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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1960, p. 6

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(»<*>' ' ' ..*V' P«g« Six 'i'-a- TfciifiJiy,4>^M^ 4* 4SI0 Plaindealer Want Ads The McHeBry Plaindealer Jlassified Advertising Bates Phone EV 6-0170 rst Insertion -- 6c per word - $1.20 minimum No ads counted less than 20 word* .epeat Insertions -- 5c per word - 91.00 minimum 25c Service Charge on all blind ads Display Classified first Insertion -- . $1.25 per Col. Inch \ 2 Inch Minimum [Repeat Insertions -- •*, $1.10 per Col. Inch j Classified display must include *a minimum of one 18 pt. head Sand one 18 pt. signature or its .Equivalent. 4 lines of 8 pt. allowed ,per inch. Copy Deadline -- Wed. 10 a.m. Automotive TOP QUALITY USED CARS '60 Mercury 4 dr. Sed. $2445 : At. - R-H - Power - Blue '59 Dodge 4 dr. Sedan $1945 R-H, At., Power, Blue '58 Ford 2 dr Hardtop $1295 Fair. 500, At., R-H, PS, Yellow. r *58 Renault Daup. Sed. $695 Sun roof, R-H, Black "58 Dodge 8, 4 dr. Sed. $1275 " At., R-H, White ! '68 Ford 8, 9-pass. $1295 Wagon, At., R-H, Tutone Beige. " 57 Plymouth 6 Club $745 Sedan AT-R-H - Tutone Green 57 Chrysler 4 Dr. $1225 / Sedan, AT-R-H - Full Power - Black ' 56 Chevrolet 8 4 - dr. $745 Sedan, AT-R-H Tutone Gray f , 55 Pontiac 2 dr. Hard $595 Top St. Chief R-H-ATPS- PB Wide Selection of Others t Guaranteed -- Reconditioned ' , BLAKE SALES ^ CENTER ^Jtt. 120 E. McHenry EV. 5-3102 .Open Evenings Til 9-Sun. a.m. 12-1-61 v,. Replacement Parts i:'For All 0ars, J" " Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY . AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 > * blk. East of the river bridge i Open Weekdays: * a.m. to 6 p.m. ; Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. j 9-1-60-tf Automotive 1955 BUICK, Century, Convertible .Black, New Black Top. New transmission and battery. Full power, steering, brakes, seats, and windows. $750. EV. 3294 12-1-60 1949 CHEVROLET Vs. ton pickup truck as is. $175. EV. 5-2583 after noon. *12-1-60 BEST OFFER. 1958 Opel Sedan. Low mileage, very good condition. EV. 5-3560. 12-1-60 Boats and Motors The 1961 Johnson's Are Here! ED WENDT BOAT CO. Closing Out all 1960 Inboards and Outboards Elberglas - Laps*rake and Aluminum Get Our Big Deal and Save! ! ! "LARGEST DISPLAY FOR MILES" Before You Buy Give Us A Try tviChmond, HI. Ph. 3281 Daily 9-6 -- Sun. 10-6 On Highway 12, 3 blocks north of Intersection 12 ft 173 \ . 9-29-60-tf M UNSON ARINE j GET CASH flor your car at ; Bob's Auto Mart. Crystal Lake j blacktop and Route 120. Phone 5 EV 5-4116. 9-1-60-tf Make It A Marine Christmas SPECIAL Skiis and Tow Rope $11.95 Now on Display 1961 Johnsons- Thompsons - Dorsetts - Trojans - wen - Crownlines-Gators. Open 7 Days A Week Year Around 9 a.m.-8 p.m. - • <Jri Rt. 13' * " . 1 Block So. of Rt. 120 EV. 5-2720 12-1-8-15-22-60 Business Service FLOOR SANDING and finishing. Free estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance no object. Hartwig Fioor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 9-1-60-tf Business Service Business Service RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and s Pumped Electric Sewer Rodding Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 9-1-60-tf ANYONE interested in & Business answering atervice calj EV. 5-0258. 