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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1960, p. 17

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Thursday, July 21. 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Lilymoor PLAN CARD PARTY FOR AUGUST 6 AT ASSOCIATION MEET Sliirley Schuerr EV 5-2645 L i l y m o o r a s s o c i a t i o n helu^ts monthly meeting Tuesday, July 12. It was decided at the meeting to have a card and bunco party in August. The date to be Saturday, August 6, at 8 p.m. It is to be held at Club Lilymoor. The committee met Tuesday. July 19. at Val Fradinardo's home to discuss it furthei. More details on the card and bunco party in next weeWs column. AWendance the past few months has been falling off. This is your association, so how about coming to the meetings? The next monthly meeting will be "held Tuesday. August 9. at 8 p.m. at the scfioolhouse. See you there. BIB. Guns' Parentis please warn your children how dangerous a B. B. n be. The childreji have been shooting at birds, squirrel §, and oJher animals. A B. B. gun can be just as dangerous as a gun with bullets. If they waKt to use these guns let th£m go where there aren't people or homes around. Kids please watch where and what volute shooting at. It could put sojp&Sne's eye out and do a lot °f ^Mnage. hear thai hfs brother, Walter Knighten, passed away Friday, July 1. Walter had been living with his brother, James, and family. We all extend our deepest sympathy to the Knighten family. On Vacation Don and Marion Leske enjoyed their vacation lastjweek | by going to different interesting places not far from home. On Sunday, July 10. they spent the day boating on Lake CatKerine. On Tuesday, July 12, they made a trip to the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin at Dickieville, Wis. From there they drove to Dubuque, Iowa, then to Galena to visit President j Grant's home. Like many oth- I ers Don and Marion are finding many interesting sights near home. Village of Sunnyside WARN BOYS STOP ABUSING CHILDREN AT VILLAGE BEACH Irnia Gimther - Reporter EV. 5-5184 Pear New Grandparents Are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schneider. Their son, P. J., and his wife, are the proud parents of a boy. f . Reminder To those who are 21 years of age or older who have not registered. Now is the time tt> register if you want to vote in November. Marge Ehrhardt is the registrar. Call her anytime after 5 during the week at EV. 5-5583. Her address is 142 South Highland drive, Lakemt^ r. If you don't register, you can not vote. Hospital Gift T h e L i l y m o o r s u b d i v i s i o n has purchased a bassinet plaque for the McHenry hospital. To all those who donated toward purchasing this plaque, thank you. Birthdays Wrthdav greetings go to Master Grog Paulsen who celebrated his big day Friday, July 15. Greetings also go to Mrs. Rita Mercure who celebrated her big day Monday, July 11. Greetings also to Maurice Haines who celebrated Monday, July 18. To each and everyone of you, a very happy birthday. Operated on /^gaii) Isabelle Karmel's mother, Mrs. Eva Marks, was operated on again Monday. July 11. Mrs. Marks has been in the Garfield Park hospital for nine weeks now. Here's hoping your mother is well on the road to recovery soon, Isabelle. Home From the Hospital £uy Surtees returned home Sunday, July 3, from the Woodstock hospital. Brother In Passed Away Friends and neighbors of Ruth Kroncke were sorry to hear that her brother-in-law. Al. Waldbillig of Chicago, passed away Monday. July 11, after a short illness. We all extend our deepesl svmpathy to ti<3 Kroncke family. Brother Passed Away Friends and neighbors of James Knighten were sorry to I More News j The Martensen summer home here in Lilymoor has ! been a busy one lately. Mrs. I M&rtensen.. daughter. Pat, granddaughter. Nancy | ton. and Pat's girl friend. Graj zina Pewkstys, were out from June 19 to 28. Later on that [week friends from Freeport I were out to visit. That Friday friends from the office where Mrs. Martensen works were out. They all made a trip up to Lake Geneva, and had a good time while there. The Martensens were out to ! their summer home over the j holiday weekend. Enjoying the i weekend with them were the Naylon family. It is, good to | see you all out here in Lilymoor. Fred Karmel returned to work Monday. July 11, after j having a week's vacation, j Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ! Schuerr, daughter, Mary, and ! son, Kenneth, spent Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10. see- 1 ing the interesting sights