Page Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 29, CONSTRUCTION PUNS TOU) BY FARM BUREAU Group Commends County Board On Tax Collection More than 300 persons attended the forty-eighth annual dinner meeting of the Farm Bureau, held in Woodstock last Saturday evening, and took action on a number of items of business of special concern to the organization. President Dale Noe of Marengo, in his report, told of the purchase of two acres at the intersection of Rt. 47 and Mc- Conftell road for construction of a new building. This, he said, would be one of the major projects of the board in the year ahead The Farm Bureau commended the County board, in the form of a resolution adopted that evening, for its action in an effort to collect delinquent personal property taxes. County Treasurer Harry Herendeen started last weeK to issue distress warrants against delinquents. The Farm Bureau also announced again its stand of many years which calls for the issuance of vehicle licenses ai the county level. This would require residents to pay their vehicle property tax before being issued a license. Secretary Henry K. Edgerton, in his report, explained that the month long membershin campaign was a success. While the new member quota of 153 was not reached, Mr. Edgerton said the goal should be accomplished in the last days of September. * Charles Diedrich of McHenty was re-elected as a director. DEATH OF YOUNG MOTHER IN CRASH BRINGS TOLL TO 26 Continued from Page 1 McHENRY JAYCEES TO CONDUCT DRIVE FOR NEW MEMBERS PLAN FOR GROWTH With the election of new directors, and an outline for a fall and winter season of activities, the McHenry Jaycees are conducting a local membership drive in the weeks ahead. The Junior Chamber of Commerce is an organization with a purpose, a constructive, action organization of young men, who devote a portion of their time to community service in the public interest. A prime function is to install pride, and to create civic consciousness in the young men who comprise its membership. An important by-product of the Jaycee operation is the development of these men as leaders in their community. Because of its age restrictions, open to those between 21 through 35, the group has continual membership demands. Anyone wishing further information on the Jaycees may contact Orientation Director David A. Ladd at EV. 5-4719. ORGANIZATIONS PRESENT GIFTS TO HOSPITAL NURSERY qf the road just before the accident occurred. A child on the other side of the road saw a Car approaching over the crest of a hill and called to Dawn to leave the street. Instead, the youngster Is said to have turned the tricycle into the load and in the path of the car. The auto was driven by Gerald Lewis of Pell Lake, Wis., who applied the brakes but was unable to avoid hitting the tricycle. He carried Dawn into her home, where her mother was preparing the evening meal. She had just left the child in the care of her brother. Dawn was rushed to Memorial hospital, Woodstock; where she was found to be suffering chly from bruises which continue io be painful as the child recuperates at home. - Other Accidents - Only minor injuries were sustained in the crash of two cars on Rt. 120, east of McHenry, last Friday afternoon. Robert C. Einspar of Grove street. McHenry, sustained lacerations of the leg and the second driver, Bobby J. Dawson of Rt. 3, Marion, 111., suffered possible back injuries in the collision. Both were taken to McHenry hospital. According, to state police, who investigated, Einspar was driving west on the highway and Dawson east. The latter swerved to avoid striking a car making a turn in front of him and struck Einspar. Dawson was ticketed for following too closely. Another bassinet was added to the nursery equipment scheduled for th£ new McHenry hospital maternity section by the Christian Mothers and Altar society of St. Mary's church, according to an announcement this week. Presentation of a check was made by the society president, Mrs. Anton Weber, who stated that the organization would like to donate it for the purchase of this specific piece. O t h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s who have recently given bassinets are the V.F.W. auxiliary syid L i l y m o o r s u b d i v i s i o n , e a c h one; the Legion and Legion auxiliary, two bassinets and a refrigerator; and Crystal Lake Legion women's auxiliary, one scale. These groups, as well as other organizations and individuals who give, will have their names placed on the equipment, which may be purchased on a three-year plan. More information about the Diaper Derby may be obtained by calling the hospital fund drive office at EVergreen 5-3446. Mrs. Robert Decker, membership chairman, Harrison school Parent-Teatfher Association, Wonder Lake, hears of population grow'th expected in area. Pointing out on chalk board that the "six townsihips of eastern McHenry county can anticipate 225,000 population by 1980 are Dr. Stanley Blount, left; Northwestern university geographer, and Donald Still, Woodstock, , treasurer, Eastern McHenry County Plan Commission. Both told P.T.A. members to plan for expanded school enrollments as one of many problems associated with population growth. Proper land use, utilities and other community services, and zoning codes should be carefully developed around a balanced program of homes, educational-recreation and businessindustry activities, they addled. Musis' & Meanderin' EXPLANATION OF ADDRESS SYSTEM MADE TO PUBLIC (Continued From Page 1) (CuiitinueH trum pa«* • • those brightly topped fire hydrants, and the stone luminous matei'ial which has been placed on all parking meters. Bestow Honors On Local Girl r Continued from Page 1 easier. At present, Mr. Hettermann says the post office receives an average of 150 to 200 inquiries a day. The fire