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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1961, p. 11

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1 Thursday, January 5* 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER W•*" Page Eleven Sunnsyide Estates GRIST FAMILY TO LEAVE FOR MICHIGAN HOME Polly Stevens EV 5-1256 It will be with a sad heart that we, soon say farewell to Bernadine and Bill Grist. Bill's firm has transferred him to Detroit and he reports there Jan. 9. Bernadine will stay on here for a few weeks, packing and making ' arrangements about their home. Two of the nicest people we know will be sadly missed by their many fri|hds. later joined by Fran and Jerry Olsen. They also expressed appreciation ot their gift. Meeting Tonight Don't forget the monthly meeting of the SEHOA, tonight, Jan. 5, at 8 p.m. at the Johnsburg public school. Come on down and find out what's going 011. A~ Bride Joanne Matuszak made a towly bride, Friday, Dec. 30, when she was married to Bradley Beckman of Harvard. They will reside in Kentucky where Bradley is a paratrooper at Ft. Campbell. Much happiness and good luck to you both. A Pleasant Surprise Your reporter was the recipient of a • lovely Christmas planter filled with holly, greens, silver and gold balls, other decorations and a big red bow. It was a gift from the nice people of the McHenry Plaindealer. Such thoughtfulness warms the cockles of one's heart. The planter will be kept and cherished. A New Arrival Pat and Eddie Matuszak are the proud parents of a bounciiu^ baby boy. Eddie, Jr., was bcOTi Monday, Dec. 19, at the Harvard Memorial hospital and weighed 7 lbs. and 13 ozs. He is a pretty little fellow with a cute little button nose. Congratulations, Pat and Eddie. Sick List Mrs. Emma Olson was ill during the Christmas holiday but is feeling much better now. £iane Voight's cold turned into pneumonia but she is making a quick recovery as a 6 year old will. Delight I have received many calls from the older folk expressing ttyeir surprise and delight in thjfe recent visit of the carollei's, who were Alice and Ray Buschke, Joan Walczynski and Christmas Comin's and Goin's Mary and Red Davis and their five children spent Christmas Eye in Chicago with Red's cousins, Arlene and Wayne Swanson, as did the others of the Davis family. Mary's brother, Bill Doherty, his wife, Fran, and their sons, Tommy and Patrick, of Maywodd, returned home with Mary and Red for a two day visit. Mark's dearest wish was realized when Santa brought his cowboy suit. He is now known as Mark "Paladin" Davis. Mary's one worry is how to get it off him long enough to wash it. Dorothy and Ted Bierchen and their children spent Christmas in Chicago visiting Dorothy's mother, Mrs. Michael Ahearn, her sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Vrablik and Ted's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bierchen. Ted's father became ill while they were there and was taken to St. Francis hospital. We hope he recovers very soon. Lu and Jack Davis had as houseguests their friends, Mr. ai.d Mrs. Roland Meyer, of Chicago, during the holidays. Bernadine and Bill Grist had two Christmas dinners. On Christmas day eleven of Bernadine's family were there and Dec. 26 found ten of Bill's family partaking of the holiday feast. Christmas Eve found Helen and Sol Kobus and their children, Candy, Randy and Brian, at the home of Helen's niece, Barbara and Frank Makowskl in Niles. Others of Helen's family gathered there also. Millie and George Kropf and son, Ray, spent Christmas day with George's parents, Tillie and Max, in Lombard. Millie's parent^, Mr. and Mrs. Becvar, and