ffcfeMcHMlfiY PLASilitALSft The McHenry Plaindeaier ? Classified Advertising Rates Effective April 1, 1960 Phone EV 5-0170 first Insertion -- 6c perwoi?d - $1.20 minimum y No ads counted less than _ 20 words. Aepeat Insertions -- 5c per word - $1:00 minimum 25c Service Charge on all blind ads Boats and Motors . Display Classified iTirst Insertion -- $1.25 per Col. Inch . 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- • $1.10 per Col. Inch Classified display must include i: minimum of one 18 , pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its Equivalent. '4 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. Copy Deadline -- Wed. 10 a.m. Automotive > PRICES SLASHED ON ALL' USED CARS 60 Mercury Sedan Was $2,395 59 Lark Tudor Was $1,095 58 Ford 9 Pass. * Was $1,295 58 Ford Custom Was $1,095 S8 Dodge Royal ~ Was $1,395 38 Chevrolet Tudor Was $1,195 Now. $2,175 Now $895 Wagon Now $1,145 Tudor Now $895 Lancer Now $1,195 V-8 Now $995 $8 Olds 88 Hardtop Was $1,495 Now $1,395 57 Plymouth Tudor '. Was $775 Now $595 57 Chrysler New Yorker Was $1,345 Now $1,095 §7 DeSoto Sportsman Was $1,045 Now $975 55 Pontiac Star Chief Was $595 Now $445 lltese And Many Others At 1: BLAKE SALES CENTER Rt 120 E. McHenry EV. 5-3102 ?*0ien Evenings Til 9-Sun. a.m. n 2-2-61 MReplacement Parts For'AH Gars •^.ccessories and Seat Covers : COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY - Route 120 ilk. East of the river bridge jftjpen Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 &m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf 12' BRAND new glass boat, Trailer, and 3 h.p. Evinrude motor. Call EV. 5-0074. 1-26-61-tf Don't Wait Till Spring Smart Boaters Get The Best Buys Now! ED WENDT BOAT CO. BOATS Fiberglass-Lapstrake Outboards-Cruisers Jet Turbocraft Speedboats Choice Selection of Used Boats & Motors See the Sporty Trail-a-Sled with 125 h.p. Aircraft Eng. Before you buy Give us a Try On Hwy. 12 Richmond, 111. (10 Minutes N. of McHenry) Open Everyday -- Sun 10-6 1-26-61-tf Business Opportunity BEAUTY SHOP for Sale. Good location. Well established. Sell on terms. Call EV. 5-0010 or EV. 5-0748. 2-2-61-tf Business Service FLOOR SANDING and finishing. Free estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance no object. Hartwig Floor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 9-1-60-tf TONY'S Machine 6hop service. Lawn mower sharpening & repair and saw filing. EV. 5- 4962 -- One block east of Bridge on Rt. 120. 9-1-60-tf HOURLY RATES for jack hammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 9-1-60-tf 6et CASH tor your car at J'S Auto Mart. Crystal Lake top and Route 120. Phone EV 5-4116. 9-1-60-tf PRIVATE 3 CAR Family Must sell 1956 Nash Rambler Cross Country, Station Wagon. & Cylinder, Auto, trans., Radio, Heater, original Miles. $650. Can finance, any amout. Phone feV. 5-2252 1-26-2-2-9-16-61 jjSED CAR. 1959 Austin Healey Sprite. Excellent condition. McHenry County Import Motors, 16 Rand Rd. Lakemoor. McHenry. Phone EV. 5-4100. r .2-2-61 f*WO 1934 CHEV. 1 ton trucks. Sell one $35, no bed, or both for $60 if party will pick up oec) and place on barrels. Both run. Signals and tires, fair. EV. 5-1009. 2-2-61 1S53 LINCOLN hard top. Power steering, brakes, windows and seats. Good condition. Call |2V. 5-3542 *2-2-61 1956 BUICK. 