Thursday, December: 1; I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER THE JOYS OF THE SEASON .... i^.pggg. Portfolio of Christmas Ideas *>E£ORATING * ENTERTAINING • MENUS M.U* 40I CHRISTMAS COOKIE RECIPES December WOlliail's DflT only 10c iv' * 1%-LB.CAKE (LIGHT) $1 3-LB. CAKE (LIGHT) 2.85 5-LB.CAKE (LIGHT) 3V4-OZ. SLICE (LIGHT) MB. (OAK CAKE) 1.45 » ! Over % fruits and nuts add that freSh touch of good t$ste to . -- " 7 1 i Jane Parker's Fruit Cake. Give it the place of honor on your \ OVER % FRUIT AND NUTS! \ table ... and enjoy the fruitiest fruit cake ever! ' / -- MB. (DARK CAKE) FRESH APPLE PIE Jane Parker 8" SIZE Oven-Fresh REG. Golden Crust 49c ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE 49« Page Ebvan Jane Parker Oven-Fresh Delicious EACH REG. 55c Coffee Cake Raisin Bread Mr- and Mrs. Bill Hay, daughters, Karen and Judy, and Tom Scolaro spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Georgq Mollenkamp spent Thanksgiving Day with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joorsetz, of Villa Park. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood and daughter, Nancy, attended the wedding of the former's nephew, Jack Lockwood, to Miss Becky Jane iCreager, which took place in the Lutheran church in Yorkyille Saturday, and also the reception which followed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were Thanksgiving guests in the Harry Alexander home in Hebron. Mrs. Velma Douglas, son, Thomas, and wife visited relatives In Dodgeville, Wis., Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs* Paul, Bickl^r of Chicago visited in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher Sunday. C. G. Hollowell of Maywood was a yisitor in the George H. Johnson home Monday. Miss Charlene Guercio of .Crystal Lake, a former Mqftenry resident, is now making Jier home in San Francisco, Calif., where she is employed in personnel work for an employment agency. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freqnd were Thanksgiving guests in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ernestine Christian, and daughter in Glen Ellyn. Mrs. Lelah Howard was a Thanksgiving day guest in the Edward Bacon home in Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin left last week to spend the winter in Belleview, Fla. Miss Edythe Geary of Wauconda spent Thursday with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Aim and sons, Mike and Jeff, spent Thanksgiving with relatives^ in Rokomo, Irid. *. G. Walinder was a Thanksgiving guest in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert W. Belzer, and family in Rockford. His. wife, who had been spending the week there, returned. home with .them. Miss Estelle Thompsofi of Lansing, Mich., Mrs. Lloyd GratJton of Woodstock and Mrand Mns.; Donald Schacht of Greenwood were entertained in the Robert Thompson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose apd children and: Mrs. Freida Hellberg of Chicago ate turkey in the Henry Scholtz home Thanksgiving. Mrs. Walter Walsh spent 'Thursday in the E. C. Kimmel home in Elgin. Her brother, Edward Dwyer, of Chicago, who was also a guest there, accompanied her hom? for a \yetkend visit. Miss Ann Frisby returned Sunday from a visit with relatives and friends in Dundee, Elgin and Itasca. The Howard Lockwood family of McHenry. the Dallas Davis family of Algonquin. Miss Lillian Behrens, of LaGrange and Miss Amanda. Behrens of Woodstock made, up a family gathering at the Laverne Lockwood home in Lake Geneva on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Richprd Patzke and daughter, Mjichelle, of Gray slake were guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzke, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son, Bobby, were guests in the James Kline home in Woodstock on Thanksgiving. Jim Peterson and Tom. Olson were, home from Bradley Uni- Raisin, Prune Or each Almond Twist rag. 43c Jane Parker Reg. 27c 2 16-ox. loaves 35c 49c Masses Cookies Pfeffernusse Cookies lb. pkg. AA reg. 35c £3 pkg. ENJOY CUP AFTER CUP OE THE EIGHT MILD & MELLOW MONEY CAN BUY! obHiei SPORT CENTER Sundav, D*c. 11th versity to spend the Thanksgiving holidays at their. respective homes. Mrs. John J.* Scheid of Woodstock was a weekend guest \ of; Miss ,Rena Scheid: Guests entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George- H. Johnson on Thanksgiving, included Mr. and Mrs. O. , G,; Eder of- Evans ton; Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson, Stephen and Susan, oi Skokie; Mrs. Erie Geer, Crystal Lake and Mr. ajad Mrs. Frank Johnson of this. city. Mrs. Harriett Dodd of 'McHenry chapter of the O.E.S., Grand , Lecturer of Illinois, served as chaplain and Roy Dodd, p&st master of the local chapter, acted as escort at Installation of officers of Lounsbury chapter No. 494 of the O.E.S., held at Masonic Temple in Barrington Saturday evening. Misses Julia, Rose and Margaret Stilling were visitors in the Stephen Schmitt "home in Elkhorn, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, the James Thompson family and Gary Schroeder were dinner guests