourth officer j candidate school being con- j ducted in connection with an- ! nual field training of the 33rd | infantry division, among them i Franklin D. Kaiser of Rt. 5, ' McHenry. : Open House Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ottoson who are members of our Ringwood church held open house at their home in Wonder Lake Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m. Quite a few from here attended. This was their thirtyfifth wedding anniversary. Golden Years Fellowship Are you 65 or over? If so. you qualify for partnership in the "Golden Years Fellowship" which will meet on Tuesday, July 26, at 2 p.m, Bring a basket supper and any of your favorite games. During the recreation period there will be horseshoes, shuffleboard, etc. ^FOR QUALITY HUBtER &OODS, BANDAGES MID 6MJZE, MEDICATIONS TOO.... BUY AT M/LLSTRSAM * DRUGS mKN ROOM SIJWUCS TO PIT YOUR ILLNESS. Schmitt Reunion Mr. and -Mrs. Roland Bauer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and • family attended the Schmitt reunion at Fox River Park Sunday. There were 150 present. ^ Personals Mrs. Jack Leonard and children pf Lake Geneva spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. home. • , , Mr,; and' Mrs; B. T. Butler j and Mr. and Mrs. Howard-j Walkington are vacationing j with the Ardin Frisbees at the Frisbee cottage in Canada. .Mrs. Walter Glawser of California, was a guest in the Oscar Berg home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington attended their card club \ in the Mitchell Kane home at j Solon Mills Saturday evening, i Mrs. Larson of Antioch and | Mrs. William Hepburn visited j Mrs. Hepburn's sister, Mrs. An- i osha hospital Friday. ! Donna and Karen Rudolph of | Richmond were dinner guests j nabel Redtnbnd, at the Ken- I in the Charles Brennan home ' Mr. and Mrs, John Schroeder oi Gary were callers in the Dr. William Hepburn home Sunday. j - • Misses Margaret Hatch of Lily Lake and Agnes Wegner of Volo spent Sunday afternoon and evening as guests of Miss Alice Peet. Evening guests also were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal^tfake. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin of Hutsonville. 111., spent the past week visiting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson of Portland, Ore., are visiting his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Miss Virginia Jepson of Chicago was a weekend guest and Mrs. Lyle Peck of Elgin^was a dinner g u e s t S u p d a ^ T A f t e r n o o n gUests ^ere Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Glenview. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Emerald Park spent Saturday evening in the: Gus Carlson home. Mr. Lisk of Glenview spent, the weekend with his daughter and husband, the Earl .Kunz's. Roger. Kunz is spending two weeks at Pickle Mountain, Calif., wit.h the Marine reserves. Mr. and Mrs. Les Newlin and Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Wednesday in the Tom Pettise home at Lake Beulah, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Friday with Louis Werneke and family at Lena. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Maud Granger and Mrs. Ethel Holly of McHenry spent Saturday evening in the Agnes Jencks home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy spent the weekend with rela-i tives in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Don James and family of Pardeeville. Wis., spent Wednesday afternoon in the William Cruickshank home. Rev. and Mrs. James Mc- Chesney and daughter, Cindy Lou and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bland and family enjoyed a few days outing in northern Wisconsin the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and family of Kenosha spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kunz, in Chicago and helped him celebrate his seventy-eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank, Jr., and family of Niles City, Mont., are visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank and other relatives this week. Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond spent the weekend -with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hohmeier of Chicago were callers in the Earl Kunz home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ruby Shepard was a dinner guest Monday of Mrs. Helen Young at McHenry. Mrs. John Ehlert and Mrs. Millie Rush spent Friday in the . Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot. ! Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and j children of Park Ridge spent i Thursday with her parents, i Mr. and Mrs. William Cruick- : shank. Mrs. Robert Schuet^ of ^Milwaukee is spending the : week with her parents. Dr. and Mr9. William Hepburn. Mr. i Schuetze was a dinner guest , Sunday. Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. James Wegener spent Thursday afternoon in the Don Smart home at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Darrell S^nple f and famUy^at Highland Park. a Value JOSEPH FRETT & SOU INC ESTABLISHED 1926 RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS WAITS Don't bug any ^ WATER HEATER until you've seen the world's finest $ • VitRock So good it carries a Officers Elected At a special meeting of the directors of the Lakeland Park boys baseball club for boys 8- 12, the officers for the coming year were elected. Officers are A1 Kujac, president. Wally Hansen, vice-president; Mike Males, treasurer; Joe Prazak, secretary and Irv. Becker, players agent. Little League Following are the standings, i scoreboard and schedule of our ! Little League: j Team W L ' McCullom Lake Braves 5 0 L.akeland Park Cubs 4 1 RENTS Electric Hammers to Wheel Chairs EVergreen 5-4123 SUPPLIES > LOCAL TRADtUAKKS. K»c. and COMMERCIAL • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 10-YEAR GUARANTEE ...backed by a $500 WARRANTY BOND Can never •"TUSH" | Double Protected: G L A S S L I N E D , , , heating surfaces li ill p l u s S T O N E LINED tank walls. 100% safety pilot. Automatic controls. Fast --efficient--reliable. Big Savings! Valiant's 101 h.p. inclined engine stretches regular gas like rubber bands. Alternator electric system helps battery last longer, Mpi* tized body is rust-proofed, raftle> proofed. Result: you ride in style for less with Valiant. Located on Hwy. 120 -- V* Mile East of Fox River Bridge I Althoff's Gas Service 700 Front St. Phone EV 5-4200 You are cordially invited to our i' i SPECIAL PURCHASE * S A L E complete 45 piece set > DINNERWARE Amtrt Oitwtritsrw, Pepper Tree Red Rooster Peach Blossom Reg. *56.95 *59.95 • *65.95 • Rale; Price $46.50 *44.95 .95 COMPLETE SERVICE FOR EIGHT. Brings a *o$t orrery of luxury to your table. Created in the modern "California Concept" of design and shapes by talented California craftsmen. Hand-paiM* ed under shimmering glaze, oven and detergent proof. Equally beautiful for regular daily use as well as party, buffet. Vhit oof dinnerware section today and set how beautifully this dinnefwai* fits into your home decor, ; • , i 45 PIECE SET includes Eight Eaclg cups, saucers, soup/cereols, salack, dinner plates. One Each; vegetable dish, oval plotter, tugor and lid, creamer. -- ~ ) A REMEMBER, this Special Offer is for TWO WEEKS onfyf VYCITAL S Hardware Phone EV 5-0098 132 S. Green Si. McHenry. 111. SAVE UP TO 20% FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 22 & 23 Our New SKELLY STATION Now Open To Serve You SKELLY SERVICE STATION On 120 One Block North Of The Chicago Northwestern Depot CANDY and BALLOONS 6 Pack of Coca Cola 1000 LOLLYPOPS -- 500 BLOOP BALLS igs For Valuable Prizes \VK CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF SKELLY PRODl'CTS The Skelly Money Back <iuarantee Use any SKKLLY product. Give Ft what you think is a fair trial. You are the sole, jud^o. If it doos not satisfy you in every respect, go to the station whore you made the purchase and your money will he cheerfully refunded. Wheelin' and Dealin' * Your Valiant man's out to move cars «• volume during "Valiant Value Days." He pays more for trades, sells new cars for less. Result: you fill your garage without emptying your wallet. STOP For the "King of the Compacts Don't run... drive to your V^^nt Peater! "Valiant Value Days" Me jjcrc. Drive 4 big bargain now Hasti Bake Charcoal Range Blanket Pack -- Kingsize Fiesta Ware Party JuTgs Twin Thermos Picnic Kit Thermos Jug, 1 gal. with spigot K-M Thermo Chest Westinghouse Melmac Dishes Patio Snack Jar ^Brownie Star Flash Camera Kit -- Girl's Prize Spinning Tackle Set -- Boy's Prize No purchase necessary -- you need not be present at the drawing to win your^prilze! We are anxious to meet you and show you our New and Complete Service Station! DON'T MISS THIS BIG CELEBRATION!! SKELIY A. S. BLAKE MOTORS Inc. 301 E. Pearl St. McHenry, III. A k

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