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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1961, p. 2

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Z;: miiM "S/ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* January 19. Ji61 Panhelienic Group To Meet Jan. 28 The McHenry County Pan- Jiellenic association will meet Monday, Jan. 23, at 8 p.m. at -the home of Mrs. Royal Bernier on Idyll Dell road. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Kay Hanson, a representative 6t Illinois Bell Telephone company, who will^speak on "Your Voice Is You". : All members are invited to attend. Virginia Taylor To Wed Emil C. Gibson "Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Bruxer of Johnsburg announce the VIRGINIA TAYLOR engagement of their daughter, Virginia Taylor, to Mr. Emil C. Gibson (rf McHenry. : The wedding will take place in the near future. Tell Marriage Of Diane Kibhe Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Kibbe, Jr., of Lakemoor announce the marriage of their daughter, Diane Carol, to Mr. David M. Rasbaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rasbaugh of Sturgis, Mich., on Saturday, Jan. 14. • The couple will make their jhome in Round Lake Beach. ^Entertains Pinochle Club At Luncheon Mrs. A. Drucker entertained members of her Pinochle club ^recently when Mrs. Mae Dietz -dendora, Calif., was an tionored guest. f A 1 o'clock luncheon was served. Prize winners in cards /were Mesdames Marie Vales, 'M^ry Dietz, Loretta Juergens 'and Theresa Freund. Others jpresent were Mesdames Gladys Seegert, Mary Zimmerman, •Belle N acker and Miss Rose fiuemann. R. O. Hoffman Will Marry Iowa Girl Mr. and Mrs. Mark of Sioux City, Iowa, announce the engagement of .their daughter, Pat, to Richard Otto Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoffman of Wonder Lake. Both young people are students^ at Iowa State university at Ames, Iowa. No immediate plans have been mad\ for the wedding. Richard |Sb*a- 1958 graduate of the Mcflenry high school. ALBERT SCHAEFER TAKES ROCKFORD GIRL AS BRIDE St. James Pro-Cathedral in Rockford was the scene of a pretty winter wedding on Saturday, Jan. 14, at 11 o'clock when Miss Sharon Lynn Hummel became the bride of Mr. Albert Schaefer. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Hummel of Rockford and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaefer of McHenry. Attending the bride were Miss Rosemary Stoffel of Waukegan, the bridegroom's cousin, as maid of honor and Mrs. Robert Hazen and Miss Marilyn VanDenberg of Rockford as bridesmaids. Linda Diedrich of McHenry, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Joseph Stoffel of McHenry served his cousin as best man. Groomsmen were Craig Hummel of Rockford, the bride's brother, and Jerry Stoffel of Waukegan, his cousin, George Scott Morris of Rockford was ring bearer. Upon their return from a trip South, the couple will reside on Rt. 4, McHenry. The bride attended Keith Country Day school and is a g r a d u a t e of H a r l e m h i g h school. The bridegroom attended the local schools. He is employed in McHenry. jSharon Ann O'Brien To •Wed Wonder Lake Man I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. jb'Brien of Morton Grove have announced thje engagement of jtheir daughter, Sharon Ann, to Roland Hoffman, son of Mr. iand Mrs. Harold S. Hoffman Of Wonder Lake. j The young man, a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school, is now attending the University of Illinois Institute of Aviation. No date for the wedding has been set. Marie Stoffel's Engagement Told ; Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Stoffel of 111 John street, Mchenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to Mr. Gene Harmon, son of |Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harpion of Mount Vernon, Ohio, j An April wedding is planned. IN MEMORIAM ; In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Thelma JB. Chrisman, who passed away 3 years ago, January 18. Harry R. Chrisman and Family 1-19-61 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gruen are the parents of a boy, born Jan. 15 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A son was born Jan. 16 at <Memoriai hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rice of Wonder Lake* Mn and Mrs. Jack Douglass welcomed a son at Memorial hospital on Jan. 16. A girl was born Jan. 16 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Boynton Mahar of Island Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Bohl are the parents of a son, born Jan. 12 at Memorial hospital. A son was born at Memorial hospital Jan. 