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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1960, p. 15

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Thursday, September 22, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Spring Grove "MODERN CATHOLIC EDUCATION" THEME OF DGCW MEETING by Mrs. Charles Freand ^Modern Catholic E d u c ation" will be the theme of the Sept. 20 open meeting of the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women to be held at 8 p.m. at St. Thomas Parish, Crystal Lake. Benediction at 7:45 will precede the meeting. Rev. Thomas Monahan of Spring Grove will speak on "Growing Pains of American C^holic Education" and Mrs. Edward Sliney, 1960 Catholic Woman of the year of the Rockford Diocese has chosen the "The Apostolate of Education" as her subject dealing with the Home and School Associations. Election of Deanery officers will take place at this meeting. Mrs. Fred Rogers of McHenry. is chairman of the nomimftng committee. Rev. Burwell Beddoes, pas^D tor of St. Thomas, will be the host for the evening and the ladies of St. Thomas parish will serve as hostesses. alie and Patricia. About fifteen guests were present for the supper which was served in the evening. The two little tots received many lovely gifts. Trips Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford of McHenry enjoyed a trip to the Dakotas the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent spent a few days in the Green Bay vicinity and the upper Penninsula of Michigan last week. Hospitalized Ray May is a patient at McHenry hospital following major surgery a week ago. He is coming along nicely and we hojte for his speedy recovery. Sodality Meets Members of the Christian •Mothers sodality of St. Peter's parish met at the parish hall oi^Thursday evening for their regular meeting. Plans were made for a pantry shower *fbr the nuns to be held at the next meeting, on Oct. 20. Announcements were made concerning the deanery meeting at St. Thomas, Crystal Lake, on Sept. 28 and the institute which will be Sterling on Oct. 2. A report was given on the success of the bake sale which was held on St#. 4. Cards and bunco were played after the meeting and prize winners were Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. William Engels, Mrs. Edward May, Mrs. Charles Gerbig and Mrs. Phil Rinda. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Ol£ iCT i Receives Award liarles Schereck, rural carrier at Spring Grove post office, was presented a safety driver's award by the post office department this week tyr one year of driving without an accident while delivering the mail on rural route 1. Ushers Meet Ushers of St. Peter's parish held their regular meeting at thA parish hall on Wednesday night of last week. Father Lehman was host of the evening. New Ushers installed in the club were George Waspi, Jack Schmitt and Phil Rinda. Following the meeting cards were played and a lunch was served". Double Birthday Celebration Jr. and Mrs. Glen Cathman rtained at their home on Saturday in honor of the birthdays of their two children, Lor- Brownies Meet Brownie .Troop 518 held its first meeting of the season at the fire house on Monday night, Sept. 19. Mothers were invited to attend and all girls interested in joining were present. Girls wishing to join may contact any of the leaders, who are Mrs. Lorraine Class, Mrs. Berniece Lent, Mrs. Theresa Miller. Mrs. Frieda Barth and Mrs. Irma Winn. African violets entered. Mi's. Alice Weber won a ribbon for her fall arrangement and Mrs. Phil* Rinda's chenille plant won a blue ribbon. Just can't remember them all but I know that Mrs. Christina Britz, Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Frank Prosser and Mrs. Frances Kabot all walked off with awards. I« didn't do so bad myself, I won the table prize in cards and one of the other prizes that were given away. Fannie Prosser also gave me some of her prize winning vegetables. Shower A bridal shower was held for Miss Patsy Popelka at the home of her sister, Mrs. Barbara Brooks, on Sunday afternoon. A nice gathering of friends was present and the honored guest was the happy recipient of many lovely gifts. Lunch was served. Flower-Show Those who attended the flower show, luncheon and card party sponsored by the Fox Lake Garden club on Wednesday enjoyed the afternoon immensely. It was interesting to note how many of our acquaintances are artistically inclined and exhibited so many beautiful arrangements. The ladies we know who won ribbons are: Miss Sah Hanssen, who won ribbons, blue, yellow, and white, on all three of her AIT S PAPA WHO PAYS - BUT ME DOESN'T MIND SHEU1N0 OUT FOil THE I MODERATELY PRICED •I PRESCRIPTION SERVICE AT MiLismm DRUGS Barbecue Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and the Fred May family enjoyed a