department and police units, as well as businesses which deal with large numbers of residents, are expected to especially benefit from the change. The Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of the new system, and Postmaster Hettermann realize that the adoption of it will mean a great deal of work on the part of postal employees and will necessitate the cooperation of everyone. Since it is believed to be a permanent change, following a system which has been successful elsewhere, the effort should be worthwhile. In the past ten years, postal routes have needed to be changed every two or three years. One of the most frequently asked questions concerning the new system was brought up at Thursday's meeting. It pertained to the possibility of retaining the name of the subdivision as well as the street name and number. Those who wish to remain identified in this manner were pleased with information supplied that this could be done. A drive down Riverside Drive gives one the distinct impression that summer is over. The familiar stop sign which guarded swimmers at the beach during the vacation season has been taken down. HEADQUARTERS FOR REPUBLICANS ARE OPEN DAILY Charles "Chuck" Miller, county Republican chairman, has announced that the McHenry county G.O.P. headquarters have bflpn opened in the Odd Fellows building, located at the corner of Jefferson and Jackson, on the first floor, in downtown Woodstock. The h e a d q u a r t e r s w i l l be staffed and open froni 1 to 9 daily. As a service, on Friday and Saturday,' there will be a volunteer registrar present as a convenience to those who find it difficult to register at the court house during business hours. BOND SALES McHenry county residents purchased $149,011, in series E and H United States Savings Bonds in the month of August, according to Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake, general chairman of the County Savings Bond committee. Of the total, $101,011 was invested in E bonds and $48,000 in H bonds. Waukegan. How Can I ?| $266 Raised Locally For Salvation Army Volunteer "Doughnut Day" taggers in McHenry raised $266 for the benefit of the Salvation Army on tfye annual tag day held last summer, reports Mrs. Glenn H. Uhles, Lakeland Park, chairman for McHenry. Mrs. Uhles and the Salvation Army join in saying a hearty "Thank You!" for the generous support of the volunteer taggers and contributors. Mrs. Uhles and Mrs. Virginia Grote, Lakeland Park, served as co-chairmen. Twenty per cent of the funds raised in the local "Doughnut Day" drive will remain in McHenry, as in other communities where local Salvation Army service unit committees are organized. These funds are J one very easily by dissolving Q. How can I restore the appearance of a rain-soaked felt hat? A. First fet it dry partially, and then press out the creases in the crown. Next, turn down the band and place the hat in some cool place away from any heat and let it dry thoroughly. Then reshape the crown and brush the hat gently. If the work has been done^ carefully, the hat will look! almost as good as new. v. Q. What is the best way to caramelize sugar? A. In a dry skillet in the oven. In this way, it heats from the bottom and top at the same time, thus1 caramelizing quickly and smoothly. Q. How can I clean copper easily and economically? A. Rub it with half a lemon dipped in salt, then rinse it in hot water, and polish with a soft cloth. Q. How can I make the removal of a tiny, almost imperceptible splinter easier? A. Touch the spot with some iodine. The wooden splinter will absorb the iodine and turn dark, which not only makes it easy to see and remove, but also cleanses the wound and helps avoid infection. Q. How can I save the paint that inevitably collects in the indented rim of a patnt can, flows down the outside of the can, and is usually wasted? A. If you'll make a practice of punching a couple of nail holes in the bottom of this indented rim, the paintwill run back into the can again. Q. How can I most easily remove cat and dog hairs from upholstered furniture or car seats? A. Simply , by wiping lightly over therti with a board which has been wrapped with adhesive tape, sticky side out. Q. How can I make a good adhesive for sticking cutout gold-paper letters or similar items to glass? A. You can make a good used for local emergencies or disasters, and to finance unduplicated programs of health care and welfare service. The service unit committee, comprised of representative residents acting on behalf of the Salvation Army, decides how the funds will be used to assist needy individuals or families. CAR FIRE Volunteer firemen of Company I were called to Rt. 31, near St. Mary's school, last Thursday evening when wires started to burn in a car belonging to Alex Gustafson of McCullom Lake. Only minor damage was reported. HAIRDRESSERS MEET Thp Northwest Suburban Hairdressers and Cosmetologists will hold their monthly meeting Wednesday, Oct.. 5. at 102 N. Cook street, Barrington, at 8 p.m. Guest artist will be Herman Philipps of a few medical capsules in a small amount of warm water. Just enough water should be used to make a thick solution. Q. How can I eliminate the nuisance of sparrows' nesting under the eaves of my house? A. Fill small cheesecloth bags with camphor balls and hang them from the eaves. iThose disgusted sparrows will set up housekeeping elsewhere. Q. How can I easily loosen a glass stopper that has become stuck in a bottle? A. Put a few drops of glycerin around the stopper and let stand for several hours. The glycerin works down around the stopper, and loosens it for easy removal. tinue to focus recognition upon her school throughout her professional career." Mrs. Douglas was among the large crowd witnessing the graduation ceremonies in which forty-seven received diplomas. Sara Kay is returning to Illinois to begin her nursing ca- -tfeer. She is a 1957 graduate of McHenry high school and was awarded the Legion award as outstanding girl student. Incorporation Petition At Lake Will Be Filed (Continued from Page 1) of the petition for incorporation are set in the statute. If these are met the judge has only to set the date and make the necessary arrangements for the referendum. The majority of the voters will then make the decision. P.T.A. OPENS SEASON The Community P.T.A. will open the fall season tonight, Sept. 29, with a meeting in the high school cafeteria at 8:15 o'clock. 