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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1960, p. 15

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Thursday, July 21. 1960 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Holiday Hills Approve Scout Troop For Area Rita Oleyar - EV. 5-4763 Aut officials of-the Rockford district have approved the formation of a Boy Scout troop in the Griswold Lake area. Victor Justes of Lakeview Drive in Holiday Hills will be the organizer and scoutmaster. Victor, who has three sons pf his own, led a Boy Scout . troop in Chicago for some time. He has already enrolled enough boy^to obtain a troop charter, but is anxious that every boy who is eleven years old get in touch with him for further information. His telephone number is EVergreen 5-5104. Vi and Rich Wyczosanv have offered the basement of their home on Willow avenue for a troop meeting place. This will bring to a total of four the scouting units which meet in oui^pfcubdi vision. The Brownies and intermediate Girl Scout troops were organized three years ago; the- cub den is two years old. her appearance some two weeks ahead of schedule, and good neighbor John Schuppe was pressed into service to drive Jacquie to the hospital. This he did • at about ninety miles an hour with a police escort, with his wife, Evelyn, along to help the expectant mother. Fortunately, the stork waited until Jacquie reached the hospital. Attend Chicago Wedding Harold and Elaine Schmitt attended the wedding of "Elaine's former roommate from" Quincy college, Saturday, July 2. at the Chicago Yacht club. However, a happy day was marred by tragedy. After the wedding, the Schmitts drove another friend of Elaine's to her summer home in Johnsburg. only to find out the next day that the girl's father had died of a heart attack during the storm which hit our area that night. Woman's Club Meets Four prospective members were introduced at the thirtyeighth meeting of'the Woman's club held Wednesday evenitu| July 13, at St. John's Luth^ in church. They were Virginia Lundelius, May White. Rita Hagestedt and Deloris Proefrock. During the business meeting, reports on the bake sale and the candy sale were made, and final plans for the swimming classes were outlined. Lorraine Bemis announced that the welfare work with St. Joseph's Hq^e for the Retarded and the Woodstock Residence would be ' suspended until fall. Jeanne Baird, program chairman, assisted by Art Jungwirth and his projector presented two interesting and educational films on > obesity and the problems of weight control. Patti Emerson has Birthday P a t 1 i Emerson celebrated her fifth birthday with a party in her back yard July 10. On hand for the games and refreshments were Stevie Stoddard. David. Gary, and Karen Arendt, Philip Nottoli,. Johnny, Gary, Kathy, and Ellen Connell and Abby's niece, Edith, who is visiting from Nilos for a few weeks. To Sponsor 'Teen Club we membership of the Woman's club approved a motion that the club sponsor some kind of organization for the subdivision's 'teen-age youth. Jimmie Justes and Kathleen Ryan volunteered to act as counselors until the club is on its feet. Chadie Ary. club president, was asked to supervise the organizing activities. Personal Items Sandy Eckles has been released from Great Lakes Naval hospital, after having spent some weeks recovering from a spill from a horse. Inez Young is entertaining her niece, Deborah Saverese, from South Bend, Ind., for the summer months. Mickey Walters has come home after a month's stay with her parents in Pittsburgh. However, she and husband, Gerry, and daughters, Candy, Penny, and Chris, will be off soon for a vacation at Virginia Beach. Lee Nottoli's aunt, Mae Smith, is visiting^ from Anaheim. California. Lee's mother is also enjoying our cool country atmosphere. Ciardener Stung by Bees Virginia Mroz suffered five Page Fifteen bee stings on face, arms and legs one evening, while transplanting a tree in her yard. Seems that, contrary to usual belief, the bees were in the ground, and flew up when disturbed by the digging. Sumiyside Estates Home Bureau , Unit Disbands Polly Stevens EV 5-1256 Reminder to Kindergarten Parents Parents of children who are entering in kindergarten or first grade in Edgebrook school this September are urged to have the proper forms filled out by dentist and doctor as early as possible. These forms are due Aug. 15 at the school; it will help alleviate the pressure on registration days if this is taken care of as early as possible. The Sunnyside Home Bur reau unit has disbanded and a I final dinner was attended by : most of the members. !