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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1961, p. 14

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Pag*-Fourteen THE MoHSNRY PLAINDEALER ThundBf* F«bnu»f i McCullom Lake PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATES FILE FOR VILLAGE VOTE Eve Lcvesqur The second slate of candidates for the April election of local officials was filed with the village clerk last week. Heading the Progressive ticker is John T. Boyle who is seeking to unseat the incumbent president, J. R. Levesque. Mrs. Lois Parenti is the wife of one of the outgoing trustees, Don Parenti, and she will attempt to replace Mrs. Emma Pyritz, who has held the position of village clerk for six years. Trustees include Arthur J. Stuhlfeier who has served in that capacity for the past 4wo years; Mrs. Theresa J. Schultz; and Roger S. Kinsey. Candidates who wish to file have until Feb. 27 to do so and the election, will be held on Tuesday, April 18, in the beachhouse. Local party candidates are J. R. Levesque for the top position, Emma B. Pyritz for village clerk, John Fox for police magistrate and trustees include William Creutz. Frank T. Klewin, and Eugene Shipley. For this election, you need not be registered, but you must comply with the following regulations, Twenty-one years of age, resident of Illinois for one year, ninety days m McHenry county, and have resided within the corporate limits of McCullom Lake for thirty days. Study your candidates and then be sure and VOTE on April 18. Oak St. Changed to Ookland At the last meeting of th<^ village board, the president and trustees agreed unanimously to comply with the request to change the name of s e c o n d a r y s t r e e t -- O a k -- t o Oakland in order to avoid confusion cf postal deliveries. The A request to change the name of ; Eastwood Drive te^ Woodward : Drive was turned down on the " basis that the name has been in existence for over 30 years and is one of our arterial roads. The blacktop road. Greenwood R o a d , h a s o f f i c i a l l y b e e n l! changed to McCullom Lake • Road by the county. The new post al numbering plan was clarified for the board by trustee Bob Zahn. -T and by this time most residents ... i' have probably received their Republicans Will Cancos •* change of address cards which -^11 Republican voters are in- :CT include four numbers and the vited and urged to attend the S street name. These addresses j caucus for the purpose of nom- ^ on the I inating candidates Jtfff Jfce ofw. - first, of May and will coincide f'ce town clerk, tax asseswith the distribution of the isor' assistant supervisors, and erit department. As of Sunday, Jan. 2:), they have ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The newest member of the family was a son born to Mr. and Mrs. David Schroeder of Milwaukee, Wis., on that date. Our very best wishes to the soon-to-be-wed couple, and the five children who will*also benefit from the match! Lovely to Look At-- Delicious to Eat When Mrs. Virginia Taylor became the bride of Mr. Epii! Gibson last Saturday, the Jtestive board was well decorated. A foil" tiered wedding /cake was in a place of prominence. Three layer cakes formed the foundation, with another liiyer cake comprising the second story. Two columns separated the next two stories, and- the top was adorned with a bridal couple. The. eni ire bit of pastry was covered with butter-cream frosting and trimmed with pink icing ropes and roses. Truly a breathtaking confection. The Taylor-G i b s o n vows were exchanged at St. Mary's church at 10:30 p.m. with a combined total of their thirteen youngsters sitting wideeyed during the ceremony! After a short honeymoon .iaunt, the family will reside on Lake Shore drive in the village. Stacknick, Anne Zahn and Wilma Zody. Members of the organization are most grateful to Marie and Vic Howe for opening their home for these sessions during the coldest: months. The next meeting will held at the same place Thursday, Feb. 23. be on Please Return!! It has been noted that many of the chairs which have been borrowed from the beachhouse have NOT "come home to roost". Anyone who has chairs in his possession is being asked to return same, because they are urgently needed for meetings. Thanks in advance for your co-operation. Even on the Grapefruit!! S e r v i n g t h e t r a d i t i o n a l breakfast fruit will be no problem anymore in the Peter Kasner household. On Friday, Jan. 27, their long-awaited daughter was born and they will call her Pamela Ann. The wee miss tipped the scales at six pounds plus, and made her entrance into the wild white