sister, Vi Crane, joined them there. To make the families complete, George, Jr., on leave from Ft. Campbell, Ky., and his wife, Carol, came for the day. Max Kropf is recuperating very nicely from his recent eye operation. Alice and Dick Janicki entertained Alice's mother, Mrs. Huldah Krans, sisters, Arlene and Laura Krans, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Girard and children, Mary Beth and Bonnie, for dinner. Their daughter, Linda, returned to the Krans home in Chicago for a few days visit before going back to school. Pat Spindler was happy to have her son, Jim, his wife, Rachel, and their children, Nicky and Mark, for the holfdays. Bernice and Earl Fry and Sandy and Tommy had their dinner with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Turenns, and sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Dumalaski, in Volo. Carol and Bud Kennebeck and Karen and Allan spent Dec. 23 and 24 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Gamperl, in Chicago. While they were there all the Gam perls gathered to celebrate Christmas. On Christmas day they had dinner with Bud's mother, Mrs. Ben J. Kennebeck, in Johnsburg as did his two sisters, three brothers and their families. Carol's young broth- I pr Rinhi. rphimpd hnmp with > the feelings of others. One of our residents was very upset Christmas E ve on finding ^broken "spirit" bottles in her d r i v e w a y . L e t ' s be more thoughtful of others, shall we? Smorgasbord Polly and Jim Stevens were among the guests of Norma and Bob Garvin at a Swedish smorgasbord at their home near Lake Villa recently. Never have I seen or devoured such delicious food, f EDITORIAL Birthdays Happy birthday today, Jan. 5, to Lorraine Major, on Jan. 6 to 13 year old Edward Brink* on Jan. 7 to Gus Berg, on Jan. 9 to Bill Grist and on Jan. 11 to 10 year old- Candy Kobus and 6 year old Jimmjr Fuqua. Many happy returns of the day to you all. COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE We repair radiators lor ^A50 as low as » ' Alf^rfTully Guaranteed SERVICE NEWS INVEST IN SCOUTING Since its establishment in the United States'in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has touched the lives of 31,563,809 American boys and their adult leaders. There is hardly an, American family that has not felt Scouting's- influence. Today more than 3,686,763 boys are enrolled in over 129,- 097 units. Backing them up are 1,356,432 adults serving in many volunteer capacities. They are dedicated individuals and their efforts in the proper training of our youth represent a significant bulwark in. blocking the Communist march. Chartered by the Congress of the United States, the organization „ seeks to promote the ability of boys "to do things for themselves and others, to teach- them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues" and "by placing emphasis upon the Scout Oath and Law for character development, citizenship training and physical fitness". The Blackhawk Area Coun- . ™ oil. Boy Scouts , of America, Arnold Thelen, son of Mr with headquarters in Rockford* Anniversaries Jan. 7 is a double celebration for Wanda and Gus Berg, their anniversary and Gus's birthday. Congratulations. Best wishes to Dorothy and Ted Bierchen on their nineteenth anniversary on Jan. 10. I would like to recommend for putting up with me all that the "Medal for Bravery these years. We celebrate our Above and Beyond the Call of twenty-sixth anniversary Duty" be given to Jim Stevens Jan. 10. is responsible for the growth of Scouting in this six countywide area. Its leadership comprises 5,281 devoted men and women from all walks of life. In addition 211 local