P»gi Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 5, 1961 Pistakee Highlands GREET NEW YEAR IN HIGHLANDS AT HOLIDAY PARTIES Hazel Morley HY. 7-3820 There were a few New Year's Eve parties going on in the Highlands, some large and some on a smaller scale. The largest one I got wind of was the one held in the basement of Floyd and Vi Johnson's home. Ringing in the new year together (let's hope I haven't left anyone out) were the .Novotnys, Hurckes, Mc- Inerneys, Vrbiks, George Van- 2everns, Reillys, Gitlins, Fletchers, Wroblewskis, Waldins, Wilsons, Moores, Bill Johnsons, Kolins, Shivelys, Murgatroyds, Sabielnys, Ominskies, Dinsmores, Staudemeiers, Wilkes, $eldons, Fergons, Kaminskis and Sarvers. Another group got together ftnd used the Bales basement for their merry making. At this time all the names weren't available but fourteen couples were expected to attend. Bill and Marge Morefth entertained two couples for New Year's eve. Herb and Lorraine Lindemann and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gates from West Chicago were guests for the evening. Ray and Laverne Madock spent New Year's eve with La- Verne's parents at the home of Ray's brother, Willard Madock, and his family. Ed and Virginia Thoren and family spent New Year's eve in Chicago visiting with Ginny's family. Your reporter and Dick celebrated New Year's eve with our friends, Jim and Sue Barrett, at the K. C. hall in Long Lake. Death Arthur Jacobson of Broadway died on Dec. 26 in a Chicago hospital. Mr. Jacobson Was 46 years old and is survived by his widow, Louise, his mother, five sisters and two brothers. Burial was last Thursday in Skokie. Dog Lost A lost dog te roaming the vicinity of Thelen and John streets. He is wearing a tag marked with the name Moore, Miami, Ohio. If he belongs to you he c£tn be found in that area almost any time. from McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Hart and daughter from Mundelein • were guests for the evening. On Christmas eve Martin and Hazel Rogde were busy entertaining all of Martin's family. I heard that delicious oyster soup was on the menu. Dick's sister, Helen, and her family were guests at. our -home last Monday. Also entertaining for the Christmas holidays were Dud and Dee Gregg. They were host to both their families. The children were quite thrilled when Santa ^toured the Highlands on the twentyfourth. He listened to all their wishes and handed out candy canes and chocolate Santas. Much appreciation goes to Betty and Milton Sandelin who were Santa's biggest helpers that day and who made his visit possible. , Marge Moreth entertained a few women, last week in her home. Marge served a chicken dinner to Mrs. Lindemann, Mrs. Schuble, Mrs. Madock, Mrs. Knapp, and Mrs. Bergner. Needless to say, a good time was hiad by alL Don and Audrey Morin were pleased to have Audrey's sister, Jackie Piotrowski and her hubby Larry, out for part of the New Year holiday. On New Year's day they had a visit from Don's parents. Marge Zacharius and family spent last Wednesday at the home of her mom and dad, the Moreths. Kay and Wally Sielisch entertained Lil and Lee Orlowski in their home Christmas day. They had a wonderful time visiting with*%Cay's mother who was here from Cadillac, Mich. Mrs. Barry left last Thursday for Colorado where she will visit Kay's sister, Betty. Kay also reports that she received a card and letter from Gert and Roy Snell who are spending the winter in Clinton, Iowa and they are having a grand time. Dot and Richie Orlowski were both home on vacation last week. Mrs. Lil Orlowski was quite sick last week with a severe cold and sore throat. She could hardly speak above a whisper. Happy birthday to Debbie Dobecki who will be eight years old on Jan. 9. She will have a party with her friends on Jan. 7. Belated birthday greetings to my "ole buddy" Martin Rogde who celebrated another year on Dec. 28. Many happy returns of the day to you all. Wonder Lake SUNDAY SCHOOL STARTS SECOND SESSION. JAN. 8 Jane Ducey They're Back Yes, all our darlings are back at their reading, writing and arithmetic and now we can once again settle down to our daily schedules and leave the hustle and bustle of the holidays behind us. It won't be long thQ and the stores will be overflowing with valentines. Remembered A thoughtful holiday remembrance from the Plaindealer was most appreciated. That's It . For another week. If you have any news you would like to; see in the column I will be more than happy to hear from you. Call me with your items, wot^t you? Bye now, see you next week. COUNTY SALE OF E AND H BONDS TOTAL $141,997 McHenry county residents purchased $141,997 in series E and H United States savings bonds in the month of November, according to Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake, general chairman of the county savings bond