2 Door Hardtop. $550. Call EV. 5-1902 after £.m. 2-2-61 1957 STUDE HAWK, full power. Forced Make offer. Call W.L. Sharp, to sell. 7031 2-2-61 J05O CHEVROLET. Just overhauled. $125. EV. 5-0660 evenings or weekend. *2-2-61 Boats and Motors MUNSON ARINE , THE SUPERMART OF BOATING See the 1961 Johnson's, Thompsons, Owens TroJans, Crownlines, Dorsetts, Gators 2 Heated Showrooms Open 7 days a week Year around 9 a.m.-8 p.m. On Route 12 1 Block S. of 120 EV. 5-2720 11-17-60-tf Local and Long Distance Moving Crating Storage - Packing FREE ESTIMATES McMAHON MOVERS CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Dial 459-3975 9-1-60-tf McHenry ' Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 9-1-60-tf BOARDING stables for horses and ponies. Fresh eggs for sale. 2% miles from McHenry on Rt. 31, near Johnsburg. EV. 5-4686. 12-15-60 tf Business Service RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned aiid Pumped Electric Sewer Rodding Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 9-1-60-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete Letter Service McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 210 S. Green St. McHenry, Illinois Phone EVergjpeen^ 5-5064 12-8-60 tf Thursday, February Business Service ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickeit Electric. 480 Center. St., Grayslake. 111. Ph. BAIdwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound.EV 5-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 9-1-60-tf NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing difficult mortgages on homes, farms and commercial buildings. Write Box 42, Fox River Grove, 111. 9-1-60-tf PRIVATE HOME for Aged by graduate Nurse. Loving care. All modern comfort. Good food. Real home. Reasonable rates. EV. 5-2880. *2-2-61 Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Pre-Cast Septic Tanks Walter M. Garrelts P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2101 9-1-60-tf I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: EV 5-1480 or EV 5-2711 Station Box 38 9-1-60-tf APPLIANCE Service & Repair - All, work guaranteed. Kenmore, Whirlpool, Norge, Frigidaire, ABC & Kelvinator washers and dryers. Also electric outlets. Prompt Courtieous service. J. & D. Appliance, Dale L. Anderson, Phone 459-3237. //u*U :t . 2-2-3-9-.»6• 1•• 1961 License Plate Service WORTS SINCLAIR Rts. 120 & 31 McHenry EV. 5-9856 1-26-3-2-61 AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivision. Phone EVergreen 5-1798. 9-1-60-tf For Sale WORLDS MOST durable carpet, 50», nylon, Beige treebark, installed with 40 oz. waffle pad, $7.50 sq. yd. Financing available. Tidy Magikist Carpets and Rugs. Junction Routes 14 and 120, Woodstock. *2-2-61 MALE COLLIE puppies, 6 weeks old. $5. EV. 5-1385 2-2-61 FULL LENGTH Wedding gown,, size 12. 2 Layers of net over satin. Never worn. Original price $100. Will accept reasonable offer. HY 7-3139. 2-2-61 FOR SALE B flat Clarinet. In like new condition. W.L. 3626 after 5 p.m. ALOTTO Formerly Peter A Freund SANITARY SERVICE ' I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools. Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Ringwood Rd. & Rt. 120 N. W. Corner 1-5-61-tf PHOTOCOPYING. Copies from color or Black and White. Prompt Service. EV. 5-2916; United Rent-Alls, 542 Main (Next to Northwestern Station). 1-12-61-tf 9 PIECE djning set and copper back mirror. EV. J>-4$J3. PRIVATE CHINA collection. Oriental, European, China and bronze. 