11-17-22-12-8.60 ED'S RENTAL RENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbers' Tools " Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5-3232 9-1-60-tf Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump Septic tanks & cesspools. Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Fox Street 9-1-60-tf NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing difficult mortgages on homes, farms and commercial buildings. Write Box 42. Fox River Grove, 111. 9-1-60-tf I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: EV 5-1480 or EV 5-2711 Station Box 38 9-T-60-tf • 1953 CHEVROLET carry-all j perfect condition. $300. Phone I EV. 5-2228. 12-1-60 J FOR SALE 1959 Volks Wagon. I Low Mileage. $1350. Call Won- J der Lake 5272. 12-1-60 1953 CHRYSLER Fordor, ful- E ly equipped, excellent white- | wall tires $200. 1949 Plymouth | tudor, radio, heater, excellent | throughout $150. Private par- } ty. Wonder Lake 3934 j" *12-1-60 \ PRIVATE OWNER 1956 Nash ; Rambler, Cross Country, 4 dr., ; Station Wagon. 6 cyl. Auto., j Trans, Radio, Heater. Original 5 miles $695. $200 down finance j balance. EV. 5-2252 *12-1-60 1 • 54 CORVET, 6 cylinder, white ] Auto. Trans. W.W. tires. Phone | Evenings EV. 5-2411 12-1-60 > Today! . . Right Now! J3 Come see us on a I Guaranteed Used Car for a '•> Christmas Gift! f 1960 Chrysler New Yorker ; 4 dr. sedan 1959 Studebaker Lark 2 dr. I station wagon ; 1959 Chrysler Saratoga 4 5 dr. sedan ; 1958 Oldsmobile 2 dr. hardi top : 1957 Dodge Royal 4 dr. se- 1 dan j 1957 Chrysler 4 dr. hardtop 3 1957 Plymouth 2 dr. hardtop • 1956 Chrysler New Yorker j 4 dr. sedan j and . . J 1959 Triumph station wa- \ gon : 1959 Triumph TR3 roadster : 1958 MGA Sport roadster : 1957 Volkswagon i plus . . • 1960 brand new 1960 Ply- « mouths, Valiants, Chrys- • lers, and Triumph Herj aids. \ COLBY MOTOR S SALES J 61 North Main Street I Crystal Lake, Illinois ! Phone 459-6110 *J, ' 12-1-60 Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Pre-Cast Septic Tanks Walter M. Garrelts P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2101 9-1-60-tf SHAN-GRA-LA HOME 1 mile south of McHenry Just east of Rt. 31 on Idyll-Dell Road Excellent home for elderly pensioned and retired people. Pleasant, comfortable and ctean rooms available. For information write Station Box 125, McHenry, HI., or call -- EVERGREEN 5-0419 9-1-60-tf CUSTOM MADE draperies and slip covers. Have sample's to show. EV. 3126. 12-1^8-66 SCHALL'S FURNACE repairing and cleaning. Also prompt skilled oil burner service EV. 5-3122. 12-1-60 tf TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Your phone answered 24 htfs. a day Business phones, private phones For Information Please Phone EVergreen 5-5431 11-22-12-1-8-15-60 pies A. it^f% r^s^r^/fchampion stoSk. ^2V. 5^1158, r ll-ltao tf eEFXJBE YOU BUY any TV, see the new 1961 Muntz 23" eonsolette, $149.95. Paymentjs $3-15 /per week. For a free home demonstration call Belshaw TV, Wonder Lake. Phone W.L. (6661. "9-12-60-tf WEBCOft/Stereo Hi-Fi Phonograph, Blond eonsolette. 126 bass accordion^ like new. EV. 5-2229. " 12-1-6-60 8 PIECE blonde dining room set. 3 piece Jlgbt bedroom set. NeW refrigerator and freezer combination. New Danish: sofa and chairs.. Moving w€£t.R4chmond 2^86. 