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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1960, p. 18

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mKFF: Page Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday; July 21, 1<$0 McHenry Shores MAI^E PLANS FOR SUCCESSFUL FUN FAIR AUG. 13 By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 Co-chairman of the Fun Fair, Elmer Granso. reports that trfo necessary ticket returns needed to obtain prizes, food, refreshments, etc. for the fn Fair are very, very slow coming in. Saturday. August' 13. is not far off. Where's that "Civic Pride" thai is so .essential to put an event like this over the top? Even if all your tickets have not been distributed, please turn in the funds for those that von have disposed of. The success or failure of this affair depends on you. not as an individual, but as a part -of the community. Remember, all proceeds are for the building fund. It will bring that club house much closer for all of us. It will be. a place to gather during the day for or games or crafts. ,A hall, not too large, but large enough for community affairs. Maybe a place f<# a Girl Scout or Boy Scout Troop to assemble. Dancing classes, craft, classes and on. and on and on. Give it nil a little thought, then get in there and pitch. Help Mr. Granso. out. | If you have not been called ! on lo help staff this number one event, y^u will undoubtedly be contacted shortly to donate an hour or so of your time to lend a helping hand on that dav. 1 Hauck of Worthington, Ohio. 1 Also out for a visit were Mr. and MMrrss. Frank Heenev and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Walsh, all from Skokie. . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. David Cotney of Haddon Heights, N. J., have been ever visiting their daughter, Louise Winters, for the past week. They are on their yearly trek to visit scattered children. The i Also out from Chicago*t*>-visit Winter clan always look for- for a few days with the Ram- Visitors at the Wilsons were Castwood Manor. Mrs. Ed Rawle of Melrose Park. . . The Burkes enter- j ELDER KISSLING TO tained Mr. and Mrs. Alex No- j npt T\7FD ct>buf\n vicki of Evergreen Park. Mr. | VS J,Y Tmr» £ . and Mrs. Sam Gawron and ! AT FAITH CHuRCH fee) stronger after her attack of pleurisy. children, Steve, Cathy. Ricky and Timmy, from Westcnester ! and Pat's grandmother. Mrs. i The worship services of Valrie Gawron, of Chicago. . j Faith Presbyterian church of Local Doins' Lois and Jerry Ryan and the girls went with Lois' sister and family, who live on Country I son with them (Bob and Pat Lane and with, their daughter, had never seen the new little Pam Woodbury and her family, ! red head before.) who live on Manor Lane. They all enjoyed a get-together on Friday evening at Pam's and Dee Peniclc EV. 5-552? her brother and their spouses on SUnday afternoon at Irene's. On Saturday, July 9, : the Daltons attended the celebration of the twenty-fifth anni- ANOTHER RIDDLE OF THE AGES: The bodies of thousands of pre-histdric ani« mals are being found imbedded in ice and snow of the northern part of our world. The ward for this visit as it gives the children a chance to get acquainted with their grandparents because the visits are not too frequent. . . . Dropping over to the Dobbertins. from ages were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Legner. Audrey and Chuck Whitney with the Cal Whitnevs had an enjoyable vacation at Moose Lake, Wis. . . .Pattie and Rob- McHenry are being conducted by laymen during the entire month of July. The sermon for Sunday, July 24. will be entitled "My God. My God. Why?" It will be defor an outing at the Mississippi Palisades on Saturday. Everyone enjoyed each others company. , despite the all day sprinkle. The Hoppe girls; Claudette, who is seven, and Bernadette, versary of her aunt and uncle, t bodies are usually in a perfect Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schwabe state of preservation, some of River Grove. The celebra- with unchewed grass and flowwho is a young lady of 13, are tion was held in Chicago and ering plants in their mo^hs. ^ <• (These flowers are mostly mitwith .their boys. Pauly and I.owell. . . .A mid-week brunch, spending most of their summer