'V- & Page Fourteen THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER & Thursday, 6ciobe*20, 1960 , PERSONALS Mr. %nd Mrs. Joseph W. j. Wagner and family and Mrs. ^ Eleanor Young visited Ronald ! Wagner at Salvatorian semin- "r ary at Nazianz, Wis., on Sun- . ^ day, which was parents' day. f ,fi Mrs. J. C. Holly spent a day, vj.the past week as a guest in the home of Mrs. Irma Aldridge in Woodstock. Dave Coleman entertained his sister, Mrs. Joe Faul, and • husband of Indianapolis, Ind., r a few days recently. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay have gone to St. Petersburg, Fla., to spend the winter. Mrs. Marie Behrens and sen, v Otto, of Woodstock visited £ Mrs. George Jones Sunday. " Mrs. Richard Croak of Chi- ., tCago called on her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon Satur- ;day. Mr. and Mrs. . Stephen N. Schmitt left >ec£ntly for their j :winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Rita Weyland, a veteran with the Crystal Lake players, will be playing the leading role of"Aunt Hattie in the successful Broadway political rcomedy "The Girls in 509" to be shown at CrystalLake Friday and Saturday evenings. Oct. 28 and 29. Mrsv Schaefer of Tacoma, ' Wash., is a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Vycital, and family. Mrs. Carl Courier and a .friend of Marengo called on ". her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, "Thursday. Mrs. Minnie Vandeboom spent a few days, last week, with relatives in New Munster, Wis. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Then- | nes. Mrs. Alex Adams. Diane J and Duane Diedrich attended C the wake of the latter's grand- 5 father, Thomas Conroy, in Chi- • cago. Wednesday evening of I last week. ? Eugene Irwin spent a few j days with his family in Union J City, Tenn. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley, 1 Mrs. F. J. Aicher, George and » Leo Heimer enjoyed a trip into 5 Wisconsin and dinner near Burlington---in observance of z Mrs^ Aicher's birthday Sunday. *• Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Then- 3 nes and sons, Mrs. Anna Died- • rich and daughter, Van, were 2 entertained in the Michael I Thill home in Aurora Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. | Schaefer attended the wake of I Peter M. May, brother of John J May of Johnsburg, at the Haase funeral home in Genoa \ City,,^,.JYiflay evening ; Miss Ruth Ann Schoen- | hoeltz, a student nurse at St. t Charles hospital, Aurora, spent ; the weekend with her parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoen- : hoeltz, who accompanied her - back to Aurora Sunday eve- I ning. 3 Alfons Diedrich and children I attended the funeral of his father-in-law, Thomas Conroy, . in Chicago' Wednesday. Mrs. Diedrich, who had been spending a few days there, returned home with them. Miss Marion McOmber entertained her cousin, Mrs. Elsie Froelich, of Chicago a few days the past week. Miss Mary Sage of Chicago'was another recent weekend guest. v Henry Pedersen of Elgin called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson Sunday. Mrs. William Spencer and daughter, Mrs. Ellen Phalin, were visitors in the Larry Phalin home in Fox River Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson were visitors in the Ralph Berkeley home in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. Harold Abbott of Woodstock was a guest of Mrs. Annabel Aicher Wednesday. Mr.^and Mrs. Bill Weber of Mundelelh were Sunday guests in the Caw Weber home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler of Forest Park were weekend guests of relatives here. Mr. jfj^d Mrs. Herman Jacobson and son, Richard, of Harvard visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson, Friday evening. Mrs. William-Spencer, daughter, Mrs. George Scherzer, and Mrs. Joseph Rothermel and daughter enjoyed a few days trip through Wisconsin . last week. The James Thompson family were Sunday visitors in the John Thompson home in Kansasville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing of Libertyville called on Mc- Henry relatives Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyers of Chicago visited McHenry relatives Sunday. The Merwin Staines family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting of Woodstock were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Mesdames George J. Freund, Alfred Oeffling. Ben Thelen and Paul Pitzen attended a W.C.O.F. conference held at the home of Mrs. Lucy Domino, in Rockford, Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Howard and sons and Miss Clarice Blake motored to Springfield and Salem, 111., Sunday. John Bolger left O'Hare Field by plane Sunday evening for Syracuse, N. Y., after sDending the past week with his mother, Mrs. John Bolger. While here he attended a business convention at a Chicago hotel from Oct. 9 to 12. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer of Woodstock accompanied by Barbara and Susie Gerasch, Betty Lou Weber and James Geier of McHenry enjoyed a ffieefcgrtd,, j.8 i g h t-seeiire trm through Wisconsin ana northern Illinois. Mesdames Clara Stilling, F r a n c e s S c h m i t t , M a r g a r e t Schmitt, Mary Freund and Helen Williams attended a W.C. O.F. retreat held at the Poor Clares in Rockford recently. Miss Rita Wolbert, Mrs. John Bolger and Clarence Anglese attended the sixteenth annual conference of Illinois Guidance and personnel held at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, recently. YOUk DRUG STORE 18 HQTRS. FOR LOW Low prices are our stock In trade, so when you shop at BOLGER'S you're sure of savings. Come see for yourself how much you save at this friendly drug store* Twice told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from thfe Files of Oct. IS, 1910 The barn on the farm of Paul Rieger, east of the village, together with all its grain and farm machinery, was destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon. All the livestock was saved. . Auctioneer F. O. Gans has moved his family from the John Glossen house on Green street, to the M. E. Parsonage on the West Side. Henry C. Kamholz, jovial clerk at the F. L. McOmber hardware store, is now a benedict. The knot that made him and Miss Hattie Miller man and wife was tied by Rev. P. Eickstadt at 'LaPorte, Ind., Saturday, Oct. 1. Miss Christine Belle, Miller, who is occupying the Zaumb r e c h e r c o t t a g e u n t i l h e r bungalow is finished, - entertained at dinner Tuesday even i n g L i e u t e n a n t s Com s t o c k and Reislinger of the 27th infantry, U.S.A. and Miss Reasner. They were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Owen Powell of Chicago. Miss Laura Kathryn Scheid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, and Mr. Nickolus Kennebeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kennebeck. were united in marriage Father Royer at St. Mary's church Wednesday, Oct. 12. Timothy Murphy, the father of the Honey Dew club, whose cottage on the river has become noted to many of us for its fellowship and hospitality, passed away at his Chicago home at the age of 50 years. The children of both the McHenry public and St. Mary's parochial schools were given a rare treat on Wednesday afternoon of this iweek 'when the soldier boys who are in camp, just east of town, went through their various drills and maneuvers at the park in this village. L e w i s E i s e n m e n g e r and Charles Hoeft have moved their families here from Chicago, and :are occupying homes in the north end of town. Both are employed at Terra Cotta. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Oct. 7, 1920 Homer Clemens, one of our most highly respected and long time rural residents, was found dead by his son, Guy, near the watering tank at his farm home last evening. m Misses Maude and Fanny Granger planned and executed a very pleasant surprise on their grandmother, Mrs. Smith, at their home on Main street last Sunday, Oct. 3, the occasion being her eighty-first birthday anniversary. Mrs. John Anderson, Residing southwest of town, lays claim to an unusually large sunflower, the stem of which measures 10 feet and has a spread of 17 inches. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews very delightfully entertained a group of friends at a musical at their rural home Friday evening. Eric Sagerquest, a noted violinist and member of one of Chicago's best orchestras, accompanied by Mrs. J. E. Behlke on the piano, ifurnished a number of beautiful selections, after which refreshments were served. ^.^edding of interest to many local folks took place at Woodstock Wednesday evening, the principals being Miss Mae Broderman, of Woodstock, and Mr. Joseph P. Nell, son of Mrs. George Nell of Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley and son( Floyd lfeft Tuesday morning via automobile for Washington, D. C., where they expect to make quite a stay. On their way south they will stop at Athens, Ohio, to spend a day with Misses Opal and Jennie Mae Cooley,. who are attending the University there. Manager E. M. Geier of the McHenry Baseball club informs us that he has already made arrangements for the purchase of this year's Chicago White Sox uniforms which, with proper care, will last the local club for two or three seasons! Mr., and Mrs. N. J. Justen, daughter, Verena, and Joseph >; Justen are touring through th$ states of Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Iowa and will also go into Canada. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Oct. 10, 19S5 The thirtieth anniversary of McHenry chapter of the O.E.S. was observed at a homecoming and dinner on Oct. 5, when Mrs. Lulu Klontz, worthy matron, extended a welcome and greetings to all present. Miss Maud Harrison, only daughter of Mr. anjd Mrs. William Henry Harrison, former rural residents of this vicinity, died unexpectedly at her home in Crystal Lake Saturday evening. St. Gertrude's church, Chicago, was the scene of a wedding of interest to local people Saturday. when Miss Charlotte Schuberth, daughter <^jL ;^Ir. and Mrs. Henry Schuberth;*; of Chicago, became the bride of Mr. Harold Bacon, son of Mrs. Nellie Bacon of McHenry. Q|h- PUBLIC LECTURE Today's need for the challenging power of intelligent prayer will be brought out in a free public lecture on Christian Science to be delivered in Antioch on Oct. 23 by Robert Dolling Wells of Seattle, Wash. He will speak in the Antioch Methodist church, 848 Main Street, at 3:30 p.m. under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Antioch. e** DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. AUCTION Having sold the farm, the undersigned will sell the following personal property at public auction on premises located 5 miles South of Grayslake, 111., 5 miles East of Volo, 1% miles Westt of Ivanhoe, on Rte. 59A across from St. Mary's Church at Fremont Center on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22 at 1:00 pan. FARM MACHINERY: Allis Chalmers WD tractor; Farmall ^ tractor with mounted 2 row cult. & mounted corn planter; New Idea 1-row corn picker in good cond.; McC. 2-14 plow on rubber; Allis 2-14 plow on rubber; McC. 8 ft. <Jisc; MM 10 ft. field cult.; 3 ^section harrow; Case 32 ft. hay & grain elevator with 1% h.p. motor; Hudson weed sprayer; 2 rubber tire wagons, 1 with hay rack & 1 grain box; manure spreader; 5 ft mower; hay loader; side delivery rake; corn binder; 2 row corn pjanter; Can't Clog hog feeder; 12 x 28 tractor chainscab for Allis tractor; 150 ft. of heavy cord; scale; RT wheel barrow; wire stretcher; log chains; hog equipment; fence posts; ext. ladders; elec. grinder; pile of used lumber; snow fencing; deep well pump jack; tool boxes; and many other items. FEED: .500 bales 1st cutting mixed hay; 200 bales 2nd cutting alfalfa' & clover; 450 bales good horse hay; 300 bales brkrht oats straw; 500 bu. oats. AL DORFLER, Owner 11 Reasons Why GORDON STADE & WM. STADE, JR. Grayslake, I1L Palatine, 111. Auctioneers - BAldwln 8-5155 Vermat Cash. Nothing rempved ontil «ettted for. at time at sale. Not responsible for accidents. To See Us If You Need A Water System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling Pump Installations Point Changing Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. u* Easy Monthly Payments DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Serrtee ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake VA miles from McHenry on tfce McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 6-S2&2 or Residence EV 6-0713 er weddings the past week included that of Miss. Loretta Diedrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich, and Alex Adams, son of Mr. land Mrs. Jacob Adams of Johnsburg, which took place at St. Mary's church last Saturday, Oct. 5. Work on the construction of a sewage, treatment plant, for the city of McHenry was started Friday, with twenty-five men working in two shifts. C. W. Gibbs has bought "Bacon's Nook" on Main street and will take over the place on Saturday. Mr. Gibbs is employed with the Pure Milk association. Miss Elvera Blake, who will become the bride of Alex Justen on Oct. 16, was honored at a surprise miscellaneous shower at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Blake, Sunday afternoon. Miss Lillian Freund and Ferdinand Bauer, whose marriage will take place this month, were honored at [two gatherings the past vyeek. The first was a single gift shower and buffet luncheon at the Ellis Peterson home, in Waukegan Saturday, and the latter a chop suey dinner on Sunday evening, with Miss Catherine Freund of Oak Park and Miss Agnes Steffes as co-liostesses. Proclamation "CQ" PROGRAM WHEREAS if a man would remain free he must remain responsible, and