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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1960, p. 19

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© Thursday, July 21. 1960 THE nfcHStilftr PLADTOEALER Page Nineteen Johnsburg COMMUNITY CLUB SPONSORS SUMMER FESTIVAL JULY 23 i _ by Betty Hettermann ! w Beginning at about 4:30 next Saturday afternoon the officers and members of the Johnsburg community club will sponsor a B.B.B. Festival. Refreshments and entertainment will be available to one and all. In lieu of their annual carnival the club members are planning this outdoor party. We all hope weatherman coop crates fcmd gives them a beautiful day. ^Everyone is cordially invited to attend this summertime festival which will continue on-until? Why not .join in on the fun. Fatalloiis Trip I Mike and "FA a Sehaefer returned last week <1 ft or spending five' delightful days between Nassau and Florida. The Sflfciaefers left bv jet from Chi* cago and arrived'in Florida 2lj hours later. They .traveled by boat to Nassau where thev saw some of the highlights before returning to Florida. They visat the home of Mr. and Irs. Jim Freund in West Hol- Ifywood. The Freunds send jtbeir regards to all Ihe'rr 'n ,"P(1 hnt'C. sj^VIike earned t h i s 1 rip Though his work in the Cathpic Order 'of Foresters. There ^ycre fifty-seven in the group, ;fHirty-nine were trip winners. Confined to Hospital Mrs. Catherine Smith has spent the past week as a patient of the Memorial hospital in Woodstock. If things progress as they have for Mrs. • ^iith, she will be home this \veek. 1 f A1 Pepping. Sr.. is still eon- 'fined to the McHenry hospital where he is to undergo a second operation soon. We all hope these two congenial persons will soon be on the road to complete recovery. Tiger News ' O u r c o m m u n i t y i s k e e p i n g Weir fingers crossed for our own Johnsburg Tigers who are icompeting in the twenty-fifth annual Illinois semi-pro baseball tournament in Elgin. The Tigers will travel to Algonquin •next Sunday for a game with ^their team at 2 o'clock. On Saturday. July 30. the Chicago Stars will play here at 2 o'clock also. Be sure to see a few of these games. Chnreli to Sponsor Carnival ' St. John's church will' sponsor its annual summer carnival on the community club grounds next month. In the very near I future parish ladies will be calling at the various homes in the community to solicit donations for the carnival. Please be generous and courteous • when they come calling. Rescue Squad Calls The members of our rescue squad were called ,out twice last Saturday. In the wee hours of the morning the squad was called to a Pistakee Highlands home. The second call was. lo the Tony Freund home Saturday afternoon. Congratulations Corner Belated wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Malloy upon ; their forty-nineth wedding anniversary which they observed on July 11. Peggy Peterson was hostess to thirteen young ladies at an^ outdoor celebration of her ninth birthday on July 11. The girls enjoyed playing badminton and croquet prior to going on a scavenger hunt. Enjoying . an outdoor supper cooked on the grill by Pete and Marge ! were: Mary Ann Bell. Linda ' Mangold. Kathy Barth, Terry Kruger, Marilynn Boynlon, Carol Ann Dehn. Joy and Karen Hettermann, Patti Sullivan. Denise Koch. Susie Roesner. Susan Ileim and Sheila Marshall. Games of various natures were enjoyed last Friday after- : noon in the home of Barbara i ITimplemann. A group of young J classmates were on hand to help Barbara celebrate her eighth birthday. Consuming lots of cake and ice cream on this occasion were: Jackie Hiller.