15 pc. matching hand painted ceramic canister and spice set. EV. 5-0460 2-2-61 KATER-TEE'S Home Catering Service Receptions Showers Parties Specializing in Hors d'oeuves YOU CALL- - -WE DELIVER ALUM. BATHINETTE. Bathtub never used. $12. EV. 5-3T91. 2-2-61 STEWING HENS for sale. 4 to 5 lb average. $1.00 alive, $1.25 dressed. Gerald Thelen. EV. 5-1572. 2-2-61 Dason EV. 5-3467 Zahn 2-2-61 DELUXE Collapsible baby bugby, Bilt-rite. Like new. EV. 5- 2817. 2-2-61 Nye e.o.w. SHAN-GRA-LA HOME 1 mile South of McHenry Just east of Rt. 31 on Idyll-Dell Road Excellent home for elderly pensioned and retired people. Pleasant, comfortable andclean rooms available. For information write Station Box 125, McHenry, 111., or call -- 6 YR. SIZE "Storkline" crib and mattress and matching chest. Storkline baby buggy and play pen. Reasonable. Call EV. 5-5319. *2-2-61 INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT Bookkeeping Service Weekly and Monthly plO Main St. McHenry, 111. EVergreen 5-1749 l-12-61-tf PERMANENTS FREE With paid Sh., Set & Cut Reg. Charge $3.00 Tues. & Wed. Only Work Done Exlusively By Students McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Near Bowling Alley • • 2-2-23-61 EVERGREEN 5-0419 9-1-60-tf HESTER OIL CO., Elm St. Service, 202 W. Elm St. Open 24 hours a day. Greasing -- washing -- overnite wax jobs. Flats fixed. We appreciate your business. Jim Thompson, prop. 9-1-60-tf BING'S PLUMBING & HEATING. Bob Frisby, Jr. Quality fixtures - radiant heating - gas & electric water heaters water systems - water softeners. Repairs - Free estimates. EV 5-3144. 9-1-60-tf PAINTING, Interior and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard taping-- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road. McCullom Lake Phone EV 5-4540. 9-1-60-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equip-* ment Also, septic systems and back hoe work. Also Air Compressor for rent PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSS0N 406 John Street McHenry1, 111. 9-1-60-tf Classified ads are big burtness -- bigger than radio, bigger than spot and looftl "TV, bigger than weaifly ' magazines and bigger than outdoor advertising. Your ad on tfids page is read by 20,000. * *2-&61 FOR SALE PIANO Red sole Mahogany Wurlitzer Con- Spinet Apollo Model. Best Offer Dealers Welcome Complete Matched Rattan Set Couch, lounge, swivel, lamp tables, cocktail set, will accept best offer. Items can be seen day or night PHONE EV. 5-2684 1-26-2-2-9-61 WORKERS are watching for better jobs in the Classified columns. Dial EV. 5-0170 to start your "Help Wanted" ad. For Sale TRADE IN your old T.V. for a new 1961 Muntz 23" consolette, $149.95. For a free home demonstration call Belshaw T.V., Wonder Lake. Phone W.L. 6661. 1-19-61-tf STORE FREEZER. $75. Call EV. 5-4557 after 6 p.m. 1-26-2-2-61 1951 CADILLAC, good condition;, Caloric stoye. G. E. Refrigerator; Deep Freeze; Formica top table and 4 chairs; Kitchen sink. EV. 5-3743. 444 Riverside Drive. *2-2-61 2 PIECE living room set with covers. Good condition. Reasonable. Call after 5 p.m. HY 7-3196. 2-2-61 A.K.C. registered Collie. Male. 1V2 yr. old. Excellent watch dog. Good with children. EV. 5-0541. *2-2-61 SUMP PUMP*, Vz h.p. motor. $30. Westinghouse auto, washer, like new. $50. Call EV. 5- 5319. *2-2-61 STUD SERVICE. Chihuahua A.K.C. registered. Fawn Color. Weighs 3 lb. 3 yr. old. EV. 5- 2817. 2-2-61 BUNK BEDS or twin. Mattress and spring. $20. EV. 5- 6476. 