WHEREAS if a man is to achieve effective responsibility as a citizen he must have an inspirational set of standards by which to measure himself as a citizen, and WHEREAS the privilege of democracy -- the free man's manner of self-government -- calls for the best from everyone, every day, in every situation, and WHEREAS the Citizenship Quotient program provides an opportunity for the citizen to assess his citizenship effectiveness and his individual ability to contribute to the American way of life, I, THEREFORE, George P. Freund, Mayor pf the City of McHenry, Illinois do hereby proclaim the period of October, 1960, to be a time in which the citizenry will be urged to truly rate themselves as effective citizens and thus .set up principles of action to guide them in becoming still more effective as free members of a free society by full participation in the CQ program as developed by an inspired committee in the League of Women Voters of McHenry and Woodstock, the McHenry Kiwanis Club, and the McHenry Rotary Club. GEORGE P. FREUND Mayor REVOKE LICENSE Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of Edwin G. Nyden of McHenry for three violations. "Silage of Sunnyaitje HOME-SCHOOL UNIT CHANGES MEETING DATE TO NOV. 14 Irma Gunther - EV. 5-5484 St. John's Home hnd School will not meet on Oct. 24 as planned. Instead the meeting date has been changed to Nov. 14. Please keep this date open. A safety program has been planned. Forty Hours Devotion to Start On Oct. 23 Forty Hours devotion will start at St. John's. This is an early reminder and Father will announce it in church also. You are cordially invited to a Free Christian Science Lecture to be given by FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Scientist Antioch, Illinois entitled "CHRSTIAN SCIENCE CHALLENGES COMMON OPINION" by Robert Dolling Wells, C. S. B. of Seattle, Washington Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. Sunday afternoon, October 23, I960,3:30 p.m. (Doors open at 3:00) D. S. T. ANTIOCH METHODIST CHURCH, 848 Main St., Antioch, 111. Small children will be cared for during the Leoture. Get Well Wishes To Wally and Vickie Bogal. Wally was getting his strength back when Vickie came down with the virus and had to be in bed for awhile but now both of them are coming along nicely and it sure is nice to see them walking around. Welcome to Our New Neighbors We have quite a few new neighbors and I sure would appreciate it if they would get in touch with me and I can welcome them in our column. That way we could all get acquainted with them. September and it sure <was a wonderful visit. T'he Mecko family went to i Joliet to visit daughter, Carol, last Sunday and helped. her celebrate her birthday along J with her brother, Butch, who ^ had one too. )§. Motor Vehicle Registration Up Motor vehicle registration at the three-quarter mark of 1960 is 100,683 greater than at the same time last year, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier reported this week. 40 For the first nine months of the year, the total registration was 3,900,906, he said. The three principal categories showed increases, while motorcycles and dealers showed decreases, Mr. Carpentier sajd, Passenger car registrations increased 82,590. . --4, BUILDING BLOC^p Visiting Sunday Last Sunday son, Charles, and I went with Paul and Nancy Colomar up to the Semin-f ary to see our sons, John and Fred. This was our first visit since the boys went back in "You can have the prize Blue-Gill I caught, Jim . ,v. I waijt to get over to Wonder Lake Builders' Supply for some things I need!" Halloween Party SATURDAY, OCT. 22 Old Spot Inn O PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES GOOD FOOD AND DRINKS Oscar and Hermine Weingariner^ Next Door to Pistakee Yacht Club mm Everything stays clean twice as long in a flameless electric kitchen ;tS' There's no flame to create dirt that smudges walls or ceilihgs. A clean-cooking electric range cooks without soiling, keeps your kitchen clean about twice as long. Result: you spend half as much time and money on washing and decorating. Heats food--not you. A flameless electric range transfers heat to the pan and directly into foods--not your kitchen. The oveh is insulated on all six.sidjaB (not just five). Hardly any heat escapes. Your kitchen stays at .least ten degrees, cooler. When you build, buy an epplianoe, or remodel your kitchen, keep in mind the clean, fume-free i . . cooking you get in a flameless electric range. (J Public Service Company 0 Commonwealth Edison Company St CMi St Stfe, So Modtm -it