- Emily Deidrich, Jo Ann '-a. Fontaine. Karen Hettermann. Melissa Montalbano and Rosemarie Thelen. Firstborn Welcomed A son was welcomed at the Woodstock hospital on July 1.3 by Wal'y and Carol Frett of Jak-Ana Heighls. It is the first child for the couple. Proud paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frett while equally proud maternal grandparents are the Godinas of Mc- Cullom Lake. Around the Town The Rudy.Fischer family will be returning this week after spending three weeks..vaeat ion in California visiting-her father and other relatives. Harry Shay of Xicsen's subdivision is happy to have three of his grandchildren from. California spending several weeks visitin,T him. * . Mr. an 1 Mrs, Arnold Michels. Mr. and; Mrs. : Charles Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith attendee! ihe'.. wake of Lucille Smith's mother in Xachusa recently. Attending the funeral on Sunday among other persons from this \icinity were John Smith and Mrs. Leo Smith and daughter. Kevin Freund of Palatine spent several days last week at his grandparents home. Mr. «'ind Mrs. Peter Freund. Mrs Jack Keetian and Mrs. Helen Hettermann \isited Betty and Hon Dowe in Bloomine.- ton last week. Sad News Our sincere sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund upon the untimely dealh of their son-in-law. "Soyinv" Miller, age 31, of McITenn*. Legals Notice is hereby given that the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry. McHenry County. Illinois, will receive sealed proposals or bids in the City Hall Building, McHenry, Illinois, at 8:00 P.M.. Central Daylight Savings Time, on the 8th day of August. 1W0. for the construction of a connected system of sanitary sewers and all necessary appurtenances in the City of McHenry. McHenry County. Illinois, to be known as "Golf. View Avenue District Sewer Extension," at which time and place such sealed proposals or bids will -be' publicly opened, examined and read by said Board. Forms of proposal plans and specifications f^)t/Said improvements are now on file at the Oil ice of the City Clerk, 112 E. Elm Street. McHenry, Illinois. Copies of said documents may be obtained by depositing SlYilO with W. A*. Rakow & Associates, consulting engin eers. 202 East Chicago Street, i Elgin. Illinois. The amount of deposit will not be refunded. Each proposal or bid shall be accompanied by cash or by a check, certified to by some one reliable bank, payable to the order of the President of said Board of Local Improvements in his official capacity for not i less than ten per cent (10r^) of the aggregate of said proposal or bid. The successful bidder for the construction of said improvement shall be required to enter into a corporate surety bond acceptable to said Board in the full amount of the contract. said bond to provide that the contractor shall Well .and faithfully perform and execute the work and shall promp-- ' ly pay all debts incurred by him . in the prosecuting of the work. All. bids or proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond. Failure on the part of the successful bidder to execute a contract and acceptable bond, as provided herein, will be considered just cause