at J New Salem State park, and in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Haines' weekend guests, July. 9 and 10, were Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Coop- : er. Maurice was the cook for ' the ^weekend cookout .J Mrs. Louise Greflrith and | children, and Mrs. Laura Belford and children attended the Mary Circle picnic held at McHenry Shores Wednesday, July 6. The picnic was sponsored by the W.S.C.S. of ^the Methodist chuieh of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Behrendt h a d g u e s t s f r o m C h i c a g o i Thursday, July 7. They also j had company Sunday. July 10. Mrs. Behrendt's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. Enck, son. Ronald, and lady 1 friend, Miss Peggy Walters. : The Mercure family gathered at Mrs. Mercure's home Sunday, July 10. to help her | celebrate her birthday. The home of Mrs. Bertha Burger of Lakemoor was a j busy one Thursday, July 14. Mrs. Burger's three daughters, son-in-law and four of her grandchildren visited her and their sister, Mrs. Audrey Pinkonsly, and wee-one, Carol Lynn. The visiting sisters and brother-in-law were Diane and Sid Finkelman and sons, Jeffery and Michael, of Chicago. M:s. Jean Jacobson and daughters, Donna Jean and Sharon of Spring Grove, and Mrs. . Shirley Schuerr. I Psychologists tell us that | swearing is generally the re- ! suit of (a) a feeling of inferii ority. or (b) lack of ample i vocabulary. Some of the parents have j been having a time at the | beach trying to get some of j the older boys outside of the village to behave themselves. ! We have a lot of little ones | who play at the beach and if | these bigger boys think that it j is funny to be throwing mud ! around and behaving so badly ' they have another think comj ing, because they have been > warned. The next time their parents will be told about their children: - . | Demonstration | Last Thursday nine of us i were present at the home of Dean Cios. Barbara played 1 hostess and this young lady is very good at baking because everything served was deli- I cious. We had a very good : time. Sunday Company We had company Sunday when Carl Jorgenson and son. Ronnie, came to spend the day with us. Ronnie had never been fishing so son Charles took him out in the boat and showed him the tricks of the trade and the young man was pretty proud when he caught his first I fish. Birthday Greetings To Mary Elizabeth Metzger who was three years old on July 17. Vacation News Barbara Murray's m other has returned to Ohio after spending some time with her. The Harringtons. Sr.. had their son, Bill, and his family from Chicago here for two weeks. Last Thursday their son brought Sister Lucy, who had taught him in kindergarten, and Sister Cyprian, who now teaches at Sienna high school, out to spend the day. Eveti though Bill is grown up now and the father of two big girls he always keeps in touch with this sister. Anniversary Celebrants The Junior Harringtons celebrated their tenth anniversary on July 15. Congratulations. Big Day in the City Eugenia Tucker was the sponsor for the blessing of both the new American flag and Polish flag of the Polish Women's Alliance of group 27 on July 10 at Holy Trinity church in Chicago. After the blessing the women and guests were served a delicious luncheon consisting mainly of foods from Poland and many memories were brought back to those who came from there. Eugenia has been on vacation and now that daughter, Pat. drives they have been going all over. Grandma Botulinski is still on the sick list. Remember Mrs. Christensen who used to live here? She was a luncheon gue^t at the Tucker home last week. Congratillations To Richard Fredrick who is now a member of the Johnsburg rescue squad. Pistakee Terrace New Slate of Officers On July 11 ne^v officers for the coming year were chosen by the Pistakee Terrace Home Owners association. They are, president. Don Zarrnastil: vicepresident. Jim Bush; secretary. Mrs. Jackie Weiss; treasurer. Mrs. Marsha Patula. The directors are Cal Vvduna. Ed VVeiss and Marilyn Wiggerman. Congratulations to you all." Give your full co-operation to these officers when asked ttaNet&j-so and a lot of things complished with' e v c'rgjSMi e, pitching in to help. „•. Last Call /B,S This is your last reminder to be sure and come to the'lee cream social at the beach on July 24, from 2 until 5. I New Boat Lots of luck to Vern and Millie Mondl with their new boat and may they spend many pleasant hours in it. Early risers tend to be conceited in the mornings, and sleepy in the afternoons. Lakemoor Work Begins On Village Roads