„ A, new unit is being formed ] in McHenry and any lady inl terested may join this one or j the Ringwood unit. Barbara Hill is the home, adviser fdr the tfventy-five units ' scattered throughout the coun- ! ty. Welcome to New Family Newest addition to the Holiday Hills community is the Proefrock family who moved inio their new home at 4 Holiday drive on the channel June 10. Originally from North Dakota, Mayo and Deloris have lived in the Chicago area four years. They are both employed by the same firm in Chicago, artd with a new home to landscape don't have any .time for hobbies. However, they are both interested in community affairs and plan to join the HHPOA. A New Wee One Dolores and Tom Hanahan are the proud parents of a new ; baby girl. Connie Marie, 6 lbs., i 9 ozs., was born in Woodstock I Memorial hospital, Sunday, | July 1Q; at . 10:30 a.m. Raiting j at honle to welcome Connie ; Marie is her sister and brother, Karen and Tommy, capably at- • tended by Grandma Madeline Hanahan of Chicago. STUDY ELM DISEASE In communities where Dutch elm disease is known to exist there is no need to submit samples to the Illinois Natural History Survey from all the suspected trees. Dr. J. C. Carter. head of the plant pathology section of the Survey, asked that the. number of samples sent to the survey be kept at a minimum because of a limited- staff to examine plant disease specimens. Dr. Carter pointed out that community ordinances regarding the disease should be based on removal and immediate destruction of all diseased or weakened trees containing material in which elm bark beetles can breed. Art, music, literature, in fact, all civilization, springs from margin of man's time and energy, over and above that needed for bare existence. Visitors Lillian arid Frank Gore have had as visitors their son and family. Irvin and Dotty, and their young sons. Tommy and Jerry. New Home Mary and Red Davis and the five little Davises recently visited Mary's brother and family. Louise and Jack Doherty and children, .in Maywood. The Dohertys are very happy with the occupancy of their new home. Christening Patrick Joseph Doherty, infant son of Fran and Bill, was christened last weekend in Cincinnati. Aunt Mary Davis and Uncle Jack Doherty drove D^ighter Born to Bodenheins Joy Lynn, weighing in at 7 lbs., 1 oz„ was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bodenhein of Willow avenue Friday morning. July 8. at Swedish Covenent hospital in Chicago. The young couple have another daughter, Jill, who is just a year and a half. Joy Lynn decided to put in ~ fi -- See the Chevy Mystery Show in color Sundays, NBC-TV. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, MjHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINE!) -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS COUHS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO S P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT & PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 HEALTH Headquarters • We invite you and your family to turn to this pro* fessional pharmacy for anything you may need in drugs or sundries. Always buy drugs from a drug store. And be sure to bring us your doctor's prescrip* tions. Careful compound* ing is our specialty! BOLGER'S 10S S. Green St. EV 5-4500 RUWIUfPUTS 2J000 MHFS A MONTH ON CORVAIB THINKS ITS MARVELOUS GAS MILEAGE "OUT OF THIS WORLD" Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kahefia of Plant City, Florida, couldn't be happier with the way their new Corvair has worked out as a combination family and business ear. On their newspaper distribution route alone they travel more an 400 miles a week over all kinds of roads. Little wonder ey're so pleased with the gas mileage they've been getting 4--"at least twenty-three miles to the gallon with an automatic transmission . . . and we've had no trouble with our Corrair." The K&helms have equally good things to say about Corvair's easy-going comfort and miqw convenience features. They especially Eke the way the folddown seat doubles as a built-in baby sittec. down for the big event. Bill is Mary's and Jack's youngest brother. From Near and Far x' Pat Spindler has had her granddaughter, Niki Spindler from LaGrange Park, visiting her for the past week. Soon her nephew and family. Jewel and Burton Kirkpatrick and children. Barbara and Dale, from Falls Creek. Pa., will be here. At the same time, another nephew, Edwin Lyons, who is a Junior high school teacher at Clark Air Force Base in Japan will pay her a visit. Hospital News Karen Rau came through her tonsil and adenoid operation with flying colors. Even the ice cream wasn't so good with such a sore throat. - Vacationers -• Jack Davis is spending his vacation at his favorite pasttime -- fishing? Nuff sed? Joan and Stan Walczynski had planned a vacation trip when little Billy came down with the chicken pox. Since those plans fell through the;y are making many side trips to different points of interest and possibly a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. Mrs. Emma Olson recently