for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the proposal guaranty, as provided herein, as liquidated damages. The said Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids and proposals should it deem it best for the public good and to waive such technicalities as it xnay deem proper. The successful bidder shall be paid in bonds bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6rV) per annum. GEORGE P. FREUND THEODORE N. PITZEN CHARLES D BROWN WALTER E. AEYERMAN Board of Local Implements, Ci1y of McHenry. McHenry County. Illinois Dated this 11th day'of Jufv. 1960. (Pub. July; 14-21. 1960) NOTICE OF l'l'BLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Edu'Catinn of School. District. No. 12 in ihe Ci-Hinty of McHenry. ••'Slate o! Illinois, that a Tentative hudget for said school, district lo'- thx* fi-sral \e.u- beginning July 1, I960, will'-be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the Su tendents Office from and afte 8 o'clock A.M.. on the 22nd day of July. 1960. at. tho Jobnsbut g . Community School, R.R •V- McHenry. Ill inois in this School District. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held' at 9 o'clock P.M.. on the 23rd day of August, 1960. at the Johnsburg Community School. R.R. 5. McHenry. Illinois in this School District No. 12. Dated this 14th dav of Julv. 1960. Boai.I of Education of School District No. 12. in the County of MeHonr\. State o! Illinois, by Richard. R. Marshall Secretary (Pub. Julv 21 19601 • McHenry Girl Back rom Western Trip Pat Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Arfcterson of McCullom Lake, re* turned home recently after a three-week trip to California. The young lady made the trip by jet. spending two weeks with aunts and uncles in the Los Angeles area, as well as relatives in other parts of the siate. While in Castro Valley. Pat was a bridesmaid at the wedding of her . cousin. Judy .McPatland. other cities visited included Gtcndale. Burhank and Carlsbat! i where she enjoved swimmifiu in the ocean". She visited many other places of interest also.' Peter Wj. ^uilen Sto n OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 B.B.B. FEStlVAL ON SATURDAY, JULY 23 AT 4:30 P.M. on the Johnsburg Community Club Grounds Come One & All -- Everybody Is Invited Time GOOD TIME FOR A NEW KODAK CAMERA BROWNIE 8 CAMERA f/2.7 Lowest priced movie camera in Kodak history! Join the family fun of making movies . . . keep a record of good times! Buying the camera and making the movies are both easy with the new Brownie 8. The price is the lowest ever, and shooting movies is as easy as taking snapshots! Just set a dial to match the day's light ... no other adjustments. $24.50 BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 OPEN HOUSE DOOR PRIZE WINNERS $50.00 WINNER D. Siepman, SttnnysMle Estates $100.00 WINNER (•co, Kiigore, Sunset View Ruck's Hardware j Betty Nielsen McHenry Recreation [ 1 Pantry Delicacies Guettler's Service Formerly Althoff's .