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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1960, p. 9

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zism Thursday, August 11, 1960 Wonder Lake DONNA DEAN HAS CHAMPION tNIRY AT FAIR Jane Ducey Bonna Mae Dean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean, received a grand champion ribbon for her "Creative Sandwich" (judged for taste as well as looks) Thursday at the county fair. ^Wonder Workers who took blue ribbons in cooking Were Roberta Burns (who received two), Donna Dean, Linda Kay D i e d e r i c h , B a r b a r a H a n s e n , Krysia Oleszczuk. Ann Pliner, Nancy Ruggero, Donna Setzl?r. Debbie Sturm, Pam Carlson and Pam You^ej. Eighteen girls received- red ribbons for cooking. ' Blue ribbons for baby sitting tw>le displays were won by Roberta Burns, Mickey Hansen, Louise Ruggero, Leanna Sellek, Kathy Pederson and Jeanne Griswold. Helena Oleszczuk and Donna Raske received blue ribbons for stenciling. As a club, the girls won a red ribbon on their party-a-month table and a red on their 4-H Storv tale. JToday, Patty Hansen and Mthy Ahrens go to the state fair as alternates. Accompanying them as spectators are Jackie and Bobby Hansen, Donna Dean, Jay Hahsen and Mary Ahrens. They are going together in the "camper". Highland Shores- Garden Luncheon 1 A summer garden luncheon sponsored by the women's auxiliary of Highland Shores will be given at the home and garden of Mrs. Ida Schroeder of 115 West Shady Lane. Lunch will be served between the hours of 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Aug. 17. Come and bring your friends for an afternoon of dining pleasure. Come Dance With Me Another dance sponsored by the Fiats has been arranged for Saturday, Aug. 20. from 8 to 12 p.m. "Come Dance With Me" is the theme of the evening. This is for 'teens only and will be held in Christ the King church basement. Youth Center Directors Meet Monday, Aug. 15, at 8 p.m., the board of directors of the j^gpth center will meet at the center. Each director is asked to notify Mr. Dean or the secretary if he is not able to attend. The board invites anyone in the community interested in the operation of the center to attend these meetings and take part in the discussion. Since the opening of the recreation center in May, the re- ^>nse of the^young people has been very gratifying. Forty to fifty youngsters and 'teens have made use of the center each day. There are four ping pong tables now available for play. Some of the games are free. The recent dance attracted over 100 'teeners. It is the opinion of the directors that tjte center will come into its cWn during the winter months when cpld weather brings more youttgSters ih float's. Lutheran Fund Drive . The building fund program to retire the delit on the new church is - moving into, h 5 g h gear with the highlight of the drive to be the congregational dinner on Monday, Aug. 15, starting at 7 p.m. This will be the first time the congregation has ever been able to have a church dinner in its own building, and it is being greatly anticipated by all. Mr. Steve Vacula is general chairman of the drive to receive pledges over the next two years to reduce the loans on the new church to comply with the agreement with the Board of American Missions of the United Lutheran Church. The theme of the drive is, "A Greater Nativity for Christ", and with the dedication and g r a t i t u d e o f t h e c h u r c h a n d community, this theme will become a reality. "The Wayward Life" will be the sermon topic Aug. 14 at the 8 and 10:45 services. A nursery is provided for the small children during the second service. Sunday school is at 9:15 a.m. *•-*- -jJ. campers while away from home. Ones we know are the Johnston boys, Parker girls, and Ronee Sommers at Lake [ Geneva. j Pastor Wright will be teachl ing Bible three hours a day plus a service each evening at j Camp Barakel. Fairview, Michigan (close to the Canadian ! border) Aug, 15 to 22. Leanna ' Sellek and Sandy Larsen are going there ana Larry Pierce is to be one of the helpers. t Pastor Wright will be conducting services af Villa Park Aug. 24, 25 and 26. Watch for opening dates of the youth clubs which will resume their meetings after school starts, the Pals, for boys, and Monday Pioneer girls. Friday, a group of Pioneers girls are meeting at the church at 7 p.m. and then hike to Mrs. Walitzer's house in Hickory-Falls for their meeting. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Shore Hills Water Festival Shore Hills subdivision picnic will include a water ballet this year, to afford the Children who have been taking swimming lessens this summer a chance' to show how accomplEheri they have become. The festival will take place Saturday and Sunday. Aug. 13 and 14. Five girls and five boys a r e i n t h e w a t e r b a l l e t a n d there is also a place on the program for the pre-schoolers who have learned to bubble m the water safety program the subdivision set up this year. League Calls Meeting The Wonder Lake business men's bowling league will have a general business meeting Tuesday. Aug. 16, at 8:30 p.m. at the Mill Inn. Bud Detwiler, president, would like to see as many bowlers there as possible, and also anyone interested in bowiing. On the agenda will be team lirte-up and line-up of sppnsors. Other officers are JW Cristy, vice-president; Bud Schau. secretary; and Hank Moder, treasurer. Forty Hours Devotion The R3V. Edward McDonald, pastor of Fulton. 111. and diocesan historian, will preach Sunday evening. Aug. 21, at 8 p.m., closing the Forty-Hours devotion. Forty-Hours devotion will begin with Mass Friday at 8 a.m., August 19. Devotions Friday. Saturday and Sunday evening are at 8 p.m. Assistant Pastor Neuman and Pastor Vanderpool will preach on Friday and Saturday evenings at Christ the King church. Vacation in the Smokies Inspired by the beautiful picj tures the Randy S e 1 1 e k s . brought back from their trip j through the SmokieC Mel. j Grace and David Sellek took a j week's vacation (they decided on Sunday and left the next day) and followed Randy's route through the same beautl- I ful country. Most impressive to ' David were the bears that came up to be fed. Letters To Parents Letters to the parents of children who will be attending k i n d e r g a r t e n a t H a r r i s o n school in the fall are being sent out this week. If your child is eligible to enter kindergarten (he must be five years old before Dec. 1) and you do not receive a- letter informing you of registration, please contact the school. [The phone number is W.L. 5742. School will start this year on Aug. 29. If you have moved into Wonder Lake recently and have not informed the school about your children who will be attending Harrison this fall, please contact the school. Gospel Service A men's quartet from the Grand Rapids School of Bible •and Music will visit the Lake Thursday. Aug. 18. They.-will present a gospel service in conjunction with the prayer service for that week at the Bible church. The two morning services will continue through August, at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m. The young people have resumed their meetings at 5:30 p.m. Sunday with Pastor Wright. Good wishes are extended to Harrison Library * Despite the fact that the road to Harrison school has been under construction most of the summer and is blocked off at the access, the response of the community to having the library open has been greater this year than last. With this encouragement plans are being made to increase the days open next year and perhaps arrange the hours for later in the day. Mrs. Gustavson reminds all library users that all books must be in by Aug. 23. the last day of the summer session. be most acceptable to the majority of those favoring.-incorporation. This was the purpose of calling the initial meeting on July 24. The five men who opened this touchy subject remain firm in their resolve to bring the matter to a vote. So far the number of people who have expressed their stand publicly either way has been only a handful, certainly not enough to warrant either side predicting the outcome. The thir)g .that has not been accomplished in the community before is an objective study of these pros and cons (and now we are to have not one, but t w o c o m p i l a t i o n s o f b o t h sides of the issue. . . there must be a better way of confusing the people than that). We can hear enough misinformation to trnow that the people are not informed. However, the feeling has always run so higfy that all but the rugged individuals who enjoy a hot debate go home and go to bed with their hats on. • >. A community aroused is a healthy hopeful sight. . . . . apathy is the worst menace fo all the things we all hold dear. Because there are two alerted sides we feel confident the residents will learn more not only about incorporation but about the government under which they now live administered by the countv. Change of Phone Number We have a new phone number. . . . again. . . . and we, hope a final one. Couldn't be moie timely with the community in controversy, in as much as "intercept" can only be promised for a limited time. So if the phone's ringing would lead you to believe we are never home on the listed number, try W. L. 4261. By Way of Explanation The reason the petition for a vote on incorporation has not been filed is because it must be accompanied by a legal description