in the Wayman home in Arlington H?ights, Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines, Mrs. Irene Guffey, ftfr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe May and Lois accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley of Chicago attended the wedding of the former's grandson, Robert Lee Whiting, to Paula Mae Elliott which took place at St. Mary's church in Woodstock, at 11 o'clock last Saturday with a reception following at K. of C. hall that evening. Wilburt Cain has returned from a few days visit with relatives in Springfield, Mo., where he attended the wedding of his sister. Miss Naomi Cain, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz and sons, Ray and Jeff, of Springfield, spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby, Jr.. and children were Thanksgiving guests of Chicago relatives. Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch, son, Hilary, wife and children, Sandra and Gerald, were guests in the George R. Fitzgerald home in Marycrest, Kankakee, Thanksgiving. Richard Ant onsen was home from his studies at Notre Dame; M, to, spend the Thanksgiving holi&qp^wilgkJtlfe, parents, Me. and. Mrs. Can L* ] Antonsen. Mf\ and Mrs. Willlafn Sutton, sop, Teddy, and Mrs, Laura Minteer, of MaywootJ, visited McHenry relatives Sun-, day. •"* Robert, Frisby, Sr., and daughter. Lenore, spent Thursday in the George Frisby home./ in Waukegan. * Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake Mnft • son, Tommy, were Thanksgiving guests of the John Wolqr . wics of Druce Laker Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Justen and1 family of River Forest visr ' ited in the home of his mother, Mrs. William Justen, over the weekend. While there, they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Madden in Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waller, of Antlpc^. accompanied them. " "MAIL EAHLY" IS ADVICE OF CITY POSTMASTER Postmaster J. W. Hette^- mann said today, "Early mailing of all Christmas cards and gifts is the biggest single fa<£* tor in getting all of the majl delivered before Christmas. Post office facilities have beep, expanded, extra; help will be available, and everything geared up to handle a recor Christmas mail in McHeni^ this year." . The entire Christmas mailing period is a big battle against time. The postmaster ad v is.e 3, "Don't take chances- on maijK ing poorly wrapped package^. Use sturdy corrugated mailing cartons, plenty of heavy wrapt ping paper and strong coitL Cartons containing several gift packages should be well;Stuff$d with tissue or old newspapers to cushion the contents.'^ He ^aid further, "If you have articles of unusual, size or bulk, better check with th$ post office before attempting to mail them. The limits of site aqit weight of packages vary, depending on where yetf m^L your packages from." Send all Christmas mailgoing long distances before, Dec. 10. Follow up prompt^, with cards and gifts for local delivery. Mail "eaiiy and otr ten" for a merrier Christni^g^ 1 -LB. BAG 3-LB. BAG $1 COFFEL RICH ft FULL-BODIED 146. BA6 3-L| Red Gr<l« 61' !P SJt . !|u BHMUSlWm J-UMS I Ulltt Bokor 65' I *1" You always enjoy fresh, wonderful flavor with A&P premium-quali ty Coffee! Why? Because it's kept in the nature-sealed bean until you buy... nature protects the vital flavor. Then, before your eyes, it's customground for your coffeemaker to give you the freshest flavor money can buy... every time! (So thrifty, tool) FOR QUALITY AND ECONOMY ANN PAGE RED RASPBERRY 1 Pure Preserves 12-OZ. JAR 29* ANN PAGE Only the choicest berries are used, then preserved the incomparable Ann Page way... with all the full natural flavor sealed in. Try 'cm! 24-OZ. BOTTLE ANN PAGE' '• PANCAKE & WAFFLE Blackberry Jelly Preserves Ann 12-oz. Pag® I* Strawberry Ann Page 39* 29" 4Qc * oy Italian Dressing 29 e-ozwiM :< Stuffed Olives Peanut Butter GRAPE 4* if DOZEN IN CARTON 63' Ann 7-oz. Page IF Ann 24-oz. Page I* ^ :&:£*: There's more e&£ to Sunnybrook Eggs ! They're large, top-grade and strictly fresh eggs that yield a full quota of taste and nutrition! Horned Beef Hash S T* 29« Cake Mixes Chocolates Ann Page Four Varieties Assorted Warwick Brand 219-ox. OAr pkgs. U«T Sultana Rice Canned Corn A & P Pumpkin Short Grain A&P Golden Cream Style 2 lb. pkg. Our Finest 2 2 17-oz. tins 29-oz. this 2? 29e 29c MARGARINE Nutley Brand 4 ^ 59c THE GREAT ATI ANTIC ft PACIFIC TEA COMPANT. INC. £uper porkers V Dlt IKT/.3U fi'jO MIKCKS.1I 5'%vf • b-9 ALL PRICIS iPFBCTIVB THRU OSC. M A&P DRINK Pineapple^rapefrulV 2^ 49c • mm . • v • LOOKING AT NEW COMPACTS AMD NEW Come op. Compare like mad. What other compact at Valiant's low, low price offers: Unibody construction that virtually eliminates rust and rattles; Torsion-Aire Ride (at np extra cost) that carpels roughest FOftdp ton curb to epfe; inclined nickel-nursmg ragizit ^iat delivers the lpnd of gpfeuj^ aQid-go that Valiant's doasT Se$ for yoyrself why sp mag? shrewd compact car shoppy are now V^jigftt owned- Chrysler Corporation's lowest-priced, compact... A. S. BLAKt MOTORS, INC. E. pearl »4cg«vy. <9