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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1961, p. 18

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„,J*age Eighteen THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Thursday. January 19. l&l Sunnsyide Estates LOCAL COUPLE AT INAUGURATION OF GOVERNOR KERNER Polly Stevens EV. 5-1256 DoloreS and) Tom Hanahan were among the guests who attended the recent inauguration of our new governor. They left here Sunday, Jan. 8, and stopped in Chicago to leave their children with Grandma Madeline Hanahan. They arrived in Springfield that evening and attended a * cocktail party. Monday morning they were present at the joint session of the General Asembly and the inaugural ceremonies. Monday evening they attended the inaugural ball at the armory. According to Dolores the beautifully gowned ladies and the formally attired men were a delightful sight to behold. They arrived home Tuesday evening tired and happy and eager to rest after the mad whirl of the past few days. bration of her birthday. Lucky gal, that Lorraine! Accident Bemadine Grist Is indeed a lucky girl! She was recently in an automobile accident in which the car over-turned. She emerged with a few minor cuts and bruises for which we are all very grateful. Bill is home for a few days to console and cheer her. > Sympathy We extend our sympathy to Mary and Red Davis on the death of his 80 year old grandmother, Mrs. Anna Petersen. She passed away Sunday, Jan 8, in Chicago. Condolence Our sincere condolences to Mary and Hgjdr Rose on the death of his brother-in-law, Frank O'Brien, of Racine, Wis., on Jan. 2. A Long Trip John Kelso and his daughter and son, Lillian and Bob, drove to Emblem, Wyo. recently to visit his mother, Mrs. Eva Kelso, and brother, Jim. While there they attended the wedding of brother, Jim, to a young lady in Bellefouche, S. D. On their return trip the Kelsos visited the Rushmore Memorial in the Black Hills. It was a very enjoyable trip according to all three.* Mania Florence and big brother, Jack, stayed home and kept the home fires burning. Tfiig One Worked Lorraine Major was really ~**took" -- by surprise, that is. All was Quiet in the Major household, Saturday, Jan. 7, when there was a knock on the door. In trooped Mary and Andy Andresen of Wooddale, Irma and Elmer Thaler of Hinsdale, Pauline and Lou Pechan of Berwyn, Bill Grist, Marge and Harold Palmer and Irene and Walter Roy of Sun nyside Estates bearing a birthday cake with candles and many nice gifts. Lorraine stood there with her mouth hanging open for it was one surprise party that really was a surprise. The next day, Sunday, Lorraine's sister and husband, Dorothy and Fred Ceisler, and daughter, Francine, of Oak Lawn came for another cele- Visitor Charlotte . Maule's mother, Mrs. Lulu Kollberg, of Two Rivers, Wis., was a recent visitor in the Maule home. 19, to Lee Stamsta and Jim Fuqua, to 11 year old Elaine Fail on Jan. 20, to 7 year old Diane Voight; Pat Matuszak and Louie Felicetti on Jan. 21, to John Kelso, Jr. and Thomas Stanley Smolinski who is 2 years old on Jan. 23, to 3 year old Karen Ann Kennebeck on Jan. 24 and to Diane) Bierchen on Jan. 25. A very special greeting to you all. A Sad Surprise A surprise luncheon was given by Mary Rose for Jean Leakey, Friday, Jan. 13. It was a farewell party as the Leakeys are moving to Dallas, Texas on Jan. 20. Among the guests were Jean Benoche and Lou Schulty of Sunny^e, June Stewart of Eastwood Manor and Marge DeFrancisco, Helen Kobus and Pat Spindler of Sunnyside Estates. Jean, Larry and the kids will- be missed by their many friends and we wish them much happiness in their new location. Marge and Louie DeFrancisco entertained Marge's sister and brother-in-law, Sarahand Frank Ellinger, of Chicago on a recent weekend. We -are sorry to report that Wanda \Berg was hospitalized recently and glad to report that she mis been released. We hope that she is soon her jovial self again. Four year old Pat Maule has the measles. Charlotte says he is a picture of polka dots. Her- next worry is trying to keep Mike from taking them. * Brownie News The recent Investiture of the girls of Troop 150 of the Brownies was an impressive ceremorfy\ All girls, as well as their leader, Alice Bieschke, were attired in their new uniforms, complete since their formation. They met again last Thursday and made bean bags and later played games. Loretta Kerns was a helping guest and suggested each girl donate a book to be given to the Physical Therapy Center in Woodstock. Cooky hostess was Nancy Roggenbuck of Sunnyside. I have received many complimentary reports on the skating pond. It gives much enjoyment to the xpunger set and some of the oldsters also take a turn. Those responsible for all the hard work to make the pond a delight to skate are Bob Kelso, Steve Major, Jr. and Harold Palmer, among