Sally Lubke Last Friday, the much needed work began on the roads of , the village. The roads are being 1 graded at the present time, j Because of the severe weather i We received this spring, the roads have been left in miserable eonditii ; All in the village will agree that the work is greatly needed. Your cooperation is asked that you try to stay out of the way of the work going on. The village is ! planning an extensive road re- I pair plan and our roads will I soon be ridable again! There J will be more news on this later. til her leg is healed. We were all sorry that this accident occurred. We hope that Miss Dunn will be much better very soon! Visitors in the Village Christophere Falcone is in j our village this summer visit- [ ins: his sister, Mrs. Miceli. He will spend Ihe rest of the sum- : met' here. He is enjoying fish- I ing and swimming in our lake. ! Chris has plenty of companions j 1h belli him enjoy himself. Pat- ! rick. John, and Frankie Miceli, 1 his nephews, are helping him have urn. Airman Bill Dunn visited the Tobias home Sunday. July 17. Bill is stationed at Rantoul Air Foree base here in Illinois. He is making a career of the Air Foree and has been stationed around the world during the six years he has been in service. Birthdays Happy birthday to Rita Epperson. who is celebrating her birthday today. July 21. Little Miss Mellody Brossman was honored at a birthdayparty last Friday. The party was held in the afternoon with the following attending. Linda Hirsh. Tootsy Hose. Dolores Linares. Gary and Sissy Rhoten. Jimmy and Janice Steadman, Sharon, Debbie and Kare n W a d e . M e H o d y ' s A u n t Sandra and Grandmother were out from Chicago. Following the part>. there was a dinner given for the family. - •' Return From the Mountains The Hose family has returned from their vacdtiort. For the last ten days, the Hose family along with two of the Steadman girls, have been camping out in the Smokey Mountains. They drove down there and' back. They enjoyed excellent weather while they were there but they ran into some rain on their way home. All who went enjoyed the life in the wilderness roughing it. Boy Scouta Return Troop 161", Lakemoor's Boy j Scouts returned home from a | week of camping at Camp ! Lowden. near Oregon. The boys : left on Sunday, July 10 and rej turned this Sunday. All of, the ! boys who went enjoyed it tremendously. The weather was ideal the whole week the boys were there. to thank those who have been kind enough to send their news up to me. I really appreciate your co-operation.' It is necessary that you give me the news if we are to continue to have a column in the Plaindealer. Thank you! | Weekend in Hinsdale Your reporter spent t h e weekend in Hinsdale, at a "house reunion". The "house | reunion" was for the girls who attended Northern Illinois Unij versity at QeKalb. and live at ' tljie 220 House on College avenue. The group enjoyed swimming at the Hinsdale pool, golfing and the polp matches j there Sunday. The reunion was held at the home of the How- : ard Raynors. Miss Bonnie Lou Raynor was the hostess for the occasion. The group attended a birthday party Saturday givin in honor of Miss Raynor's twentieth birthday. GRAXTEp^HARTER A charter nas been issued by 1 the state to McHenry Die & J Stamping Co.. Willard Salter, Helen Kay and John Kreuser to manufacture machinery, I tools, parts of machinery, and ; other general machine work ; and similar articles of commerce from iron, steel and oth- I er metals; also to conduct, manage and control the business of making . and selling . small tools, dies, stampings, ! etc. | It is possible to get 40,320 -different tone changes from 8: ! properly tuned bells. BUILDING BLOCKS Sale of the song 'White Christmas" by Irving Berlin have reached 20 million copies. Home From Fishing Trip Claude MeDermott returned homo from a fishing trip in j northern Minnesota last week, i M>\ MeDermott spent ten days i at the<abin in Minnesota and reporis- that the fishing was j excellent. | On the Mend | We are happy to hear that | Miss Mary Dunn was dis- , charged from the McHenry ! hospital last week, where she j had been confined after her | riding accident. Miss Dunn will have to stay at her sister's ! home. Mrs. Robert Tobias, un- HOME OWNERS Would you like help in planning your Remodeling Work? For experienced professional ad\ ice and workmanship and highest quality materials, call Ben Arvidson & Sons.. Inc. Phone EV 5-120.» •I McHenry, III. Party Planned The neighbors from the north side of the lake are planning to have another party, this Saturday. July 23. This will be a get-together for all the neighbors. It was fun the last time and should be fun again with all enjoying themselves. Pony Express Recreated Our village was very proud of one of our young men who participated in the Fiesta Day celebrations last week. Joseph ' Parratore recreated the ride of '! the Pony Express Riders from ! Chicago to McHenry. Joey is a j natural horseback rider. News Needed I would like to ask the villagers. again, if you have any news and I haven't been in touch with you please call it into me. my number is EV. 5- ! 