12-1-60 AUCTION. Every Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sunday 1:00 pjn. % mile west of Junction 45 on 120. Furniture, tools, misc. Consignments tafceii dstfly. Anything of value ^old at auction. Paul K. Break, auctioneer. BA 3-5386. lO-l&eO# TOlNY'S M&cnine £jhqp j^rvlee. Lawn mower sharpening repair and saw filing. EV. 5- 4962 -- One block east of Bridge on kt. 120. 9-1-60-tf HOURLY RATES for jack hammer service. Call US for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 9-l«60-tf Local and Long Distance Moving a Crating Storage - FftEE ESTOitAl3Ba< >4 McMAHCMl CRYSTAL LAKE, Tt£* Dial 459-3975 For Sale AUTH^IZE^S^^^f sales and service E. Roewer, Shalirnar sion. Phone EVfcrgr&n, 5*17j ®4 HESTER OIL CO., Elm St. Service, 202 W. Elm St. Open 24 hours a day. Greasing -- washing -- ovefnite wax jobs. Flats fixed. We appreciate your busiiiess. Jim Thompson, prop. 9-1-60-tf Expert SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SERVICE Domestic & Commercial Machines * Fast * Reliable Home Repair or Bring it in and save money CALL CHET'S Upholstery Shop EV 5-3458 401 Hickory Drive McCullom Lake, McHenry 11-10 thru 12-1-60 McHenry Disposal Service Phone <EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 9-1-60-tf 1961 License Plate Service WORTS SINCLAIR Rts. 120 & 31 McHenry EV 5-9856 10-13-60 -- 1-13-61 BING'S PLUMBING & HEATING. Bob Frisby, Jr. Quality fixtures - radiant heating - gas & electric water heaters - water systems - water softeners. Repairs - Free estimates. EV 5-3144. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickeit Electric. 480 Center St.. Grayslake Til. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound.EV 5-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 9-1-60-tf PAINTING, interior and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard taping-- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road. McCullom Lake, Phone EV 5-4540. 9-1-60-tf COLONIAL HOMES $19,000 to $40,000 Built On Your Lot or Ours See Our Model on Route 12Q 1 mile East of Route 47 in Woodstock Jansen Constr. Co. FE 8-5005 10-6-60-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root Cutting equipment Also, septic systems and back hoe work. Also Air Compressor for rent PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSS0N 406 John Street McHenry, 111. 9-1-60-tl HIiFI RADflD cansolfc With hew Webcor "Magic Mind." 4 speed changer, a beauty; 1" Etalon gwiss tpicrometer, steel machinists tool cnest with drawers; girls 24" bicycle. EV. 5-6432 *12-1-60 FOR SALE. Saddle, English type. Must Sell. $25. Call EV. 5-0275 before 6 p.m. *12-1-60 ONE (1) WATER softener, 80,000 grain capacity, manually operated, excellent condition, $100. EV. 5-1930 12-1-60 BRITTA^rY Spaniels. Male and female. A. rK- C. registered. Really expel^nt bird dogs. Call FE $-2i 12-1-60 HAND MADE 2 ft. Christmas trees of net; $4JO. Choice of colors. We will call on you with a sample with no obligation. EV. 5HJ933 or EV 5-0071. 11-17-22-12-1-60 4' x » 2-WftEEL Trailer. $35 EV. 5-1290. ... 12-1-60 TWO l-TQN hoists. $25 each. 1 cast iroh, 2 ,basin sink wfth faucets. $10. IIS)* Bass acobrdian and case, like neW. '5- 1189. 12-1-60 RAIN febfT water softener tor sal%^a|ly automatic. Half price. Cwl after 6 p.m. EV. 5*6^8. *i2-l-60 $^^VE'4C'A$fp Refrigerator. Very good coraditioH." 1(^5 Barba^ .'ivicHeniy. |JV. 5- 45*^5 before Saturday. i2-l-60 YpUIH BED and matching dregSer. Storieline. EV. 5-2028 12-1-60 2 CORAL fireside Chairs. 