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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1961, p. 9

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Thuttday, January 5,1961 1QE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Ige of Sunnyside VILLAGE HOLDS R&GULAR BUSINESS MEETING ON JAN. 9. v Irene May The regular business meeting will be held Jan. 9 in the village hall. Please attend and know what is going on in your village. Something new has been added in our village as many of you observed. We have five new street lights Installed, not blinding anyone, but making ouj* village look like a little city beginning to grow. Reminder Seeing that the holidays are over it is time to get down to business again and remind the parents who have boys age 8 to 10 to enlist them into the Cub Scouts. There are a lot of good benefits that they will receive from it. As I have menti< Jfed before this includes Pistaree Terrace and Sunnyside Estates. Page Nlnti Sodality News The Blessed Virgin sodality will hold a regular business meeting Tuesday, Jan. 10. The Sodality is also sponsoring a public party Sunday, Jan. 15, at 8 o'clock at the community club hall. Delicious refreshmWts and soft drinks will be served. Won't you please come? Auto Accident Dean Cios met with some misfortune, Friday, Dec. 23. On his way from work he was involved in an auto accident, which demolished his car, being impossible for him to drive it. Hnfcis now recuperating a,t his miner's house in Chicago being shook up and fortunately escaping severe injuries. Narrow Escape Marvin Muleski was rushed with oxygen to Victory hospital in Waukegan Tuesday from work. He was over exhausted from trying to keep up with hi^work at the store while soifb of his employees were absent. All this and the busy Christmas weekend schedule caused the attack which almost affected his heart. He is getting better and will be home for some time again to rest and speed up his health. Welcome Home Haven't seen much of Mr. Gajrity lately^. Just heard he cai^e home after spending Christmas holidays in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berg and her mother, Mrs. Simmons. Xmas Activities Marie and Carl Martin gave a dinner Christmas Eve for several out of town guests. They were the Ed Martin familyj tfrom Chicago, Frank Marti* family from Mundelein, Loui Pellegrini family from Hinsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Milbrand from Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Milbrand from McHenry, and last but not least Nick Justen family from McHenry. The Metzgers spent the Christmas weekend in Milwaukee and made a stop on the way home in Waukegan to visit with Elizabeth's aunt. Yours truly celebrated with her little ones at home with a dinner for Grandma and Grandpa from Fox Lake and Aunt Florence and Uncle Irv from McHenry. It was all worth the hard work to see our happy children enjoying Christmas as they did. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker and d a u g h t e r , P a t , c e l e b r a t e d Christmas holidays in Chicago with family and friends at her sister's home, Mrs. Rose Bialkowski. The Tuckers entertained them in their home for the New Year celebrating. Birthdays A belated birthday greeting to Dean Cios who celebrated it on Dec. 18. Twice happy birthday to the Niemiec family. I«1rst in order was Carol on the twenty-sixth, and Bill Jan. 6. Also birthday greetings to a fine boy, Peter Heitz R., who celebrated the same day, Dec. 30, with PJ Schneider. PISTAKEE TERRACE NEWS Meetings Because of the holidays the association meeting will be held Jan. 9. The regular ladies meeting will be held Jan. 12 at the home of Agnes Secord. Installation Bringing to your attention that the Etrownies are being installed Jan. 14. Sick List At th£ time of this reading Regina Kern should be back from the hospital minus her tonsils. She was to be admitted into the hospital Jan. 2. Jay and Jeff Connerty and Bernice Froehlig are sick with bad colds. Marilyn Wiggerman is sick with the flu. Christmas Celebrating Mr. and Mrs. William Kern went to Cleveland, Ohio, for Christmas to visit with their son, Francis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Toepper had guests for Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Nelson of Salem, Wis. and her grandma, Mrs. Hattie Curtiss, of Ringwood. Christmas day holidays. They visited her mother, Mrs. Meyers, her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jindrich, qtad one of her aunts and uncles. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zamastil entertained Christmas Eve. The guests were Don's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zamastil, and Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmermann. Mr. and Mrs. B'ob Froehlig and family spent Christmas in DesPlaines at her mom's, Mrs. Modloff v During the celebrating of Christmas Eve they received a telegram from California informing them that Bob's sister had a baby girl after 17 years. They have three grown sons. The Childers family spent Christmas Eve in Chicago with Chuck's folks and Christmas Day with Barbara's mother, Mrs. Churchill. They were happy to see her sister, Lillian, who came home from Detroit, where she attends the Wayne University. There were also aunts, uncles, brother and grandma present. Lakeland Park Women's Club Meets Thursday Pat Gehvicks EV, 5-3712 or EV. 5-4048 Don't forget the meeting tonight (Thursday) at 8:30 p.m. at the community house and Ihe first opportunity .to see pictures of our Christmas party. See you there! Anniversary Fifteen years of wedded bliss for Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lima who celebrated Jan. 3. A Comment from the Reporter We were very fortunate to have such a fine group of youngsters who went out Christmas Eve carolling. They were boys and girls from Pistakee Terrace as well as Sunnyside. Nice work kids, we need more like you. File Petition For Change In Zoning A petition has been filed before the zoning board of appeals for Aqualane Estates, Inc., Daniel Fry and State Bank of Woodstock. The present classification is "F" farming and the petitioners request a change to "B-l" business district. This property is located approximately one-half mile east of Riverside Drive along the Fox river and one mile southwest of Johnsburg. The hearing on the above petition will be heard on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 3 p.m. in the city hall in McHenry, 111. ASC LOAN DEADLINE Bert Bridges, chairman of the McHenry county ASC comm i t t e e , h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t Monday, Jan. 16, is the last day on which application for a j^ioan can be made for I960 they also entertained Mr. ana barley, grain sorghums, oats, Mrs. Leonard Toepper, Sr., and son of Trevor, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vyduna celebrated Christmas Eve in Wheeling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Oaks. It also was the nephew's birthday. Christmas day was spent at Cal's folks in Oak Park. The Gerald Connerty car broke down in Cicero forcing the family to stay in for the Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Prop. "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry' • • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0724 rye, soybeans and wheat. Purchase agreements may be made through the close of business on Jan. 31, 1961. Christmas Displays Judged The Christmas scenes displayed by our community dwellers have been judged. The decisions were very difficult and close, but the winners were announced by impartial judges, Mrs. Stuart Engh, Gerald Carey and Don Doherty, all prominent McHenry citizens. The winners were Jim and Bev Wickenkamp of 92 Clearview, who won third prize for the children's class, LeRoy and Marianne Gorniak of 10 Ramble Road took second prize for the general class,. and first prize, winners were Bilf and Joan Krater of 126 Shore for the best looking. Elf Heggelund was responsible for presenting blue, yellow and white ribbons to the appropriate winners. Deep thanks are given to all those who took part, judges, contestants and sponsors. New Treasurer Mrs. Art . (Gladys) Hafer, Sr., has accepted the appointment made by the officers and board of directors of the LPPOA to fullfil the office of treasurer. Get Well Wishes To Earline Davis who has pneumonia and is in the McHenry hospital. We hope you get well soon. Engagement Ray and Marge Franklin announce the engagement of their daughter. Carol, to Jerry Moran of Harvard. This big event took place Christmas Eve. No definite future plans are set. Sympathy Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to Bev Wickenkamp and her family upon the death of her paternal grandfather on December 23. Mr. Hjertstedt was laid to rest at Elmwood Park cemetery. New Year's Wedding: Leon and Vicky Bottari and family attended a wedding of Leon's cousin, Bev Ann Bottari, to Don Roger Sporina New Year's Eve. The wedding took place at St. Bonaventure, a Roman Catholic church in OAK LEAF POULTRY FARM "Where Quality Comes First" WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH FRESH BE IT A DOZEN OR A CASE All Produce Guaranteed On North Side of Edgewood Rd. Third Farm West of Rt. SI R.F.D. 1 -- CRYSTAL LAKE -- PHONE 459-3971 Chicago, with a reception