of the proposed area to incorporate depending, upon whether a village or city is the goal, and the problem of drafting the petition to insure the privacy of the beaches so as to Switch Boat Race Last Sunday the Yacht Club held its yearly switch boat race with Harold Coursen's boat skippered by Stan Scfrufft coming in first. Harold Georgeson and Bob Ploog sailing Mort Woodward's boat came in second. The wind was erratic and the race very slow. There will be a race next week and two weeks away they will race for the George Georgeson memorial cup. House Guests of the Sills and Sells Mrs. Norma Sills is enjoying a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Jacqueline Guite, and two year old Nancy of Boston. They arrived three weeks ago with Daddy Guite (who had ttf go back to the Navy where he is stationed out of Boston) and plan to stay until school starts. This makes four generations gathered together; Mrs. Anna Stephansen (who celebrated her eighty-eighth birthday in June), Mrs. Sills, and her two guests. It also marks the first visit in two years from the Boston side of the family. The Sells household is gladdened by the month long visit of Sharon Grace Wilkins and her three children of Balstan Spa. New York (Daddy Don is visit ;rg in Minnesota with his folks). Sunday was "old home week' for Fred and Van when two girls who formerly lived at 4-H house on the Illinois campus with Sharon came to visit Present were Mr. and Mrs. Schar Noor and family ot Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. David Ford and family of Batayia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Rita Bolcor) Gaylord and two sons of DeKalb. Rita is a former McHenry high classmate of Sharon's. Also present 'were Van's brother, Lyle Plunkett, and five friends of Chicago, Betty and Peggy Selsdorf, and Dorothy McEachren. It's why Fred built such a big house. . Garden Club News Twelve members of the Wonder Lake Garden club spent an educational morning recently on a guided tour through a Crystal Lake green house. They were shown just how roses are grown, what time they plant, temperatures, watering and feeding, and also how growth is stopped when the plant has reached the required height, and finally how roses are put to rest until next season. Many questions and problems about house plants were answered. At the conclusion of the tour each lady received a gardenia. Thursday, Aug. 11, is the card party night and bake sale at 8 p.m. Harrison school. For information call W.L. 4404 or W.L. 3012. Wooded Shores Annual Picnic Everyone is welcome to the Wooded Shores annual picnic to be held at their park Aug. 14. Social chairman Mrs. Marguerite Cottrall invites you to come at 1 p.m. and stay until dark. There will be hot dogs, cake, coffee and many prizes. Lilymoor SCHEDULE DATE OF ASSOCIATION MEET FOR SEPTEMBER 13 Shirley Schuerr EV 5-2645 The next monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association will be held dn Tuesday, Sept. 13. at 8 p.m. at the white schoolhouse. Please try to attend the meetings. Brownies The Lilymoor Brownie troop entered a display at the county fair in .Woodstock! Their display was of dolls dressed as Brownies from all over the world. From what I hear it was a ..very nice display. There are openings in the Brownie troop of Lilymoor. Any mother whose girl is interested in - jo'in. ing' the Brownies can contact Mrs. Leonna Fan!us at EV. 5-5541 for more information. The meetings will start sometime after school begins. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Recker had a lot of guests at their home the week of July 25. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and their seven children of i Chicago Ridge, Charles Recki er of Knox, Ind., and Mr. and I Mrs. Kosorek and children of j Yonkers, New York. Beverly Young and her twin sisters, Barbara and Marlyn. of Mendota are spending 10 days visiting with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Young. Masters Francis and Brooker Lee (Bud) Naughton and their maternal grandmother. Mrs. Agnes McKeen, of Baldwinsville, New York, spent Monday, Aug. 1, visiting with Francis and Bud's father, Mike, and grandmother, Mrs. Anna Naughton. COURT BRIEFS In court last week Wednesday, two motorists were fined $ 1 0 f o r h a v i n g n o l i c e n s e plates. Birthdays Greetings go 1o Dutchie Hueckstaedt. He celebrated hj| thirteenth birthday Thursday, Aug. 4. Greetings also go to Miss Anna Mary Erisman. Her big day was Tuesday, Aug. 2. Greetings also go to Gary Leske. His big day was Monday, Aug. 1. Many happy returns Dutchie, Anna Mary and Mr. Lgske. In Hospital George Frederick is in the Harvard hospital after suffering a heart attack. Val Fradinardo's brother, Albert