cook-out on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller at Pell Lake, Wis., last Sunday. Guests at Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and family joined a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund in McHenry last Sunday. It was in the nature of a farewell party for Mrs. Varney Tanner and daughter, Marcia, who leave for Germany this week. They will join her husband who is with the U. S. Army and is stationed in Germany. Harrisons Seek New Zoning Classification A petition has been filed before the zoning board of appeals for Thomas A. and Marilyn R. Harrison. The petitioners are asking for a zoning reclassification. The property is presently zoned "R-l" residential district and the petition requests a change to "B-l" business district. This property is located on Pistakee Bay. The hearing on the above petition will be heard on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 3 p.m. in the city hall in McHenry. Lilymoor READ BY-LAWS. PLAN HALLOWEEN DANCE AT MEETING Shirley Schuerr EV 5-2645 The Lilymoor association held its monthly meeting Tuesday, Sept. 13. One of the things discussed was changing the meetings from the second Tuesday to the third Tuesday of the month. The Halloween dance was discussed. It is to be held Saturday, Oct. 22, at Club Lilymoor. The new proposed by-laws were read at this meeting. They are to be read again and .discussed further at the October meeting. The next monthly meeting will be held Tuesday,, Oct. 18, at the white schoolhtfuse. Time 8 p.m.. Halloween Dance Itrs that time of the year again to be thinking of what y o u w i l l b e w e a r i n g a t t h e Halloween dance. Our annual Halloween dance will be held Saturday, Oct. 22, at^G-M~b Lilymoor. Besides dancing there will be games played and pri^ for the best costumes. So for fun. laughs and an enjoyable evening mark Oct. 22 o n y o u r c a l e n d a r f o r t h e dance. Kant, the German philosopher, enrolled in college at the age of 8. Dad Baby Sit Mother come on out and enjoy yourself at the new Lilymoor Woman's auxiliary. Meetings will be held once a month. After the meetings coffee and cake will be served. If you have not been contacted it's because we could not reach you as yet. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Pearl Tineman at EV !5-6144, or Mrs. Ruth Young at EV 5-4578. or Mrs. Shirley Schuerr at EV 5- 2645. You will be notified of Page Fifteen COAL For clean, economical and carefree operation of your heating plant, try a load of this specially prepared, and properly sized coal from the famous Braidwood-Wilmington Coal Area. STOKER COAL -- 1" x W (Washed and Treated) FURNACE EGG -- 6" x 2" (Washed ?nd Sized)' Haul your own or call your local trucker or plione us Morris Coal & Mining Co. on 111. Rt. 47 -- Vi mile north of Morris, III. Hours Phone 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Mon. thru Sat. Morris, 111. WHitney 2-0080 you can join BLUE CROSS-BLUE SHIELD NOW! If you were hurt in an accident tomorrow... if you or someone in your family were suddenly stricken with a serious illness . . . could you afford to pay hospital and doctor bills? Remember, money goes fast and bills pile up. So why not join now... while you're well. Right now ... and until October 3rd ... fftllw of all ages... who are in good health can join one of two fine plans direct. If you're xmder65... you can join our NON-GROUP Plan as an individual or yinrlor the family plan. If you're over 65... you can join our special OVER 65 an individual. Remember, Blue Cross and Blue Shield are the only plana sponsored by hospitals and doctors to help you pay hospital and doctor bills. Your local hospital also is cooperating now in distributing literature containing an application. So be sure to pick one up and fill it out. But do it today lpqfl it before October 3rd ... when this direct offer ends. Send no money ... just the proper application for your age group. GET AN APPLICATION AT YOUR HOSPITAL TODAY SPECIAL 4i 91 BLUE CROSS Plan for Hospital Care •tf Hospital Service Corporation BLUE SHIELD Medical Surgical Pian S of Illinois Medical Service Headquarters: 425 N. Michigaa . ChicnQO 9Q, Minon ffllieilifjrr, from mam wa& October 3rd. o. any on* in good health can join., .no matter haw old the next meeting through this column. Are You Registered To Vote? In the next few weeks (until Oct. 10) every American over 21 years of age has the opportunity to register for the bi^est election in our country. Men and women have died so that we could have this privilege. On Nov. 8 we, the people, have a duty to perform. We will elect the men who will govern our country. It is important that every adult American get out and vote. If you do not register you cannot vote. Then you are letting every man, woman and child who has fought for