2-2-61 FOR SALE Used Electric Welder, A.C. and D.C. up to 500 amps. Jackson 6-8720. *2-2-61 For Rent FACTORY & COMMERCIAL building. Will build industrial and commercial buildings Ota our site for qualified tenants to lease. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond 4381. 9-1-60-tf WltH OPTION to buy. 4 bedroom home. EV. 5-2423. 11-3-60-tf 3V* ROOM Apt. 1 Blk from Business district. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Desirable for couple or adult. Call EV. 5-0710. 2-2-61 STORE BUILDING for rent with option to buy. 522 Main St. McHenry. EV. 5-2114. 12-29-60 tf 3 ROOM apartment for rent. Newly redecorated, partly furnished. Located on Pistakee Bay. EV. 5-1432. 1-12-61-tf ATTRACTIVE 4 room apartment. First floor; very desirable for couple; good location. EV. 5-0780 1-26-2-2-9-61 ROOM apartment in city of McHenry. Call EVergreen 5-0138 after 5 p.m. 1-26-2-2-61 BEAUTIFUL 2 Bedroom apartment in lovely surroundings. Heat and electricity furnished. Garage. Lease and references required. Rent $120. Call EV. 5-1672. 2-2-61 FOR RENT. Wonder Lake, 216 South Drive. Modern year 'round home. One bedroom, full basement, garage, automatic heat." Tel. Mrs. Church, TA 9-3100 days or SP 7-2735 evenings. 2-2-61-tf 4 BEDROOM home. 2 baths. Full basement. 2-car Garage. In Johnsburg near schools. Call Mr. Fritz, EV. 5-0037. 2-2-9-61 FOR RENT or will sell on contract, $1,000 down, 4 bedroom home in City of McHenry. Phone EV. 5-1140 *2-2-9-61 FOUR ROOM house; 2 bedrooms; furnished or unfurnished; basement; garage. Tel. Mrs. Shomo, EVergreen 5-0358 2-2-61 APARTMENTS for rent 1M: & 2% rooms. Refrig., stove and all utilities furnished. Shower and bath. Town Club Apartments, 201 Riverside Dr., McHenry. EV. 5-3573. 2-2-61 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES McHenry Window & Awning Co. ART BOGER ALUMINUM & FIBREGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS & STATIONARY WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS NAUTILUS No-Duct Range Hoods ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS # JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS -- DOORS • MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS PHONE EV 5-1180 NO CARRYING CHARGE -- CONVENIENT TERMS 307 E. Waukogan Road McHenry. Ill 1 " 0 9-8-60-tf For Rent 3 ROOM apartment. 1st floor. Good location. Utilities included. EV. 5-0780. 2-2-61 OFFICE SPACE available at 205 West Elm. Call EV 5-5667 10-20-60 tl FOUR ROOMS, Newly built brick building, gas heat. $65 per /month, Adults preferred. 718 Orchard Drive, McCullom Lake, Call EV. 5-3028. 2-2-61 5 ROOM house for rent. 3-bedroom. Excellent location. Immediate possession. EV. 5-5440. 2-2-61 270 ACRE farm, large modern buildings. Call Crystal Lake 459-4992, after 7:30 p.m. *2-2-61 FOR RENT with option to buy. 5-Room house in McHenry Country Club Subdivision. 2- bdrm. Gas heat. Immediate occupancy. Phone EV. 5-4211. 2-2-61 FURNISHED apartment. 3 Rooms and bath. EV. 5-0772. 2-2-6- 2 BEDROOM house, newly decorated, electric stove, oil heat. Fenced yard, 2-car garage. $85. April 1 occupancy. Wonder Lake 5605. 2-2-61 Help Wanted COUPLE for permanent caretakers at Boys Camp near Fox Lake. Reply giving age, qualifications and references to Box No. 672, C/O Plaindeaier. --7 2-2-61-tf SECRETARY. Must be experienced, accurate typist with short hand ability. 5-day week, vacation, paid sick days, other company benefits. Apply in person, Arnold May Builders, Hillview Shopping Center Richmond, 111. 