world at Memorial hospital for McHenry county. She came home to join her brother, Peter, Jr., almost five, early in the week, carried by her lovely mom, Peggy. We couldn't be happier for this very nice family. Men's Club Will Serve The McCullom Lake Men's club will serve breakfast at Whitey and Bernice's on Sunday, Feb. 5. Those who have attended know the top quality of the food served and the reasonable price tag. This is one bargain you can't pass up! new telephone directories. In addition to simplifying mail deliveries, the new addresses and street name changes will avoid confusion for the fire department and for visitors seeking locations of their friends. Routine business was transacted and the next meeting will be held on Monday, Feo. 13, at 8 p.m. Forthcoming Nuptials *•; Announced Perenial bachelor Ernest if' Schroeder has been "pierced ; by Cupid's bow" and will take Mrs. Madeline Mavfield of Mc- Henry for his bride on Satur- . day, April 15. The couple will ' wed at St. Mary's church at ^ 7 a.m. The romance is doubly sweet because five children » will gain a new father on this date. Mr. Mayfield was killed -: about two years ago in an auto accident. Ernest's ready made family include Marianne, 20; Francine, 17; Michael, 16; Bobby, 14; and auditors which will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 7, in the high school auditorium at 8 p.m. J. R. Levesque will again wield the gavel for this meeting. Auto Accidents Erling Olsen and Mrs. John O'Halleran were drivers of the vehicles which met at the intersection of Fountain Lane and Hickory Drive last Thursday morning. Slippery roads and poor visibility were contributing factors. The Olsen car sideswiped the O'Halleran vehicle, causing considerable damage to the driver's side of Mrs. O'Halleran's car. Mrs. Fred O'Halleran and her children were passengers in the damaged vehicle. Sam Deskis was the innocent victim in another traffic accident last week. Damage to his car was estimated to be about $300. Hilarity, Games, and Refreshments Members of the Ladies of Jerry, 12. The children have j the Lake met at the home of ^ made the commcnt that in acl-1 Mrs. Marie Howe on Thursday, T. dition to getting a daddy they Jan. 26, for a most enjoyable will gain a set of grandpar- time. Happier for winning .'"I,ems! They are Mr. and Mrs. prizes were Mrs. Elizabeth Charles Schroeder of Fountain Rciter, Sally Olsen, Marie • -^Lane who have bestowed their Howe, Wilma Zody, Petev ~~ blessing on the match. Both of ; Mrs. Mayfield's parents are ,. j. deceased. The senior Schroeders are / ""well versed in the grandpar- Schmidt, Mary Kantorski, Martha Sylthe and your reporter. "Out-of-this world tasty pastry" was prepared by Marge •• •;<! & February Special General Electric Steam and Dry Emergency Surgery Alice Cable was rushed to Memorial hospital for McHenry county on Friday, Jan. 20, for emergency abdominal surgery. She was on the critical list for a time, but happy we are to report that she came home in good condition last Sunday. According to sister, Ruth Dean, who is helping to care for Liz, the most therapeutic medicine r£ being home with her youngsters. Mrs. George Cable. Sr., cut short her California jaunt to fly east and give assistance to the family. Eldest daughter, Ponpy, was home during the critical stage to play "mommy" to the little ones and according to reports, she did an admirable job. We can imagine how concerned hubby "Bud" must have been, and everyone is relieved that Liz is convalescing in fine shape. A cherry message would be most welcome, don't you think? The address is 626 Park View West, McCullom Lake. Bound for Sunnier Climes Jean and Hugh McDonald packed their gear on Monday and departed for the warmth and sunshine of Florida--destination, Miami Beach. During their absence, Jean's sister and hubby, Mr. and Mrs. Butch Kennenberg, will be "minding the store". Betty and Nick Tabor returned last weekend from a two week trip to Florida which was most enjoyable except for Betty's indisposition. On the last day of their vacation, she broke her toe! The Tabors returned with a fair sized cargo of smudge-darkened oranges, grapefruit, and tan g e r i n e s, Seems to coincide with the c h i l l y t e m p e i ' a t u r e s w h i c h Florida suffered recently. Mother's March Incomplete According to chairman of the local drive, Mrs. John Fox, some over $81 was collected as of Monday morning. However, three collectors had not completed their collections and the final tally may exceed $100. -Sincere thanks to the women who ventured into the cold temperatures in order to solicit funds for this worthy cause, and to