>01 Main St. J 121 X. Riverside Drive East of Old Bridge j (Catering i Rt. 31 Alfred Miller, Ringwood | Rita .Martin, 208 Main St.. McHenry ; (I) Mr. Ward O'Brien* McHenry j 134 N. Riverside Drive Hubert Roalsen, 89 Kashniifa, McHenry - • - j ~ B ^ B -- m : ( 2 ) M r . N e l s I ) a l b y , M c H e n r y ] ( 1 ) M a r g o W i e n k e , L a k e S h o r e D r . . W o n d e r h a k e ' " " " " S T " " " " 7 " ™ " " Bobs Riverside Barber Shop --:-- --I--:--In> *>•-.. wngin, mi;. m. Peter Gies 130 S C.reon St. John Zis/ik, 25 Virginia St., McHenry | Marie's Specialty Shop 103 N. Riverside Drive Roberta Audino, R.R. 1. Wonder Lake 122 X. Riverside Dri\e Frank Low. Mcllenrv Fox River Valley Boat Nye Drug Store 129 Riverside Dri\e (1) Tom Roller, Broad St., McHenry, III. (2) Mrs. B. Tonvan Art Smith's Super Mkt. c ,... „ .. . ,--:r-- <«> " Kast of Old Bridge i Sltllm-CrOTt lflC« Flifflltlir© i ,20 N Riwrsaie Driv . Carey Appliance, Inc. Carry Dalfie, 945 Dunlap, Forest Park. III. j -H9 S. Given St. 1 ' ( | ) M a r y a n n S a s s o n g , 8 2 1 S o . V e n i c e , L a k e m o o r Ernie's Town Club Kathy Vogt, Box 56. Rt. 5, Mcllenry ,201 Riverside Drive J (1) Angie, 4925 X. Kedvale, Chicago I . Adaski, 1984 V California, Chicago ! Marcella Marsh, EV 5-4304 [J The Toddler Shop 109 K. Elm St.- Louise Kennebeck, 904 Center St., McHenry Gladstone's Dept. Store ; " - n •-•••. > 203 S fireen St I'ahner Nelson, 5421 S. Harding. Chicago Carla Christnian, Box 280, Rt. 8, Mctflenry 133 N. Riverside Drive Ben Franklin Store (1) fi. Dobyns, 413 Main St.. McHenry ; 112 S Green St. (2) Flo. Root, I'.O. Box 89tt, McHenry 1 Nancy Stilling, 708 No. Court St., McHenry (8) Mrs. Ronald Matter, 513 I'ark St.. McHenry ™"~~' The McHenry Plaindealer Wahl's Jewelry 207 E. Elm St. Cheryl (iraff. EV 5-2008 Riverside Hairstyling 126 N. Ri\erside Drive Kay Maltottey Reymann's Bakery Rt. 120 at Lakeland Park Frances Smaley, Wonder Lake Niesen's Floors :>23 Main St. Lee Cooney, 118 Richmond Kd.. Mellenry 107 N. Riverside Drive Dave L. Miller, J'O Box 92, McHenry L. & H. Television S01 Front St. Mrs. A. Williams, 105 Pearl St.. McHenry Bolger's Drug 103 S. Green St. (1) Edward Schultz, 317 Fairway Dr., McHenry (2) .loan Maloney, 305 Hilltop, McHenry Peterson's McHenry Bakery 124 S. Given St. (1) Alice Ross, McHenry Cl) Bev. Steinbat li. McHenry Ernie's Sports Center x 17 LW1 i OOIH'.V, IIA uiciininiKi IUI.. .wiiwiry \ m. m M n • f ' • White's Men's Shop Midstream Coin Wash ams 2, .<r,S erv,ce Riverside Bake Shop i -m • > s, 111 X Riverside Drive i Lcona Fantns, Box 1224. Rt. fi. M<,Henry Wayne Ciladn, 100 Country Club Dr., McHenry 20S S. Green St. A. Rietesel, Fov St., McHenry 205 W. Elm Si. B. Rowland, 210 Kent Acres, McHenry Geo. W. Kotalik Studio & Camera Center 117 N. Riverside Drive Linda I'cdecone, Iluntervilie Park Casual Shoppe 3(»H W. Elm St. Mr. .1. D. Cook, I'O Box 14. McHenry Gem Cleaners 317 W. Elm St. Mrs. Ketl Espey, 200 Richmond McHenry Louise's Snack Shop 139 N. Riverside Drive Robert Johnson, 800 E. Elm St., McHenry Don's Old Bridge 140 N. Riverside Drive MarySue Scharf, 7 Marine Lane, McHenry Hester Oils 202 \V. Elm St. Frank Jacck, 809 I'ark Ave., McHenry Shores Hans' Tavern 316 E. Elm St. Jerry Long, Rt. 8, McHenry Bimbo and Sons 124 X. Riverside Drive Fran Weyland. EV 5-4878 North Bridge Marine East of the Old Bridge Mr. Turk Garrett, 418 Dasey, Woodstock Alice-Marie Beauty Shop 202 X. Riverside Drive Patricia Sitr.onsen, McHpnry Shores, McHenry Vycital's Hardware 132 S. Green St. Loo Holton, Lilymoor Holly's Service Station 400 E. Elm St. Lcona Estes, RR 3, Box 81. McHenrv Art & Lee's '204 X. Riverside Drive Georgie W. Elsey, 505 N. La Salle, Chicago Triad Studio. Si' 7-5507 Tonyan's Home Furnishing! 214 S. Green St. Pat Burke, 809 Beach Dr.. McHenrv Shores Claire Beauty Shoppe Krause £Sf Supplies 300 E. Elm St Joe Dicdrich, Waukegan Rd.. McHenry Stilling's Town & Country Gifts 200 S. Green St. Frances Vycital, 182 S. Green, McHenry 13."