Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 1 . lfto Honor Mrs. Hanson At Noon Luncheon Mi's. Rudolph Hans*>n of Hunterville Park was guest of honor nl ;i birthday party and luncheon held at Dundee la^l week Wednesday. Present for the occasion were Mrs. Glen Maxson. Mrs. Roy Lee. Mrs. .lack Wentzel and Mrs. Lloyd Sehaif of Hunterville. Mrs. Robert Kunz of Cooney Heights and Mrs. Elmer Steinsidoerfer of McHenry Fremiti Family Reunion Knjnycd - Mr and Mrs. John Freunri. with nine children and their families, gathered'at-the Walter Freund home in Harrington recently for 1 heir annual reunion Sixty members were "present 1o enjoy a cooperative' dinner and supper, served on tables on the lawn, and an afternoon and evening of .playing; games and visiting. Included in the group were Mr. and Mrs. John Freund of this viciniu: the Wilfred Freunds and George Thompsons of Reesevilie. Wis.: the John Drapers of Lake Geneva. Wis ; the Leo Freunds of Hill- j crest Acres: Mrs. Margaret j Foley of Richmond and the Leo j Youngs. I^eonard Freunds and j Eugene Freunds of the Johns- [ b u r g - M c H e n r y c o m m u n i t y . j Woman's Club To j Open Season Sept. 9 ! The Chapel Hill Country! cluh will be the scene of the fall luncheon of the McHenry j Woman's club at 12:30 o'clock on Friday, Sepr. 9. J Van Sells of Wonder I,ake, ; well known radii) news corres- ' pondent. will present a book review as a feature of the j meeting, and Jean Randolph, a | member of the club, will play j organ selections. Mrs. Herbert M. Engdahl extends an invitation to members and friends to enjoy this fine luncheon and program. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Knapp. Evergreen 5-1549, or Mrs. Fred J. Svoboda, Evergreen 5-0183. Wed August 20 Miss Oeffling Wed Saturday A very lovely late summer wedding was solemnized in St.' John the Baptist church, Johnsburg. on Saturday, Aug. 27, when Miss Ardelle Oeffling became the bride of Mr. Ronald Conway. Rev. Er. Joseph Blitsch officiated at the 10 o'clock nuptiial rite which united in marriage the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling of Rt. 5. McHenry. and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway of Main street.- McHenry. The children's choir offered appropriate music for the marriage ceremony.. . The pre tit y young bride chose a nylon sheer, floor length gown with a chapel sweep and ruffled back. The bodice was embroidered with iridescent sequins and had short, shirred, sleeves. Her headpiece wa? a Juliet crown of lace, w i t It pearl and sequin trim, from which fell a fingertip illusion veil. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Andrea Brennan. while Kathy Conway, sister of the groom. Miss Dorothy Stoffel and Mrs. Nancy Blake, friends, were bridesmaids. Little Julie Oeffling. sister of the bride, was flower girl. All were attired similarly in dresses of white nylon sheer, with embroidered aqua flower design on the front of the skirts and bodices. They featured aqua t a f f e t a c u m m e r b u n d s a n d streamers down the back.1 Their headpieces were of matching bows, with blusher veils. James Conway served his b r o t h e r a s b e s t m a n , and groomsmen were William Ray- Marshall Photo THE JAMES BASTIANS This bride and groom, Jane i Blake of McHenry and James Peter Bastian of Wonder Lake, exchanged vows in St. Mary's Cathoiic church on Saturday, Aug. 20. St. Mary's Class Of i4?0 Holds Reunion Members of the graduating class of 1930 of St. Mary's school held a thirty-year reunion Sunday at the Jerome Steinbach residence. In the evening^members enjoyed supper. Those present visited Msgr. Nix during 1he day and received the papal blessing. He was pastor of the parish at the time of their graduation and Sister Ermina was teacher of the eighth grade. She was unable to be present. Movies were shown by Harold Phmnenstill which he took on the twenty-fifth