the generous donors. Natal Days and Matrimonial Milestones Belated greetings to Mrs. Irene Sales as on Thursday, Jan. 26. . . .Don Lorch is in line for congrats today, Thursday, Feb. 2. ., . and you can call Mrs. Tomasello tomorrow, Feb. 3, and wish her a "happy birthday. . . .Gifts for Barbara and Chuck Thacker should be in tin or aluminum to signify their tenth wedding- anniversary on StH^jtey, Feb. 5. . . . Happy to have mommy home from the hospital is Stephen Mark Cable who will pass his first milestone on Feb. 8. Best wishes to all. Spring Grove ^ PTA Sponsors Girl Scouts . Mrs. Charles Freund The PTA of Spring Grove school is sponsoring a Girl Scout troop. The first meeting was held at the school on Monday, Jan. 23. Mrs. Lollie Class is Scout leader while Mrs. Larry Polk and Mrs. Elfrieda Barth are assistants. The newly elected Scout reporter handed me the following report for publication. With February well launched, robins and crocuses should be making an appearance soon. That's it for today. More next week. Don't forget EV. 5-3191! EGG PRODUCTION HIGH Illinois ranks fifth in the nation in egg production and is gradually reaching the point where imports will be small, according to Harry Fulkerson. superintendent of the Division of Markets, Illinois Department or Agriculture. Egg grading specialists, Fulkerson said, will be needed more and more as the quality and production of eggs increase in the next, few years. Under present mi nois law, all eggs scld at retail must be graded. The first of a series of egg grading schools, sponsored by the Illinois Department of Agriculture, will be held at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale on Feb. 24. One-day schools will be held later in Urbana, Springfield and De- Kalb. JOINS ASSOCIATION Thomas R. King of McHenry has been accepted as a junior member of the Holsteiii-Fries^ an Association of Amettca, Brattleboro, Vermont. He'tjualified for the certificate of merit and junior membership pin through successful dairy project work with registered Holstein cattle. fOR SURE x * AND SIMPLE SNAPS MMiea, Mxtmu CCUtWUl Spring Grove Girl Scouts At. the meeting on Monday, Jan. 23, we elected a reporter. There was a tie between Debbie Thornton arid Frances Block. We voted again and Frances Block won. Afterwards we wrote invitations for our parents to come to our fly-up ceremony on Feb. 5 -- Frances Block, Reporter. Club Meets Mrs. Charles Freund was hostess to the members of her club ron Thursday night. A dessert lunch was served followed by cards. Prize winners were Mrs. Marie Lewis, Mrs. Luella May and Mrs. Agnes May. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kattner. Guests Sunday guests in the home of Mr. aqd Mrs. Charles Freund were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Korus and her sister, Stella, and family, of Chicago. - Home Visit Leigh Kagan who is studying at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., is home for a two week visit at the end of a semester. Jim was also home from Madison, Wis., and on Sunday the Kagan family drove to Milwaukee to spend the day visiting with Mary Lou who is a candidate it St. Mary's convent. Hospitalized Tom Jessie is a patient atSt. Therese's hospital in Waukegan. Parents Night Parents of students of Marian Central high school, Woodstock, enjoyed a "Meet the Teachers" night on Tuesday of this week. The parents followed the schedule as done by their young man or young lady throughout the day. Interesting talks were given by Father Baumhofer, superint e n d e n t, Sister Elizabeth Ann, principal, and Father Baker, Retreat Master. Coffee was served. Mixers Club Meets The second get-together of the Mixers met with eighty members present. The Mixers is a new social club for Jadies and men, twenty-one and over who are single, widowed, or separated. All are welcome to join for an evening of fun and companionship. Card parties, dances and other social events are being planned for future get-togethers. The next gettogether will be Saturday, Feb. 11, members will be notified by mail as to location. The gettogethers are hold in the various towns in the community and held on the second Saturday of each month. This is a non-profit organization. For details, please write Ray Pleis, General Delivery, Ingleside, 111. SIXTH SENSE Motorists need to develop a sixth sense for safer driving according to the Institute for Safer Living. It is the ability to sense or anticipate possible happenings ahead of your car before they occur. Skilled drivers learn to anticipate when and where a child may run into the street; when a car ahead may make an unsafe move; or when the