2-2-9-61 Real Estate 5-HOOM HOME. Landscaped. !4 Acre lot. Full basement. Aluminum storms. Tile bath. Parquet floors, Water Softener and gas heat. EV. 5-2407. 1-19-61-tf ACRE lot near McHenry will sell or trade as part payment on home. EV. 5-5296. 2-2-61 WATERFRONT Lot in Holiday Hills. 70'xl25\ Reasonable. EV. 5-5124. ~ 2-2-61 5 ROOM ranch type home. Attached garage, aluminum storms & screens. FA gas heat. Nicely landscaped, completely furnished, washer & dryer included. Will sacrifice for quick sale. EV. 5-4615. 2-2-61 McHENRY and LAKE AREA Tekc 'Round Homes. Seasonal Homes, farms vacant. Home sites. Income properties. TACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111 Ph. EVergreen 5-0037 9-1-60-tf McHENRY •» AREA LISTINGS LEIBACH REALTY EV. 5-1500 10-27-60 U SALESMEN WANTED: National Concern offers opportunity. . Married man above 30 preferred. Must have late model car, knowledge of tractors and machinery helpful. Sales experience, not necessary. We train if hired. Drawing account when qualified. For personal interview, write qualifications, address and phone number to . Florian Schwoerer, Dept. A76, P. O. Box 392, Dallas, Texas. *2-2-61 . INCOME TAX SERVICE McHENRY' ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE . . . „ . 3Q8 WESf ELM STREET (across from Je^vel Tea) EVergreen 5-0343 Open evenings until 9 *2-2-9-61 HELP WANTED: • Retired- Semi-retired part time janitor and clean up man; Drill press (set-up and operate); Mill hands (set-up and operate) Minimum 5 years experience, Model maker and tool and Die maker, Minimum 10 years experience. All around -machinist Tools, Dies, model making. Production experience (10-15 yrs.) who can apply himself as lead man or working foreman, which can eventually lead to complete charge of shop. Wages will commensurate with ability. This is one shop where ability, initiative and conscientiousness can and will pay off. All we have to offer is hard work and wages to go with it. Box 671 C/O McHenry Plaindeaier. 1-26-2-2-61 COONEY HEIGHTS Out of town owner must sell 3 bedroom 5 room ranch home under construction, will finish interior to suit purchaser, will accept vacant lot in McHenry area as part payment. LAKELAND PARK Owner transferred out of town, is forced to sell at once, Story and a half Cape Cod style 2 bedrooms up, and one down. Auto, oil heat, Electric Stove, 80 Gal. Elec. water heater, large garage, must be seen. LAKEMOOR Will rent with option to purchase 5-room, Oil heat, insulafcedr new aluminum- siding, house faces Lake on Route 120. You must be well established in your place of employment to qualify. This is a BARGAIN. ACTIVE REALTY Realtors EVergreen 5-0742 1-26-61-tf Tabulating Machine OPERATOR FEMALE Must be fully experienced in operation of I.B.M. 403 machines and related equipment. To Assist Department Supervisor Excellent employee benefits. Y' v Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday thru Friday BARCO Manufacturing Company 500 N. Hough Street Barrington, 111. 2-2-61 Real Estate 1 AND 1% Lots. Country Club frontage. Each lot flares in rear, overlooking 6th green. City sewers. Call EV. 5-1074. 1-26-61-tf FOR RENT OR SALE Under Contract 3 Bedroom ranch house with full basement and attached 1- car garage in Edgebrook Heights. Rent $130 per mo. Sale $18,500 -- $1,000 down Listings Wanted Phone EV. 5-3620 Bayshore, Inc. Real Estate / Insurance 103 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 2-2-61 COLONIAL MODEL HOME 75 ft., 3 bdrm. 2 bath 2-car, bsmt., 166 ft lot NOW $30,200 Open Sunday 3-5 p.m.. Drive out Rt. 120, 1 Mile East of Rt. 47 in Woodstock JANSEN CONST. CO. Phone FE 8-5005 2-2-61 RealEstate LAKELAND PARK Immediate possesion. 