helping out with the garden. The Campbells are enjoying; ** s a '|^|e unusua^ though, bep mmnanv of l,pna's cictpr ,cause instead of weeding it. they are kept busy 'de-rocking' i t ! The Weirichs spent a nice . ... resides in McHenry. Mr. Kis- mer between relatives in Mc- i vacation relaxing and garden- j 1 ee _..J, sling is an Elder of Faith Henry, Algonquin and Melrose : ing, and getting their new yardjiac'n= an(^ °ther fun of marks of violence, and freeze the occasion will take place in their bodies solid so quickly the company of Lena's sister. Sandra Poe, and Lonzo's sister, Carol Campbell. The girls are livered by Roy Kissling who dividing their time this sum it included a buffet dinner and !i music. j Cub Scouts j On Sunday, July 24, the cub j scouts will hold their golden celebration. The sack Meadowdale, for an evening hie Mueller just loved that vaw ere Mr. and Mrs. Paul Luce, cation at Grandma Mueller's j church. . Park Their homes are in ; planned. They took the chilin Chicago, even though they The church school classes for Georgia, where Lena and Lon- i dren into Riverview for a day tercups, which grow only in sunny, warm climates) Question no. 1: How could disaster strike scores of thousands of animals, spread over millions of square miles of territory, kill them without leaving any ! spent some time of it at the i both children and adults enjoyed by Alice McKelly, Eve- ; dentist Daisy and John j held at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday. lyn Tanner and Julia Zeimet. , ;incj Bonapart (cat) returned | You and your children are cor- ! home, brown and rested, from ! dially invited to attend. ; beautiful Wisconsin ideal The Women's Study circle weather and good fishing. . : . ; will meet at the church at 8 s The Hattans werV over to the \ p.m. on Thursday, July 28. Qcchini - and Ray Moore had a Raymond Hattans in Lake Vil- Saturday, July 23, is the date card session oyer at Clare s. . . (a-foT a^unday dinner. . . The j of the Mariner's Club picnic (iordy Hdttan s sister with her i Tanners with Mr. and Mrs; M. i which will be held at Wooster family. Mr. and Mrs. John Cat- xeale spent Sunday over in Lake. All young couples of the Libertyville with Mr. and Mrs. church are invited. The plans i aunt and uncle, the William E. Lane, Evey's sister. . . . are to bring ybur own food for ' Fords. Mr. Ford has just re- . , . .Sunday found the Olszewskis a eookout in the park, and re- centlv returned from Morocco and hobby spent a fe\\ days at Chicago helping to celebrate member to bring along your ihe • Rninkes. The Sc-hramms , Olszewski's father's sev- swimsUit for the swimming afenty- third birthday. It was a terwards. family reunion of forty people., -- Seen at the McHenry Gar- Birthday Greetings den club card party. Thursday, Go out this week to Homer July 14, in Pistakee Bay was Anderson and Adrienne Perwas held at Irene Muellers. . . Seeing that the big ball game was rained out that Sunday afternoon^ Bob Dobbertin. Art talina of Bensenville. dropped out. ... Mrs. Delores Long with children. Clifford, Kathy are | zc hail from. •The Fennel's had guests for dinner on Sunday, July 10. Lydia's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Zgorski. and her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pozdol and son and. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pozdol, Jr., and their son were present. The Fehners journeyed into Chicago on Monday for a visit with Lydia's | of excitement coupled with a 1 picnic lunch. It was a beautiful ' day, and one to remember for ! a long time. 1 On July 10 the Kelloggs and ! the Lawrences got together for a backyard barbecue, after which they all went to the stock car races in Wilmot. While there they chatted with the Krebs family who were also there to root in their 'favorite'! . the park in McHenry. Welcome 'Home* To the Hansens. who are oc- , R. cupying the house of their good , friends, Helen and Dan Mathes who arc vacationing. Mim and j Lee are former residents of • Eastwood Manor, as many of I you know, and are visiting with 'many of their 'old friends' here.'