spent two weeks in Wisconsin. Loretta and Bob Mikkelsen recently spent a day in Keno s h a s h o w i n g t h e i r s o n s , Mickey and Rickey, the sights. The Lakovvskes. Betty, Bob. Mary Jane - and Johnnie, are spending a few days in Wisconsin. Surprise! Mary Rose was pleasantly surprised on her birthday, July 7. when Betty Lakowske and her children, Mary Jane and Johnnie, came calling with a big birthday cake for her. There was an impromptu celebration then and there. Later Herb's sister, Ruth, came from Racinc and another celebration was held. Lucky girl, Mary. Caution Motorists are urged to reduce their speed and watch out for the little ones who are so busy playing they don't realize the danger of playing in the roads* t ; 'Mothers are urged to keep an eye on their small fry and see they aren't in the roads. Let's all. strike a happy medium and cooperate, shall we? to visit her husband, Chet, stationed there until September. | Well Poor June really had a time trying to get back home, i After she had about decided to j try walking from Indepen- I dence, Mo., to Kansas City to j catch a jet she found out she i could charter a plane. This she did andP arrived at O'Hare i Field only to be fouled up on ' her ride home. She was on one i level while her friends were ; on another. After being paged \ several times they were final- ! ly united and June came home, j According to - June it was "some trip". Anniversaries Congratulations to Jean and Dick Gerke and Adeline and Hank Zeiger who share the same day, July 25, and to Marge and Harold Palmer on their twentieth year on July 26. Best wishes to you all. You can't plow a field by turning it over in your mind. All Fouled Up We told you that June Banker flew to Fort Riley, Kansas, Birthdays Happy birthday today, July 21, to LaVerne Noah, to Bessie Schwieger and Gladys Kayler on July 23, to Dorothy Bier-, chen. Neil Davis and Jim Farley on July 24.- to Charlotte Maule on July 25 and to Steve Kuntz on July 26. Many happy returns of the day to all of you. *ff!B FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE . SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRITE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 • Volo, ffl. Phone EVergreen 5-6260 Take It Easy -- Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . . . When you want to retfeh four destination in a hurry . . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with you, it's time to cafl us for a cab. Remember our number. Radio Dispatched McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 ~x DRIVE A CHEVY CORVAIR FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION Corvarr 700 4-Door Sedan If you haven't drivea ft ytt, you don't know what a delight driving can be. Us steering, response, traction and readability are unique because it's a unique car --the only U.S. car w&h an air-cooled airplane-type rear engine, transaxle ami independent suspension at all four wheels. Be m oo the know. Find out what delightful differences this advanced design makes. m bmwm iwowtuw. See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for economical transportation CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. EVERGREEN 5-0277 FR'ame GARAGES No Money Down - 5 Years to Pay! First Payment Not Due Until October * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! AND REMEMBER .... IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED! By i ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Two-Cars With Storage Planning to Build an ALL-PURPOSE BUILDING? • WORKSHOP -- MACHINE STORAGE • GARAGE -- MACHINE STORAGE • CATTLE BARN -- HAY STORAGE • GRAIN STORAGE -- HAY STORAGE These are jusl a few of the many building combinations you can enjoy -- easily and economically--'the CUCKLER STEEL SPAN way. You get 100% usable space -- wall to wall and roof to floor. These buildings are easy to erect--• yet built with the strength of a bridge. And priced much lower than you would expect for quality buildings of this type. CUCKLER STEEL SPAN BUILDINGS are available in widths of 32', 44', 50', 60' and multiples -- any length. Choos® the siding, roofing and other materials from our stock. Let us help vuu plan vour All-Purpose Building now. CALL US TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE. If Pays to Plan with Your Stetl Span Man We Carry A Complete Line Of Building Supplies & Materials Let Us Be Of Service To You Whalever Your Building Problems Or Needs Might Be The "walk-in" feature avoids the need of "stepping over" the seat support bracket. Cannot tip over. The ski-type legs permit easy moving when cutting the lawn. Build it yourself--we'll cut the lumber for you, or--we'll build the table complete. Easily disassembled for storage. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424

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