Jfhursday, July 28, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Xz. Page Fifteen Pisiakee Highlands MOID CARNIVAL AUGUST 4.5. (. 7 IN HIGHLANDS % Proceeds Will Benefit Road Upkeep Fund Hazel Morley Hyatt 7-8320 Just next week and the much planned for carnival will be set up at Rt. 12. There will be various rides, games, food oancessions and enjoyment for sm. The dates are August 4, 5, 6, 7. Much help will be needed to run the carnival successfully. If you can spare a few hours of your time any of those nights I Will gladly put your services to use on my committee. Sick List This isn't exactly a sick list, tmore of a hurt list. Janet sren stepped on a large rusty nail and had to have a tetnus shot. She suffered from the reaction of the shdt as well as the injured foot. Mother Thoren says she is coming along fine now. Artie Szyplebaum was feeling a bit under the weather last week. Five year old Margie Mclnerney fell with a glass jar in her hand ^gile catching fire flys and suffered a badly injured left hand. An artery was cut as well as a tendon and some nerves were severed. Surgery was performed ^to tie the tendon. It will be quite awhile before she will have normal use of that hand again. Adult Activities Don Morin, Hazel Rogde, K*se and Dick Farwell painted the picnic tables at the beaches. Part of one table had to be cut away because of the obscene carvings that marred it. Those tables are brand new and it is a shame what is being done to them. If you see anyone marking up the things at the beaches, stop them. They bfelong to all property owners iuri you have a right to speak vft if you see damage being done to them. Deaths Sympathy to Roy Sluga who lost his father oh July 14. Roy and son, Ronnie, attended the funeral in Independance, Wis. Roy returned but Ronnie §jayed > to; b^.witlv bis grand- 'motfier am! uheie. ^ ^Ir. and Mrs. Keith Nurse awd family were in Buffalo. N. Y. last week for the funeral of Mr. Nurse's mother ^yho passed away July 17, They returned home following the funeral. Tom and Marge Muallaly attended the funeral of Tom's sister who passed away in Chicago last week. My sympathy to you all. Hospitalized Dotty Rodarmel was admitted to St. Therese hospital last week. I know that a few cards from her friends and neighbors will make her stay there a little more pleasant. Mrs. Sheila Silha is in Wesley Memorial hospital in Chicago. She had spinal surgery and will be there for awhile, l^t's hope they both. have a sjroedy recovery. Scout Items For the fourth year in succession the Sea Explorers have received trie Go<5 and -Country Award. The Highlands can be proud of these young men. The Boy Scouts of the entire Blackhawk Area Council spent a three day camp out at Rockford last weekend. I hope the Cub Scouts and their parents enjoyed their camporee last Saturday. Here and There Jeanne and Renee Janquart are in Milwaukee staying with their Aunt Ellen. Doris Hanson has her niece and grandmother staying with her for a few days. They are from Chicago. Lois Mason is a proud aunt again. Her sister, Shirley, had a baby girl July 14. Another proud aunt is Mary Madock. Mary's sister,' Nancy Malone, had a son on July 9 in Chicago. Dick and. Lee Conway were busy with guests. On Sunday Paul and Marie Michiels and boys, Ricky and John, were visiting from Lombard and on Tuesday Johnny and Laverne Harris and children, Linda and John, were out from Chicago. John (and Hila Heinemann drove John's mother back home last Sunday. She was visiting in the Highlands for the last month. Congratulations to pretty Miss Trudy Drockner who was a runner up in the Fiesta Day queen contest. Miss Helen McDermoth of Chicago is visiting her niece, Audrey Misavice. Don't forget to attend the association meeting coming up Aue;. 3. Paul Johnson is enjoying a two week vacation. This past weekend Paul, Shirley and son, Barry, Ray and Delores Burbon and family, spent two days at the Wisconsin Dells. Linda Ullo is spending two weeks in Chicago staying with her Aunt Vi. Mrs. Gert Snell had a luncheon last week in honor of her sister, Martha, who is visiting from Clinton, Iowa. Mrs. John S n e l l f r o m O a k l a w n , Kay Sielisch, Emma Rosengart, Anna Cohrs; Lil Orlowski, Blanche Haefliger and Roy's cousin, Margaret, from Iowa, were guests. They had a wonderful afternoon to-gether. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson and son, Darwin, spent the Weekend with the Haefligers. They are from Magnolia, 111. Judy Krumwiede attended a reunion of her college classmates last Wednesday evening in DesPlaines. Judy attended college in St. Louis, Mo. Bob and Marilyn VanZevern, Dick and Mary Madock, Millie and Clarence Shastel and Norb and Bev Lewandowski met in Chicago on July 16 and enjoyed an evening together at a night club with dinner and a floor show. Pat Rogde and her girl friends from Chicago enjoyed water skiing last Sunday. Daddy Rogde (captain of the ship) gave them the thrill of their lives. Ann Mclnerney entertained the female members of her family last Wednesday at her home. There were aunts, cousins and sisters along with nineteen children and it turned out to be quite a good sized gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heilgeist and sons, Rolf, Bobby and j Karl, returned last weekend. , Bob spent two weeks at the ' National Guard Reserve Camp ' and took his family along. | Claire ZumMaTlen and children, David and Kim, from Round Lake Beach were guests of your reporter yesterday. We managed to get together for a visit and wienie roast. Don and Wanda Dobecki and family spent a day at Lake Geneva last week. They are taking advantage of Don's vacation to catch up on some family outings. Audrey Morin had her sister, Jackie Protrowski, visiting with her last week. Anniversary congratulations to Delores and Ray Burbon who celebrated 15 years of wedded bliss on July 14. Birthday wishes to Mary Lynn Johnson who was twelve on July 12. She had a surprise party with her gifl friends and Mom and Dad took her to downtown Chicago. Dot and Jack Erbin and children'spent last Wednesday at the Museum of Science and Industry. We had company from Waukegan this past weekend. We enjoyed swimming and cooking outdoors. Belated birthday wishes to Paul Johnson who celebrated his birthday July 17. Barbara and Reb Sisk and Don and Wanda Dobecki attended a summer stock musical show in Highland Park last Wednesday evening. Kay Sielisch fell in her yard last week and was suffering from back and neck aches. I hope she will be feeling better soon. Janet Thoren, Debbie, Missy, Cindy and Vicky Montabano, Gordon, Gregg and Lynn Murray, Jeff and Cheryl Dowd, Laura Gregg and Dawn and Jeff Misavice are taking swimming lessons twice a week in Antioch. , Bob and Tina O'Mally and five sons have moved from their small home in the valley into the home on Agatha Drive. The home was formerly occupied by the Cinami family. Herb and Lorraine Lindemann were pleased to have their daughters, Pat and Marilyn, spend last weekend at their home. Marilyn^ brought along the Lindemanns' three grandchildren for added enjoyment. They spent some of the time swimming at Cedar Lake. Marcia Dowd had her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dickman, m o t h e r - i n - l a w , M r s . Dowd from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. McNerney and four children from Rolling Meadows and Mr. and Mrs. McDonald from Lombard out last Sunday for the birthday , party of Jeff and Cheryl. ^ Raymond HattsBft and his wife were guests at the Moreth home last week. During the week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uloth and sons from LaSalle, spent some time with BQl and Marge. Mr. and Mrs. ftistow and Lola dined out with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jacobs in honor of the Jacobs' anniversary July 17. Monnt Hope Church July 31, assistant Pastor Robert Stine will bring the message at 11 a.m. Sunday school opens at 9:30 a.m. with Mrs. Vi Johnson as superintendent. Youth fellowship meets at 7 p.m. with a fun time and some excellent discussion on topics chosen by the youth. Last Sunday and this coming Sunday the members are studying a set of plans for a parsonage chapel to be bunt on the property on West Broadway. Most of the partitions woi^ld be left out as long as it was jjsed for church and Sunday school and would be put in later. The basement would be used for Sunday School, youth groups and community Organizations. A baseball diamond is being prepared by Archie Fletcher for community use. We are still asking for clothing and bedding