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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1961, p. 10

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THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 16. 190S Ringwood Ifome Circle At Kunz Home Ruby Shepard The Ringwood Home Circle Was entertained in the home of Mrs. Earl Kunz Thursday faith Mrs. Gus Carlson as cohostess. A 12:45 luncheon was served. Mrs. Wolf Shadle had charge of the program and she Showed slides of views of California. A very enjoyable day was spent by all. Breaks Arm Guy Winters had the misfortune to fall while using his Sldis near his home Friday and broke his right arm above the wrist. He is getting along nicely. Church News Eleven young people enjoyed theiv outing last Thursday and Friday to Spring Grove. The overnight retreat was a conference on Parent-Teenager relations. They did their own cooking, etc. They were fortunate enough to have one of the few days this year when tobogganing was good. Rev. McChesney accompanied them during their retreat and did a fine job as both chape rone arid counselor. The members of the Senior High M.Y.F. were on hand in church Sunday to present a fitting momento for service rendered to the Senior high M.Y.F. to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiley. The members of the Roundup club met Saturday night in winding up plans for the April Follies which will be local talent revue. Watch for further information. The Junior M.Y.F.. fourth, fifth and sixth graders will have a roller skating party next Saturday. Rummage Salle The W.S.C.S. has set March 24 - 25 as the dates of the spring rummage sale. Start packing up the old white elephants, etc., and get them to the church before Thursday of the sale week. Fourth quarterly conference will be held at 4:30 p.m. on March 26. This is the churchwide business meeting of the year. New officers and trustees will be elected. of Burlington spent Saturday afternoon with his parents, Mi*, and Mrs. John Ehlert. air. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce spent Sunday'afternoon in the Delbert Shook home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Winnetka were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday. Mrs. Betty Tretow and children of Woodstock and Miss Petrea Jacobsen were dinner guests Sunday in the Byron Sowers home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Beatty- Low home. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Richmond. George Ainger of Hebron, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Vera Loveless spent Sunday afternoon in the Will Claxton home at MeHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Pacey of Wilmot spent Saturday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Miss Nancy Ainger and Jim Hilton of Hebron spent Friday evening with her grandmother, Mi's. Ruby Shepard. Larry, Mary and Trudy Oonk spent Wednesday in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Glenview spent Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. Mrs. Norman remained for the week. Misses Ruth Henne of Chicago and Kathy Holdorf of near Hebron were callers in the Roy Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James -Wegener and Fred Wiedrich were supper guests Monday in the Bob Brennan home. Mrs. Clarence Harrison and daughter, Krystal, of Greenwood, spent Saturday in the Roy Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz visited their son, P.F.C. Richard, at Indianapolis last weekend. Mrs. Oscar Berg visited her niece, Mrs. Dan O'Haleran, at South Hebron. Tuesday. Miss Carol Bruns sang in a concert in Elgin Sunday night. Mrs. Earl Kunz and son, Roger, went to hear her. Mr. and Mrs. James Glawser and family of Crystal Lake Personals Mrs. Tony Senkerik and daughter, Kathy, of Sunnyside Estates spent Sunday afterioon in the Fred Bowman one. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Crystal Lake spent Friday afternoon in the Dr. William Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert RADIATOft REPAIR Automotive, Trucks and Industrial 1 DAY SERVICE All Work Guaranteed McHENRY AUTO BODY 'fXVe are not satisfied until you are" 611 Front St. Ph. EV 5-0444 callec. on Mrs. Oscar Berg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lisk at Fox Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Sunday afternoon at Madison, Wis., in the John Woodward home. Mrs. John Hogan went to Aurora Sunday afternoon to attend the capping of Miss Ruth Ann Sohoenholtz of the St. Therese's school of nursing of Ihe Si. Charles hospital. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will bo on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, March 21. to inform and assist veterans, their dependents, and the general public regarding all benefit programs or the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. SHOP AT HOME N NORCRO ST. PATRICK'S DAY CARDS The nicest cards in the rack have an N on the back at . . . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 108 S. Green St. MeHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-4500 S A V E at Marengo Federal PROFITABLE -- Above average dividend of 4% plus V2 % Extra. SAFE -- Each account insured up to $10,000 by F.S.L.I.C. SECURE -- Strong reserves over $1,000,000 AVAILABLE -- Notice for withdrawal has never been necessary. PROVEN PERFORMANCE -- Over 30 years careful, experienced, management. t ONVENIENT -- Save any amount, any time, in person or by mail. Current Dividend Rale 4% Regular Plus V2% Extra per annum Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS S!a!f St' _ Phono. JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 192? Total Assets Over $12,500,000.00 Lakemoor DEDICATE CAMP FOR GIRL SCOUTS AT LAKE DEFIANCE David Heckmann EV. 5-U532 On a hill overlooking Lake Defiance last Sunday there gathered a representative group of Americans to dedicate lo God and Country a beautiful outdoor camping facility made possible by the generous support of Girl Scout leaders and the fine citizens of. nearby Glenview. In the presence of perpetual exhuberance of youth we oidr sters aro forever rewarded with a renewal of faith in. the future of America. Such was our personal feeling as we witnessed the village's welcome extended by Harry Carlson. Representing our community too was Richard Hyatt, viUaye clerk. A brief but very touchimword vvas given by Mrs. Marguerite Church, Representative of the luih Congressional District at she presented the Camp Lewis girls with a new 1'ifiy-slaV Tfa<; which had flown over our nation's capitol. A sur.prii>ed but • pleasing note wuk snAde of our beautiful^e by' Jack Mablcv, village president of Glenview. An especial thanks w a s given to several devoted pioneers of Girl-Scouting in the Glenview district. Though the weather was to sav t'hey least rather uncrfoperalive, hot coffee and eocrta were served by the thoughtful girls of Glenview Girl Seoul. Council, Tne. as our new neighbors are officially • called. • Their' charming and very able leader as council president is Mrs. G. R"'. Sehreiber. A very sincere- welcome to all of you fine, people'-rind may God bless vour efforts*' for' youth! fSirl Scon I" Note Plans for the coming Father and Paurhler banquet are being laid. The date chosen is Wednesday night, April 19. All eligible fathers had better set aside that date or plan to be in their young ladies private "doghouse"'. As yet there is no word where this fun filled event will lie held. This week the girls are busy delivering cookies and nuts. Young Husband Dies With great regret and sympathy we learned of the tragic death of Clifford "Billy" Hicks at tVokcrriis, 111. Mr. Hicks, who lost his life in an auto accident there, was buried last Tuesday. He was married to the former Miss Janet. Brown of this village. Our tenderest sympathy to the young widow and their one-year old, Terry Clifford. l'ouths Learn Safety A group of girls from our area, ranging in age from the t h i u i j r r a d e t h r o u g h h i g h .sphool, profited greatly from a fa Ik on safely at Landmark school. They learned of the importance of safe and sensible operation of autos, bicycles, and their responsibility to obey the "rules of the road"; also stressed were the rules of good conduct as pedestrians. Contributing his safety experience and background for the benefit of the girls was Mc- Hcnry's police chief Joseph Grobel. On March 24 at 