committee. Purchases of both series in the state of Illinois were $25,- 411,045, according to T. Merle Paul, state director of the U.S. savings bonds division. This is 4 per cent below last November's sales of $26,474,771. Illinois sales amounted to 7.7 per cent of national sales w h i c h w e r e $ 3 2 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , and 82.6 per cent of the state's annual quota of $387,200,000 has been reached in the first eleven months of 1960. A second session of Sunday j school will begin at 11, start - t ing Jan. 8. With the new ! church it will now be possible to have church and Sunday school at the same time so that those who want to can bring their children to Sunday school, stay for church themselves, all in one trip. This is to especially serve those in areas too far from the church to make two trips. , The regular session of Sunday school will be held at , 9:15 and this is expected to still be the main session. Come on Jan. 8, to enroll your children in the new second session. The worship service will then be advanced from 10:45 to 11, to allow more time between sessions. The sermon topic for Jan. 8 will be, "Shadow Over a Great Light". All are welcome to worship services on this first Sunday after the Epiphany of manifestation of our Lord, the season of the Wise Men and missions. The Luther League will attend the rally at Park Ridge, Jan. 8. All high school young people are welcome to this rally of the newly formed North Suburban district of the Luther League of Illinois. It will be held at St. Luke's Lutheran church in Park Ridge. Cars will leave the church at 1:30. ' Members of the church are reminded of the annual meeting of the congregation Tuesday, Jan. 10, starting at 8 o'clock. At this meeting, new church councilmen will be elected, and the budget for 1961 adopted. R e freshments Any person who stands a head taller (socially, finaricial- | ly, mentally, as well as physically ) makes an excellent target. Around the Highlands Bob Fletcher fell on the ice last week and injured his nose. t hope it isn't too serious Bob. Kathy Mclnerney was home from college for the Christmas holidays. She spent New Year's back at Mundelein college. Watch next week's column for the newest association news. Don and Wanda Dobecki entertained both their families for the Christmas holidays. Hazel, Martin, Trudy, Pat and Roger Rogde spent part of their Christmas holiday in DeKalb visiting Hazel's mother and sisters. Emma and Leif Eide and family were happy to be in Minnesota for the Christmas Holidays. . Herb and Lorraine Lindeihann were pleased to have their daughter, Marilyn, and family, their son, Harry, and his family and another daughter, Pat, and two girl friends, Jean and Elaine, out for a visit last week. The get-together was in honor of Pat's twentyfourth birthday. Ed and Virginia Thoren entertained friends last Wednesday evening in their home. Mr. and Mrs. Heyward and son Birthdays Georgie VanZevern celebrated his eighth birthday on Dec. 31. He had a party in the afternoon with some of his friends. Guy Erbin celebrated his ninth birthday on Jan. 2. He also had a party with his friends. The water in the Persian Gulf has the warmest annual average of any known place on earth--96 degrees. WBKB-TV Channel 7 - 8:15 A.M. SUNDAY, JAN. 8 "HOW PRAYER CAN HELP A BUSINESSMAN" People tell how understanding of God straightened .business problems. *' Radios WAIT (820 kc) Sun. 9:00 A.M. WNMP (1590 kc) Sun. 9:20 A.M. WJJD (1160 kc) 8:t)0 A.M. last Sunday each monlh Call Us When You Want a Cab Fast As soon as you call us, our "Radio Dispatched Cab will be on its way. It will pick you up in a jiffy! McHenry Cab Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 4 GUARANTEED TO GO... Thru Ice, Mud and Snow or WE PAY THE TOW! Save NOW! on a PAIR of new WINTER 11 Reasons Why To See Us If Yon Need A Water System or Weill >1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McOulloni-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-0713 1 No Trade-In Truck, Tractor & Passenger Car Tires All Sizes We Specialize in Tractor Tire Repairs FIRESTONE DRKHARGE BATTERY im \ - AS LOW AS We Allow From $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE $700 ana a fellowship hour will follovw. """Don't forget the Epiphany Twelfth Night service at the firehouse on Friday, Jan. 6, at 7. Bring your Christmas trees for the "Burning of the Green." Christ the King Church News The Altar and Rosary society will meet tonight, Thursday, Jan. 5, at 8:15 in church for the recitation of the Rosary. At 8:30 in the school hall, the ladies will meet for their regular meeting. Mrs". Mable Pike, president, invites all the women of the parish to attend. Entertainment is planned. Refreshments will be sierved. Sunday, Jan. 8, at the 7:30 Mass the Altar and Rosary sodality will receive Corporate