institutions and organizations are in p a r t n e r s h i p with the Boy Scouts of America to help our boys. These institutions represent our greatest spiritual, civic, and patriotic resources. The Blackhawk Area Council is a good community force that merits your financial and moral support. In helping Scouting to grow, you are helping our community and the Sons of your friends and neighbors who may well be our community's leaders tomorrow. rtved home t>y plane Dec. 23 to spend the holidays with his parents. After three months at Paris Island, S. Car., he finished his boot training in the Marines, made a private first class rating and received a sharp shooter badge. IDs platoon received a trophy for the best drilling in competition. Pfc. Thelen will return Jan. 7 for his advanced training at Camp Lejeune, N. "Car., and will assume a new assignment as platoon sergeant. P.Ur m fasten Of Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 er, Richi, returned home them to visit until Jan. 1. Thoughtlessness It would seem that some holiday celebrants have no regard for personal property or FREE DRIVERS UC:,I;SE REMINDER SERVICE Your drivers license should be renewed 30 days prior to its expiration da^te! Let us help you wilii our FREE reminder service.: Just send us your name etc. on the coupon bt. low, and at' the proper time we will notify you by mail that your license should be renewed. There is absolutely no charge for this service! Name Address License Expiration Date SEYMOUR'S 24 HR. LICENSE SERV. 205 W. Elm St. EV. 6-4908 (Mark's Marine Service) Lowest Prices Complete Selections Open Display Shopping Quick SelfrService Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. WSGlVfe GREEN Midstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 315 W. Elm St. 1-Day Service on Industrial Radiators Tell your garage mechanic or service man to ^ b r i n g your l e a k y r a d i a t o r to . . . McHENRY AUTO BODY "We are not satisfied until you are!" 611 Frout St. W- EV' 5"M44 (RANK ROTH AUCTION AUCTIONEER W.H. RUSSEL Farm being sold and having decided to quit farming, we will sett all our personal property on the Frank Roth Farm. situated on the Franklinville Blacktop Road 2 k miles West of Woodstock, 3 miles North of Rt. 176, 5 Miles North of Union, 2 Jrfiles South of Rt. 14 and 2 miles South of Twinkling Star Tffern, on: SUNDAY. JANUARY 8,1961 H COMMENCING AT 11:30 A.M. MACHINERY . ' . Oliver 77 Tractor with hydra-electric; Massey Harris 44 Diesel Tractor w/Power Steering and 4 Row Cult.; GT-28 Terratrac Crawler Tractor w/hydraulic loader; Int. F-20 Tractor w/S&prayer Farmall Cub Tractor w/Mott Mower; Hydraulic 3-14 Oliver Radex Tractor Plow; Case 2-14 Tractor Plow, jg, 9 ft. hydraulic wheel disc.; New Idea No. 17 Manure Spreader; Gehl PTO Hammer Mill w/crusher; Snow Co. Feedomatic Mixer Wagon; 50 ft. Drive Belt; Oliver 7 ft. Semirnpunted Hydraulic Hay Mower; New Holland 77 Baler w/elec. sorter; Model 32 Papec Chopper w/engine, and corn & hay atfcaih.; New Idea 2 row mounted cornpicker; Allis-Chalmers Blower with engine; John Deere 490, 4 Row Corn Planter, John Deere 2 Row Corn Planter; New Idea Elevator; J.D. Van BryBt 11 ft. Broadcast Seeder 1 Hog Waterer; 1-2 wheeled Trailer; Heat Lamps; Hog House; Small Grain Blower; Wagon Boxes; Quack Digger; Massey Harris Super 26, 10 ft. Selfpropelled Combine; Kewanee 4 Sec. Steel Drag; Colby Rubber tired Wagon w/steel sides; 2 Chopper Boxes; McC. Deering side Delivery Rake; 1950 Studebaker 1 Ton Truck w/Hydraulic Grain box; Snow C. 16 ft. Grain Auger; Sears Wagon unlading unit; Duhlmeier Feeder Wagon on rubber; Cultapacker; 2 \Vheeled dump Trailer; McCormick Hand