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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1961, p. 11

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Thursday. March 16, 1961 THE McHENRY PLMNDEALEH Page Ebrn Wonder Lake DEADLINE FOR FILING SCHOOL BOARD PETITIONS f Jane Ducey Last call for candidates for the Harrison school board is being sounded. . . .Saturday, March 16, is the deadline for filing petitions. A contest is shaping up in the ejection April 8. There are four candidates (who have either filed petitions or expressed their intention ) for three vacancies on the board. 1§ic umbent Plank Setzler and James Bixby have filed. Jim has taken part in affairs of the community in the year and a half the family has been living at the Lake, as president of his Hickory Falls subdivision and publicity chairman of PTA. Mrs. Maxine Lichty (who has served previously on the Harrison board) and Wilbur Haak, neither of whom need int£>tiuction in the community have both expressed their intention to run. There are two 3 year vacancies and one 1 year. Be Our Guest A breakfast of pancakes, sausage and bacon, coffee and milk will be served at the Kopper Kettle Sunday morning, March 19, • between 8 and 11. Charles Jacobson will entertain on the organ and piano. The Township Republican candidates will be your hosts and the general public is invited to come and enjoy this pleasant gathering. Come Vote for St. Pat's Queen The Youth Center's St. Pat's dance will start at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 18. Admission chujpge will cover the cost of the party, including refreshments and gifts for the queen and the "best couple on the floor A combo composed of students at McHenry and Woodstock high schools will play. The band went over big at the last dance. School News M. F. Thomas is one of* the 7,M) administrators and school board members in St. Louis this week for the regional convention of the American association of School Administrators, seeking education's answers to "the challenges of tomorrow". The issues are being dealt with in about 125 general ses- Wonder Workers Enjoy Full Week The Wonder Workers 4-H club had a very full and exciting 4-H week. Saturday, March 4, the window display commit- _ tee of which Jackie Hansen is chairman, put their display in the window of Wonder Lake Biulders Supply. Sunday the girls attended church and were recognized as true 4-Hers. Donna Raske, Ronee Sommers and Jackie Hansen were in charge of c h u r c h a c t i v i t i e s . M o n d a y , Kathy Ahrens passed out book marks to members as chairman of Booster Day. Tuesday was teacher appreciation day. Kathy McMahon, chairman, served pies to the teMhers at Harrison schiol. Wednesday was health day and in keeping with teeth activity this year 450 folders were handed out to the students at Harrison. Thursday was safety day and the girls attending the roller skating party were especially first-aid conscious. n Friday, 4-H week activities ep^d with the auction, bazaar and bake sale at Harrison school. The net profit of over $100. assures bus transportation to the Wonder Workers who are planning to go to camp Shaw-waw-nas-see this summer. Leader Mrs. Jay Hansen expresses tier thanks to those who attended the bake sale. Obituary Two long time residents of Wonder Lake died last week, both while visiting in other parts of the country. Joseph Pummer, 82, wellknown figure with his fishing rod in Deep Spring Woods, died Tuesday in Tyler, Texas, at the home of his son, Louis. His wife, Julia, preceded him in death. Services were held Monday, with Mass at Christ the King church and burial in the church cemetery. Deepest sympathy to Tony Grosso who lost his wife, Ann, Saturday, March 11, at the age of 51. Mrs. Grosso was visiting in Lockport at the time of her death. Services were held Tuesday morning at Christ, the King church with burial in St. Patrick's cemetery, McHenry. News Briefs Progress report on Kay Boldt's vacation brings news of a new 8 lb., granddaughter McGuire out in Downey, Calif. Also. . . temperature in the 80's, marvelous scenery, having a wonderful time. Heda Bird's mother, Elina Ved Cimoli will be leaving for home next week after a year's visit in Wonder Lake and Chicago, where she has been staying with her son. She will take the new Italian liner, Leonardo da Vinci, back to Via Reggio in Tuscany, having made the trip to America by jet. She loves Chicago for its museums, theatres and McCormick building. Christ the King Church News St. Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17. All Catholics are excused from the law of fast and abstinence. April 8--New student registration at Marian Central high school. Adult Confirmation will be held May 23 at Marian Central high school. All adults who have not been confirmed are to contact Father Vanderpool for information in regard to instruction. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine--Miss Mary Weisen berger has been appointed chairman of helpers. Men and woman are, still ..needed f or4he, parent education and visitation groups. If anyone can assist in this vital work please contact Mrs. Pat Whyte or Miss Jo Ann Miller, directors. March is vocation month. Remember this special intention in your daily prayers. Nativity Lutheran Church News "Sin Blindness" will be the AUTO GLASS INSTALLED Furniture Tops Glazing and Picture Frames Made to Order Slirrored Plaques Free Estimates McHENRY AUTO GLASS & MIRROR CO. (Across from Jewel Tea) 304 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 5-3940 LASCO AUCTION Mr. Lasco is discontinuing farming, and will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located 4 miles West of Antioch, 111., 8 miles East of Richmond, on Route 173, on THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd. Commencing: at 10:80 o'clock LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS 44 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE -- 83 MILCH COWS -- 10 fresh, 8 close springers, balance milking good; 10 Heifers -- 2 weeks to 1 year old; 1 Holstein Bull. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Craft 250-gal. bulk tank; 3 Surge milkers; Surge compressor with motor; 2 SS wash tanks; hot water heater; 2 SS strainers and pails; other items. PRODUCE -- 10 ton 1st cutting hay. TRUCK -- 1950 GMC % ton pick-up truck. 5 FACTORS, SELF PROPELLED COMBINE, BALER & FARM MACHINERY -- Massey Harris 444 tractor with 4- row cultivator, power steering, 3-pt. hitch, fluid in tires; Massey Harris 44 Propane Gas tractor; MH 30 tractor; McC-D Diesel tractor; MH 22 Tractor with 2-row cultivator; MH 12 ft. Self-propelled combine; NH baler with Wis. Motor; JD 4- row corn planter; McC-D 12 ft. grain drill; NI 32 ft. PTO elevator; MH 10 ft. hyd. disc; NI mtd. 2-row corn picker; 2 Knight wagon boxes with JD gears; NI PTO 125-bu. spreader; NI stalk chopper; NI side rake; NI 10 ft. fert. spreader; MH 7 ft. power mower; Gehl chopper; Case blower with 60 ft^pipe; MH 4-bot. mtd. plow; MH 3-bot. plow; 2 Cobey wagons with silage sides.; 4-sec. drag; 8 ft. quack digger; 30 ft. tractor sprayer; McC 8 ft. roller; Machinery trailer and many other items of farm machinery and tools. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS including Bard 95,000 BTU forced air furnace and other items. RAY LASCO, Owner Rubers & Behrn, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk ^ Union Grove, Wis. Phone TRinity 8-2421 sermon topic Sunday, March 19. As this Lenten season of repentance and preparation is fast drawing to a close, Nativity invites everyone to worship services so that our hearts will be ready for the miracle of Easter. The Nativity Mates will go bowling March 19. All married couples are welcome, the group meets at 7 p.m. Bring money for reservations for Zion Passion Play. "Steps up the Hfll" is the sermon topic for Wednesday, March 22. This will be the sixth sermon in the series, "Steps to the Cross" given at the mid-week Lenten services. All are welcome to these special services at 7:45. Date to remember --March 26--Palm Sunday and New Member Sunday. There will be no inter-c h u r c h basketball league games Monday evening, March 20. because of the Harrison school plays. Bible Church News Sunday, March 19, the Gospel team from Wheaton college will visit here. These students will take part in the evening service bringing a message, testimonies and music. There will be a daily vacation bible school workshop Monday evening, March 20, at Walworth. Wis., beginning at 7:30. Anyone interested in helping with D.V.B.S. should be there so this important work can be planned well in advance. All Sunday School teachers are asked to be there. Good Friday service is being planned for March 31 at 7:30 p.m. The Alliance Bible church of McHenry will join in this service with the local church. Important notice to the ladies of the Missionary Guild. The meeting this month will be held Thursday, March 30. Miss Siva S w a n s o n, missionary home on furlough from the Congo will be guest speaker. Make plans now to attend. The Illinois State Fair advisory board decided last week to retain the agricultural flavor of the fair, even though the trend at other state fairs is towards industrial and mechanical exhibits. The board also discussed elimination of the million-dollar livestock parade on the final Friday of the Fair and substitution of a parade of the day's winners at the Coliseum each evening. Greater utilization of "designated. Also discussed as well ar. an increase of programs, parades and promotions tor special oays. Fair dates are Aug. 11 to 20. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or • less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) POST PROM IDEAS ^ "Parents and Students: "First, let us make our position clear, we are not against the 'After-Glo' subject to the proper guidance and approval of interested adults. Interested adults to us should mean the parents of juniors and seniors in particular, the sponsoring organizations, representatives of the junicr and senior classes, (after all the juniors are the ones who will gain or lose as a result of the conduct of the current year's activities) the high school administration and the P.T.A.(Parents in this organization initiated action for the •After-Glo' in 1953 and 1954.) "It seems to us that a matter of such serious concern as the safety and welfare of our young people merits the time and due consideration of the aforementioned groups. "As parents, we are duty bound to follow through and help our sons and daughters reach proper decisions in matters of contractual obligations and arrangements such as are necessary for an 'After-Glo' party. "The original concept and intent of the 'After-Glo' was to keep our young people close to home and avoid, as much as possible, the ever present dangers that exist on the highways, particularly at the hours of night that the 'After-Glo' entails. "Up to now there has been no highway travel involved. However, the new location will expose our "prom-goers" to a minimum of 12 miles greater distance each way over heavily travelled two lane highways populated with numerous taverns enroute. rS^ "As to accommodations, investigation has proved: (1) prior to securing the new site no. attempt was made by anyone to correct any undesirable experiences (if in fact they occurred) at last year's site; (2) other local establishments able to accommodate 'After- Glo' were not contacted; (3) virtually none of the seniors and juniors were aware of the change of sites until the letter to the parents was received by the students three weeks ago. Yet last December, we're told, the new site was selected. THIS IS COUNSELING???? "Now, if the McHenry area is so decidedly lacking in suitable accommodations how does one account for the fact that Grant Township high, Wauconda high and other schools of equal if not larger classes, are holding their proms in McHenry at the very site our student representatives have found unsuitable? "Permit us to assure you that we are not members nor have any personal interest in either of the sites in question. Rather, we are parents who have worked with youth and have the interest and welfare of the current and succeeding graduating classes at heart. "We sincerely believe that t h r o u g h p r o p e r p l a n n i n g and cooperation the 'After-Glo' can remain in McHenry and serve the original purpose intended without, in any way, detracting from the fun and pleasure of our voting people. "Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Peterson" "To the Editor: "No one --- not even parents -- wants to deprive young people of a good time, but even young people must -appreciate our concern for theif safety. It is certainly true that no McHenry restaurant is large enough to accommodate our junior-senior class. Moreover, according to the letter in the Plaindealer last week, 'teenagers would prefer to stay in McHenry. Has anyone considered hiring a caterer, to serve a meal in the high school cafeteria? "The young people would then have all the requirements for a safe and happy celebration: namely, the party would be their own -- even to the selection of the menu; they would certainly have privacy; the gym so beautifully decorated would still be there for dancing; they could hire such entertainers as they would prefer. There are several capable caterers In the area who can certainly handle the food situation, serving good hot food, as selected, by TW? crass representatives. "Then at the risk of being absolutely "blasphemous", why not arrange an official class DOWPON . Kilb Quack / Problem grasses choke out crops, reduce yields, make extra cultivating work! Clean up your fields with Dowpon*. It's more economical . . . more effective .... . kills grasses, roots and all... reduces regrowth problems. Will not injure grazing livestock if accidentally eaten. Apply in spring or fall before planting, or as a selective spray, or as spot treatment on certain crops. •Trademark tf Tht Dam Chamieal Company McHENRY CO. FARMERS CO-OP ASSH. 528 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111. "OPEN LETTER" Sponsored by 225 people who attended a Campaign Kickoff dinner Saturday, March 11, 1961. FOUR REPUBLICANS