1 :tion&l 2 piece davenport. ^-1-60 'A."^K. C. registered Collies, db^nipion sired^ 8 Weeks, home ral^d With "children. Paper trained. gV. 5-13$5. 12-1-60 For Sale 7 piEGE blond dining roolh set. $^! EV. 5-6439. *12-1-66 -7 YEAR OLD Gelding Tiding horse. Gentle. EV 5-1823 12-1-60 3 PC. BEDROOM suite, including spring & mattress, ^7b:op, Tabfe model, raiiio A Record Player/ $10.00 ; console rad(io, $10.00. Phone EV. 5- 0163. 12-1-60 LAUGE SOFA, lounge chair, large size Bates spread with 2 pair 90" matched drapes. EV. 5-2006 12-1-60 LIKE NEW 11 cu. ft. General El&ftric Upright freezer. Used month $150. Call Mrs. Fraflk "Petrosky, Genoa City. Bft '^-60?6. *12-1-60 % LENGTH Mouton Lamb Coat, 'size 10-12. Excellent contfitron $40. Phone EV. 5-5035 aft^r 4:30 p.m. 12-1-60 1 PR. 6*6" snow skies. Excellent condition. Bindings intfiiKted. Piice ^i8. EV. S^(B49. 12-1-60 ROLLER SKATES and case, boys black, size 8, worn once. $10. Figure ice skates, boy's black, like new. $8. EV. 5-0496 12-1-60 FOR SALE Maple table and dresser, Automatic washer, 4 gas Stoves, 1 elec. stove, dressers. Sectional sofa. Radios, record machine. Refrigerator, tyfynter priced air-conditioner. Mahy, many other items to choose from. Come in and brouse. We buy, sell, or trade anything of value. The Trading Post. 2 Blocks East of the bridge on Rt. 120. EV. 5-0430. 12-1-60 SEWING Machines, Late model Singer usSd in this locality. Also 1960 Swing Needle Design- O-Matic. Makes beautiful designs. Half Paid. Like New and gukraftte^d. Small payments on either machine. Write Credit Manager, 1206 N.E, Adams, Peoria, Illinois. •12-1-8-15-60 TOY MANCeESTER terriers; very tiny; AKC registered; 7 weeks ollcl. Tel. EVergreen 5- 3906 12-1-60 COMPLETE Hollywood double bed outfit with headboard. Vanity dresser. EV. 5-3365. 12-1-60 G^RiMAN short hair Pointers, * *olfr,1 pure bred males females. ^feV. 5-2658. ?. " 12-1-60 ' 1 * ' _ I.y ' ••• I New aiid used Furniture Open 'Everyday RPYAL OAKS SALES Hwy. 14 ge 176. Crystal Lake, HI. Dial 459-4278 11-17-60 tf BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES FREE BEAUTY TIPS & STREAKS with paid Shampoo & Styling $l*5p McHENRY SCHO<^ OF BEAUTY CULTpE Work done exclusively by Stwients " \ ; ^ U-22-12440 PARTIES Industrial, O r ganizations, Clubs, and Group Parties, will be enhanced with our unique gifts priced from 50c to $1.50 Also see our fine line of individual, box and album Christmas cards. THE HOLMGRENS Richmond's Beautiful Gift Center Open Every Day and Evening West & George Sts. Richmond, 111. 12-1-60 For Sale ONE PAIR ladies rink roller skates. Size 6. $7. Case $2. Microscope set. $4. ' Cocktail dress, never worn, size 9. $l6 EV 5-3927. 12-1-60 DOLLS Doll Clothing and Wigs McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 1 Block East of Old Bridge Pistakee Rbad Ph. EV 5-2725 10-27=60 tf LOOKING FOR AN UNUSUAL GIFT? Hundreds Of Handmade Items Reasonably Priced On Display At THE VALU-MART HOBBY OUTLET Charles §t. 1 Block East of Fox River Bridge 1st Bidg. North of Rt. 120 9-1-60-tf Penny Candies! Over 85 old fashioned varieties in apothecary jars Christmas Candies A Sight to Delight! Holmgren's Gift Shop Richmond's Beautiful Gift Center West & George St. Richmond, 111. Open Everyday & Evenings 9-1=60^ ...l For Rent 3 BEDROOM YEAR 'round house. Gas heat, garage, oh McCullom Lake, Spojnia Subd. Call Guettler. EV 5-1789, 11-22--12-1-8-15-60 HOMES FOR RENT -- 10 Holiday Hills -- Large 3 bedroom ranch. Rent with option to buy. Immediate occupancy. Phone Hickory 7-8111. ' 9-1-fiO-ft FACTORY & COMMERCIAL building. WiH build indusfa&d and commercial buildings our site for qualified tenants to lease. See or call Arriold^BT May )BuildeE«,-fIn«^ Bidhnvmd 4381. 