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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1961, p. 15

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26 Wk Tk McHENRY PLAINBEALES Page. Fiftaa» Sunnsyide Estates iXDIS ANDERSON REPORTS WHILE FOLLY VACATIONS Polly Stevens EV. 5-1256 Lois Anderson, your former reuorter, has graciously consumed to write next week's column so that I may have a short vacation. If you have any news please call her at EV. 5-2065 and remember the deadline is Friday at 2 p.m. I will be with you again the next week. Good Samaritan A good Samaritan (unknown tojune) loaned to St. John's scrool in Johnsburg three TV sets so that the students could watch the history making inaugural on Jan. 20. A very kind «ocl thoughtful gesture on someone's part. A Birthday Diane Voight had Debbie and Donna Noah over Friday, Jan. 20, to Help celebrate her seventh birthday. The girls, amused themselves and were later served ice cream and cake, b^ .mother June. On . Saturday. Grandma and Grandpa Voight and Diajje's godmother, Mary Rhodes, came for her birthday dinner ahf on Sunday her aunts, Judy and Carol Price, and other friends came for a buffet supper to 'Vtrind up the celebrati6n. , Condolences Our deepest sympathy to Gloria and Ernie VonOepen on the death of her maternal gvm dmother, Mrs. Veronica JFeaele rowicz, in Chicago. Brownie News Brownie Troop 150 held its Weekly meeting last Thursday. They Were elated over the beautiful American flag, stand and staff, which was a gift from the V.F.W. Ladies auxiliary of McHenry. Their leader, Alice Bieschke, gave them a £iort talk on the Origin of our flag and also flag etiquette. Ttye girls drew pictures for a book they will make in the future and played games. Debbie Noah furnished the treat which was popcorn. Girl Scout News Girl Scout Troop 295 is busily making gifts for their mom's Valentine gift. A little bird to^| me what it will be and I axii. sure all the mothers will be very pleased. "the girls are also planning a future ice skating, party. Demonstration Carol Lasnek entertained seven, ladies at a demonstration in her home Wednesday, Jan, 23. Those attending were Ftaience Kohlmeyer of Fox L™e, Joanna Dixon and Ruth Lqdse of Ingleside, Pat Bott, Florence Kanter, Gloria VonOepen and June Voight of Sunnyside Estates. I hear Carol served some delicious cherry tarts and coffee. Visitors Rose and Mike Tillich were pleased to welcome his broth- 11 CMffeiw*, Ills wife, Kali inline, anq their children, Ann, Christine, Tony and Tommy, of ftfatteson, 111., for a recent Sunday visit. The boy'3 mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tillich of Antioch, also came for the day as did Katherine's father, Mr. i Oquist. Stamina! Marge DeFrancisco and her si^r, Sarah Ellinger, were two of four chaperones on an outing for the Steinmetz high school graduating class recently. The chaperones and si?ctytwo students left Chicago in tyvo chartered buses on a Saturday morning at 5:30. and journeyed to Lake Deltan, Wis., for. wifiter sports. There was ice skating and swimming in an indoor pool. Since there was no snow the sleigh had to be equipped with wheels and off they went. They returned to Chicago at 12:45 a.m. Sunday. Marge reports that they were a tired but happy bunch of kids and she had no "bust-: ed bones" as the result of her ice skating. Sick IJst Lillian and Frank Gore hav? just recovered from ole debbil flu. ' Carol Lasnek and her daughter, Sheila, have both been ill. Mary and Stan Walczynski, Jr., were in bed with colds and Stan lost a few days in school. We hope all you nice people stay off this list. Stork I hear that long-legged bird is hovering mighty close to a home?' on Oak drive. Maybe Lois will have the news for you next week. Oops! I almost forgot! Tonight at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg public school is the monthly meeting of, the Sunnyside Estates Homeowners association. Don't YOU forget! Scout Leaders A meeting of the Leaders of the Sybaquay Council of the Girl Scouts was held Thursday, Jan. 26, in Barrington. The Senior Scouts