July 28, 1960 THE M&3ENRY PLAINDEALER Page Thirteeh (J&a/o Evexydiuf A/eecta Eswujday L/ho- '7-^ucea Cbv Lfou/v Euetyday Neech ALL FLAVORS Yummy Gelatin •'10c OFF" LABEL--COFFEE Royal Jewel Instant 6£- INTRODUCTORY OFFER Famous J Pictured on this page ore the finest, tenderest steaks you can buy. Jewel buyers know good beef, the kind that's bright red, firm, finegrained, well marbled with creamy white fat, and skilled jewel market men g• Jiv e you more eating meat for your money by trimming off excess fat and bone before weighing. To please your family and your pocketbook, get famous Jewe! Porterhouse, Sirloin and Round Steak today! •S" CH°ICE, EXTRA VALUE TRIM Porterhouse u s. CHOICE. EXTRA VAIUE TRIM Sirloin Steak U.S. CHOICE. EXTRA VALUE TRIM 'Round Steak 5tood Stout OSCAR MAYER Luncheon Oblf • Dole S*«T RELISH SLICED Relish cans Pineapple4 %3<zokje£f EXTRA FANCY, CALIFORNIA SLICES & HALVES Bluebrook Peaches29'°n z can rww oft CM 6 Pound Basket of Plums each 98c Kraft Strawberry a SALAD DRESSING Miracle pint jar )ne Pound Russo's Preserves 12 oz. jar Spaghetti Daisy Cream Cheese pk°g z; Food Salerno COCONUT BARS OR BUTTER Cookies Pk9 0Z DETERGENT Giant er X' MACARONI Kraft Dinner 2 7:/;g:.fc 35= GENTLE. MILD Ivory Flakes 2 X';. 69= SHORTENING Snowdrift ^ 3 lb. /-J * can O/C GEj|||| MILD Ivoff^now 2 X 69= UNDERWOOD Deviled Ham 2 45= DETERGENT Ivory Liquid plas2f2ic oczo- nf. WAQ c 7 FROZEN--APPLE OR CHERRY Banquet Pies "r 35= DETERGENT Dreft 2 69c COFFEE Thomas J. Webb 2Jf s151 DETERGENT Joy Liquid 22 or. A.Q plastic cont. U 7 PLUMP, TENDER Riceland Rice - - v . s. StoodStom TEA CO. ALL PURPOSE CLEANER Spic and Span 93|'C SOAP FLAKES American Family 2 X. 69c DETERGENT American Family 2 Pt. 69= •'5c OFF" LABEL Oxydol 9Xn: 76= SHORTENING Swift'ning 59c FOR YOUR AUTOMATIC Dash Sudser 79= giant pkg. DETERGENT Tide 2 X 69< FABRIC SOFTENER Nu Soft Rinsa "J- 89« MEDIUM O'Cel'O Sponges •od. 25« LONG THIN Red Cross Spaghetti 2, *£ 25* 111