9-1-60-tf OFFICE SPACE availaWe at 205 West Elm. Call EV fe-58^ 10-20-60' tl WITH OPTION to buy. 4 bedroom home. EV. 5-2423. ll-34(&0-tf FREE FREE FREE Free Christmas gift to every shopper. January Rug and Carpet Clearance Sale in pecember. Buy now ahd §ave. We must reduce our irtventory of roll goods, rerhrian'tfe, used rUgs, runners, kna throw rugs in stock. 'Discounts up to 50%. TIDY MAGIKIST RUG CLEANERS Junction RxM|es 14 and 120 Woocfisbck, 111. Phone FE 8-1000. 12-1-60 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEA0*Y CULTURE PISTAKEE ROAD AN.D '""ties ar. SOdHENR^jr"' PHONE EV M680 ' 1 ALLEt) work done exclusively ^1* students BEGINNERS Shampoo & Styling Mon. A Wed. 75c Thurs., Fri. & Sat 95c Haircuts -- 80c Permanents $3.96 $4.95 (cut ft styles included) Hlgjh Bleaching ~ TM& "$1»1 SLENDERt^p^j? ADVANCED $1:00 ft $1^0 Halrcutting $1.00 Permanents 9k AO $10.00 (out ft style fnckufcd) -- Streaks -- Tipping tw feoin Operat^J FOR SALE from Private Family Lightweight Smith Corona Portable Typewriter with fcaSe $18.00 $30Q00 (Component parts *fl-Fi SyStOn $125.00 2 Colonial Hard Maple Step End Tables • • $20.00 each 1 C o l o n i a l H a r d M a p l e Latnfc> Table V $15.00 1 Colonial rtard Maple Gos^ sip Bench $20.00 EV. 5-2252 12-1-60 BICYCLES New Ranger Bicycles with life time guarantee. Also like new completely reconditioned bicycles. New tricycles, wagons, and scat cars. Sales, service, parts, and accessories. D and H BICYCLES 110 N. Meadowlane Pistakee Highlands, 'McHenry HYatt 7-3320 A deposit Will hold any item until Christmas 12-1-8-15-60 SELL $^r car tor cash with a ~ Uafda . DJ . i'a-4 *l EV, 5- now. *** 1 BEDRM. Cottage oh Fox River near Johnsburg bridge. Gas heat, $60. per month. Ey 5-0603 or write B. Engstrona, 8921 Lamon Ave., Skokie, ifi 11-10-60-tf CLEAN attractive room with adjacent bath for employed gentleman. References. Tel. EV. 5-6132 11-22-60 tf IN FLORIDA 4 room furished house, new and clean, Ideal for couple. 1 mile tb ocean. $150.00 monthly Dec. 15th to May 15th. Dishes and linens are furnished, apply by letter, G. H. Smith 207 S.W. 4th Ave. Hallahd&le, Floridi. 15 miles from Miami. 11-22--12-1-8-60 SMALL HOUSE in McHenry. Excellent location; reasonable rent. Write Box 663, C/O NJc Henry Plaindealer. 12-1-80 FOR RENT 2 Bdrfh. hbftie in McHenry, oil furnace, ^hced yard. $65 per month. PhOne EV. 5-0303. 12-1-60 2 BEDROOM APT. 601 THIRD STREET at John St. 2 blocks, west of High School, Large Livihg Room Dinette - Kitchen with Cabinet Sink, Auto. Defrost Rfefrig. and 30" Gas Range, Tile Bath, 4 closets, Attic Storage, Individual Auto. Gas Heat, Master T. V. Antenna, off street Parking, $97.50 The Kent Corp, 1'15 N. Riverside Dr. EV. 5-3800 *12-1-60 5 ROOM Modern house on Fox River. For rent or for sale. Wood paneling in living and dining room. Ceramic tile bath and kitchen. EV. 5-4554. 