presented the impressive flag ceremony after which movies were shown Of the recent convention in St. Louis and that was followed by a panel discussion. Mrs. Russell T. Griffith, president of the Council, gave a talk on MFirst Lady of Scouting", referring to the leaders. A new feature will be gold ribbons for all leaders. The meeting ended in a recessional of the officer of the Council. Leader Alice Bieschke and committeewoman Loretta Kern of Troop 15C attended* -- Happy birthday on Feb. 4, to Pat Spindler and 8 year old Donald Fiedler -- To Earl Fry, Paul McDonald and 6 year old Stan Walczynski, on Feb. 6, -- To Ronald Siepman on Feb. 7 --and to Matt Bott on Feb. 8. Many, many happy returns of the day to you all. Anniversary Congratulations to that nice couple, Betty and Bob Lakowske, on their thirteenth anniversary on Feb. 7. The Ford Museum at Dearborn, Michigan, had slightly over a million visitors last year. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR • COME TO „ WILLI KQENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES 9 DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES J TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route ISO - Jnst Ernst of Route IS - Volo, Uj. Phone EVergreea 5-6260 FRETT150H. WC. Builders ESTABLISHED 1926 Residential and Commercial • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Sendee Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 13* -- % Mile East of Fox River Bridge Holiday Hills CUBMASTER TELLS PLANS FOR SECOND CUB SCOUT DEN Rita Oleyar Cubmaster John Connell reports that the Cub Scout committee of Pack 458 has authorized the formation of a second cub scout den for the subdivision. The action was taken at a committee meeting held Thursday evening, Jan. 19 at the Connell home on Oak street. The den mother for the new. den will be Jimmie Justes, with the meetings to be held at her home on Lakeview drive. Marge Connell is in charge of Den 1, which meets at her home on Tuesday nights. Jimmie will be assisted by Arline Hill, who has had a year's experience in cub scou ing. Five Scoot Units in Area Residents of Holiday Hills can be justly proud of the record set by scout leaders in our area in providing wholesome recreation and character building through scourging: The formation cf Den 2 Brings to five the nunibei^of troops in out subdivision. Brownie Troop 454 and Intermediate Girl Scout Troop 478 are sponsored by the Woman's club and have b*en in operation three and one-hail years. Brownie leaders are Marge Potratz and Shirley Haufe. Girl Scout leaders are Gerry Breede and Phyllis Harper. The Boy Scout Troop is sponsored by the Griswold Lake Athletic club and meets Friday nights in the Dick Wyczesany home on Willow. Victor Justes is the troop leader. Cub Scout Pack 458 is composed of two dens and is also sponsored by the Holiday Hills Woman's club. Pink Lady Club, Sfeets The local unit of the Pink Lady Club auxiliary held its monthly meeting at thp, home of Arlene Foresman on Pine street Thursday, Jan. 19. As usual, card-playing was the entertainment, followed by refreshments. Proceeds from the organization are given to the McHenry hospital building fund. In attendance were Vi Wyczesany, Elaine Schmitt, Dolly Schmuehl, Donna Kasprzylc, Lorraine Holterhoff, Kathryn Belpideo and the hostess. Girl Burns Foot As of this writing. Sandra "Csuti Is still out of school nursing a severely burned foot, suffered when she tripped _over, a cord leading to an electric vaporizer in the bedroom ot her home. Sandy's mother, Barbara, reported that Sandra had been given a sedative-ivpe medicine by the doctor for treatment of an asthma attack. Apparently she was stijl groggy upon awakening in the morning and did not see the cord on the floor. The boiling water spilled out of- Uio container and onto the girl's foot. This points up the need for all of us to exercise extreme caution when using vaporizer^, especially with babies and young children. If the wate. is to be left boiling all night, care should be taken that the child cannot upset the vaporizer on himself. Birthday Celebrations Sanda Csuti