road is likely to be blocked by any of a number of - occurrences. Al ways slow down, be prepared to stop when your sixth driving sense warns you. V.F.W. NEWS John B. Smith Tlje officers and members of V.F.W. Fox River Post, No. 4600, wish to share with their neighbors and friends a moment of pride and accomplishment as results of one of the community service projects, As you know the V.F.W. national home at Eaton Rapids, Mich., is maintained on a national level for the children of our disabled or deceased Veterans. V.F.Wi post No. 4600 had the pleasure of donating to the home at Christmas time. We proudly present this letter, printed in part, we received from the home. "Dpar Comrades; "Your letter of Dec. 10 to Comrade Ray Mann was delivered to me, along with the check from Fox River post in the amount of $500. Comrade Mann informed me that this check is to be used either for the Illinois cottages or for some other specific need at the home. I discussed with Comrade Mann the recent recommendation of the state fire marshal that we should provide 51b. co2 fire extinquishers in each of the cottages, along with the present!.soda acid extinquishers which we tiay^ already. "We sincerely appreciate this gift. We wiljr see that on each extinquisher purchased from this fund, it is indicated as from Fox River Post 46Q0. Please express to the comr»es of this post our sincere thanks and our very best wishes to them. "Sincerely youte in Comradeship, "Charles E. Henry, mgr. "V.F.W. National Home" Radiation Installations There are 7,574 ' registered radiation installations' in $'inois, including hundreds of users of radioactive materials, according to Dr. L. L. Fatherree, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health. All such installations must be registered l>y the department and are subject to investigS^\_ tion for potential hazard^. to health resulting* from the increasing use and operationlof radiation machines and rawo^ active materials such as cobalt, ; radium and gold. Periodic inspection of all sources of ionizing radiations was inaugurated^ during the last year. p*, m ^u&ten & mSon OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 FREE DRIVERS LICENSE REMINDER SERVICE Your drivers license should be renewed 30 days prior ta its expiration date! Let us help you with our FREI^ reminder service. Just send us your name etc. on the coupon bt low, and at the proper time we will notify you by mail that your license should be renewed. There^is-ahsolutely no charge for this service! Name Address ' ' License Expiration Date SEYMOUR'S 24 HR. LICENSE SERV. 205 W. Elm St, EV. 5-490SW (Mark's Marine Service) MUTO R6PAI R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car ,costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service ' All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOIJR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. EV. 5-0811 McHenry, 111. CtMt* BROWNIE Ston/withu OUTFIT Electric-eye camera outfit.. .at low, low cost! Imagine I Everything you need to take pictures indoors or outincluding a genuine Kodak-made camera with built-in exposure meter--all at this low, low price! Now you can get good shots every shot because the meter shows you exactly where to set the lens. Take black-and-white or color snapshots or slides with pushbutton ease! Perfect gift. BOLGER'S Drug Store 103 S. Green St. Ph. EV. 5-4500 IRONS Model F50X Only $1 288 Lee & Ray Electric 516 Main Si. McHenry, I1L Phone EV. 5-0882 Save by Feb. 10th Earn from Feb. 1st Money placed in a savings account on or before the 10th earns dividends as of the first of the month. Act now! Open or add to 1 V your account today. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 4% Marengo Federal ^auinnc AND LOAN JdVlliyS ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois «in^> 1925 Total Assets Over $12,000,000.00 REMODELYOURHOME Select your wood-paneled room from our complete line of decorative plywoods Get the quiet be with this new ty of thenight^ • ACOUSTICAL TILE THIS NEW TILE creates the atuskm of a constellation of stars in your With NO-WOOD® Constellation acoustical tile you can transfer the mood of a starlit night to any room of your house. But you'll enjoy far more than the "starry" beauty of this premier product. For Constellation makes use of a new concept et noise absorption to banish distracting noises. The tiny perforations widen out below the tile surface to form a sound-absorbing chamber tHat "traps" unwanted noises. Low Monthly Payments can be arranged. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424

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