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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1960, p. 14

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Page Fourteen THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, August 11, I960] Sunnyside Estates PRESENT CHARTER TO SPONSORS OF BOY SCOUT TROOP . Polly Stevens EV 5-1256 The faceting of the S.E.H.O. association was called to order Thursday, Aug. 4, at 8:2Q p.m. with Vice-President Kelso presiding. A short ceremony was held by the Boy Scouts of Troop 144 and the charter was presented to the Sunny side Estates Homeo w ners association as sponsors of the troop. The Scout Court of Honor presented awards to Paul McDonald, second class. Johnny Rau, second clciss, Cory Patterson, scribe, Robert McDonald, a patrol leader badge and swimming badge and to Jim Herman, quartermaster. The roads wore again discussed and a ••volunteer committee formed to contact the'residents as to their opinions- and pledges for the improvement Qf the roads. Many residents were present due to their concern -over our water probleni and a lertgthy discussion ensued. After the meeting ended coffee and cake were served -- cakes were donated by Betty Lakowski, Lillian Mischke and Millie Morresi. Welcome!! We would like to welcome Veida and Jim Tyler and their children. Cindy, who is two years old and Kathy who is one. They have recently moved into their new home at 210 Oak drive. They come to Sunnyside "Estates from Melrose Park and we wish them much luck and happiness. went on a picnic -recently and had a wonderfully- lazy day. While the children played games, the adults played cards and just relaxed. Storm Purine fh day. Aug. 3 nut tree in the Kanter front vmI blown down narrow- }••• mis-iivi their house. Another tree wis broken off falling • •ver electric wires in the Palnvr v.-'rd. A screen house that the Crisis enjoyed so much was h'-iwn into the Wehrmann front yard. We were all lucky considering the intensity of the = toim. Buckeye Visitors Christine and Don Fail entertained her mom. Mrs. Saul Welch, and niece, Becky Austin. from Jackson. Ohio, for two weeks during July. Christine and children repaid the visit to her family and then went on to Columbus, Ohio, to visit with Don's family, the Charles Fails. Don drove to Columbus to bring his family home and was he a happy fellow? According to Don, "bachelor life is for the birds." A Look See Debbie Fuqua's godparents, Mr. and Mrs. St. George of Chicago, Came out recently for a back yard barbecue and visit with Debbie and her parents. ! and clowns will be on hand to Fran and Jim. This was their ! hoip entertain the little ones. McHenry Shores CLUB DISCUSSES SATURDAY FAIR. ROAD PROGRAM | By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-055S The final big push for the "Fun Fair" this Saturday was the keynote theme of the special meeting of the McHenry Shores club called to order last Thursday night, Aug. 4. The members present, the committees and the officers have paved the way and with the final effort of you who were not in a t t e n d a n c e , t h e F u n F a i r should prove a success. Let's all ask Him above, in our own Way, to look down With favor on this venture. Say. least we forget - ponies trip. Also covered was a complete training course of all Boy Scout activities. On Aug. 7th, the same four Birthdays Next Wednesday will be Sim Santilli, Sr.'s birthday and the , next day we find that John Mc boys returned to Camp Low- ; Kelly will celebrate his. den for an advance training course. Mrs. Convalescing Ruth Miller from her Hawk, back to Lawrence in Indianapolis. - : Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valek were Hi Neighbor Looks like we're back on i We all hope that the mangled Bonnie Brae, just across the j toe will heal properly. . . We road from the Harpers at 1009. This is the address of Edward and Dorothy Vilim, who lived there with their two daughters Shirley Ann and Barbara Jean. They moved from Lombard into their new home about eight months ago. Ed went to St. Philips high was the first time in eleven years- that eight couples and their children got together with no one missing. The par-j godparents to Judy Ann Toth ents reminisced old times and j of Cicero. She is thhe daughter laughter prevailed. Bob took ! of Ed Valek's sister. . . The the children boating and water Hattans went over to Lake Vilskiing. . . Guests at the Jack la to help celebrate little Daw : Versteges for a long weekend vid Hattan's birthday. . . Craig . ^iwere Mr. and Mrs. John Ver- Barrow's birthday was shared siege, Jr., and their daughters, with his family. Ricky Vycital Derinda and Janet, w h o and Sandy Winters. brought their girl friend, Jean, along. The visitors hail from North Lake Village. . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Korner, with daughitrr are happy to report that the Guys' son, Frank, has been released from the hospital. The cast is off and he's doing fine. More News Roberta and Alan Meiritz are the proud aunt and uncle ters, Betsy and Paula, dropped j of a set of twins born 1o Alan's out to the John Korners,.Paul ; brother and his wife. Their is John's brother. . . Ed and i names are Mathew Scott and -- a r e t h e R a y m o n d K l e i n f a m i l y school and later, Coyne Elec-! and Mrs. Schlitz . . . Mid-week trical school. He served in the j visitors at the Whitneys were Armed forces as an aviation I Mrs. Donna Pfeiffer and her electrician mate from 1944 to ! two children , from Leyden Here and There Out to spend their vacation for the next couple of weeks i Marge Mienke with children, j Mark Gregory. . . Alan Dilg is after biting Kathy Lamerand severely last Saturday evening. The cat, if not picked up after release from quarantine Aug. 20, will be put away. And In Closing Mrs. Larry Hicks is getti: tired of rowing around wit' one oar and would appreciate the return of the mate which disappeared shortly after the motor konked out. . . Beach duty for this coming weekend falls into the able hands of Art Brunke, H. .Clausen, Bill Corcoran and Jack Schramm. . . Bye now. TV MOST IMPORTANT ^ There are more television Diane? and Jim, and Dr. and r u n his way home from Korea j sets than bathtubs or tele- Mrs. Ewald Iwick spent a j and expects to arrive in mid a pleasant day at the Muellers | AuSust- . . . Mrs. Mildred Black, Helen j first visit to the Fuquas' new home. Seems like up to now, the j children have been more or less forgotten. I Mrs. Joan Dostal was acceptfour 1 ed as recording secretary to Time Out Carol Kennebeck took days out of her busy schedule I take the place of Mrs. Angeline 1946 and now works as a retail ! township. . . Gabriel and Mary | Smith's sister, spent a weekend routeman. : Toth with the new baby, Judy ! with the Smiths and on their Dorothy,;as the homemaker, • Ann, and her grandparents enjoys sewing and in earlier , were out ffor a visit with the life was a student at Morton i Valeks. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lowhigh. * I ing with daughter, Judy, spent The couple are members of a couple °f days at the Wil- **• "tt , u , sons. . . What a wonderful day the McHenry Shores club and : was had at the Tanners Sunenjoy gardening and horseback j day( when thirty people" from < riding. 1 far and near gathered. This Cat Impounded A grayvstriped cat was imphones in American homes, according to Science Digest. The score: 42,400,000 homes (84 per cent) have one or more television sets. There are bathpounded with the local veteri-i tubs in 41,500,000 homes, and return home, took mother, Mrs. ' narians by the sheriff's police 1 telephones" in 39,000,000. :tnd took Karen and Alan to visit her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Gamperl, and brother, Bob Gamperl, and family in Chicago recently., Carol and Bud took Karen and Alan to Hawthorne Melody farm to show the children the animals and mama and papa enjoyed the visit more than their small fry. Carol says she wants a return trip. Moravec, who, because of the illness of her husband, has resigned. The special road committee reported that by the time this edition of the PJaindealer is delivered, work on Idyll Dell should be well under way. From Down Yonder Bernadine and Bill are entertaining his dad. Bill, Sr., and two nephews, Phil and Dennis Martin of New Orleans. They | that way. drop in and say hello have planned many outings and ! They're out here from Chicago. storm Wednes- i places of interest to show their • the big hickory ' v isitors. Welcome Neighbor Down at the south end of the subdivision, getting settled in their new home at 1004 Bonnie B r a e D r i v e , a r e R o b e r t a n d Shirley Harper. Their youngster's name is Kathleen. Grandpa, Garret Boor, completes the family. If you're up Boy Scouts On July 24, four boys from our area went for a week's outing at Camp Lowden near Ore- Weekenders The Sabbys spent a recent weekend in Urbana with their ; gon. Boys, enjoying the outing son. Leland, who is attending were Jim and Mick Zovouer, the Uni%rersity of Illinois there i Bill Lokay and Bob Schopp. and his wife. Ina, and children. Vacationers Rose and Mike Tillich went to Cleveland. Ohio, for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Azzolina. They brought the Azzolinas' daughter, Carolyn, home with them for a few d?ys stay. They took another triD with Mike's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tillich, for a visit to friends in Drigman, Mich. Also on their agenda was a birthday celebration for Rose's dad, John Kaiser and Mrs. Kaiser. The Mikkelsens spent a few days in Wisconsin visiting Bob's folks. June and Chet Banker left for narts unknown on their vacation. ' < Jean and Dick Gerke are taking life easy while they vacation with a few trips to Wisconsin and Chicago. Charlotte and Dale Maule are vacationing with their two sons. Birthdays Happy birthday today to Jean Brink, to 11 year old Bill Davis and Cecil Kanter. Dottie Hoyle's natal day is Aug. 12. Ten year old Kenny Roy shares his birthday date with Joan Walczynski on Aug. 16. Sandy Fry celebrates her eleventh birthday on Aug. 17 and Mrs. Anna Gottwold shares the same day. Anniversary Only one anniversary