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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1960, p. 14

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Pig* Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDE ALER . # Thursday, July 21, 1960 Wonder Lake HOLD OPEN HOUSE AT NEW NATIVITY CHURCH, JULY 24 lue Ducey "Open House" will be held at Nativity Lutheran church Sunday. July 24. from 2 until 5 p.m. Pastor Schroeder extends a sincere invitation to everyone in the community to come and get better acquainted with the church and the members and friends of tbe church. "Come help us rejoice and give thanks for the joy and privilege it has been ours to build this church," h<* said. The sermon topic for July 24 will be. "Living Together in Christ". Services will continue to be at 8 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School is at 9:15. The Luther League will have a swimming and picnic outing at Cedar Lake Friday. -July 22, and will leave from the church at 6. All high schoolers are welcome. There will be the regular meeting of the Luther League, Sunday evening, July 24. at 7:30. The junior choir will have its summer outing at Cedar Lake too, on Wednesday. July 27, and will leave from the church at 2 p.m. ! p.m. Application blanks to en- (ter the queen contest are in all j t he business houses, ftequirements are that a girl be single, 16 to 18 years of age, and a I r e s i d e n t o f W o n d e r L a k e . | Deadline for filing your application will be Friday, July 29, the day before the contest. Fred Kusch is chairman of ; the Miss Wonder Lake contest which will be judged at 10 p.m. Saturday on the south side of : the fire house. Jess Seeman : will emcee the show and the ' judges will be from out of ! l own. Miss Wonder Lake will j compete at the county fair for ! the title- of Miss McHfcnry I County. er; Leoda Freund, historian; Jerre Elbersen,. chaplain; and I Amanda Donash, ^ergeant-at- 1 arms. came back from the Southland last week. Iona and Chester left June 22 for Memphis, Tenn., where they were joined Also, in accordance with the ' by Auston after the fourth of ; post, the 1961 dues are now ; July. From there they went to | payable. All wives, mothers, ! Helena, Ark., to visit Mrs. I and sisters of eligible veterans | Hood's^ daddy (who is enjoying ; belonging to the Legion are in-! the be'st of health) and to I vited to join the auxiliary. | Hamburg, Ark., to visit rela- | Oh August 5, Marian Cannon tives. On the drive home ! w i l l b e i n s t a l l e d a s p r e s i d e n t o f ; t h r o u g h . t h e O z a T k s , t h e y i the county auxiliary, with Jer- ! stepped at Bull Shoals and | re" Elbersen installed as secre-, went through the caverns tary. Bible Church News Pastor and Mrs. Wright and family are enjoying a well earned vacation in Michigan. They left Monday morning and will be gone for two weeks. Rev. Joseph Long from the Drexel Bible church in Chicago will take Pastor Wright's place at both the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services on July 24. Robert Repke will conduct tne Sunday evening sen-ice. Another guest pastor will fill in for the July 31 services. Burton Skemp will conduct the Wednesday evening services while the Wrights are away. The Men's Fellowship night has been planned for Monday, July 25. Chriat The Ring Church News The .Sisters, Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary, have gr&ciously invited all the parents of the children attending vacation school for a visit Monday. July 25. From 7:30 to 8 p.m. the parents will visit the classrooms and meet the teachers. Following the visitation there will be a program in the school hall. Remember the change of time of the altar boys meeting -- - at 10:30 Saturday. Calling Miss Wonder Lake High point of the fire department's a n n u a 1 carnival, July 29. 30. and 31. will be the selection of Miss Wonder Lake Saturday night, July 30, at 10 Legion Post 1169 News Election of officers for the year '60-61 was held at the July, 11 meeting of the Legion post. Heading the Lake post' a s c o m m a n d e r i s G e o r g e Weeks of Wonder Center. Senior vice commander will be Wilbur Habich, Jr.: Vice-commander. Art Hay; Finance Officer, Wilbur Haak; Sgt.-atr Arrns, Bob Kiddell; and Adjutant, Lois Weeks. A joint installation with the Legion auxiliary is being planned, i 1961 dues are now being colj lected. A special note to all I veterans in the area who have i not been contacted either by I mail or personal contact -- you j are hereby invited to join your ; own local post. Contact anyone | of the above listed afficers for j further information. ! Catch "Monster" : The "Scourge" of Wonder Lake was caught July 13 following Week-long attacks on children and adults swimming ; in front of the J. L. Bixby res- ;idence. | Laura Ann. the Bixbys' 14- j year-old daughter, first reportj ed a brush with a fish several ; days before. This was discounted as a product of her imagina- | tion. The next weekend, her cousin, James A. Bixby. 