for the Chile, -South American earthquake people. .Bring them to the church on Sundays. Many of these people lost, everything they had in the quakes and some cases in the fires that followed. The M.Y.F. reports they had a grand time on their outing at the Illinois Beach State Park on July 17. About twenty young people attended. Drivers for the day were Mrs. Banker, Pastor Stine and Craig Thoren. There was a fairly good turnout for the first meeting of the newly formed couples club. The social for August is being planned by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erbin, Mr. and Mrs. Don' Dobecki and Pastor and Mrs. Stine. This should be fun. ' Holiday Hills MANY PROBLEMS DISCUSSED AT H.H.P.O.A. MEET . Hi til oleyar - EV. 5-4763 A record crow^ of sixtyseven men and women filled the meeting room when the H.H.P.Q.A. met for the eleventh time Monday evening July 18, at St. John's Lutheran church in Island Lake. New residents in attendance were Mr. and Mrg» Gerry Grasser of Sunset Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Proefrock of Holiday Drive. The evening proved to be a lively one; several controversial issues were presented for discussion and participation by t h e m e m b e r s h i p was v e r y marked. In' order to cut down on the length of the business meetings and to provide opportunity for more residents to attend, it was decided that future meetings would be held every month, instead of bi-monthly as at present. The next- one is scheduled for Monday, August 15. the picnic is not open to the general public. Xny resident, whether association member or not, is cordially invited. Don't forget, August 14, at 1 o'clock! •Teen Club On July 18 the 'teens along with Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Vi Johnson. Mrs. Waldin and Mrs. Wroblewski attended an outing at Cedar Lake. Each packed his own lunch and enjoyed a day of swimming an«S baseball. TTie boys won thegame. The 'teens who attended are thankful to Tom Cusak, Bud Messell and Craig Thoren who did the driving that day. Flash I just received a phone eall telling me that R. L. Ladd is ^pemtmg. lCK) j»r. ?e»t. ^ the association -fma cmnSiig'jy* * carnival. A pessimist see only bacteria in the milk of human kindness. 'We lost THAT much on the deal? Yesterdays medicines relieved pains while nature slowly cured. Today, wonder drugs cure in hours, not weeks, keeping patients out of hospitals and putting them back on their feet. That's why TODAY'S PRESCRIPTION IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN HISTORY! 11 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well! 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling Pump Installations * !*>int Changing Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. J 9. Parts available for all makes. > 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. Easy Monthly Payments ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OH DRIVEN W« Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMP8J Located In the Village of McCollom Lake Stt miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-0713 Annual Community Picnic . Picnic chairman Mary Jungwirth reported that the family picnic will be? held Sunday, Auguest 14. at Shady Shores. Drinks and ice cream will be provided, hot dogs will be sold, but each family is expected to bring its own picnic lunch. There will be races for the children. with prizes; and all kinds of fun games for young and old. If you have guests that weekend, bring them along, but Compliments to the 'Teens Readers of this column will be interested in the following quote from .a letter sent to Chadie Ary, 'teen-age dance chairman, by Robert J. Conway, manager of the McHenry American Legion Post 491. Mr. Conway writes, "Perhaps most of you know that the American legion is very much interested in child welfare, and the control of juvenile delinquency. May I say this, from the way the boys and girls conducted themselves at this dance, it seems that the parents of Holiday Hills have done a marvelous job in bringing up their children." The chaperones at the affafr "on Friday, June 24, at the legion hall report that Mr. Conway made a special point of coriiplimenting the young peoi pie the night of the dance on their good behavior. He stated that