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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1961, p. 12

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M Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Ptoiake. Highlands HOLD SWEETHEART DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT AT BARN Hazel Morley K!Y. 7-3320 That's right, this Saturday is the night for the sweetheart dance to be held at the barn. There will be dancing to the music of a wonderful quartet and fun for evexyone. I hope many of you are planning on being there. Get a group of your friends together and attend the sweethearts' dance. See you there. Jan. 27 and Jack's birthday on Jan. 29. Congratulations and best wishes to you all. Sympathy - My deepest sympathy to the Forslin family. Mr. Forslin's father, E m m a n u a 1 Forslin. passed away on Jan. 23 in Chicago. He was buried last Thursday in Memory Gardens cemetery. Happy Anniversary Best wish to that sweet couple, George and Jocelyn Staudenmaier, who will celebrate the eighth wedding anniversary on Feb. 7. I hope they plan on really celebrating it at the Sweetheart's dance this Saturday. Mt. Hope Bykotas The bowling party held last Saturday was very successful The social for February is being planned by Hazel and Martin Rogde, John and Mary Seidon and Dee and Dud Gregg. As yet there aren't any definite plans. Thursday, February2t 1961 wonderful time. While they were gone their youngest daughter, Nancy, stayed with her grandmother in Glenview. Sick List The flu bug gbt a good hold of Jane Malek and Betty Baker last week. Little Billy Lewandowski is in McHenry hospital with pneumonia. I wish you all a speedy recovery. Sewing Guild On Jan. 26. members of the sewing guild met at the home of Marion Carlson in I) ^Henry, Guests for the afternoon Were Nellie Bergenor, Celia Blake, Margaret Bolin, Isa Braenne, Lilah Jordon T-*ss Kelly, Mable Martin, Mae Siadek, Esther Knapp, Vi Sohufcle, Marge Moreth and Lorraine Lindemann. Brownie News At the birthday party held last Tuesday at the barn, Debbie Dobecki was invested in the Brownies. One year stars were awarded to Joan Glueck, Phyllis Groth, Jo Ann Mclnerney, Mary Ellen Mclnerney, Margie Osborne, Ardith Szyplebauin, Rose Marie Thelen, Judy Wilcox, JoAnn Zenner. Joan Glueck and Margie Osborne each received their fourth star. To join the Brownies you must be seven years old. Refreshments were served to the girls and their mothers. It's A Girl Congratulations to Ted and Dorothy Finger who welcomed a baby girl on Jan. 25 in Waukegan. I will have all the vital i n f o r m a t i o n 1 c o n c e r n i n g t h i s young lady next week. Birthdays Happy birthday to Ralph Sorenson who was six years old on Jan. 30. He celebratea on the twenty-ninth with a party. Wishing Ralph happy birthday were Rocky Kennebeck, Dennis Aney, Mike Morley, Wava Story and big brother Steve. - Happy *t.iarthday ta ^..Reed Bales who was seven years old on Jem. 31. On Jan. 27, Steve and Geri Vrbik, Bob and Lorraine Hurckes and Ray and Dolly Novotny got together and went out and celebrated Lorraine's and Geri's birthday and Ray and Dolly's wedding anniversary. Lorraine's mother, Mrs. Rix, was out from Chicago to celebrate Lor's birthday. Jim and Ann Mclnerney spent last Saturday in OaK Park at the home of Ann's brother, Jack O'Brien and family. The get-together was in honor of Ann's birthday on 'Teen News' There was a good turnout for the social of Jan. 16. Let's see a bigger one for the Feb. 6 meeting., Gloria Waldin celebrated her eighteenth birthday on Jan. 24 with ajparty at her home. Those attending were Honey Reilly, Janet and Barbara Wilson. Shirley Spankuch, Ruth Gabriel, Beverly Peterson. Marion and Ralph Mueller, Ruth Stevens, Janet Peloquin, Sue Scholtz, Gerri Phillips, Bub Messell, Bob Fletcher, Bob Beamer, Craig Thoren, John Ceynowa, Skip Peo, Richy Hauck, Dennis and Ron Diedrich, Jim Kosier, Alex Goscimski, Ron Missbach, Bill Lord, Dale and Ell^ Wroblewski. Gloria received many beautiful gifts and everyone enjoyed themselves. Roger Litwin celebrated his sixteenth birthday on Jan. 17. On Jan. 21 he went to Chicago where a surprise party was given for him.- On Jan. 29, Craig Thoren gave a surprise party in his basement for Ron Missback. Bob Fletcher was admitted to Victory Memorial hospital for minor nose surgery on Jan. 27. All the 'teens wish him a speedy recovery. Your reporter appreciates the news items turned into her by the 'teens. Weary Travelers But glad to be back home are Janice and J^rry Janquart who spent eleven days travelling through Florida. Jan reports they had a wonderful time. While they were gone the children stayed . with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz, in Milwaukee.' Returning home yesterday after spending two weeks in Florida are Bill and Lois Leuth. Along **ritl»*daughter * danda and Susan, they really had a RADIATOR REPAIR Automotive, Trucks and Industrial I DAY SERVICE All Work Guaranteed McHENRY AUTO BODY "We are not satisfied until you are" 611 Front St. Ph. EV 5-0444 Rely On Us To Send You A Cab Pronto Call us for quickest cab service. No matter what the weather may be, our