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sullivan of Lakeland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stratton welcomed a daughter on Friday the thirteenth at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Knox at Memorial hospital Jan. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Artell Johnson, Wonder Lake; became parents of a son at Memorial hospital, Jan. 15. A son was welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cisewski at Memorial hospital Jan. 11. Cut Bridal Cake V... . Photo by Frost Shown cutting their wedding cake are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schaefer, who were married in St. Patrick's Catholic church in an 11 o'clock nuptial rite on Jan. 7. The bride is the former Miss Johanna Hays of McHenry. SINGERS SET FEB. 1 DEADLINE FOR MEMBERSHIP At the Monday meeting of the McHenry Choral club, a deadline of Feb. 1 was set for membership prior to the spring program, which will be given April 29 and 30. The group is busy rehearsing for the concert, which will be based on the theme, "Excerpts from American Music", featuring selections representing the various types of song which have become so familiar in this country. It will include popular music through the century, musical comedy, operetta and operatic numbers, as well as songs well known in particular parts of the United States. Anyone over high school age who enjoys singing is invited to join before the deadline by reporting to the high school music rooxn Monday evening at 8 p.m. January 25 Lecture Luncheon Club -- Noon -- Martinetti's, Crystal Lake. January 28 Social Dance -- Legion Home -- 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- Sponsored by McHenry Council, No. 1288, Knights of Columbus. February 14 O.E.S. Stated Meeting and VaJeirtinte:. PatftJ*--Acacia Hall. Second Annual Fiesta Spaghetti Dinner -- Legion Home -- 5 to 9 p.m. -- Sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal Church. February 16 O.E.S. Annual Card Party and Bake Sale -- Acacia Hall -- 1 p.m. -- O.E.S. TO MEET McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a stated meeting on Jan. 24 at 8 p.m. at Acacia Masonic Temple. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank Fathers Baumhofer, Nilges, Renell, Miller and Murphy; also all our relatives, friends and neighbors for their visits, prayers, gifts and cards during the time I have been confined to bed. Words cannot express how much all this was appreciated. Thank you and may God bless all of you. Mrs. Michael Pitzen *1-19-61 WONDER LAKE GARDEN CLUB TO GIVE FLOWER SHOW The Jan. 12 meeting of the Wonder Lake Garden club was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Sullivan of Algonquin road. Thirteen members were present, with Mrs. Edward Coughlin and Mrs. Charles A. Sullivan as guests. Roll qall was answered with "Trees and Shrubs I Will Plant In 1961." Mrs. Charles Kopp gave a report on "Conservation" and also told about her trip to Allerton Park. The members learned that the Dutch Elm disease has killed over 3,000 Elm trees in Champaign, but the worst is yet to come because the disease spreads very fast. They were also told to plant new trees on Arbor Day for the future generation. Mrs. Arthur Hoppe gave the lesson for the evening. Her subject was "Tips on Landscaping". Five Junior Garden club members, Kathy Aherns, Nancy Ruggero, Donna Mae Dean, Patty and Jackie Hanson, dug up the hyacinth bulbs that they planted in October to be forced into bloom in February. Plans for a flower show were made, the date to be announced later. Cake and coffee were served by the hostess. FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products ! -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 Breathless... H. That is the way you will feel . . . when you receive one of our latest hairstyles radiantly designed jus^ for you at. . . Riverside \J4airityfina Studio 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, 111. Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. OSftlTAL llotiU McHenry Hospital Patients in McHenry hospital this last week were George Haines of McCullom Lake; Janice Nichols, Arthur Baker, Steve Manos, John Sterling and Roberta Schmidt of Crystal Lake; Sidney Carmalan, Raymond B a i r d, Bernadine Grist, Ruth Mars, Oscar Dube, Master Tony Mogdans, Warren Shommer, Otto Dedlow, Agnes Swenski, Frank Chudik, Arthur Bross, Melvin Simmons, Patricia Tomasello, Dan Ohlson, Frank D. O'Leary, Ethel Ahlgrim, Raymond Knight, Jr., and Master John Hansen of McHenry; Master Mark Pittman of Wonder Lake; Master Craig Brandt of Fox lake; ^Taster Scott Webb-^f Barrington; Russell Clemens of Island Lake; Donald Utz of Mundelein; Ronald Brandys of Chicago; Ernie Loomis of Round Lake; Naomi Scott and Leonard Fredricks of Ingleside and James Bastian of Ringwoo& . ..»»• Memorial Hospital ^ During the past week patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Master John Weichmann, Madeleine Henn, ^ Dor^s Finney, Mary Daley, Marge Tipperreitter, McHenry; Rose Walkington, Ringwood and Robert Williams and Bernice Kurowaski of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Earel Belford and Mrs. Roy Vierling of McHenry were patients during the past week at the Harvard hospital. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox spent a few days, last week, in Springfield where they attended the inauguration ceremonies and also the inaugural ball. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Petit of Meadowdale. Mrs. Leonard Schlintz and mother, Mrs. Holm of Crystal Lake, were visitors in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Wednesday afternoon. Marine L. Cpl. Norbert Adams will return to his duties at Camp Pendleton, Calif., tomorrow (Friday) after spending a 3Q day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams. While here he was honored at a family gathering at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Anna Diedrich, in observance of his twenty-first birthday which occurred on Jan. 9. Sharing honors with him was his aunt, Miss Van Diedrich, whose "birth date is Jan. 8. Others present, besides the above mentioned, were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill, "Janice and David, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams, the Tom Adams and Leonard Thennes families of McHenry. Mrs. John Bolger accompanied by her sister, Miss Katherine Kortendick, of Woodstock, spent the weekend with relatives in Rockford. Edward Dwyer of Chicago was a weekend guest of his sister, Mrs. WalteraWalsh. Saturday evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kimmel of Elgin. Mr. -and Mrs. Joseph Bennett of Chicago called on McHenry friends Friday evening. Mrs. Rose Mitchell of Waukegan and Mrs. Helen Kennebeck of Harvard spent a few days this week with their sister, Mrs. Lillian Stoffel. Guests on Saturday were the Roland Ekstrom family of Elgin. Misses Karen Christian ond Roberta Dieracker of Glen Ellyn were weekend visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz. Mrs. Elizabeth Morrisdaughter, Mrs- Bernard Carlin;, and Arliss Anrf Carlin, of Chicago, were guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. G. Walinder, Sunday and with Mr. and Mrs. Walinder attended the spaghetti supper for the benefit of St. Mary's church. Mrs. Louis Stoffel was entertained in the home of relatives in Waukegan a few days last week. d J i E a r ton of Princeton were guests Clearance Sale y/.-" Phone EV. 5-27 IS rr 306 W. Elm St. McHenry CASH IN THE TRASH? It can be a costly business, keeping any considerable amount of money about the house. Quite aside from the dangers of fire and theft, which are real enough, there is the less dramatic but perhaps even more likely * possibility that the money will simply be 16ft. Countless newspaper stories bear witness to this fact. And, quite aside from the matter of risk, money kept ^jound the house is losing bank interest that it "could be earning. On every count, those "extra" dollars are better off in the bank. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS DOLLARS AT OUR BANK, WHERE THEY'LL BE SAFE, AND EARN A RETURN! McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 "McIIenry County's Largest and rin^st Financial Institution" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Piione EVergreen 5-1040 in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund Wednesday. Recent guests of Mrs. Louis Stoffe^ were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber of Milwaukee who accom p a n i e d her to Downey to visit her husband. The Gerald Winters family of Gray slake' were entertained in the home of Mrs. Winters' mother, Mrs. Kathryn Conway, Sunday. Mrs. Eva Sedar and Mrs. Richard Sedar and children' of Waukegan were entertained in the Fred Bienapfl home Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weber of LibertyVille were local, visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund visited their daughter, Sister Mary Charles, at St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. \ ~ Mrs. Hazel Benson, Json, John, daughter, Jean, and friend, of Barringtbn were out of town folks who attended a gathering at the; Alex Adams home, Sunday, honoring their grandson, Donald AUan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adams, who was baptized by Rev. Fr. Parker at St. Patrick's church that day. Among ther local folks who attended the marriage of Miss Sharon Hummel of Rockford and Albert Schaefer of McHenry, which took place at St. James pro-cathedral, Rockford or the reception which followed at K. of C. hall last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Diedrich and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nickels, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel, daughter, Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stoffel, Mr. and Mrs. George Rodenkirch. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matchen, Mrs. Tillie Geresch and Miss Judy Diedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schumaker of Fox River Grove were also in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. David Granger have moved from 410 N. Park avenue in ttiis city, to Waukegan. Mrs. George Lindsay spent a few days recently, in the John Heisler home in Crystal Lake. Joey Stoffel, a student at DeKalb, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel and on Saturday attended the Hummel- Schaefer wedding in Rockford where he served as one of the attendents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Cabe of Waukegan were visitors in the Arthur Kennebeck home Sunday and brought the big news that their son, Tom, who is serving with the Navy in Virginia, with his wife, had been fortunate to receive tickets to attend the inaugural ball in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Sk; kie, were Sunday visito: the George H. Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Lockwood, Stevie and Timmy, of Lake Geneva, Wis., were weekend visitors in the Howard Lockwood home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon and the Duane Bacon family visited in the James Ballotti home in LaGrange Sunday. CARD QF THANKS To my many friends who remembered me at Christmas time and while I was confined in the hospital in Michigan I extend my sincere thanks. Lyd Engeln 1-19-61 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and relatives for the cards, flowers and gifts; and also for their prayers during my stay at the hospital. Mrs. George Huff 1-19-61 LECTURE CLUB WILL FEATURE TALK ON LINCOLN The Lecture Luncheon club will feature a talk by Jo? Callaway, versatile lecturer, ..when members meet at M^rtinett's in Crystal Lake, at noon on Wednesday, Jan. 25. His subject will be "Lincoln SAfeks Today". Mr. Callaway is known as a brilliant actor, critic and director of stage, screen, TV and radio. . In his talk, he will bring to life Lincoln's humor and great humanity in an analysis and delivery of some of his finest speeches. Among these are the Gettysburg Address, the i^econd inaugural address ano^the farewell to Springfield. Oak Park Hotel West Shore of Pistakee Bay Ph. EV. 5-0176 <11 SmORGOSBORD <13 Small ChildreQ $1.00 FRIDAYS -- 5 p.m. to 10 p,m. SUNDAYS -- Noon to 7 p.m. 6 Hot Dishes and 25 Cold Dishes to choose from %ttr CUSTOM T.V. ft ' * * ^ > %.; " MM The Astounding Stereo/Modular Console from the l/ofee of K^lusio* We proudly present the new V-M Stereo/ Modular Model 580. It's a completely functional, utterly unique new stereo High-Fidelity console phonograph--a complete stereo system! Just hear its superb sound reproduction! , The central unit contains V-M Stere-O-Matic® four-speed automatic record changer with stereo cartridge and diamond needle, plus a powerful dual-channel amplifier and all controls. Identical self-contained speaker systems are used with the central module to form a stereo console or separated for optimum enjoyment of Pleasure's New Sound in any room. *T.M. of V-M Corp COMPARE THE UNSURPASSED VERSATILITY OF THIS NEW CONSOLE PHONOGRAPH. Come in today and hear an amazing demonstration. No Money Down -- No Payments 'til May 1961 CUSTOM T.V. 204 E. Elm St. McHenry, IM; Phone EV. 5-3757 or EV. 5-5659 HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9-9 -- Sun. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. GIVE / with every purchase

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