have filed their petitions for office on the CITIZEN'S PARTY ticket, joining hands for the good of McHenry Township, with FOUR DEMOCRATS. who also feel that the party politics should not enter into local elections. THE CITIZEN'S PARTY lists candidates who are farmer, executive, employer, employee, businessman, Protestant, Catholic, K of C, Forester, Mason, Democrat and Republican. THEY OWE ALLEGIANCE to jrou the people, and not to county chairmen or precinct committeemen of either party. RETAIN GOOD GOVERNMENT "BY THE PEOPLE" -- NOT "BY THE PARTY" -- VOTE FOR -- CITIZEN'S PARTY CITIZEN'S PARTY Justice of Peace Ass't. Supervisor H CHAS. M. ADAMS 0 CHAS. "Chuck" WEINGART Constable Township Clerk 0 LARRY MURRAY 0 H. WALTER ANDERSON Assessor Post This In Your Car Or 0 LESTER R. BACON Board of Auditors Shop Window -- Help Us 0 ARNOLD J. RAUEN Campaign -- 0 HAROLD "Harry" FREUND 0 JOSEPH SULLIVAN picnic on a different day, so that all the class will be allowed to enjoy it. "if it is too late to change this year's plans, perhaps the students and their advisors may consider the above before planning next year's caper. "Let us hope that we will not have to wait for tragedy to open our eyes before working out some safer arrangement for our boys and girls. "Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marchi" TAX ASSESSMENTS Recently, it has been brought to the writers' attention, that they are receiving credit for happenings for which they would just as soon not receive credit. It is said that the assessor sctfc a value upon your property and then the supervisor raises that figure. The true process is that the assessor fixes the value. The Department of Revenue has informed the county that their total evaluation must be raised a certain percentage so that school taxes may be raised locally, or said department will assign a multiplier which would raise the taxes. In compliance with this, the supervisor of assessments in Woodstock, not Supervisor LeRoy M. Smith, raised all of Assessor Lesier R. Bacon's evaluations. Please do not blame either LeRoy or Lester for this raise! These bouquets we can do without! Thank you! Supervisor LeRoy M. Smith Assessor Lester R. Bacon There are no known ants that live outside of colonies. Lilymoor AUXILIARY HEARS SUPERVISORS GIVE TOWNSHIP RULES Shirley Schuerr EV. 5-2645 The Woman's auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday. March 6. After the business on hand was discussed, LeRoy Smith of McHenry was guest speaker. Mr. Smith explained how the township government functions. It was a very interesting talk. If anyone is interested in attending the town meeting they may do so. It will be held Tuesday, April 4, at 2 p.m., in the first building west of the Lutheran church on west route 120. Hostesses for the March meeting are Marylyn LoPresti. Anna Nov?k and Lil Neumann. Next inert ing will be held Monday, April 3, at 8 p.m. at the white schoolhouse. Attention Please Tuesday, April 4, is the library election. Connie Johnson of Lilymoor and Marion Sulok of Lakemoor will be running for trustees of the library. Those who wish to vote from Lakemoor will vote at the firehouse in Lakemoor. Those from Lilymoor. Fritzsche's Estates, Kent Acres and Eastwood Manor will vote at Saynore's grocery store in Fritzsche's Estates. You will have to ask for a library ballot. Polls will te open from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. Sick List Master George Wold is home with *he chicken pox. Here's hoping you are over them fast George. Anniversary Congratulations go to Herb and Mnrge Polinski who will celebrate iheir silver anniversary Tuesday, March 2L Hope you celebrate many more, Herb and Marge. Government forests, covering some 200 million acres, are thought to contain about 1/3 of our nation's wild game. FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products !-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 Special troductoru ON YOUR NEXT SERVICE CALL with this coupon! Offer Expires May 31, 1961 CUSTOM TV 204 E. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. Phone: EVergreen 5-3757 or 5-5659 1ST IN 4-WHEEL DRIVE! 'Jeep' vehicles are completely engineered for 4-wheel drive, not just 2-wheel drive modifications or conversions. They go more places, do more jobs, cost less to own, have higher resale value! Jeep TUNE-IN VEHICLES BY WILLYS MOTORS...WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES ...» \^wiu.Y9 »- Come in for a demonstration MAVERICK (Sunday) Evenings 6:30 P.M. HONO KONO (Wednesday) Evenings 6:30 P.M. K A t s . . . o n e o f t ! > e g r o w i n g K A I S E R I n d u s t r i e s W!LLY9 GOO Front Si. McHENRY GARAGE Phone EV 5-0403 McHenry, IIL

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