3 Bedroom frame 1 Down 2 up. Qr 60 x 145 Landscaped lot. Concrete drive to large 2-car garage, with covered screened in patio. Inside and outside entrance to full basement. Storms and screens. 28' Kitchen and family room. Nat. Gas FA. heat. Includes w/w carpet, water softner, elec. range, refrigerator. OWNER RELOCATING MUST SELL C Will consider contract, smaller home, summer cottage, or vacant property in trade. Mortage available to qualified buyer. Sacrifice at $14,500 For full information PHONE EV. 5-2684 Day or Night 1-26-2-2-9-61 « Situation, Wanted TILING work; bathrooms and kitchens; floors and walls; very reasonable. Call after 7 p.m., EVergreen 5-6253. 1-26-2-2-61 Wanted WANTED REAL Estate lil* ings, properties of any kind. Farms 1 acre up. Vacant lands. Howe Agency, 85 Gates St., Crystal Lake. Phone 459-0495 or 459-5344. 2-2-9-61 We Have CASH BUYERS. But Not The Listings We need your Listing ^ •ATLAS BUILDERS and REAL ESTATE 2 Blocks East of the Bridge on Rt. 120 Phone EV. 5-0430 2-2-61 Wanted To Buy c 7 PIECE DINETTE set in good condition. EV. 5-3180. 2-2-61 TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- FE 8-4287 9-1-60-tf Lost and Found LOST. FEMALE rust Colored Cocker Spaniel. Vicinity of Pistakee Bay. If found notify Clem Parker, EV. 5-5985, 115 John St. 2-2-61 $25 REWARD for return of Hand truck and dehumidifier. Lost in vicinity of Sunnyside, May Ave., Johnsburg to River Road. Call MErcury 9-9475. 2-2-$ Miscellaneous NEW 1961 U.S. Stamp Catalog & Price List only 30c. Stamps, Coins & Supplies for collectors. H. C. Stamp & Coin Co. 25 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 459-3940 or 459-3932 12-8-60 REAL ESTATE HIGHLAND SHORES Bargain. 3 br. ranch. Large lr. Built-in oven and range. Corner lot. Reduced to $10,750. LAKELAND PARK. 3 Br. Near lake. Gas Hfeat. $12,000, or will rent for $110 per month. PISTAKEE TERRACE. 3 br. on 120'xl30' corner lot. Gas heat. Garage. $14,300. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS. 3 large br. Large lr. Full basement. Garage. Gas heat. $16,000. ^ COUNTRY CLUB. New 3 br. 3 Bath. Stone and frame Trilevel. Very large lr. Breakfast room. Family room. Full basement. Att. 2 - car garage. Bas B.B. heat. On 120'xl34' lot. $42,500. For a home in any price bracket or location Call: MR. HEINEN EV. 5-2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 2-2-ol FOR THE BEST IN REAL ESTATE WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. GALLAGHER AND ASSOCIATES JINNY GALLAGHER ANN ZAHN EDWARD E. CARLSON EVergreen 5-1629 EVergreen 5-3080 EVergreen 5-0818 l-3B-6l-tf MCHENRY VICINITY -- Kent Acres, 3 bedroom home, garage attached, gas heat, custom built. Price $14,800.00. Terms. WONDER LAKE -- 4 bedroom home, 2 ceramic tile baths, full basement, hot water heat. Owner transferred Price reduced to $17,500.00. PISTAKEE HILLS -- New 2 bedroom home, gas heat, attached garage, completely decorated. lv2 story 3 bedroom home, gas heat, full basement, Lot 72 x 185, garage, near beach on Fox River North of Johnsburg Owner must sell at $12,500.00 will take offer. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. )Tel. EV. 5-0037 1-26-61#* i