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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1961, p. 3

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4 Thursday. January 19. 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Three Lakemoor TRANSACT MUCH BUSINESS DURING VILLAGE MEETING 9D a• vid Hedonaan EV. 5-0532 Last Thursday evening at tfce meeting of the village board notice was given that vehicle licenses and dog tags for 1961 are now available. The twenty-eighth of February is the last day to purchase these licenses to avoid paying & penalty. It was brought to the at- |tion of the board that junk aref parked at various places in the village. The police department was ordered to action on this matter. ' Complaints were aired about the unsightly "condition of some refuse containers. The village president and the board have ordered the police to issue tickets to violators of the garbage disposal ordinance. 4pThe str&y dog situation was also a matter of concern. The village will enforce this ordinance very strictly from now on. Brownies Elect Officers "/At the last meeting of the Brownies Joanne Becker was elected to preside as president; Jackie Bitterman as scribe; Pamela Zabroski as treas- Roster Increases In Girl Scouts Recently three new recruits were welcomed into our girl Scouts. They were Diane Dember, Linda Goss, and Sue Steadman. Three patrols were formed by the girls. They also elected tffeki Morrison, leader, of patrol one, which is made up of first class scouts; Betty Coughlin, as leader, and Barbara Erickson as assistant leader of patrol two, which is the second class patrol; Roberta Counley is leader and Patty Atkins assistant leader of patrol three, the Tender Foot patrol. n Adult Scouters Meet Marge Beahler and Pat Morrison attended an adult scout meeting in the Legion home in McHenry on Jan. 11. Late Holiday Fun A very enjoyable time was ^lad by the employees of Mary Schiavone who gathered at her home in our town to celebrate wie new year. ' jmm «t hnfiftii jiiiftftfift* itaiftn- "the festivities were Ber- ;tha Breger, Gerry Gannon, Irene Dember, Muriel Rosing, $n|ia Brzezinski and Lorraine |Seckmann. Hazel Surtees of Lilymoor "juras unable to attend because W illness. DIVORCES GRANTED :f JFred Zandier of Wonder was granted a divorce from Margaret Zandier in cir- 4$iit court last Friday. He was •granted custody of the four Children. Joyce Krickl was giv- 3en a divorce from Robert Krickl of McHenry. She will deceive custody of the children. McHenry Shores HOUSE NUMBER SURVEY NEARS COMPLETH Clare Mueller EV. 5-0558 R e p r e s e n t i n g McHenry Shores, Willis Coates has been working closely with the post office, City of McHenry and McHenry County officials in revamping the house numbering system. As there is a confliction of street names and numbers throughout the area, this c h a n g e o v e r , u n e x p e c t e d to many concerned, was announced in the Plaindealer several weeks ago. It will coordinate the area served by the local McHenry post office. A representative living on each of the McHenry Shores streets that will be affected with a name change /and the MSC trustees were- c^flled to a meeting at Mr. Cortes' home this past Friday to/discuss with a representative of the county, the name changes. Hilltop boulevard being the most populated thoroughfare in the subdivision, was represented by Jack Schramm, Grand view Drive -- John McKelly, Fox a v e n u e -- G e o r g e G u n d e r , Park avenue -- Gordon Hattan. Bolger drive, in the newly developed section, is another street that will have a name change. House numbers in McHenry Shores, west of the Fox River, will st^rt at 2900 and run to 3500 at ^Barreville road. Numbers running north and south, unless changed at a later date, will start with 600 south at. Idyll pell road to 1200 south at. the far south end. Homeowners will be notified of their new address in April or May. The 1961 telephone directories will also list the new addresses. SSAC Meeting Regular monthly gathering of the