Radio Dispatched Cab will be there within minutes. McHenry Cab Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 11 Reasons Why To See Us If Yon Need A Water System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wondcr Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-0713 Here and There Lil and Leo Orlowski spent last Thursday visiting Leo's sister, Nettie, in Trevor, Wis. Billy Jones has her mother, Mrs. Martha Koehler, from Chicago spending a week visiting ' with Billy, Ernie and the children. Grace Reinhardt entertained six girl friends last Saturday afternoon in her home. While they were here they enjoyed ice skating. In the evening Grace and Forrest attended the wedding of a friend. Dud and Dee Gregg and family spent last weekend visiting their aunts and uncles in Peoria. ' Hazel Rogde and Emma Eide attended a luncheon recently in Fox Lake. It was d health food and nutrition dinner. Marge and Bill Moreth attended the graduation of their grandson, William Zacharias, in Chicago last week. He was graduated from the eighth grade. With all the excitement last Monday with the robbers in the area, phone lines were buzzing like crazy passing along the word to lock your doors. Village of Sunnyside PLANNING BOARD MET TO DISCUSS WEIGHTY MATTERS Irene May The first meeting of the Sunnyside planning board was held Thursday evening at the village hall. The men who represent this board are as follows: Mr. Linden, president of the village, Ted Prell, Joe Metzger, A1 May, Gordon Sar* gent, State Engineer and supervisor, and Amby Thillman. Plans were discussed for setting up an industrial area, and other important matters. The next meeting will take place in about two weeks. Childer's basement. There will also be a bake sale and also new things as well as old. If anyone has anything they would like to dispose of contact Jean Erickson, EV. 5-3272. The committee for .this rummage sale is Grace Vyduna chairman, Marty Pritchard and Harriet Phillips. * * Meetings The association meeting is scheduled for Feb. 6 at the Johnsburg school. The Ladies auxiliary meeting will be Feb. 9 at Marty Pritchard's home. r Cub Scouts The roller skating party held last Sunday was very nice and it was the first time on skates for many of the boys. There were lots of spills and lots of laughs to go along with them. The Blue anl Gold dinner will be held on Feb. 26 at the J o h n s b u r g c o m m u n i t y h a l l . There will be more information about this at the pack meeting on Feb. 8. Shower Sally Hojmes was hostess for an unusual stork shower on Jan. 17, given in honor of Margaret Erdman of Mundelein. The baby is expected very soon, via adoption, and guests gathered to present the mother- to-be with many lovely gifts for this happy occasion. Those present were: Mertyl Bentz, Sally Jo Von Bruenchenheim, Dot Rodarmel, Joseph Huppenbauer, Betty Zenner and Mrs. Erddan, Sr. Refreshments were Street Changes Mr. Linden has informed me that the streets involved will have their names changed sli&htly from Sunset Drive to Sunset Lane, from Bayview drive to Bayview Lane, and from River drive to Riverview drive. This will not take effect until April 1. A Girl for Blythes Mr. and Mrs. William Blythe and their seven children will welcome home another girl. Janet braved the 12 below zero weather to the hospital being blessed with a little pink bundle. Good luck to all of you and God Bless you. Sunday Out Last Sunday our family went to' DesPlaines to visit my niece, Judi, who is in St. Mary's convent. It was her birthday and she was surprised with a beautiful birthday cake, and many gifts. There was a big crowd of us, and we were all invited into Chicago to my brother's home, where we celebrated and had a nice party. ' Bowling News The Men's Bowling team played second place team and won three games. They now hold high game series. Demonstration Ten ladles attended a demonstration held in Barbara Childer's home last Tuesday evening despite the cold weather. Refreshments were served and all had a nice, time modeling. Grace Gavin lies but a short skip and a hop from Barbara's but it took her IV2 hours to get home. .After not being able to get the car started she was pushed home after all. Birthday A belated birthday wish to Mrs. Eugenia Fucker who observed her natal day Jan. 27. PISTAKEE TERRACE NEWS Rummage Sale A rummage sale is scheduled for Feb. 18 in Mrs. Barbara served and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all. That's It For another week. Hope the next week will be a pleasant one for you and yours. Hdppy reading. Bye now, see you next week. Birthdays Happy birthday Feb. 1 to Denise Pradelsik who was six years old. Birthday greetings to Barbara Zamastil and Barbara Childers who will celebrate their day Feb. 2. A happy birthday to Leonard Toepper on Feb. 8. Anniversaries Twenty-six years of wedded bliss to Mr. and Mrs. James Moore cn Feb. 2. This and That Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Toepper attended his parents twenty- fifth wedding anniversary Saturdav in Forest Park. Pat Merchaut who was driving into the city Tuesday to at-, tend a class re-union of '57 to Nazareth academy in Westftiorit met - with an accident. She was hit froth the rear and was shook up very badly. Joyc6 Toepper awakened at night to attend to Jier baby when she stubbed her toe. It pained so bad thdt she had to visit the doctor and only to find that it was broken. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wiggerman were happy to see Ron's brother, Roger, who tis a marine and just arrived from overseas. He spent one year in Okinawa, Laos, China and Japan. The remaining of his time will be spent serving in the states, ' ' . Sick List We hav&three people on the sick list namely Val Patula, Bob Froehlig and Marie Kern. A ---- They say "No News is Good News", but I'm sure Ave have a lot of good news ,to report, so please give me fa call, EV. 5-0162. . A •LAN COMMISSION UNDERTAKES FLOOD IAPPING PROGRAM Flood hazard maps will guide e development of low-lying eas along streams of six unties in northeastern Uli- •is if a program undertaken the Northeastern Illinois tropolitan Area Planning immissioh is successful, its quarterly meeting, the ission agreed to underto obtain local financing a series of forty "flood maps" which will define show graphically those 3 of the metropolitan area wtilth are subject to serious ng. Trfe Commission is a statechartred advisory agency established in 1957 , to guide areawide wanning efforts aimed at solvim critical problems of the northastern Illinois metropolitan a®a. Its members are appointed by the governor of Illinois, tl* mayor of Chicago, and the couity boards of Cook, Kane, Lake, McHencounties. loposed mapping program woild be a cooperative venture vtth the U. S. Geological SurveJ. which would carry DuPagi ry am The I urged a ach to control river aproach flood with rec- 3f fish out the mapping jpd obtain matching federal ftbds. Forty "quadrangles" woul( be mapped, each of thenv covering about 48 square njaes.; The cost of the program'was estimated at $250,000, Ipf which northeastern Illinois would be $125,000. The Commission he multiple-purpose apj any program of floe improvements on the and its tributaries, an which would conside control purposes aloi improvements in outc reation, conservation and wild life, water. supply, pollution abatement, (flood plain regulation and| oti^* values. | The proposal was delivered by Chester R. Davis, Commission president, at a public hearing by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers held in Elgin city hall last week. Purpose of the hearing was to guide the corps in preparation of a<new jreport for the next sesston of C<£' gress on whether flood control J! improvements are advisable on the Fox River valley at this time. \ • ' QUICK DECISIONS Are you a fast and accurate decider? According to the Institute for Safer Living, this ability should be acquired if you do much driving. Studies show that in city driving or heavier traffic, the average motorist must make up to fifty or more decisions each driving hour. Many of these must be made in split seconds, frequently with life or death in the balance. Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Prop. 'Across from Ball Park in West McHenry' • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0724 1961 AUTO LICENSE OW! LOCATED AT Marki Marine Service • OfflCE BUILDING 205 Elm St. \ McHenry. 111. V- FREE - COFFEE DONUTS Hours 9 A.M. • Sat. 9 A.T SEYMOUR'S 4 24-Hr License Service Ph. EV. 5-4908 9 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. - 6 P.M. iQUIP YOUR TRACTOR NOW champion Speme™ t r a c t o r t i r e s We Specialize in Tractor Tire Repairs Truck, Tractor and Tractor Tire Passenger Car Tires CHAINS All Sizes All Sizes On 25% Off All TOWN and COUNTRY RE-CAP TIRES - All sizes FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERY AS LOW AS $16°° We Allow From $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery 41 -II . ^ MflMM MS OfTOL Mt» PERMANENT $<)00 ANTIFREEZE L McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, ILL «w-7*of 1Trio. Oriy $5 4m ...HmttsMpm Gas Dryers save money every step of the wa; SAVB ON INSTALLATION. Gas dryers are easy and inexpensive to install. There's no costly heavy-duty wiring to pay for. • . SAVB ON 'PUWU Gas dries your clothes for about a penny a load, one-fifth the cost of drying with electricity. A family of five using a gas diyer an average of 30 hours a month would save nearly $35 in a year. SAVB ON CLOTHBS. Gas dries with the gentle warmth of the friendly gas flame. No bone-dry baking action to make fabrics harsb. Your clothes come out of a gas dryer clean, soft and sweet-smelling. SAVE YOUR TIME. Gas gives you instant heat: No warm-up period to add hours every month to the time you have clothes in the dryer. Whenever you want a needed garment in a hurry, you'll be glad that gas is on the job saving your valuable time. MANY FAMOUS BRANOS to choose from: Hamilton, Philco-Bendix, RCA-Whirlpool, Notge and others. Call your local appliance tlgr or the Northern Illinois Gas Comf office nearyfeu for full information about i many convenient features of the new gas dr ers. There's a wide choice of models. Service around the clock NORTHERN A ILLINOIS f)G/\3

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