. that most of them are still in standing position? Question no. 2: (A) why were swne species obliterated ent i r e 1 y, others, only partly so77 Note: for centuries, a good percentage of the world's supply of ivory came from Siberia and northern China, in stream beds after summer thaws, had released the frozen bodies of the mammoth. also .dropped over lor a pleas- . i n 1 e.venihg. (her the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Millus of Wisconsin visited with the Tanners. During ihe week, old school chums of Kv.'s. Mrs. Marge Paul and Mrs. Lnir.nne Paul, with Irene Mueller were over for lunch. B e r n a d e t t e a n d N a t h a l i e , daughters of Marge, enjoyed swimming nt the beach. Later on in the dav Bob's cousin. Daisy Smith, guest of Mrs. Fred Svoboda. also attending were Irene Middlekauff, Bernice McCallum, Helen Smith. Leah Hogan and her mother. . The McKellys attended a farewell party over at the Ofrino on July 21, to Charmaine Pohlman, Goran Engstrom and Lynnda Stuart on Saturday. July 23. on Sunday to Larry Salo and Peg Anderson, on- Monday to Kenneth Durkin. on Tuesday to George Negar, Brian Rohrer and Kenneth Pat Kellogg's sister and her : where he was serving # as . a husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd master-sergeant in the Air Baldwin, were out for a week- Force. end of relaxation and swirh- The Arnold Eklunds were ming. They also celebrated i weekend visitors in Eastwood Mrs. Baldwin's birthday while | Manor. They visited with their here. They had their 2-year old j daughter, Irene Betke and her daughter and their 7 weeks old | Pennsylvania has the est number of daily newspapers. both morning (28) and Animals vary considerably in their requirements for salt, and only they know it, so give them salt-free choice, and in evening, Q03), of any state in 'mixed feeds: the Union. Hi Neighbor To the newcomers in the area we'd like to introduce to you Stanley and Ellen Musiak. They have resided at 113 Hilltop Boulevard since March, 1957, when at that time, they moved here from Chicago. 7 year old Susan Ellen and 2 year old Carol Ann round out the Musiak family. Stanley is the area represen- Shirley. with her husband Ed ficers' club in Fort Sheridan ! Bianchi, and on Wednesday. and their children, Sandy and Steve popped in unexpectedly. It was a busy but pleasant day. . . . Paula Tiggemann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schmoeger of LaSalle, came out 10 see the new home. The next day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kolodey with daughter Joan, former neighbors Ind.. stoped by. . Chicago, at the Zeimets, wer$> Eileen Hedderman with chil in honor of Lt. Col. Fee who is leaving to take over the professorship of military science at Loyola university, New Orleans, La. All of the 5th Army Executive staff attended including General Arnold, commander, and General Biddle, deputy commander. After from Gary. \ cocktails and a buffet dinner, j . Out from the colonel entertained with j several piano renditions. • July 27, to Bonnie Sobackl. j Best Wishes ' i For a nice anniversary are i sent to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mueller on July 21, and to the ! Jack Fultzes and the Matthew | Mersches on July 26. tative for that much joked I dren Gai, and Jimmy and Mr about brush company. As a and Mrs Maioney Qther visi- Vrtfltn ho O t t onrlaH A 1 ^ tors were Mr. and Mrs. Herhigh in Chicago and later on served in the navy during World War II. He is a member of the American Legion and spends his free time at golf, boating and swimming. Ellen was a student at Taft H i g h i n C h i c a g o and l a t e r a t tended the Gregg School of -Business. As a mother and • housewife, she enjoys sewing and painting. Both are mem- • bers of the McHenry Shores Club. bert Buth of Milwaukee and Mrs. Theresa Kublitsch of Menomenee Falls, Wis., cousins and aunt of Julia's. . . Donnie and Corky Olbinski, while vacationing at ! And in Closing J As usual Daisy is back in the j swing of things. This week she j was busy with the queen con- | test of which she is chairman | along with Gert Barbian. . . . I On beach KP this following Sunday are Gordy Hattan. Ed Recuperating We're happy to report thai j Cheri Fenner is well after a i t h r o a t i n f e c t i o n and t h a t j Jackie French is beginning to , „ v.