anniversary five years ago. It was decided to have an anniversary Mass read for all members living and the two deceased. Present with their husbands and wives were Clarice Blake Montgomery of W a u k e g a n. Lorraine Freund Stephens of Woodstock. Mary Sutton Wesson of Greenwood, Evelyn Justen Steinbach and Marion Wsingart Anderson of McHenry. Harold Phannenstill and Genevieve Glosson Rolfs of Kenosha. Wis. Jeanne Powers and George Vales are deceased members of the class. craft and Richard ' Wohlert, friends, and Bill Oeffling. brother of the bride. Ushers were Tom Oeffling and Martin Klapperich. All are from McHenry. The stately ring bearer was Mike Tonyan, nephew of the bride. Mrs. Oeffling selected a white lace dress over yellow, with which She wore white accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Conway wore a pink nylon dress with matching jacket and had a similar corsage . Dinner was served at noon at •-< ithe Johrtskiurg Comrauni ty c ItlWi o us^'ft i" TOiTjP'k u n' evening reception was also held there, with about 400 guests in attendance. The newlyweds are enjoying a trip to Niagara Falls, and upon th"ir return will reside oh Fdx sLreet. Both the bride and groom are graduates of the McHenry high school. She is employed bv the McHenry State Bank and he is an employee of the James Patzke Roofing firm. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey accompanied by Allan. Peggy, Mary Lynn Purvey and Patricia Lally of Crystal Lake motored to Holy Hill near Milwaukee. Friday. Mrs. Robert Prybil of Ocala, Fla., called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin. their guests, Mrs. George Kellogg, Frank Martin and son, Terry, visited in the Charles Martin home in Highland Park Saturday. Mrs. Martin and children had just returned from Ludington, Mich., where they spent the summer. Ray Page has returned from a vacation in the Dakotas and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George Kane and Miss Mayme Buss were visitors in the home of Mrs. Mike Lavelle in Streator Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye, sons, James and Thomas, have returned from a vacation in Wisconsin. The Herb Reihansperger family and the Thomas Fenwick family spent Sunday in the Elliott Timme home in Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zimmerman and son, Rev. Frank, have returned from a trip through the Rocky Mountains. Mrs. Robert Bestoso has returned to her home in Newport, R. I., after visiting her mother, Mrs. .\Vllliaip Jus ten. ,4dMwciJTi> gary. Alberta, Canada, to see her daughter, Michol, who Is in the convent there. Newlyweds Elect Officers Of W. S. B. Auxiliary The monthly meeting of the West Shore Beach Women's auxiliary will be held Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Maudia Beaudry on Alton Drive, at which time new officers will be elected. A good turn-out of members is urged at this important meeting. (ftewb JUDITH FREUND BEAUTIFUL BRIDE OF T. R. McMAHON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Phalih fef Fox River Grove are the parents of a son, James, born at Sherman hospital, Elgin, Aug. 24, weighing 9 lbs., I 4 ozs. The hew baby wis Wei- | corned home by a sister, Ther- : esa, 6, and two brothers, Paul, 5, and David, 3. Grandparents ! are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Giek of ! Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Thofnas M. Phalin of MCF^fenry. i Mr. and Mrs. David Ross- | man of Rt. 3, McHenry, are i the parents of a girl, born at ' Sherman hospital, Elgin, Aug. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan of McHenry township announce the arrival of a girl at Sherman hospital Aug. 27. Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Murgatroyd aire the parents of a daughter, born a<t "Memorial; hospital. Woodstock, on Aug. j Miss Judith L. Freifnd, dau- 26. • „ | ghler of Mrs. J. Freund of A girl was born Aug. 26 at 1006 Center street, McHenry, Memorial hospital. toJVlr. and i was-the beaut Tul bride of Mr. Mrs. John Nelispn of* Wonder j Thomas Raymond McMahon., Lake. j 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ander-i L. McMahon of Bull Valley son of Wonder Lake welcomed! road, McHenry, in a late suma boy at Memorial hospital onjmer wedding ceremonv per- Aug. ?7. | formed last Saturday, Aufg. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Meissnc | in St. Mary's Catholic church; are the parents of a son, born; Rev. Fr. Harold Nilges offi- *'§»| Aug. 27 at Memorial hospital | A b o y was b o r n A u g . 28 a t j Memorial hosni'tal to Mr. and > Mrs. John Ritzert of Solon j Mills. I ciated at the nuptial rite at 11 o'clock, for which Miss Celia Page way .organist and Ariel? Froehlich and Mary Ann Wegener sang the Mass and three A girl was horn Au<r. 28 at | selections, "Ave Maria". "Pan- Memorial howoital to Mr. and j js Angelieus" and "On This Mrs. Robert Langdon of Won-! pav O Beautiful Mother". der Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Toepoer are the parents of a son. born Aug. 26 at Harvard hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Tjadd are the parents of a son, born at Memo rial hospital Aue 25 A girl was born Au*». 25 n1 Memorial hosnital to Mr. an'1 Mrs. Dana Moen. Fox Lake Club To Present Garden Show The altars were decorated w i t h b o u q u e t s o f p i n k a n d white glads, while while ribbons decorated the ends of the pews. Miss Freund, given in marriage by her great-uncle, Robert H. Schett, Sr., of Milwaukee, chose a white silk Swiss organdy dress styled with tucked bodice, scoop neckline and short sleeves. In mid-skirt was a wide border of set-in, imported Swiss embroidery packed in ice blue organdy She wore white gloves. H e r headpiece was a wreath of white waxed orange blossoms from which fell a shoulder length tr'itfe veil of imwrted Fr£hch illusion, and she carried a Cascade of two dozen Angel o Brusca to of Rockford served the groom as best man and Tillman Briiett of Wau- Wautosa, Wis., Jim Huemann of McHenry and Tom Graves of Chicago and David Granger of McHenry were groomsmen. The flower girl was 2-yearold Teresa Schaefer, niece of the groom, who was alttired similarly to the bridesmaids. She carried a small nosegay and wore a band of fresh flowers on her head. Mrs. Freund selected a periwinkle blue chiffon dress over silk, with chiffon drape in back. She wore matching "^accessories and a small feather bait of pink, white and lavendar. Mrs. McMahon was attired in a mauve silk organza sheath dress, with embroidered appliques on the bodice and fishtail of chiffon down the hack of the skirt. She wore., a matching feather hat. served to 200 guests at thp Immediately following the ceremony, a buffet lunch was McIIenrv .Country" club. Later, the couple left on a two-week trip to Colorado. They will reside in Milwaukee; where the groom will comolete fais last year in the school of business and finance at Marquette university. Both are graduates of the McHenry high school, after which the bride attended Carroll college in WaukesHq. Wis. She is emnloyei by WISN-TV in Milwaukee. The Fox Lake Garden club will present its annual flower show, "Gateway to Flowerland" Wednesday, Sept. 14, at l he Legion hall on Rt. V12. j Doors will be open to exfilbi- ! tors at 9 a.m. and entries will I Pink and whlte ros,es' » be accepted until 10:30. Eve#y- j Her matron of honor was a i one is eligible to enter. A j elt»se friend. Mrs. Richard Loluricheon will be served at i°ser of McHenry, and 12:30, with no advance reser- ! maids were her sister. Miss vations required. j Connie Freund; Miss Jane E. The club president is Mrs. E. Smith of Montpelier, Ohio, McHenry Hospital Patients in McHenry hospital this past week included W i n i f r e d K u j a n s u u , H a z e l Becker, Marian Magnesen, Reba