16. I South Euclid. O.. a husky brush high school football player, reported an attack on his legs. Younger children also shrieked similar brushes with the "Monster". After many hours it was finally netted before cheering neighbors -- a two pound chanj nel cat. Small, yes, but fierce. It reposes in the freezer ! awaiting suitable dining cere- ] monies, ard the beach has been ! declared free of further meni ace. ! Legion Auxiliary News Election of officers for the ' Legion auxiliary was held re- ' cently with Mrs. Lorraine j Stahi of Wonder Center elect- ; ed president of the local unit, i Other officers elected were ! Lois Weeks, first vice-president: Marie Bendl, second vice- I president; Marian Ruzicka. secretary; Lois Haak, treasur- Playground Supervisor Sandra Sells, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sells. of is there. At nearby Mountain Home, Ark., they are in the process of re-constructing a village as things were in 1860. Former Wonder Lakers, the spending a rewarding summer; Henry W. Strahlhoffs, who ns playground and day camp j lived in Deep Spring Woods supervisor of the Barrington ' No. 2. are now living in Mounpark district. Sandi, who is a • tain Home. . senior at the. University of llli- ' nois, will also earn six credits toward her major in recreation for her summer's work. Sandra1 and the four girls who assist her direct the activities of forty ' Deeo in the Heart of ' Two.weary vacation families returned -to the Lake over the weekend after two weeks spent, in Texas. Cal, and Ruth Kolar youngsters and children, Clay, Karen and ranging in age from 6 to 12 Lynn, and Chuck and Fern years. The first quarter at the i Paelow, and daughters, Charla recreation center wound up with an overnight camp-out at Barrington north park last week Sandi will graduate from U. of I. in February. Vacation in Guatemala and Kathy, vacationed with Fern's mother, Mrs. Fay Toupe. (now there's a lady we c. dm ire) at her home in Port Arthur, Texas. One educational trip for the adults was a day Chuck and Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Numbers i Cal spent on a shrimp boat, and son. Allfcn. have returned After seeing the commercial from three weeks spent in , shrimping process first hand, Guatemala as the guests of, Cal concluded that $1.10 a Col. and Mrs. James Have.v. j pound in the market was a fair Col. Havey is chief of a U.S. ! price for the tasty crustaceans, air mission stationed in Guate- j mala City. High lights of a full sightseeing vacation were the ruins at Antigua, former capitol of Guatemala, a city destroyed by a volcano; and Lakes Atitlan and Amatitlan where. The Lilymoor subdivision there are floating stones on the ' has purchased a bassinet for water (they are pumice). They j the nursery of McHenry's new made the trip to Chichicaste- j 18-bed building. LILYMOOR DONATES BASSINET FOR NEW HOSPITAL NURSERY nango. a remote Indian village high in the mountains (it took 8 hours to travel 100 miles) where they witnessed the pagan rituals on Sunday which is also marketing day for ^he week and natives from miles around gather to set up their street shops. In the "it's a small world department" who should they tneet in this remote mountain village but old friends, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Lonenecker and family. Also fascinating was the international atmosphere of Guatemala City, a city of contrast ranging from ultra modern to the most primitive Indian dwelling. Purchase was made through the hospital's Diaper Derby which enables groups and individuals to designate what nursery equipment they desire to donate. Suitable plaques will be used to identify purchasers. Funds for the Lilymoor bassinet were raised primarily through the efforts of Mrs. Fred Fradinardo, Mrs. Fred Karmel and Mrs. Steve Wijas, through a benefit white elephant dance and individual solicitations. Return From Vacation The Auston Hood family The National Football League \Vas founded in 1921. but professional football had its actual beginning at Latrobe, Pa., (near Pittsburgh) in 1895. Pittsburgh was the first large city to have a pro team. The Fiesta Day Committee wishes to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the wonderful cooperation and help we received to make Fiesta Day a tremendous success. It was all greatly appreciated. 9th ANNUAL ST. MARY'S CHURCH AUCTION Located 3. Mifes Northwest of Mundelein, 111.. 5 miles Southwest of Grayslake, 111.. 5 miles Northeast of Wauconda. 10 miles East of McHcnry. between Volo and Ivanhoe on Route 59A, at Fremont Center, 111. (watch for auction arrows) on SUNDAY -- JULY 24ih Commencing at 12:30, Sharp Come Early -- Lunch and Ilefreahments served on grounds In Case of Rain, Sale Will Be Held in Tent on Church Grounds 26 HEAD LIVESTOCK consisting of Z« ANGUS, 1IEKEIX) RD, & SHORTlIOItN Steers and heifers, ready for the freezer, weighing 800 to 1.000 lbs., and 6 outstanding veal calves. HOGS -- 5 Bred Gilts, 3 butcher hogs, 15 good choice feeder pigs. 8HEEI' & GOATS -- 2 lambs and 2 goats. POULTRY & RABBITS"-- 100 Mallards & Muscovy ducks, 100 fryers, 25 dressed, chickens. 10 geese. 20 rabbits, 20 pigeons. HORSE -- 1 Saddle Horse, very gentle. FARM PRODUCE -- 50 bu. shelled corn. 100 bales good ifoay, 40 bales s'traw. quantity hog. chicken & dairy feed. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS -- Large quantity fancy work, large quantity of shrubbery. 