Ferrar, was rushed to the M c H e n r y h o s p i t a l S u n d a y , July 31. He was painting his summer home at Fox Lake and fell off of the ladder. He will be laid up for sometime with a broken ankel. Vacation The Hueckstaedt family enjoyed a week's vacation by making a trip to Big Rapids, Mich., to visit with Alma's sister and her family. From there they drove up to Niagara Falls, New York. While there they took in the many different sights. While gone Laurel celebrated her nineteenth birthday (Tuesday, July 26) seeing the different sights up around Lake Erie. All had an enjoyable vacation, • but were glad to get home. LOOKING FOR A HOME? W "' •• • jnr r . Model Home located at Ponca & Logan streets in Cooney Heights Subd.> McHenry, 111. Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing1 Lee Cooney, Contractor Phone EVergreen 5-4345 Open every Sunday, 1-6 p.m. -- Weekdays by appointment We Do All Other Types of Work The Board of Directors - -- -r - ^ of the INTERNATIONAL REGISTER COMPANY Invite you to the opening of their new plant Saturday morning, the thirteenth of August from nine-thirty to twelve o'clock Route 12 Spring Grove, Illinois REVOKE ONE, SUSPEND EIGHT DRIVER LICENSES This past week the state announced the revocation of the driver license of Clem Stacy of Spring " Grove . for driving while intoxicated. The licenses of eight others were suspended. They included George Dashut of Island Lake. David Jagodzinski of Harvard, Neal Lowrey of Marengo, Dennis Posmer and Frank Zaleski of McHenry, Thomas Sexton of Crystal Lake, Gene Showers of Woodstock and John Wright of Wonder Lake, all for three offenses. Probationary permits were issued to Arthur Banz of Cary, Fred Link of Crystal Lake and Magnus Siren of Barrington. SHOP AT HOME An S8 fine was paid by John Reinhard of Mundelein wor driving 38 miles per' hour in a 30-mile zone. Edwin Nyden of McFIenrv PAid costs, but was given a $200 suspended fine when he appeared in court Saturday on a charge of disturbing the peace by driving with noisy mufflers. H£ was also placed on^probation for one year1 and o r O e r e d n o t t o b e o n t h e streets of McHenry after midnight. Twt> drivers were charged $15 each for' illegal .possession of liquor in their parked cars. A Lakeland Park, man. Phillip P. Brod,' \yas held several hours in the city jail and in county jail on charges of drunk and disorderly conduct. He paid $125 and costs when he appeared in court Saturday. ROAD PROJECT A total of .28 mile of bituminous concrete resurfacing on Rt. 47. from the railroad tracks to Woodstock, northerly, is among projects, announced this past week by the Division of Highways in Gov. Stratton's road construction program. Bids will be received Aug. 5 by the highway division in the seventh of nine scheduled lettings for the year. JIrmrmaa E(/-JLlo mgren Teacher of VOICE and PIANO REGISTER NOW for Fall Instruction EVergreen 5-2625 Read what the experts say: IN THE MEDIUM PRICE CLASS!" Get your free copy of the article from CAR LIFE Magazine •••at your OLDS Dealer's nowl R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. Phone EVergreen 5-3700 3t Paui 'Do Save - IJUliere St P< lllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllflllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll On Regular Savings Accounts 0/ O n /O Regular r Savings Accounts Current Rate -- Per Annum Save Here -- Safely and Profitably iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Get A Check Every 6 Months NATION-WIDE GROWTH of Savings & Loan Associations has been mounting steadily from nearly $19 Billion Assets in i951 to an estimated $72 Billion in 1960. avinad J" au $72 est. / •s AVl Q1 On / U Investment Savings Accounts plus Current Rate -- 4% Per Annum \ i% BONUS Payable at end of 4-year period illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlliiil CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. -- Fridays 9 a.m. - 9 p-«w- Closed All Day Wednesdays units A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N Member Federal Home Loan Bank 206 WEST ELM STREET PHONE EV 5-3000 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllltlllD If you have savings elsewhere and would like to save locally, we will transfer these funds for you at NO COST. This saves you time and expense and eliminates the necessity of withdrawing funds "in person". .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SAVINGS AVAILABILITY YOUR SAVINGS have always been ACCESSIBLE . . . WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your request. IllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllUlllllllllllllllllllfilllllllllllitlllllfllUllfUll McHENRY, ILLINOIS i=Jr

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