Crill, William Barth, Master Wayne Freund. Irene Betke, Anna Kloepfer, Dorothy Hayner, John Balaski, Oakley Stamper. Dorothy Langeloh. Master Michael Ferreri and Dora Keck of McHenry; Jean McKibben of Wonder Lake; Marilyn Aikens of Lake Villa; Nancy Lowy and Nikolic Slobodan of Chicago: Helen Kratochvil of Riverside, 111; Mary Jungwirth of Holiday Hills; Retty Smalley of Barrington; Helen Michelsen of Algonquin and May Bishop of Crystal Lake. --" August 28 Moose Picnic. August SO Joint Meeting of Moose^and Women of the Moose -- Public Invited -- Cake Walk and Pot-Luck. August 81 St. Mary's P.T.A. Fall Fashion Revue and Salad Luncheon -- V.F.W. Clubhouse. September IS McHenry Chapter, O.E.S., Advance Night -- Acacia Hall -- 8 pm. September 20 Dinner at Community House, Lakeland Park -- Given . by Welcome Committee of Lakeland Park Women's Club -- 7 p.m. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank neighbors, friends and relatives for kindnesses and sympathy extended •to us during our recent, bereavement; for floral pieces and spiritual bouquets. Especially, we want to thank Fr. Murphy, Fr. Lehman and Fr. Monohan for their kind services. *18 The Brothers and Sisters of John W. Miller CARD OF THANKS The Johnsburg Rescue Squad members wish to express their heartfelt thanks to aQl their wonderful friends that made the dedication of their new buiM'ing such a success. The attendance at the parade and dedication progm/n exceeded their fondest hop?S. To the floats and participants in the parade, and to all honored guesits, a yery special "thank you". The Viscounts, although not listed on the official program due to arrangement difficulties performed some of their specialties in grand style despite their full weekend schedule. Remember the 8th antral Rescue Squad Dance to be held- this Saturday, Sept. 3 at the Memorial Hall irr° Johnsburg. i 18 :-- ATTEND CONVENTION Delegates to the American Legion national convention - held in Chicago last wi?ek were George Mrachek, "Skipper" Wirfs, Bob Conway, Roy Homo and Bill Green. The rifle sq$d marched in the parade, fifteen members and their wives having made the trip to. Chicago by bus. Kavouras, who may be reach^ bttm-Jtt.jCaKjirt .Justice 7-7796 tries. Bethel No. 98 of the International Order of Job's Daughters of McHenry spent a pleasant evening visiting Bethel 93 of Lake Zurich on Aug. 24. On Sept. 8, Bethel 98 will visit the Barrington Bethel as they are to receive their charter. This will be considered a regular meeting and all members are asked to attend. They will leave from McHenry at 6:30 sharp. The moon seems to affect the tide and the untied. HAIRDRESSERS MEET The N o r t h w e s t S u b u r b a n Hairdressers and Cosmetologists will resume their monthly meetings Wednesday, Sept. 7. The program will be presented at 8 p.m. at the restaurant'? at 102 N. Cook street. Barrington. by the hairstyle body of the local unit, showing new trends for fall. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfplt thanks for the masses, flowers and many acts of kindnesses extended on the death of our loving husband and father, Jack Smith. Mrs. Jack Smith and family Kotallk Studio Photo THE DENNIS SCHMITTS Dennis Schmitt of McHenry claimed as his bride Miss Verna Miller of Sprirtg Grove in a pretty August wedding solemnized at St. Peter's Catholic church, Spring Grove, on the twentieth. CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to take this means of thanking the many kind friends who remembered me with' cards, flowers and prayers and in other ways during the time I was confined to the hospital. I am especially grateful to the priests and others who visited me, and to the nurses and their aides for services extended. Albert Pepping, $r. 18 Miss Susa^i.Sayler and Miss cousins of the bride. All were attired similarly in blue, dotted white Swiss organdy, street length, with fitted