following in the evening. Birthdays Irene Koehl's mother, Mrs. Mary Brochocki, celebrated her birthday Wednesday, Dec. 28. Happy birthday to Mrs. Ann Marie Johnson on Jan. 4, to Bob Koczor on Jan. 6. Tp-Shirley Ozog and Barbara Meurer on Jan. 7. Biithday Doings Jim Wickenkamp observed his birthday on Dec. 28. Rita and Bob Idstein and family dropped in by surprise and had cake and coffee. Young „ mister Tommy Kozicki had a party on Dec. 28 in observance of his sixth birthdaj| of Jan. 1. The feUows, Stanley and Lee Pankiewicz, Norbie Kwiatek, Robby Wickenkamp and Lance Kuhna enjoyed the gift of Shill Ball and the rest of the party treats. Family Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jayko had as their Christmas dinner guests their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norb Kwiate, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dooley and family of Chicago and Miss Connie Jayko. Connie and the Dooleys spent the holiday weekend between the Jaykos and the Kwiateks. Post Christmas Party JSek and Petey Oakford attended a post-Christmas party, Dec. 28, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall of Melrose P a r k . R e f r e s h m e n t s w e r e served and dancing was enjoyed. Pro-Holiday Party Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker entertained Mr. aricfTvirs. Tony Knor, Mr. and Mrs. Rich Hahndorf and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brushaber on Dec. 27 for a pre-New Year's Eve get-together at their home on 80 Glen Drive, Lakeland Shores. New Year's Eve Party John and Polly Licastro of 104 North Avenue, Lakeland Shores, gave a New Year's Eve partjr. Dorothy Glorch helped Polly prepare the refreshments. The Glorches, Barwigs, Chismars, Dawsons, Koehls, Wagners, Lenses, Koerpers, Georges, Jarmans, Meyarses and Schwegels were the guests. Dancing, music, games and refreshments were enjoyed. New Year's Eve Doings Ray and Donna Rode were hosts to a party in their basement on New Year's Eve. Seeing the New Year in were the Matthews, Koczors, S t e e 1 e s, Serios, L u d w i g s, Grizelys, Hearles and Pissowotzhis. And at the Gersted basement some of the folks from their section got together to see the New Year in. The group called the "Squares'* and other friends celebrated the New Year in at a party at the V.F.W. Before the party a lew couples enjoyed a dinner out. The Koehls went to the V.F.W. New Year's Eve party alons with their friends. Bill and Ann Herzog spent New Year's Day in Browns Lake with Mr. and Mrs. John Finucane. Friends from Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Benda, spent the" day in Browns Lake at the home of the Finucanes also. Bud and Dorothy Uttick spent New Year's Eve with the "Squares" having lots of fun. Then New Year's Day with their family, they spent the holiday with Bud's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Giebel, in Lombard. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kosieracki entertained their three sons and grandson New Year's Day. The sons and their families were Fred, wife, Jean, Kathy and Mike of Park Ridge, Walter and Josephine of Palatine and Harry, Shirley, Karen and Cris of North Dakota. Harry is a radio announcer on KDLR in North Dakota. Shirley's mother, Mrs. Sorenson, was a guest also from North Dakota. The grandson and wife are Robert and Janet of Lakeland Shores. Jack and Petey Oakford and family spent New Year's Day with Petey's sister, Eileen, Pete Paulsen and family in Elm hurst and had a delicious dinner/ Visitors Frank and Jean Parisi had a wonderful visit from Jean's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rossini, Marilyn and Geri. from Garden Grove, Calif. Their guests-arrived Dec. 20 and spent the Christmas holidays with them. The Rossinis returned to California on the afternoon of Dec. 29. Herb and Marge Dent of 212 Lakeview were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doherty of Daytona Beach, Fla. The Dohertys arrived Dec. 28 and JOSEPH FRETT « SON. INC. Builders ESTABLISHED 1926 Residential and Commercial 9 First in Quality • Fairest in Priced • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- !4 Mile East of Fox River Bridge stayed several days, furthering their trip by visiting relatives in Chicago. The visitants are the brother and sister-inlaw of Marge. Sandy Bucaro had a girl friend, Gale Zago of Chicagp. as a guest for a week during the school holiday vacation. Joe and Edith Schram had the pleasure of their granddaughter, Diane, and family for a week during the holiday vacation. Visiting Phil Bucaro stayed with Ricky Behof for a week in Chicago during the school vacation and in return Ricky