5179, I am home every day after three. I would also like JOSTICf or-n* PCACf I JdMrtiMMMa* "Isn't it exciting . . . married on our first date! When you mentioned you liked the quality «of the lumber at WONDER LAKE BUILDERS' SUPPLY, I knew you were the man for me!" Rom where I sit... iy Joe Marsh «kM On the Right "Track" Jeb Fisher, the local stationmaster, tells a story that happened last winter daring one of oar worst blizzards. Seems there was a Center City salesman down at the depot waiting for the scheduled 8:02 train. Storm raging the way it was, small town, why, the poor chap pictured himself stranded for days. Suddenly a train emerged from the storm and creaked to a stop. It was the 8:02, right on time! The happy salesman shook Jeb's hand and said: "Weather like this and your 8:02 is right on timer "Hate to disillusion you, 9oo,n said Jeb, "but this it yesterday's 8:02." From where I sH . .. thing* aren't always what they fleet appear to be. For example, there's the fellow whose first impression is that only iced tea Is r**l refreshment, bat-not beer, which I prefer. Sore he's entitled to his opinion, bot he's got to respect mine too. That's tolerance and that's some thing we've got to "train" mhmIvm to have mere of. - - m 4mPtmgkt, "That's the thanks I get." * O It is bad enough when someone else is inconsiderate of us. Millions of people are inconsiderate of themselves - neglecting their health. At the first symptoms of illness, show consideration for yourself. Get prompt medication. •THE home HE SPENT A SMALL FORTUNE OH THAT rpocrp Al WAVC v JALOP* AND THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME IM ) A MONTH IT BROKE DOWN. I'VE HAD MV 4-WHEEL DRIVE. BET K JOBJP UNIVERSAL FOUR YEARS HE ISN'T SAYING NOW AND IT'S GOOD THAT NOW J \ NEW BUT THEIR. CAR CAN'T TAKE HARD WORK! WHY DOESN'T SQWEOME TELL GEORGE ABOUT Jeep' VEHICLES? 'AND ABOUT ABOUT PRACTICAL AAAYBE NOW HE'LL TRADE FOR A JOEP' VEHICLE AND LEARN TO ENJOY DRIVING! Jeep VEHICLES MAKE DOLLARS AND SENSE SAVINGS! PRDFE^IOrM DIRECTORY DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Siteani Baths and Massage 904 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Mob-, Tues., Wed. A Frl 10 ajn. to 12 p.m. 1:S0 p.m. to 5:S0 pjn. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EVerpeen 5-074S EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE tire. Auto, Farm & Life tte Representing RELIABLE COMPANOft Whea .You Need losur Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0048 or 5-0053 112 E. Elm St. McHenrj HE'S GOT EYES "TO SEE, HASN'T HE? PERFORMANCE PROVES. NOW CAN I GET A Jeep' VEHICLE/ ABBY? i v. i'iil u PROP IKTTPPAY POR YO6^FREE^^^ST^^ONI^F THITSENSATIOMAL FAMILY OF Jeep VEHICLES! DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 328 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-Olf* Res. Phone: EV 5-6101 Hours: Dally 9:30 - 5:04 Tues. ft Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays, Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-284C DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses ' 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evening^ Sues., Thurs. & FrL 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV 5-2282 . 2-28-0 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance C* of America Life, Retirement, Sickness M Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenrj 111. Phone EV 5-25SS 3-19-6C SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 P|i. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-60 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program* Richmond 4193 % mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg • Wilmot Road 4-30-60 McHENRY GARAGE Tune-In 600 Front St. 1CAVERICE Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. Phone EV 5-0403 McHenry, 111. DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 113 Main St., McHenry, IlL Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 14 Mon., Wed. Jt Frl. Evenings 7*9 Phone EVerpreen 5-0489 »»«

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