this week -- congratulations to Loretta and Bob Mikkelsen on their thirteenth anniversary, i Aug. 16. One of the memorable events that they will talk about in years to come was the 14 mile The A Lazy Day Andersons and Butes VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at. Woodstock Tuesday, Aug. 16, to inform and assist veterans, fheir dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. PROFE^IOtm DIRECT0RV EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Iv Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance Any Kind Phone EVergreen < 5-0043 or 5-0953 112 E. Elm St. McHenrj ANNUAL CATTLE AUCTION Located 19 miles North of Wis. -IH. State Line, 18 miles South of Milwaukee, Wis.. 18 miles East of Waterford, 24 miles West of Franksville. at the intersection of 1-94 (Highway 41 i and Racine Countv Trunk K. on MONDAY -- AUGUST 15th Commencing at 12:30 o'clock 125 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE -- 90 Choice Fresh and Springing cows; 35 First Calf Heifers. ALL COWS ARE FRESH or WILL FRESHEN WITHIN 30 DAYS. These cattle have been selected personally by H. K. Christens-en from the high-producing Central Wisconsin dairy herds, and represent the choice cattle from that area. Cattle are State Laboratory tested for transport anywhere. They will arrive at the J. C. Ellis Barn on August 1*3. can be inspected on August 14th and all will be SOLD on the auction - no private sales. L. C. CHRISTENSEN & COMPANY Abbottsford, Wis., Owner Cbristensen & Gutnecht, Auctioneers WISCONSIN" SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. Phone TRinity 8-2421 DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-Olf Res. Phone: EV 0-6191 Hours: Dally 9:30 - 5:0t Tues. A FrL Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Filte» Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-60 RADIO SALES 8c SERVICE Courteous Service at all times by Walter Hojnacki and Allan McKim fCi jpr/30 Years Experience •' Repair All Makes TV -- Radio -- Phono -- Hi-Fi R.C.A. - G.E. - Admiral - Dumont Zenith - Philco - Motorola - Muntz Sylvania - Magnavox - Silvertone • 90-Day Warranty on all parts that we install 6 Antenna Installations and Repairs • Public Address Systems Rentals • FREE Tube Testing Service BU**1* . • ~ ~ ~ Radio - TV - Hi-Fi DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitte< Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & FrL 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV 6-2262 8-60 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance Go of America Life, Retirement, Sickness & Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenry IUL Phone EV 6-2533 4-60 SCHROEDER IRON W ORKS Visit Oar Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 6-0950 8-60 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program Richmond 4193 Vz mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-60 F-M 128 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0979 Daily: 9-7; Fri. & Mon., 9-9; Sun., 9-1 ^Liberal Trade-In Allowance on your old TV Low Monthly Payment Plan DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 113 Main St., ftcHenry, DL Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7-0 Phone EVergreen 6-0489 6-60 Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Prop. "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 54724 BUILDING LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! If You Intend To Build Or Buy in 1960 See Us Now! We Will Build On Your Lot INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDER'S. Inc. Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 4S81 S:S'vW:¥:> mm? The Wisest The Wisest Time! Is there a "right" time to move up to Cadillac? Ordinarily, our advice would be to put considerations of year and season aside when you think of the "car of cars". For Cadillac always stands alone in what it is and does and represents--and the pleasures of owning this fine motor car are as timeless as. they are tempting. Yet, today there are very special benefits awaiting the man who purchases a new Cadillac. Cadillac styling and engineering have produced for 1960 at their bountiful best. There is a look of beauty and a sense of fitness in every line of this creation. Its performance is truly classic--and its luxury is a constant inspiration. And then, of course, there are these important factors of practicality. The car's current delivered cost promises a most pleasant surprise--its careful craftsmanship pledges an economical future--and its great reputation means a resale value that is predictably satisfying. Moreover, your dealer is currently in a position to extend a generous allowance on your present car. So if you feel the time has come for your new Cadillac, you can count yourself doubly fortunate. For you will be making m<5tordom's wisest choice at the wisest possible moment. See your nearest Cadillac dealer soon--and see if we aren't right about this splendid opportunity! VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. lardtan 400 FRONT STREET EVergreen 5-6000 *)

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