1961 Chevrolet Trucks Feature Proved Design m * - < Mwsx? vxV<:*:<;W Continuation of the highly successful suspension system introduced last year, moderate front style changes, and refinements in chassis and cabs mark the 1961 Chevrolet truck line. Proved by one full'year of customer use, the suspension features independent front springing with torsion bars and rear coil or variable rate springs. Cab improvements include a smaller floor tunnel in some models for increased leg and foot room, and an optional six-inch thick foam rubber seat. TAX FACTS An Illinois family, consisting of a husband, wife and two children, and having a total income of $5,000 per year, pays a combined state and local tax bill of $218.40, said the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois. This is according to figures recently compiled by Congressman Goodell of New York. In addition to assuming a family interne of $5,000 to support a man, his wife, and two children, the figures speculate that the family automobile is driven 10,000 miles a year and gets 15 miles to a gallon. The family smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, purchases $800 worth of items subject to sales tax each year, owns $1,000 worth of • tangible personal property, owns a house which has a market value of $10,000. Needless to say, the family would pay, on the average, $416 in federal income tax wherever it lived in the United States. The figures indicate that the "typical $5,000 income family of four" pays state and local taxes of $480.18 in Minnesota, which puts this state at the head of the list. Minnesota is followed by Vermont with $457.14; Maine, $405.04; New Jersey, $405.00; and New York, $404.87. West Virginia collects only $142.03 -- the least from such a typical family. According to Congressman Goodell's comparative tabulation, State and local taxes to be paid by the typical family in some of our neighboring competitive states are: Wisconsin, $361.24; Iowa, $295.06; I n d i a n a , $ 2 8 3 . 6 1 ; M i c h i g a n , $250.51; Ohio, $229.57; Illinois, $218.40; Kentucky, $179.62; Missouri, $176.28. With all states competing with one another to attract industry for jobs for their people, it is important that Illinois taxpayers be alert to Congressman Goodell's admonition to proceed cautiously with any PRESENTED CHARTER c Kotalik Studio Photo* In recognition of the fine leadership of V.F.W. Post No. 4600, McHenry, sponsor of Boy Scout Troop 161 of Lakemoor, a troop charter has been presented by the Blackhawk Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. Shown, left to right, are Laurence D. Schuerr, Jr., Boy Scout senior patrol leader; John B. Smith, V.F.W. trustee; Howard Thomas, V.F.W. commander; and John Hosie, Neighborhood, commissioner of the Boy Scouts. federal assistance program] that would place the state at a tax disadvantage. MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose Adele Froehlich, editor for the McHenry Plainldlealer, was guest speaker at the Women of the Moose meeting. A very interesting talk was given on the past, present and future of the Plaindealer. This was the first meeting to be held in the wonderful new hall. We were very pleased to have seven members from Crystal Lake. Our next" meeting will be an important one for the children at Mooseheart. At this time, all our co-workers are to bring a Christmas gift for a child at Mooseheart or »i person at Moosehaven. This is called Christmas in October. Anyone wishing to donate either money or gift but unable to attend a meeting should contact Jean Schweegel, who is chairman. See you at next meeting, Oct. 4. NAME NEW FIREME1 rt, Firemen of Company I havife selected four new members, George Biggs, Harry Mueller, Don Brusso and Bob Hansen. Announcement of the new firemen brings the total number in the company to twenty-four, highest in its history. Read the WANT ADS jwiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiijiiNiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAT NEAR McHENRY | Home for the Aged | SENILE . . . BED PATIENTS a | Mrs. Anna Zee -- Owner | Phone EVergreen 5-0461 -atiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinir W "DL JLJ JUT 4 An individual hairstylecreated just^for you! The Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. Green St. Ph. EV 5 0010 LOOKING FOR A HOME? Model Home located at Ponca & Logan streets in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, 111. Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Lee Cooney, Contractor Phone EVergreen 5-4345 Open every Sunday, 1-6 p.m. -- Weekdays by appointment We Do All Other Types of Work Mallory TELECREASE Smart coming or going... Mallory's interpretation of handsome hat lines... The Telecrease. Dramatic new crown treatment combining the best of the popular center crease and telescope. New stylish side bow... and narrow snap brim make it a fashionable addition to your wardrobe. •11.95 5TORE for MEN 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, m. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA Mi #•". COMMERCIAL BOB PEPPING CEMENT CONTRACTOR COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK NEW FORMS EV 5*3384 PRECISION WORK