Communion. Sunday is also Family Communion Sunday--the - Feast of" the Holy Family. Father Vanderpool urges all families, to go to Holy Communion together. Catechetical school resumes after the 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. Catholic Teen Town Will meet next Sunday, the eighth, at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Inquiry classes and adult discussion group resumes Monday, Jan. 9. Women's Auxiliary of Highland Shores A white elephant sale will be the highlight of the Jan. 10 meeting of the Women's auxiliary of Highland Shores. Each member is asked to bring an article for the sale. The meeting will start at 8 p.m. at the rescue squad house. The money raised will be donated to the building fund for a community house to hold the fire fighting equipment and engine. The Women's auxiliary and the Property Owner's association and the general public have done a creditable jolt) of fund raising in 1960. It is hoped that the community building can be started about April of '61. News Briefs Leo Hartog left Christmas day for a trip back to Holland and a visit with his parents. He has not been home, since leaving Holland 12 years ago. He'll be back in Wonder Lake Jan. 17. Many local homes were gladdened for the holidays with returning sons and daughters either from college or the service. Rich and Janice Johnson, whose parents are the Andrew Johnsons of Wooded Shores and Terry Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kgrr of Sunnyside, were home from Carthage college. Jane Ann Wrede, daughter of the Gail Wredes of Wooded Shores, and a student at Ripon,' Wis., and Bebe Liedtke, daughter of the William Liedtkes of Deep Spring Woods, and a student at Wisconsin State, were both home for the Christmas vacation. Others are Ron Miller, son of the Art Millers, who is in school at Iowa State; Kurt W e i s e n b e r g e r , s o n o f t h e George Weisenbergers, and Soger Benson, son of the Gordon Bensons, both of whom are students at Illinois. Also home from Carthage were Lester Wenkel of Wonder Woods and Johnny Sirtak, son of the John Sirtaks of Wonder Center. Lee Hartwig, son of the Harold Hartwigs of Island Lake, was home from Anderson college in Indiana. Other Illinois students were Sandi Sells who will, go back for a month to graduate in January; and Dick Selsdorf who is in his junior year there. Home from Northern Illinois university are the Miller twins, Sue and Mary Lou, and Jill Gustavson, daughter of the Victor Gustavsons. Spending New Year's away from home are the Hank Settlers who are visiting Hank's^ aunt in Beaver Dam, Wis. During the holidays the family enjoyed the Royal Ballet's "Sleeping Beauty" in the city^ The Sommers-Parker faft0 lies also enjoyed the Roydjl Ballet dancing, "Le Lac Des Cygnes", (Swan Lake to you). 'Tis enough to inspire "three budding ballerinas. About the only way one can locate the underprivileged classes now is by the small size television screens. Only in boom periods d c* the average person feel prosperous enough to live so far above his means. What you are helps to make other people what they are. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKEQ HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS lioute 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, DL Phone EVergreen 5-6260 eP •V.V.*. It's h&ppy shopping for New Year's needs at Bolger's - we've seen the old year out with big savings, and we're welcoming 1961 with values worth blowing about. $1.00 Size WOODBURY SHAMPOO Now 69c $1.00 Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 79c 35c Cutex Polish Remover 29c 69c Tek Tooth Brush 2 for 69c $3.00 Pond's Cold Cream $1.97 59c Vaseline Hair Cream 49c HEALTHY HOLIDAY DRUG VALUES VALUE Soft, Strong Absorbent ASPIRIN $1.78 VAL $1.29* ji | FREE. 2 oz. non alcoholic body rub with reg. size GERITOL New Hard as Nails Nail Strengthener Dristan Nasal Spray $1.19 Gylcerin Suppositories, 12's 49c Ben-Gay Analgesic Rub 89C Q-Tips Applicators 39c Isodine Gargle 89* Bromo-Quinine Cold Tablets 49c Clearasil Pimple Cream 69c Cepacol Throat Lozenges 45c Kaz Vaporizer Fluid 35c St. Joseph Children's Aspirin 39< Preparation lH' Pile Ointment 98c lydia Pinkham Tablets, 24's 72c New tasty way to take VITAMINS! SQUIBB VlGRAN CHEWABLES Kids love them. They melt $ j| 98 in the mouth like candy* & For the Prevention of Vitamin Deficiencies 8 Hour Steafit Vaporizer $8.95 Aluminum Bottle Sterilizer 4 $3.99 2 Qt. Hot Water Bottle $1.59 Indoor-Outdoor Thermometer 59c Foam Rubber Invalid Ring ^ $4.89 I c&fnfimdd congestion enser JERGEN LOTION Cough Syrup Helene Curtis McHenry Tire Mart BOLGER'S DRUG STORE iW*7 Aa iL nTr TFORWTKTvUn ND, Pn.ro p. v 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, HL. 103 Si Green St. EV 5-4500 JOHNSON'S SHOE ja i POusif*2£ Plus 10% Ftd.ral EXCIM T«X on Toiletries £