spent a week with Phil; Petey, Larry and Billy Oakford visited with a girl friend of Petey's, Rose Mary Haase, her husband," Bud, and family in Arlington Heights Thursday afternoon. • Donna Bucaro spent a week of her schopl vacation in Chicago with her grandma, Mrs. Waller. Meet Your Neighbor.; Welcome 'Old-Timers Don and Carole Humann who have lived at 135 Rogers for two and a half years. They lived in Chicago before moving to Lakeland Park. The Humanns have four girls, Cathy, Donna, Mary Beth and Meg. Carole spent her school days at Immaculata and Don attended Schurz, both schools in Chicago and their oldest daughter, Cathy, is attending first grade at St. Patrick's here in McHenry. , Don and Carole met while working for the same company. They went together for one and a half years and have now been married eight years. Don's employment is plnmhing- Carole's hobbies are to drive,[ read and loaf. She belongs to' Women's Club, was a former block captain and a former news reporter for our community. Don likes to spend his spare time fishing, hunting and bowling. He is a member of the K of C. council. Both belong to the LPPOA. 4-H News Cherry Valley Club Kathy Curran, our president, called the meeting to order on Dec. 26 at the home of Sarah: Whiting, with ten members and three guests present. Among new business we discussed the Christmas dance, Share-the-Fun. On the program we had talks and demonstrations by the following: Kathy Curran,. "Most Common Sources of Fires"; Dorothy Curran, "How To Appty a Tourniquet"; Mary Dresdow, reading some poems; ' Karen Schmelzer, a talk on "Manners". Recreation was led by Kathy Curran, Mary Dresdow and Dorothy Curran. The next meeting will be at. the home of Tommy Stamper on Jan. 28. Donna Schmelier, Reporter £ \ HTSItBITAl RENTS Electric Hammers to Wheel Chairs EVergreen 5-4123 F A T OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor'® prescription, our drug called ODRINEX. You must lose ugly fat in 7 days or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, massage or taking so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ODRINEX It a tiny tablet and easily swallowwlv. When you take ODRINEX, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods yav like, but you simply don't have Ihf urge for extra portions because ODRI* NEX depresses^ your appetite and decreases your aeslre for food. Your weight must come down, because asyour own doctor will tell you, whod you eat less, you weigh less. Get rkt of excess fat and live longer. ODRINEX' costs $3.00 and is sold on this GUAR-. ANTEE: If not satisfied for any reasoq. fust return the package to your druggist: and get your full money, back. Nt, questions asked. ODRINEX Is sold withthis guarantee by: •- BOLGER'S Drug Storo 108 S. Green St. : Phone EV 5-4J00 " hair news/ Helena Rubinstein's new COLOR LIFT through 5 shampoo« Another beautiful "first" by Helena Rubinstein - unique Color Lift, the rinse that conditions as it colors and lasts through five shampoos! Color Lift lathers on right from the bottleno separate mixing, no applicator - and it won't rub off on pillows or anything else! In 11 natural-looking colors for every shade of hair. Give your hair this color lift today! 2 months' supply 150 plus tax COLOR LIFT HAIR RINSE W:v"'• BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. Ph. EV. 5-4500 SAVE FOR YOUR TOMORROWS - - TODAY! Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SAVINGS AVAILABILITY YOUR SAVINGS have always been ACCESSIBLE WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your request lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli Your deposits thru Jan. 15th will receive credit as of January 1st. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll PHONE EV. 5-3000 SAVE where your accounts are insured and available. \ SAVE where your money draws the highest rate of interest consistent with safety. SAVE where experienced and conservative management prevails. SAVE where service is rendered with pleasure SAVE in your local institution and help maintain prosperity in your community. inmiimmiiiiiiimiiiifiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiHniiiiu $5,000.00 becomes $6,094.95 In 5 Short Years Based on 4% iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Get A Check Every 6 MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N 4'/: o ; O n / O Investment Savings Accounts Member Federal Home Loan Bank Current Rate -- 4% Per Annum plus 1% BONUS Payable at end of 4-year period BniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuintiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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