Shores Social and Athletic club will be held at Ken Schopp's home, 106 Fox avenue,- Saturday evening, Jan. 21. Hi Neighbor A salute today to the couple ^^,110 Still Hill drive. This well kept home belongs to Willis and Terry Coates who" moved here from Oak Park, March 28, 1957. Both attended schools in Chicago and are quite active in the McHenry Shores club where Mr. Coates now serves as treasurer. Willis attended the Walton School of Commerce and furthered special subjects in the evening at YMCA classes. After 37 years of service with-the U. S. post office, he was retired as Superintendent of Mails at Oak Park in 1952.. Before moving outto McHenry Shores, he was employed at a suburban bank. Taking an active part in his new community, he has served at various times on the nominating, bylaws, real estate tax protest, special road, street and house number revamp and the executive committees. Favorite pasttimes for Mr. and Mrs. Coates are bowling, golf, bridge and pinochle. Here and There Out from McHenry for a pleasant visit at the Ed Valeks were Mrs. Marie Vales and son, Albert, and Mr. and Mrs. James Glosson. . .Over to help Bobby Dobbertin celebrate his fifth birthday were playmates Christie and Nettie Ciochini and Caryh and Paulie Schmitt. . . .About thirty guests attended the recent fish fry over at the Peters' home. . . .Out of town guests, Mrs. W. Danielson of Largo, Fla. and Mrs. W. Schumaker of Arkansas, spent a weekend at the Hinzes. Daughter and hubby, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tongue of Barrington, came over to help mother entertain. Mrs. Phil Brod, recently returned from a visit with her mother, Was called back to Bristol, Tenn., when her mother suffered a severe heart attack. Birthdays Greetings of the day to Darlene Hattan -- today the twentieth. , .And Ronnie Olszewski who is seven. . . .Terry Coates celebrates hers Monday. . . .Joseph Valek will be four, Wednesday. . . .Sam and Julia Zeimet have a double celebration next Thursday as both were born on the twentysixth. . . .Ed-\ Keevins also chajks up another one on that dafe. And in Closing We'll have more on the street and house number changes in the next issue. . . Hope Nettie Cicchini and Paul Tiggemann have recovered from their siege with the mumps. LOOKING FOR A HOME? Come to Ponca & Logan sts. & see our model home in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, 111. Open every Sunday, 1-6 p.m. -- Weekdays by appointment Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Lee Cooney, Contractor Phone EVergreen 5-4345 We Do Concrete Work, Remodelling and Additions BETTER ROOM... Bigger, easy to enter... more headroom, more stretch-out space! BETTER RIDE... Twin-Triangle Stability straightens the curves and smooths the bumps / « BETTER DRIVE ONE! IM--UBMiflHltfliiauilHMIl'lilUmim III Let the new Oldsmobile speak for itself...test the best! ...different in so many better wayai H « « SO TOW LOCAL AUTHOMUD OLMttONU CK1AU1Y DIMM R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET Ringwood Women's Society Holds Meeting Ruby Shepard The W.S.C.S. held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul Walkington Wednesday evening. The period of meditation and prayer opened at 8 p.m. followed by the worship service and program. Iona Hood presented the meditation. Bobette Fossum the service of worship and Mary Butler the program. The business meeting followed. Hostesses were Mabel Hawley and Lona Brever. Hospital News Mrs. Ben Walkington underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock Memorial hospital Saturday evening. & Round-Up Club The Round-Up Club "was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Jacobsen Satshown of racial problems in urday evening. Movies were the south,. Hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Betts and Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen. Personals Mrs. Ina Wingate and Mrs. Rulby Shepard were visitors at Waukegan Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent from Friday until Sunday in the home of their daughter,. Shirley, and family at Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz spent Saturday in the home of his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. John Kunz, in Chicago and had dinner at the home of his sister, Mrs. Meidzybrocki. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson of Niles, were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley visited relatives at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz and sons. Roger and P.F.C. Richard, spent Sunday at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty- Low home. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Friday until Sunday in " the Alan Ainger home at Hebron and attended the Production Credit association dinner and meeting at the Woodstock high school Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Des Plaines spent Wednesday in the Dr.. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas and sons were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. ' Ed Vogel of Solon Mills called on Dr. Hepburn Saturday. How Christian Scicncc Heals WBKB-TV Channel 7 - 8:15 A.M. Sl'XDAY, JAN. 22 "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU" Two people explain how blighted lives grew to fruition. Radio* WAIT (8?0 kc) Sun. 9:00 A.M WNMP (1590 kc) Sun. 9:20 A.M WJJD (1160 kc) 8:00 A.M. last Sunder pach month Mrs. Oscar Berg returned home from a visit with her sons and families in California and Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert of Burlington spent Thursday evening with his parents, Mr. and^Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Olson of Chicago spent Wednesday afternoon in the Dr. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson of Milwaukee spent the weekend with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy attended funeral services for an uncle in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. * Francis Costello and family of Hartland spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. William Cruickshank. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Fred Wiedrich were supper guests In the Bob Brennan home Wednesday evening. College Comes To Teachers Elementary' school teachers -- earn credits for certification, a master's degree, or advancement. Enroll 7 p.m. Jan. 31 Teaching the Exceptional Child George Topping, M.A. TUESDAY 7-8:50 P.M. McHenry Jr. High 210 Park Ave. McHenry offered by NATIONAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Evanston, Illinois William Cruickshank is attending the cattle show at Denver, Colo, this week. Mrs. Roland Bauer, Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Bob Brennan attended a bridal shower for their cousin, Dorothy Schafer, at Johnsburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, spent Sunday afternoon in the Clarence Harrison home at Greenwood . Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Betty Tretow at Woodstock. Mrs. Sigurd Jacobsen and daughters were supper guests Sunday in the Byron Sower* home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family were supper guests in the Fred Wiedrich home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison's sister at Elgin Monday evening. Mrs. Byron S^wfers and Mrs. Sherman Spencer were visitors at Elgin Friday. POOR COUNTIES, POOR SCHOOLS: 12 of Kentucky's counties have an average tax base of $1,697 for each pupil to be educated; one county* only $858. Vs the most important part of our business* Our service goes beyond helping you shop easily, pleasantly and •oonomically « it includes having the variety and quality you want at the prices you want to pay* B O L G E R S 103 S. Green Si. Ph. EV. 5-4500 lb Ibttnn T1» Mgkt To LMt Qusmtitim Priest EffscKi* Thru J*n. 21ft--• . ViCUcftfO Am) tUiaois Suburban Stores E*cspt leering. S. HdUnd, CUty And Cfclctffo rUiflrts iC M IK "RING CROSBY GOtf TOURNAMENT" • SUNDAY, JAN. S3 • AftC-YV AN» MMO' "fas/ cm/mi/MatfflrfSonet/Meof" GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OS YOUR MONEY BACK! B.S. GOVERNMENT GRADED CHOICE... Value Way Trimmed For Extra How to' get two {rath coolced mub from on* Ug of lamb . . . Have leg of Umb illctd I" to IK** thick and broil . . . Roast balaneo of Ug at usual. Thb gives yon two fresh cooked (till adventures along with the protein-vitamin* and mineral* that mtln lamb M Mltri* fitM at is delicious. 