our liberty down. Be an active American and register so you can vote. You can register at Earl Walsh's office V McHenry. or at the County court house building in Woodstock. If you do not register you can not vote for the party you want in office. THE DEADLINE IS OCT; 10. If you have a voter's card make sure you sign it. Brownies The Lilymoor Brownie troop held its first meeting Tuesday, Sept. 20. After the meeting was over the girls attended an organ concert at the home of Mrs. Tobey. T^e girls had an enjoyable time listening to the organ music. Girl Scoots Thet Girl Scout troop of Lakemoor held1 its first meeting Monday, Sept. 12. Election of officers was held at this meeting. Those elected to office were President Linda De- Cioco, Scribe Pat Morrison, Treasurer Lorry Beahler, and Hostess Chairman Betty Ooughlin. Any girl from the ages of 10 to ^4 who wishes to join the girl scouts may contact their leader, Mrs. Pat Morrison, at EV 5-6396, or attend the meeting. The meetings are held Monday evenings from 7 'till 8:30 p.m. at the Lakemoor firehouse. Fund Drive TTie B r o w n i e s a r t t f G i r l 9couts are having a fund raising drive. It will start Sunday, Sept. 25 and run 'till Saturday, Oct. 1. Outside of the selling of the Girl Stout cookies this is the only other means of raising funds for the girls. Anyone interested in helping out in this drive in Lilymoor can contact Mrs. Leona Fantus at EV 5-5541. A vote of thanks go to these women who give their time to help our Brownies and Girl Scouts of Lilymoor and Lakemoor. They are Mrs. Leona Fantus, Mrs. Diane Fuhler, Mrs. Pat Morrison and Mrs. Marge Beahler. Birthday Greetings go to Mrs. Marylyn LoPresti who celebrated her big day Monday, Sept. 19. Many happy returns, Marylyn. More News Mrs. Gem Mestlin. of Chicago will be visiting Mrs. Tobey for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Parbst and family attended a wedding Saturday, Sept. 10, at Dundee. Mrs. T. M. Diver and' daughter, Mrs. M. Stroud of Edwartbville, 111., spent Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17 and 18, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Recker's g u e s t s w e r e M r . a n d M r s . Adolph Quade of Hopkins, Minn, and Mrs. Recker's niece and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kroncke's guests Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 10 and 11, were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Aronald Abraham. Mrs. Walter Schuerr and her sister, Mrs. Kate Caswick, spent the week of Sept. 12 at Mrs. SchOgrr's summer home here. Mrs. Ruth Kroncke spent Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17 and 18, in Chicago visiting Mr. and Mrs. Abraham. One doorway in ancient Roman ruins was 43 feet high, and 21 feet wide -- and framed by pillars 60 feet tall and IVs feet, in diameter. RECOGNIZE OUTSTANDING YOUTHS Nomination of two young Illinoians to participate in th? national awards of Congresr sional Young American Medals for Bravery and Young American Medals for Service in 1959 were announced last week by Gov. William G. Straiton. Nominee for a Young American Medal for Service is Miss Katherine Jane Busboom, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs^ Hugh Busboom, Stillman Valley (Ogle county). Thomas Lee Tinsley, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs/1! Clyde Tinsley, 403 Langteyj Road, 'Rockford, is nominee for a Young American Medal tor5 Brav ery. Gov. St rat ton select-i ed the Tinsley boy for his ac-| tion which resulted in saving! his younger sister's life when j the girl fell into an open sewer. outlet. Miss Busboom was se-v, lecfed for achievements during her high school years and her activities as a youth leader In civic, educational and religious affairs. . l FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-6260 RIGID-FRAME CARACES "RIGID-FRAME" Construction It's new --and so different -- altd -- will save time money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! MONTHLY PAYMENTS as low as $13.16 " First payment not due until December ' * ^ v -"V" *' s • V V - ^ " " ^ -r"- 1 One-Car With Storage Compare the Features! Quality and Price! If F U L L I ' / s T H I C K of extra heavy extruded aluminum Two-Car With Storage No Money Down -- 5 Years To Pay! And Remember . . . It's Fully Guaranteed By ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. C0MPIETI RAMI OF ••Bill GllddM ENDURANCE House Pobrt New Alkyd >»i liiod tm »nh> brushing, I higher OUTSIDE WHITE Bouse paint PROVED AND TESTED IN ALL PARTS OF AMERICA IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER • • on» coat rovers most oId pointed surfaces Midden's No. ioo 0U1SIDE WHlTt house pa** GAl. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois ' EVergreen 5-1424 TF c. • S

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