Corn Sheller; 220 Volt AC Engine driven generator; 1951, 4 Wheeled Drive Jeep Station Wagon; Steel and Wood Fence Posts; 125 ft. % in. Steel Cable & Pulleys; Simplicity Roto Cultivator; Eng. Driven Cement Mixer; 2 Round, 10 hole, 30 bu. hog feeders; 1 Round, 8 hole, 18 bu. hog feeder; Misc. Hog Equipment; Small tools and equipment; Potato Digger; Hay Rack; Potato Planter; 1 Gal. Pastuerizer; Living Room Set; Occasional Chair; Dishes. MANY ARTICILES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION FEED 3#Ton 1st and 2nd Cutting Mixed Alfalfa Hay; 6 Ton Baled Oat Straw; 14 Ton Baled Wheat Straw; 450 bu. Oats. FRANK ROTH AND SON, Owners NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS LUNCH WAGON ON GROUND USUAL. BANK TERMS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK Clerking Member Federal Reserve Bank £ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BEN FRANKLIN'S JANUARY WHITE January Special Values! EBB SALES Discounted Prices! Jewel Shopping Plaza LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS CHECK THESE PRICES Extra Savings! LOOK TO BEN FRANKLIN IN 1961 FOR BETTER VALUES - EXTRA SAVINGS YOU CAN'T DO BETTER ANYWHERES Sheets-Cases Save 33V3! Slight irregulars of a famous brand. Not Seconds! If perfect would sell for $2.79-$2.98. Type 140. Available in Limited Quantities. $l77Ea 2 for $3*50 72 x 108 Twin Fitted 81 x 108 Full Fitted SPECIAL PURCHASE 141 Thread Count Fitted Sheets - Cases (Imported) SNOWY WHITE Double Bed Size Reg. $2.29 Spec. $1.77 Twin Bed Size Reg. $1.99 1 Spec. $1.57 MULTI-STRIPE Double Bed Size Reg. $2.98 Spec. $1.97 Twin Bed Size Reg. $2.97 Spec. $1.77 Pillow Case to Match Reg. $1.49 pr. Spec. 99c Limited Quantities Come Early WOMEN'S CAR COATS Reduced 25% January White Sale Special SUPER SIZE POT HOLDERS 7% x -- Asst. Colors Reg. 29c Ea. Special 2 for 23* January White Sale Special PLASTIC PLACE MATS with Flannel Back 11 Va" x 11W -- Reg. 29c ea. 4 for 88' TERRIFIC SHOE SALE One Group of Women's and Girls' $4.98 Shoes NOW $3 One Group of Women's and Children's $3.98 Shoes NOW *2 00 Don't Miss These Values! WOMEN'S FELT HOUSESLIPPERS Reg. $1.39 -- Size 4-9 SALE PRICE $1 00 CANNON TERRY KITCHEN TOWELS (Reg. 39c-49c ea.) JANUARY SPECIAL 3QQ' For 3139 Asst. Colors to choose from! KITCHEN CHAIR CUSHIONS Plastic Cover, Cotton Filled 15" x 15" Asst. Colors Reg. 79c Ea. Jan. ^ $ Special « for |00 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Reg. $4.49 Value Full or Twin $. Sizes 377 SPECIAL 1CHASE Reg. $3.79 - $.3.98 WOVEN BEDSPREADS (also use to make drapes) $ 299 Full or Twin Sizes Reg. $4.98 Woven Spreads Now $3.99 WOMEN'S NYLON DUSTERS Reg. $4.98 Limited Size Ranges S-M-Lg. 399 HEAVY WEIGHT BATH TOWELS FACE TOWELS WASHCLOTHS 'Save 25% - 33V3% Reg. 98c 22 x 44 Bath Towel .... Special 67c Reg. 59c 14 x 25 Face Towel Special 37c Reg. 25c 12 x 12 Wash Cloth Special 3 for 47c WOMEN'S HATS Regular Prices $1.98 to $3.98 $ Reduced To |°o_ *2°° January Rug Sale Assorted Colors -- Heavy Weight Cotton - Rayon with skid resistant back Reg $2.29 30" x 50 Size Special $1.67 Reg. $2.79 36" x 60 Size Special $1.99 Reg. $9.98 6' x 9' Size Special $8.88 Reg. $19.98 9 x 12 Size Special $16.88 j^g ^ 49 NYLON - RAYON BLEND BLANKETS Beautiful Colors Full 72 x 90 Size !377 BED PILLOWS Non-Allergic Urethone Filled Multi Stripe Covering Reg. $1.49 Value January White Sale Spec. ALL BOYS - GIRLS JACKETS - PRAM SUITS SNOW PANTS Reduced 25% BUY NOW DON'T WAIT! CLEARANCE OF DRAPES & CAFE CURTAINS 1 and 2 of a pattern Limited Qty. Vi PRICE January Special Big 4 oz. Skein Red Heart YARN Special Reg. $1.19 $|00 Skien

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