10 haircuts, bacon, hams, canned goods, 24 Texas flyswattevs.' large quantity of other items. FARM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES -- 2.000 gals, fuel oil 100 gals, gasoline, 25 gals, motor oil, 3 cases permanent anti freeze, 2 pails grease, 2o yds. gravel. 1 chain saw, power saw 4 elec. drills, bench grinder. 100 ft. cords, 5 bales%aling twine 10 gals, paint, 2 - 14 ft. gates, very large quantity of hand tools 7 new tires. HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- lawn and garden equipment, 8MM Bell & Howell 2 barbecue s"ts, 2 new sewing machines, bicycle, clocks, fans, pillows, quilts. 2 elec. toasters. 2 picnic tables, lawn furniture, rugs lamps, Jeep fryer, garden hose, steam irons and other articles. THERE WTLL BE MANY OTHER ITEMS THAT WERE NOT IN AT TIME OF PRINTING. All of the above items a if new .and tli • livestock outstanding. All of these items have l:-en donated by the members of St. Mary's Parish and surrounding bus'MPssnvn. Fur a day of fun and good buys ATTEND ST. MARY'S AUCTION! ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Frecmont Center, III. Hermann Behm, Auctioneer WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, CLERK Union Crove, Wis. l»hone TKInity CENTURY VANTAGE AIR WE AVE SUMMER SHIRTS BY , VAN HEUSEN They're automatic wash 'n wear cotton! They dry to a perfect press! Stay freshlooking all day long! Soft, one-piece construction collar can't and won't wrinkle ever! Coolest short or long sleeve shirt made today4! ^TORE for MEN Legals NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Monday, August 1, 1960, the Village of Lakemoor, President and Board of Trustees will open bids for the removal of refuse for the said Village. Bidders are to take the following specifications into consideration: 1. Village ordinance requires all residents to have a container with a maximum capacity of thirty gallons. 2. Pick up required once a week, on a regular set day.. Bids will be accented on a once a week proposal or on a nick up every week from April 1st to Sent. 30th, and a biweekly pici'-iin from Oct. Is! to March 30th: 3. Apnroxinrratelv . home< and business establishments to s^'-ve. • ' . .4. Please ^enclose in bid - a description of vehicle used in making p'ckups. The Board reserves the'right to reject any and all b;ds. Bids' to be submitted -to the Village Clerk. Richard .T. Hyatt,. 318 So. Highland Dr-.. Lakemoor. McHcnry. Illinois. For further information phone EVergreen RICHARD J. HYATT Village Cle'-k (Pub. July 21 28. 1960) VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for the Maintenance of Various Arterial and Non-Arterial Streets under the Illinois Highway Code will be received at the office of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakemdor. McHenry County. Illinois until 8 o'clock P.M., C.D.S.T., August 1, I960 and at that time publicly opened and read. The proposed Maintenance is to be Scarifying and Shaping, Gr. or Cr. Stone Surface Course Type B, Seal Coating, Shaping and Reshaping, Ditch Cleaning and other incidental items. Proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the Municipality which may be obtained at the office of Baxter and Woodman, Civil and Sanitary Engineers, Crystal Lake, Illinois. All proposals must be* accompanied by a bank Cashier's Check, or Bank Draft or Certified Check for at least 10(/r of the amount bid, or as provided in the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction prepared by the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois. The President and Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or ajr proposals and to waive technicalities. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakemoor. RICHARD HYATT Village Clerk (Pub. July 21, 1960) NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District No. 36 in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1960, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection after 9:00 P.M. on the 30th day of July, 1960, at the Harrison School. Notice is further hereby given that a public (hearing on said budget will be held at 7:00 P.M. on the sixth day of September, 1960, at Harrison School in this school district No. 36. Dated this 21st day of Ju®, 1960. Board of Education of School District No. 36. in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. GLADYS GUSTAVSON Secretary Harrison School Board (Pu. July 21, 1960) Gretchen Fraser was the first U. S. skier to win a g<® medal -- in 1948 at St. Moritz, Switzerland. She now lives at Vancouver, Wash.1 " - SAVE UKECMZT BUY A PAIR and GET A SPARE nam ANY SIZE, COLOR OR TYPE With Purchase of Any Two Tires at the Regular Price! (Plus Tax and Recappable Tires) CITIES SERVICE LARRY'S SUNNYSIDE SERVICE Sunnyside, 111. Phone EV 5-9753 . . . o n l y GAS d r i e s c l o t h e s so well for so little! Average use of a Gas Dryer for a family of 5 costs only 65c a month- >/5 the cost of any other kind. Why pay more? With GAS you save enough to pay for your dryer in just 6 years. PLAN TODAY TO ENJOY A GAS DRYER. VISIT YOUR DEALER OR OUR NEARBY STORE. 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, ill. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays'"8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon I SK THE FRKK CiKKKN STRKKT PARKING ARKA < m/ V; / h;4yU' W'MMtM;-. ? J? £ * „ - ' - vwm MM

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