others. Anniversaries Congratulations to a very nice couple, Marge and Jim Farley, who celebrate their fourteenth anniversary on Jan. 25. ONLY FOUR WEEKS REMAIN TO OBTAIN LICENSE PLATES Birthdays Happy birthday, today, Jan. FREE DRIVERS LICENSE / REMINDER SERVICE Youfr^Fivers license should be renewed 30 days prior to its expiration date! Let us help you with our FREE reminder service, Just send us your name etc. on the coupon bt>. low, and at the proper time we will notify you by mail that .your license should be renewed. There is absolutels no charge for this service! Name Address License Expiration Date SEYMOUR'S 24 HR. LICENSE SERV. 205 W. Elm St. EV. 5-4908 (Mark's Marine Service) 11 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump 'jiventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles an^Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red-Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men ajjd machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK Mchenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-071S Only four weeks remain for motorists to obtain their „ 1961 license plates before the Feb. 15 deadline for dislaying them, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier today reminded car owners. Mailing of plates in alphabetical and numerical order is progressing at the rate of about 45,000 sets a day and has reached the BA through BL series in the new letterdigit numbering system, Mr. Carpentier said. The series EA though EY is b&ing sold over the counter in SprmgfjeW; and the FA through FY, GA through GY and KA through KY series a-re being sold in Chicago. Space limitations in Springfield prevent a large inventory of plates and consequently they must be accepted in sequence from the manufacturer and mailed in the same order, Secretary Carpentier said. Beginning Saturday of this week, the automobile division office in Springfield will be open all day, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., for sale of plates, Mr. Carpentier announced. Mr. Carpentier also reminded motorists that the new plates must be on the vehicles by Feb. 15 to comply with the deadline,- meaning that persons applying by mail should have their applications in his office by Feb. 1 to be assured of having their plates in time. So far this licensing season, registrations are lagging behind last year, with about 1,- 530,000 applications received, Secretary Carpentier Said. At approximately the same time last year, 1,630,000 had been received. Total registrati&n is expected to reach about 4,000,000 Mr. Carpentier said. Holiday Hills WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING JAN. 11 Rita Oleyar ^ An interesting and informative program highlighted the regular ninthly meeting of the Holiday Hills Woman's Club Wednesday evening, Jan. 11, at the Island Lake Lutheran church. Part of the evening's business concerned discussion of the club's charitable projects. Lorraine*® Bemis reported that a number of food baskets had been delivered to needy families in the McHenry area in time for Christmas. Families benefitting from the program included elderly couples as well as families with younger children. Brownie News B r o w n i e l e a d e r S h i r l e y Haufe reports that eight girls have started work on their tenderfoot rank in preparation to flying up to the Intermediate Troop in June. The girls are Penny Walters, Nadine Est i s , B a r b a r a B e s t , P a t t y Schmidt, Betsy Haufe, Kathy Weyland, Diane Wasley and Liz Krueger. Baskets for Easter The Woman's club will enlist the Cooperation of Girl Scout Troop 478 in making up baskets of candy and clothing for distribution to deserving families at Easter time. The scouts will make the* baskets and the candy "will be purchased by the club. Mary Anne Mahan will be ii^, charge of making up the baskets and Lorette will supervise the purchasing of the candy and clothing. Bereaved Family Committee With so many deaths within the subdivision occurring in the past few years, club members felt that a committee should be set up to see that everything possible is done to help the bereaved families. The job pf the committee is to contact other club members or anyohe who is willing to help supply food for visiting relatives, transpor t a t i o n if needed, and so forth. Committee members are Joan Laskowski, Jo Van Duyn, Eunice Heixe, Chadie Ary and Earline Mettelka. Womkn's Club Elections Annual elections will be held at the regular meeting in February, which is the second Wednesday, and the annual installation dinner will be held May 3. Lorraine Bemis is in charge of arrangements for the dinner. Save Usable Toys Gerry Breede, leader of Girl Scout Troop 478 to appeal to residents to save any usable educational toys. Troop members will canvass the subdivision to collect these toys. They will then be donated to the McHenry County