bodices, scoop necks, puffed bell sleeves and full skirts. Blue ribbon sashes at the waist extended in streamers down the back of the skirts. They wore short white gloves. Their wreath headpieces were fresh flowers in pale blue bachelor buttons and white stephanotis. They carried nosegay bouquets of blue bachelor buttons, white carnaftions and pink roses. Harvard Hospital Rudolph Pritz and M**s. Donald Kinsala were patients in Harvard hospital this past week. Memorial Hospital Pati^iTts'rfW: Memorial hospital. Woodstock, this past week included Erwin Hinrichs, Anna Leone, Pearl Matuszewski and Dolores Maxson of McHenry and Kenneth Schlottman of Wonder Lake. CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. Langusch Family 18 The Store That's FIRST With BACK-TO-SCHOOL FASHIONS Sizes: Girls: 0-14 -- Boys: 0-7 - ______ With Values rlR\T With Better Brands • IIWI With Finer Gifts Come In And Shop Witty Us! THE DEBBIE SHOP, Richmond,,111. One Door West of Anderson's Candy Open Daily 9-6 -- Closed Tfhurs. Afternoons + • lakes Life Worth Living FOR MEH, WOMEN, CHILDREN Pat No. 2806551 Bant or Uf» Poubt* $5.99 freedom to 'mn. . dtnee. lift things 1 Work. >1(7. sleep, even bathe wearing liupture-Kiier. Soft. Mat urotn pad hold* reducible Inguinal rupture In place without gouting-- no ateel or leather bandi! NO FITTING, merely adjuat back lacing and leg ttrapt, anap In front; OIT* mtanuwmerit around lomeM part of abdomen. state rltht or left aide or double. Over J ,000,000G rote fufOaenJ BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. Fall . . . falls for beautiful hair Make your hair your featured attraction of the fall season! Let our experts use their magic touch to create your personal (and most becoming) hairdo! Call us soon! If^iver&ide J^lairSttuil(iinnga. ^tudi 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phoo« EV 6-0147 Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6: Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon to McHenry, III. EVERYONE HAS EXTRA-BUSY TIMES; frequently, the same times are extra-busy for everyone. Take the day after a holiday: North, south, east, and west, you'll find folks rushing about, making up for "lost time." The police have more traffic to keep unsnarled; bank tellers' windows have longer lines. It was for just such times that banking by mail was invented -- the service that enables a host of depositors in a host of American banks (ours among them) to make deposits without getting into traffic or waiting in line. TRY THIS CONVENIENCE: COME IN OR WRITE US FOR MAILING FORMS -- TI^Y'RJE FREE I McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 'McHenry County's largest and Finest Financial Institution" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 MARRIAGE LICENSES •, Sally Anderson, Chicago, and Theodore , Ol son, McCullom Lake. Ann Varese presents Ck arm! *$nc. Teens - Terrific -- ages 13 - 19 Modeling, Poise, Grooming, Voice & Diction Individual Attention Stressed! 10 Weeks Course -- Beginning SeptV 17* h Saturday Classes Adult Self Improvement! Diet, Exercise, Voice & Diiction, Personal Development. 10 Weeks Course - beginning Sept. 13t<h. Tuesday morning classes. Register Now! >» * J, i* 4a « EV. 5-1114) FINAL WEEK! >t « Berkshire stocking ends September 3! It won't happen again ^ far another year! Buy sheer seamless and fall-fashioned Berkshire stockings now -- and save! Berkshire's sensational onoe-a-year sale ends next Saturday! p. S. Choose from Bffl^shixe's new selection of - beautiful stocking colon, tool A» advertised in LIFE HERE'S WHAT YOU SAVE! REG. US.. .HOW 1.09. ..3pairs 3.19 REG. 1.50.. .NOW 1.19. .. S pairs 3.49 REG. 1.65. .now 1.29. .. 3 pairs 3.T9 "For Your Styles of Today" 306 W. Elm St. EV 5-2713 McHenry, 111. Open Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays 9:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. -- Closed Wednesdays V