> X. Riverside Drive (I) Mrs. Jennie Ferrar. Rt. <», Box 1222. Mcllenry 308 E Elm St. j (2) H. Meyer, 80S Spring Rd., McHenrv La Verne Nyden, 206 Edgebrook Htv, McHenry Ace Hardware ----.... . _---- Justen Standard Service 130 X. Riverside Drive ^QrfjjflQQ rOOCl SlOrG Rts. 12" & 31 ! Frank Kempfer, 102 W. W asliington, Mcllenry- 106 S (ireen St I Joe Diedriclt. 508 Wankegan Rd.. McHenry p |^| TclCVlSSOn ' 12S Riverside Drive Mrs. H. E. Kraus. 4329 N. Riclimond St.. Chicago >Irs. M. L. WKrts, 105 N. Green, McHenrv Barbian Bros. Grocery 123 X. Riverside Drive Caroline Bauer, 305 Riverside* Dr., McHenry' Fabric Center IDS S. Given St. Lorilee Klontz, 105 Main. McHenry Elm St. Florist 300 W. Elm St. K. Jensen. Box 615, McHenrv Circle Barber Shop East of Bridge Rt. 120 Dan Lennnn, EV 5-5445 Green Pearl Club 100 E. Pearl St. J. Randle, 303 Broad St., McHenry Geo. Justen & Son Furniture Corner of Green & Elm Florence Handley, 4640 W. Ohio, Chicago 44 Joe's Barber Shop 306 E. Elm St. A. Koerper, 124 Country Lane, McHenry Pink Lady Shop 10.1 S. Green St. Mrs. R. P. Wilson, 19 Embrtice Dr., Shalintar Sub. Steffan's Jewelry & Variety Store .>14 M.-in St. Sig Jacobson. Kingwood, III. Mark's Marine Center 205 W. Elm St. Dolores Glosson, 307' i N. Green St., McHenry McHenry 5 & 10 S. Green St. Elizabeth M. Little,^McHenrv The Music Shop 304 W. Elm St. James Thelen, RR 1, Box 534, McHenry McHenry Lumber 611 Main St. Ed. Todd. Rt. 5. Box 457, .Mcllenry Hester Oil 601 Waukegan Rd. Gary Pierce, Rt. 1, Wonder Lake Elm Paint & Supply 208 E. Elm St. S. Gustafson, 411 Kent, McHenry Western Tire & Auto Store 136 X. Riverside Drive Morgenson, 215 Knoll, Lakeland Park. McHenry Riverside Drive Laundromat 202 Riverside Drive Leodn Freund, RR 7. Box 452. McHenry Riverside Retail Outlet West end of Old Bridge Frances Rossbach, 342 Harris, Clarendon Hills, 111. Schramm's Toys 301 W. Elm St. Mrs. E. Olblnski, 106 Meadow Rd., McHenrv Shores 7 " Roth Shoes 118 S. Green St. ( 1 ) Hans B e h n k e , EV 5 - 1 7 5 1 (2) Gaylc (iraff, RR 4, Box 15, McHenry McGee's Store for Men 117 S. Green St. (1) Hal Vaupel, McHenry, III. Huppy & Leo's Groc. & Mkt. 115 S. Green St. Barbara Gerasch. 104 Pearl, McHenry H. J. Saynor's Groc. & Mkt. ;<4 miles S. of 120 on Lilvlake Rd. ( 1 ) Opal S c h m i d t , Rt. ( i . Box 4 5 3 , McHenry (2) Wm. Tremens, c <» Paid Bell. IJx 456. McHenry Herman's Atlas Prager Dist. 310 X. Park St. Earl Roche, 507 S. Green St., McHenry Lee & Ray Electric .">16 Main St. Wavne E. Wirfes, 302 W. South Dr., Lakenfoor Rainbow Cleaners 100 XT. Front St. Arouhd Corner from National Tea Bernie Matclien, 615 Crystal Lake Rd.. McHenry Agatha Gift Shop 110 S. Green St. Miss Dorothy Zboja, 513 Wankegan Rd., McHenry The Candy Box 12(1 S r.iven St. ( 1 ) S r . >1. A n d r e e l a . 207 Richmond R d . . M c l l e n r y ( 2 ) Joanne W e n k e l . Rt. 2, Wonder Lake Midstream Service Jewel Tea P!a/a j 207 W. Elm St Paul Luclit, 7230 W. North. Elmwood Park. III. Jewel Tea 313 W Elm St. Mrs. Hanna Schultz. 317 Fairway. CCE, McHenry Elm Street Cleaners Schaefer's Grocery & Mkt. 103 E Elm St ! 527 Main St. ( 2 ) Mrs. W a l t e r C a r l s o n , C e n t e r S t . , M c H e n r y ' ' Mrs. B e v e r l y Worm. 117 B e a c h , L a k e l a n d Park \ i v i a n R i c h a r d s , "f07 W i l l i a m * t . . McHenry

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