^at'0"ln8 a' Powers ominsky. A! Simbourger and Lake with Ed s sister, Mr. and | Allen Mjerjtz Here and There Dorothy and Henry Broucke and their children, Henry, Jr., Jane Marie and Johnny were over to visit the Gales. Grandma and Grandpa were very happy to see* them. . . Here for a week's vacation are Doris Wetzel's sister with husband and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. Matysik and cousin Jack, returned home long enough to celebrate Donnie's birthday. . . Then there i was the gal who called the other evening to tell me that our TJ , , .. i cat. curled up on a nearbv . Helen Simonsen-enjoyed the ; chair was „„ hpf jm inarv SaH « M Keev" ten«- Com* <0 think of ii and Mildred Rowe. fellow co- there are a lot of , h workers, stopped out. Carl's anc) th n0, ,f| b,ack sister and husband. Mr. and I Mrs. George Pakan, were out I for a Saturday dinner and eve- j ning. . . Weekend visitors at the Ray Kleins were Mr. and Mrs. L. Schliz and their daughter. . . .Joan Dostal's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Musielak, stopped over for several days enroute home from their vacation in Hayward, Wis. . . ED'S REHTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotaxy Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 It's a cinch to tan this way! 1 Get that golden tan with* out discomfort--i Our wonderful new fanning lo* tions and creams do the trick I BOLGER'S ?T*ou R e E 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well! 1. Only trained personnel in their respect tive field of -- Drilling Pump Installations * !^int Changing Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. ^ 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. ^ 9. Parts available for all makes. \ 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 1L Easy Monthly Payments ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK \ OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located In the Village of McCullom Lake 1% miles from McHenry on the McCuUom-Wondfer Lake Rd. I hone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Rettideii.oe EV 5-071S e RADIO SALES & SERVICE Courteous Service a,t all times by Walter Hojnacki and Allan McKim /SO Years Experienced^ Repair All Makes TV -- Radio -- Phono -- Hi-Fi R.C.A. - G.E. - Admiral - Dumont Zenith - Philco - Motorola - Muntz Sylvania - Magnavox - Silvertone § 90-Day Warranty on all parts that we install t Antenna Installations and Repairs • Public Address Systems Rentals # FREE Tube Testing Service F-M Radio - TV - Hi-Fi 128 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0979 Daily: 9,7; Fri. & Mon., 9-9; Sun., 9-1 ^Liberal Trade-In Allowance on your old TV Low Monthly Payment Plan GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE 50% DISCOUNT STORE-WIDE & WAREHOUSE OLSEN FURNITURE 519-521 Main St., McHenry (West Side) MOVING TO FLORIDA OPEN ONLY Y Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays 10% Down -- 2 Years To Pay Balance MARENGO FEDERAL'S Comparative Financial Statement RESOURCES First Mortgage Loans * Improvement Loans Share Loans Cash on Hand and in Banks U.S. Government Obligations Stock in Federal Home Loan Banks Other Assets Total Resources December 31, 1959 $ 9,289,151.58 433,979.85 94,274.06 708,563.97 511,281.25 160,000.00 83,352.88 $11,280,603.59 LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Savings and Investment Accounts $10,110,869.43 Loans in Process 165,542.25 Other Liabilities 11,678.94 Specific Reserves and Deferred Income 79,905.81 General Reserves 912,607.16 Total Liabilities and Reserves $11,280,603.59 T During the First Half of 1960 > Dividends paid to members Savings Accounts increased Loans increased Assets increased Reserves increased June 30, 1960 $ 9,645,138.81 506,485.57 78,009.46 651,898.80 710,467.75 180,000.00 95,783.53 $11,867,783.92 ^ $10,672,052.11 115,748.92 16.384.16 93.025.17 : 970,573.56 $11,867,783.92 $204,599.00 561,182.00 412,228.00 587,180.00 L 57,966.00 SAVE AT MARENGO FEDERAL 1 Earn at the HIGHEST RETURN consistent with Maximum safety and sound management. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE StfikKW Of NyV VOUt SAVINGS ur TO $10,000 C0IK MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO. ILLINOIS JO 8-7258 A Mutual Savings Institution Organized In 1925

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