0. S. ChoJc* -- Va1a* - Way Trimmed Lamb Shoulder Roast. *. 0. S. Chow* Rib Lamb Chops • U. S. Choice Loin Lamb Chops • . u. U. S. Choice --• Bait Blade Cut* Shoulder Lamb Chops u> REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPOR FOB 100 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With A $10 Or More Purchase KrMbi Tk» fwiW-- Of Imt, WIn. Uqnr 1 ClfMfln REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR N EXTRA S&H STAMPS Wllk n. furch.i. Ol On. Fig. All UW BEST KOSHER FRANKS UaR Om Cotpoa Nr Cettomtr -- Covpoa Eiififw Ju. 2t«t U w-- REDIIM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WRh Qn NkImb Of Two 4-©*. Pfcgv CoaHmatel Dry PATRICK CUDAHT SAUSAGE UmH Om COAPN 9m CTSTOCMR -- Coipae Expfrw Jm. 21* H SWIFT'S* BEEFBURGERS Castom»f -- CoQpoa Eiplrti For Stuffing ... Breast Of Lamb For Patties Or Loaf Ground Lamb BEST KOSHER--All Barf Skinless Franks Sa PATRICK CUDAHY Coat. Sliced ^ Dry Sausage • a . A OT >M Cltflt hr Itap |M Magic 9 Sale Chunk Style --Light Meat Starkist Tuna Try a delectable tuna ceuerole or tuna loaf .. . prepared with Starkist Tuna. 3^79 QUAKER STATE Or CAVBM . M MUSHROOMS . 4 Magic 9 Sale HUNT'S Yellow Cling Peaches Trae Ripened Poaches ... Delicious and Sweet . . . Naturally ripened for Matlow flavor. 3 £79 LUCKY LEAF--Appla, Cherry Or Peach PIE FILLING . ^ Magic 9 Sale wmmm TOP TASTE Beef, Turkey Or Chicken Meat Pies For those quick fix moat maak • • * no fuss ... oo muss. 4«79« Leaf or Chopped--Premium Flavored M BIRDS EYE SPINACH H ^ W mm, mm WISCONSIN PRIDE -. LIBBY'S Deep Minted M AAC KOSHER BABY DILLS. ^ 39 PINEAPPLE DRINK • • . . 4 S? OT Natural ... Brick Low Priced At National ^Afi NATCO SLICED CHEESE . . WELCH GRAPE JUICE . . . * Magic 9 Sale GARDEN FRESH Saves Htrh-- tima en doxaas of favorite M H facipas. f 4 a 49 & EVEREADY ... The Way To Start Day ""CHEESE WHE . . ~ 59c NESTLE'S COCOA . . . Euly IIAI MARGARINE Magic 9 Sale MOTTS Applesauce Healtful, zestful and tangy ... The parfeet dessert for young and old. 3 & 49 Ditldeos Ovtr Frmeli BrtM 4% J. KRAFT GRAPE JELLY . . Z 3? Peach ... Plum ... Grape . . . A p r i c o t . A A * NATCO PRESERVES . . . . ^ *T mm m at 13 Egg Recipe TOP TASIE ANGEL A Family Favorite -- Light. aM good CO May different waysl BREAD Princoss Assorfracai OrYo YeKac WESTON ^ COOKIES . - Isprovid RfduMS NATCO COFFEE . For Your Horn* lawdiy NU SOFT RINSE . , J(/sfci&tftin/, Frmfer finerftcabce 0 ) GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS Tasty ... larva dead wftii ccmm faf • dtwart taste adventure! » HUNT'S TOMATO-RAMA aSESg HUNT'S _ TOMATO*3 Mr. PASTE . AT' HUNTS -- -- -- TOMATO^ •«. SAUCE •- AT' Lares The Best Flavor Fraa'Yoar Foods Hunt's Catsup 4»79' MOW AT NATIONAL--AVAILABLE IN GREY Oft TAN ... TO MATCH YOUR CARD TABLES . . . SAMSONITE FOLDING CARD TABLE CHAIRS Strong enough to stand on became of famous Samsonite tubular staol construction. Seat padded and upholstered ia attractive vinyl ... Folds easily -- Limited amount of cara ' sfitt available. VM tlZOO Im Hafiaaei Fee* Sfaro «efbNr fapa* ..• Tea GaT )» Sturt VU hrdM RED POTATOES. . 5 5 49* 10* 3ft 19° GREEN CABBAGE . . » 10* GREEN PEPPERS. . . Serve With Steak YELLOW ONIONS. EXTRA STAMPS l toil facA TOWELS REDEEM THIS VALUABLE CS0P0B FOB 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS M TTO FWEBU* Of Ob* IS-ox. Cm Spie« Or Rm SHUT KING DEODORAHT UaO Om Coyoa Nr-Qutoeitf -- Co^we Upiri Jb^ M | Shop at Your Nearby <<Friend of the Family" National Food Store 415 West Elm Street REDRM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR » EXTRA S&H STAMPS Wl As Ol Om too. Ms. Mu WISHBONE DRESSIH6 I On Caw Nr CskMc-Caaa takes Jtk M

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