Training Center for Retarded Children. TAKES HOLD AND PULLS! Famous CHAMPION GROUND f „ _____ ^ GRIP other tractor tire gives so Bh for so low a price Also Tractor Tire Chains All Sizes We Specialize In Tractor Tire Repairing Don't Buy 'til you Get Our Prices On All 25% Off TOWN and COUNTRY RE-CAP TIRES - All sizes Truck, Tractor & Passenger Car Tires All Sizes HRESTOIC DRY CHARGE BATTERY AS LOW AS We Allow From $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery $16 00 PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE $200 gal. McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, 111. . Scout Council Ronnd-up Girl Scout leaders, co-leaders and troop committee members are invited to the Sybaquay Council Round-up to be held in Barrington, Jan. 26. Mrs. Nick Tabor will report on the National convention held last mpnth in St. Louis. Meet Your Neighbor Frank and Maureen Frantz are real Holiday Hills pioneers, having moved into their home at 11 Hyde Park in October of 1955. This young couple has two pre-schoolers, Maureen 2; and Jiff, 2, and one kindergarten student, Frank, who is 5. Frank is! a sheetmetal mechanic by .trade and likes to ^ ay\^nd Watch the national pasttime^ baseball. Maureen's interest is art. She likes to draw in her spare time, and was a portrait photographer before her marriage. Out-of-Town Visitors Herb and Lois Landis entertained members of Lois family over the year-end holidays. L o i s ' m o t h e r , M r s . M a b e l Kempton from Des Moines, Iowa, visited the family from Thanksgiving until Christmas. In addition, Lois' sister and family, also of Des Moines spent the holidays with the Landises. Six-year-old Susie Landis started the new year with a slight case of the mumps, but missed only a few days of school. As of this writing, Carol Carlson had just received word that her aunt had been injured in (an automobile accident in LaGrange. The seriousness of her injuries was not entirely known, but Carol who is a nurse, will plan to take care of her aunt if her services are needed. Column Committee Several women have volunteered to cooperate with your reporter, and will telephone any items of interest. Everybody likes to read the column, but if no cooperation is forthcoming from subdivision residents, it is practically impossible to produc^-an interesting column every week. The column committee is composed of Lorraine Bemis, Earline Mettalka and Eunice Haise. "<• APPROVE WATER FACILITIES Ninety-nine percent of this state's urban population have approved public water supply facilities, according to a report by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Of the total population of the state, 82.5 per cent are served by public water supplies. Of the 1,247 incor p o r a t e d municipalities (cities, towns or villages) in the state, 922 have approved supplies. During 1960, 14 new supplies Were put in towns which had none before. There are 31 towns ranging from 500 to 2,000 population with- no public water supply facilities. Missouri has the nation's lowest gas tax -- three cents. Smith's Afinement Service ELftlER SMITH, Prop. 'Across from-Ball Park in West McHenry" • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEAMNGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0724 WOMEN'S CLUBS MEET The winter meeting of the Eleventh district of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs will be held at the State Federation Headquarters, 30 West Washington street, Chicago, on Thursday, Jan. 26. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. The Board of Directors will iiDet at 10:00 o'clock and the general meeting will open at 10:15 o'clock. Any club member of the Federation is eligible to attend. There are about 3,000 known varieties of sponges. To Get Cab Service No matter where you are, our Radio Dispaitched Cab is always ready to serve you. Your call brings it over fast. ^ McHenry Cab Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 1 / It's high in LOOK APPEAL! Dort waste a minute! Choose your WELDWOOD WALL PANELS DECORATOR THE For Ceilings Yoe cam create a» emoting Mar tool to oaf ipm la yovr boose by hilaBng Nv-Wood Decorator Tile cm the ceffing. It bas a simulated fewwd wabb design Jbat suggests an expemm?'decorator loo eh. Yet Decorator 15Je b econotnacaBy priced. Wi available in either gray or beige pattewi ... colors selected by a eotionafty know color txpat to bonwontae wlh any settling Call m itepii twbfl That Rumpus or Game Room will cost you less, when you SAVE on QUALITY yeer MOM mm WWV,V| C|fW OOQI ON PMKonoblf priced; to imtofc gMoroHtuaJ for *e rf your home. Ho Rioie wall or catfty Choice of fine hao^ at Alexander Lumber Co. PING PONG TABLES Unpainied-Ready lo Asemble C OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 - South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424

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