reached the age of nine on Wednesday, Jan. 25, but didn't do much celebrating because of her accident. .. Linda Uelrrian was eight on Saturday, Jan. 21, and marked the occasion with a party at her home. Matthew Justes was ten Jan. 14, but because of his brother's illness and death no celebrating could be done at the time. Friend and neighbor Vi Abbink threw an "Indian type" for Matthew and his friends, the following week at her home. Sixteen boys and girls enjoyed an entire afternoon of fun including a treasure hunt, movies, and of course refreshments. Welcoming Committee Reports Bernice Malstrom, member of the associatiin welcoming committee, reports this week on two new residents. They are the Einer Stevens family of 20 Hyde Park avenue, and the Darwin Kingsley family of 18 Hyde Park. Einar and Crystal Stevens moved mto their new home in November of last year. Their previous residence was Elgin. Einar is an electrician by AVOID COSTIY SEPTIC TANK IROUBUBS . . . Bnxhrator •torn odors lumet reactivates doggish tails Ruck's Hardware soi w.MMnst; Mtmattjf trade and a decorator by avocation. He is decorating the entire interior of the house in his spare time. Crystal likes to read and "raise boys." She has plenty of material to work with for her family consists of James 7, Mark 3, Craig 2, and Scott, 10 months old. Welcome to the Stevenses! Darwin Kingsley Family Darwin and Hilda Kingsley moved into Holiday HiLis from Fox Lake on Jan. 15. Darwin hails frcm Chicago, but Hildas home town is Covington, Va. There are three children m the family -- Robert 7, Donald 6, and John 5. Robert and Donald attend Edgebrook school, A dog named Boots rounds out .the family circle Darw^is/a butcher by trade and builds small scale trains for a hobby. Hilda works nights and has, little" time for recreation or hobbies. We hope that these two new families will be made to feel welcome by all older residents. GLADSTONE'S SHOE SALE STARTS THURSDAY, FEB. 2nd SHOES for the FAMILY Reminder -- Vote! This will remind all association members that voting for officers and directors is Sunday afternoon, Feb. 12 at the Wyczesany home. Plan on coming out to vote! Custom T.Y. Topics By Ray Zelewsky Rumors and Facts It'll probably be a long time before we see a presidential campaign as interesting as the one we just came through. For me the most interesting highlights are the little stories and rumors you hear one party telling about the other. And there's one rumor 'Mrs. Ken nedy spends too much money on clothes' that got started. This wasn't the other party though. It was Mr. Kennedy. And the folks around town who are saying nice things about the fine television services at Custom TV aire not spreading rumors. They're facts from their experiences. Afterall, most of our business comes from 'word of mouth'; oUr customers tell their friends about us. Phone EV. 5-3757 or EV 5-5659 today or visit our fine shpix-and -store at 204 E. Elm Staeet. END YOUR COLD WEATHER DRYING PROBLEMS with an Electric Clothes Dryer wiih High-Speed Drying System e BIO CAPACITY e TIMER DIAL e ADJUSTABLE CONTROLS o NO SPECIAL WIRING NECESSARY This is a Special Offer for a limited time . . . You will receive a 100-Amp. (240-Volt) Standard Wiring Installation ... A $145.00 value for only $29.95 with the purchase of an Electric Clothes Commonwealth Edison Dryer, Range or Water Heater. This offer m, available to only those with a SO Amp. (120- PubltC S€TVtCS CotftpUtlJ Volt) Service at present. * J m Carey Appliance, Inc. V»«nwr. Phone EV. 5-5500 119 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. VISIT OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE FOR LEADING BARGAINS ••:/} CLOSEOUT CLOSEOUT ONE GROUP SOME SIZES .#N%*• LARGE SELECTION Most Sizes Values *2.99 - *5.99 Ps CLOSEOUT CLOSEOUT LARGE SELECTION LARGE SELECTION MOST SIZES MOST SIZES BETTER GROUPS OF MEN'S - WOMEN'S SHOES 4 BUCKLE DRESS 4 BUCKLE WORK $099 MENS - BOYS OVERSHOES STORE FOR EVERYONE" 203 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL PHONE EV 5-0182 Open 7 Days A Week

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