there had been occasions when 'teen-agers from other localities have become unmanageable. ^ These days, when it is the fashion to run down the youngsters, it's refreshing to hear such a wonderful report about children from our own subdivision. Henry. Connie is certainly not a new resident, having lived here for several years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Karlic. Both are employed in Barrington, and any free time they have is devoted to working around the house, which has not been lived in for some time. Residents Take Vacation Trips Chuck and Eunice Heise with children, Dawn and Dean, pmade a quick trip around Lake Michigan, stopping at Sault St. Marie, Stone Lake, and the Dells. Bea Musolf followed the Heises* example, made the same trip with son, Scotty. Herb and Lois Landis returned July 14 from a week in California, flying both ways A special treat for Tommy, Joey, and Susen was the visit to Disneyland. On their return, Herb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Landis, Sr.,. came from Iowa to visit with the family. New Family Gerry and Connie Grasser moved into the home at 101 Sunset Friday. July 8, less than a week after their marriage on July 2 at St. Patrick's in Mc- JOSEPH FREW I SON. INC. ESTABLISHED 1926 RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS and COMMERCIAL * First in Quality * Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- V* Mile East of Fox River Bridjp) Out-of-town Visitors Barbara Csuti's mother, Mrs. Louise McPeek, took her first plane ride from Homeworth, Ohio, to visit with Frank and Barbara and children for a week. Shirley Haufe's mother, Mrs. Elsie Franks, is visiting from Elmhurst with Shirley and Hank, Jimmy and Betsy. Snowballs in July Marge and Jack Connell celebrated Marge's birthday Saturday, July 16, with a snowball fight. They had stored a few reminders of last winter's abundance in the home freezer for use on a suitable occasion. Marge reports that the balls were so hard they could have played tennis with .them. Birthday Celebrations Vi Abbink threw a party with an Hawaiian theme for daughter, Connie's eighth birthday, Thursday afternoon, July 21. Sharing in the fun and games were April Young, April's Cousin, Debbie, from South Bend, Patty Schmidt, Patty Baird. Sue Exlinc, Andrea and Jodie Clark, and sister, Linda Abbink. The Laskowski and Jahik families report that with three birthday parties in two weeks, they've had enough, thank you, for awhile. Michael Janik celebrated on the fifth of July; Tommy on the eighteenth; and cousin Johnny Laskowski on the ninth. Michael became n i n e ; J o h n n y and Tommy, eight. Amateur track meets apparently had their beginning in England in 1849, when track and field events were held at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. McHENRY COUNTY Junior Fair Livestock AUCTION FRIDAY - AUGUST 5th, 1960 at 3:00 p.m. on the FAIR GROUNDS -- WOODSTOCK, ILL. 110 Head Livestock Bill Russell Auctioneers Dan Powers Ed Vogel Selling approximately 35 choice to prime steers, 60 hogs and 15 !at lambs All animals are 4-H, FFA Projects Bidding open to anyone McHenry County Livestock Auction Committee a single cracked egg since Chevy took over route along; 7hrt W FbMkh pk&mp 90m » whatever Idmd <4 food commt mtd make* ebomt 2SD Mop* * day do- Uvetmg eggr homte to homm1 for Mr, flany Batmem <4 Mi no win, Momtamm. ~W«fc Mf pmvwm trwek." Mr. flam wrttm, *7 dwijn had tome crocked eggg. Cmrgp damage ahoafrn 4 profc*. Bmt the mem Chec§ I haceml htsd Tve had wp to* tomt amj dffictdtym m trmck eotdd ride to 44 egg* i» S Chory odes aNce, dl righb takn 1 cm of fragile cargoea. But that's mat < tfca iai at ft. Torsion-spring ftw--di at working miles, because the Afwt metal and body cfflnponciiti lake tea af a beating. You eaa ion off-diMaal or nw back taib at faster arfe spssds, teas get m mam baps a da% make mem mssnejr. TWai facts aae as tree of the big Chevrolet Imvyaaghls aa the? aaa at the pickups. Aogr Model ^aa aaaae. Get oaa <ai jraor job ad fam'trn got da vwkfs aoit rfiiwi, Mf to hoi aqr kad lbar daafar a 4 7a geMegffam$o20m8mt&&9&Rem,m Mr. Rentea "emd WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! CHEVROLETSTURDI B11IIRDCIS See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. EVERGREEN 5-0277