12-1-60 tf For Rent' FOR RENT wjth. option to buy. 3 bdrm. hd»me, 1% bath, 2 bdrm. home, "attached garage .EV. 5-016#, 12-1-K0 FOR RENT Second floor fiveroom apartment, j^eat furnished. Location 541 -r^Tain Street. Phone Srijfenry EV. 5-ill9, fclmer W. J^nseh, 518 Waukegan Road. »'• •32ili60 FOR RENT or will sell on contract. 3 bedrocbn home with garage in Eastwood wtanor. Call EV. 5-4020 after 12-F60 6 ROO®I house. Gas heat-. > For rent. Wonder Lake. EUclicl 3- 3532. *12-1-60 3 ROOT! Bungalow ; with heat ami electricity furnished. $50 per month. Garland Rd., Wauconda. JAckson 6-8092. •12-1-60 APARTMENT for Rent. %% rm.Refrigerator and stpve. All u t i l i t i e s f u r n i s h e d . B u c k ' s Town Club, 201 Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. EV. 5-3573. 12-1-60 4-ROOM newly built Apts. in rental buildings. Prefer retired people $50 frionthly. Call Austin 7-3495 or EV. 5-3028. 12-^60 3 ROOM apartment, 516 Main Street. $50 per month, Phone EV". 5-0068 *12-1-60 2 BDRM. cottage, garage, utility room, furnished. Wonder Lake 3261 *12-1-60 3 ROOM furnished apt. and bath. Electricity and heat furbished. EV. 5-3457 12-1-60 2 ROOM furnished apt (tor rent. EV. 5-0266 12-1-60 ROOM FOR rent with or without meals. Working gentleman preferred. EV. 5-0053 12-1-60 3 ROOM house, large'enclosed porch, 1 bedroom, basement garage, gas heat, full bath, large yard. Wonder Lake 6893 is-i-eo NICE ROOM on river. Usf^of entire house. Modern, reasonable. EV. 5-6519. *2-1-60 FOR RENT or salb -- hew 2 b#drobih home, garage, / gas hSat, ftlll i}&or&tfd, in Pistakee Hills §iibd. . $90.00 per mdhth. 2 BfeDRbCKWS with extra Jarge rooms on 2nd floor, l^it $80.00, near johnsburg. 2 BEDROOM, 2 car garajjc, jgas Jrfeat, n^ar Jdhrisbcir-g.'Aent $75.00 per mOHth. Jacob Fritz 5-0037 12-1-60 4 mm** •*• • »• •• i - v I IT ill ^ BDRM.^ome for'sale. No molrtfey down. vCall after 5 An. EV. 5-dliB. *12-1-8-1560 2 BEDROOM house pa large fended In lot. Natural gab lieat available. New siding ahd paint. Full basement. G.I. Mortgage. Must sell due to transfer out of state. Wonder Lake 6874 after 6 p.m. All day Saturday and Sunday. 10-20-60 tf ; -r-<r_ FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS-BUSINESSES tlESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATES 405 Richmond Road A " McHenry. HI. Phone: EVergreen 5-0421 ; 9-1-60-tf RlVER FRONT Lot at Mcrtenry Sho'rieis. ^Excellent location; water, gtas and electric. Tcfrtrw to feuit, by own^r. EV 5-1327. &8-6Q*f WORK30RS are wateWng for b^tt^r jobs In the Classi®^ columns. iMal EV. 5-0170 to start >our "Help Wanted'r ad. . -4k* FOR RENT. Room with space for car in carport. South of bridge in Johnsburg at ftock and Rail Ranch. EV. 5-1251. 12-1-60 tf BEAUTIFUL light airy room available for 2 borders. EV. 5-6180. 12-1-60 tf 3 ROOM house with utility room and garage. West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake. Call EV. 5-2515 12-1-8-15-60 SUNNY 4-ROOM upper Apartment. Muzzy Building, Ringwood, $49 per month. See Mr. Timm or telephone JO 8-7708. 12-1-8-Sb McHENRY cmct LAKE AREA JTear 'Round Homes. Seasonal flbhies, farms vacant Hoiyie *ites. Income properties. ' ^ FACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, B1 Ri. EVergreen 5-0037 - Hito" McHENRY AREA LISTINGS* LEIBACH REALTY .jnem EV. 5-1187 : iJ* "~1AUtt>-27-6^tf

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