7:30 p.m., the group called the Pioneer Girls will visit the McIIenry fire house district headquarters in MeHenry. If this interests you, be there then! SCIENCE LECTURE How the power of God set forth ir. the Bible brings peace and harmony will be the topic of a free lecture on Christian Science to be given Monday, March 20, by Florence Micldaugn of Los Angeles, .California. Miss Middaugh will speak in the Central grade school auditorium. Paddock street at MeHenry i.venue, Crystal La Ice at X p.m. under the auspices rtf First Church of Christ, Scientist. Crystal Lake. Her subject will be "Christian Science: The Science of Pure Christianity." COMPLETES COURSE One McIIenry resident received a ccrtificQte Thursday for having completed an eightweek, University of Illinois course on "Labor Relations" held at Arlington Heights high school. The class was sponsored by the Internal i^ial Brotherhood of E 1 e c t r i ®a 1 Workers Systems Council, U- 18. The ,recipient of a certificate is William Nimsgern, 810 South street. SUSPEND LICENSES The drivers' license division of the office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the suspension of the licenses of Wil^m Buehnolz of Rt. 3. and Robert Lavin of Rt. 2. Mcfoehry and Walter Hitzeman and Peter Latino of Woodstock for three violations; also 1he license of John Wright of Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, for causing or contributing to an accident resulting in death or injury. -- mm m m m n i These "Super-Right", steaks will make your dinner a memorable occasion . . . they're so juicy, tender and full of flavor! Selected from fine, grain-fed beef . . . they're carefully trimmed for value. Super-Right Boneless, Railed and Tied Pork Butt Roast Ring Bologna or Steak Super-Right lb. EVERDAY LOW COFFEE PRICES! Rum Sirloin Tip or Round Super-Right Brisket pieces I-LB. TIN ONLY Allgood Brand Excess Fat Removed Genuine Long Island Freir9-oz. Pkg. of A&P French Fries with is SM-i V. or Veal " ",OZ* Frozen Pk9* First of Season lb IDAHO RUSSET _ U.S. No. r GRADE iif • A&P Brand • Hills Bros. • Maxwell House • Folger's • Manor House Hills Bros. K5£' 2'.*'I" Maxwell Housd.aff Zfo'l* Del Monte Brand Fruit Cockt Bathroom Tissue In Cello Bag Scot Tissue Cottage cfiXk Grapefruit Fig Bars Juice A&P Zion Brand 2 2 ib. ctn. 46-or. tins Ib. pig. 39* Cherry 55c Orange Jane Parker Regular 59c ea. each reg. 59c Mild Wisconsin lb. Crisp Golden Ib. pkg. Michigan il Jonathan " Yellow Globe Variety 3 £ I9e Pascal Celery 2 Ib. bag stalks ANN PAGE PURE * Guaranteed b"y • oX Housekeeping PRESERVES PEACH, APRICOT OR PINEAPPLE Banquet--Beef, Turkey or Chicken The Golden Book Illustrated I l-oz. pkg. Green Cabbage Firm L?rge Ib. APRlCO^J | IB I JAR 29 <i* '4 ' ! it * *4 II COMPLETE YOUR SET IN SIX SHORT WEEKS Help your child in school with a New Diciionary designed specif'cclly for young people in grade school. Apricot Nectar Dry Detergent Heart's Delight Sail Brand Pepsodent Toothpaste Converted Rice Chinese Maid Chinese Maid 2 Tomato Paste £•' 3 Milnot for Whipping Saf-T Cones & Cups Frencheite Dressing 46-oz. tin giant size 5-oz. tube 49' • k p t f m a ea. FRESH-GROUND FLAVOR YOU CAN'T GET IN A CAN! Mild & Mellow Eight O'Clock 3-LB. BAG 1.LB. BAG *1.65 57< Rich & Full-Bodied RED CIRCLE BAG 61* bag$3.77 Vigorous & Winof 1-tB. / BAG' 3-LB.I BAG No1 Bond's esBrand Pure | j| Vegetable Kleenex Brand 2 qt. jar '/2-gal btl 50-ct. pkgs. For a Lovelier Complexion' i $| 15 Uncle Ben's Chop Suey Vegetables Bean Sprouts Hunt's Brand 5 12-oz. pkg. 28-oz. Li nit fV All Purpose 7 Smooth Texture 16-oz. 16-oz. 25 16-oz. 6-oz. Cooking 29 Strong Absorbent I41/2"0Z. Bathroom 19 29 Scours Pots Pans 13-oz. tins Granulated Soap Powder Ivory Bar Soap Ivory Facial Soap Ivory Bar Soap Ivory Snow Ivory Soap Flakes Ivory Liquid Camay Soap Camay Bath Soap Mild GentleR Personal Size 2 .3 4 large size med. size cakes Handy Detergent Facial Quality Pastel Colors 3 2 r69( large pkgs. 12-oz. tin reg. size bath size ft 35 C Kyi y • THE OtgAT ATUUffie > >ACIffg TfA COMPANY, INC. AMERICA'S DEPINDABIC J00D MERCHANT SINCt lBSt ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU MARCH 18th

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