Pag«Eighie» Iff tMBWIY PLMNDBAXOR Village at Sunnyaid* IBECONDBABY DIES FOLLOWING STRUGGLE TO LIVE Irene May . Reiih, the 22_ month old son dt Loren and Joan McGurk, passed away Thursday after- .Hoon after a hard struggle to live. Hfe will be put to rest next fo his brother, Kevin, who was buried only twd weeks ago. The ;Buml took place Saturday afternoon from Reeves Funeral Home in Coal City, 111. Village Meeting The regular village meeting wi}l be held Monday, April 3, the. same place, the village jsall. How about a nice turnout just like we had at the last, meeting. . Rennebeck Infant Christened M o n i c a T h e r e s e was t h e pame given to the infant girl ^t a baptism which was perormed by her uncle. Father |ames. Weber, from Freeport. tie was baptised in St. John Baptist church Tuesday fternoon. The sponsors were Sarion Kennebeck and Donald Saylord. A buffet supper was erved in the evening to the elatives and immediate family. \ Birthday and Surgery I fcoaH tf^hk of a lot of better places to celebrate a birthday. Marilyn Kinder was operated on March 17, the day of Jner birthday. She will be comi| ng home Saturday and we Wish her a speedy recovery. PISTAKEE TERRACE NEWS Association Meeting The association meeting, will oe held April 3 at 8 o'clock in Cal Vyduna's basement. We are looking forward to a niceattendance. Sick List We sure have a long sick list this time. Scott, Mark 'and Brad Wiggerman are sick with the flu. Arlene, Jay and Jeff Connerty have the flu also. The Hillstrom children are sick with tonsillitis. Bobby Froehlig has the chicken pox. The last one on the list is Chuck Childers who has a bad virus infection. Sympathy Our deepest sympathy go®» to Mrs. Richard Widecki who lost her father last week. s From Far Away Places 5 The Metzgers were present kt a farewell party Sunday in SesPlaines. It was given in manor of Elizabeth's friend who spent some time here from jllungary. She was visiting her &ster in PesPlaines and is Spring back to Hungary. Elizabeth had a wonderful time just milking about old times and places of great meaning to her. tj -------• Passion Play The,. Paul Cokmrier family look their niece and nephew, nda said George, along when bey went up to. the seminary see the annual Passion Play. Irma Gunther took son, |fcharles, Mike Mecko and Billy fl^iemiec up to see the Passion JJMay also. John and Fred will jjbe home with their families for ethe Easter holidays. C 8 \ Little Visitor 2 The Fredricks are entertaining a four year old visitor these |tiays. Kay's nephew, T.arry Lus, from Meadowdale is spendsome time with them be- Eiuse his mother is in the hos- Birthday News Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zamastil celebrated Don's father's birthday last Sunday in Chicag°- Happy birthday to' April Pritchard Who has her special day April 3, and also on the same day Lance Toepper. will blow two candles on his cake. April 4 is Kenny Weifs's birthday, so we hope you will all have a grand time on your natal days. Ttnind*r.Maft]i aft icej AWARDED CONTRACTS An award of contracts totalling $1,800,419 by the Illinois Division of Highways was announced this past week. Included were fourteen miles of Edens Expressway in Cook and Lake counties, for which Anderson Tree Service, McHenry, received the contract $2,163; also twelve miles of Calumet Expressway in Cook county. The same company received the contract in the amount of $3,287. Men are contrary -- women are firm. gvouoc cfeital. 1 NEW* ^ CONVENIENT! one handle deesrtwwe* of two H. E. BUCH & SONS Plumbing & Heating Hwy. ISO* East . -JRV 5-&048 HOMAS J. MORAN IT CCMI Jl"GE TUESDAY. AWIL4fli We, the undersigned, members of the McHenry County Bar Association, endorse the candidacy of Thomas J. Moran for Judge "of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. C. Russel Allen James E. Berner F. R. Kelley Harry C. Kinne, Jr. William M. Carrol, Karl A. Koch Jr. . Vernon J. Knox Robert O. Covey Herbert A. Krenz Henry L. Cowlin, Jr. Robert J. Leali Richard R. Cross Hugh A. Deneen Andrew E. Dianis William Gleason H. Joseph Gitlin Paul W. Jevne Theodore L. Hamer James P. Hecht John E. Looze Ralph E. Madsen J. J. McCauley James M. Mclntee Charles S. Parker Charles T. Smith Thomas Henley Roland A. Herrmann Charles S. Stadtman D. Richard Joslyn James H. Weir David R. Joslyn Philip M. Wertz Vette E. Kell Don A. Wicks BE SURE AND VOTE APRIL 4TH SPECIMEN BALLOT ?o be voted at the regular electiok itt the City of McH^tiry, Coufity o? Wry and State of Illinois, to be held Tuesday, April 18, 1961. p - ' i i * - t'.'f f* EARL R. WALSH City Clark54 City of McHenry No. 1 Party (By fetittan) FOR MAXTOR Q Mhi(M P. tern* FOR CITY CLERK • Ewl H. Wkiib FOR CITY TREASURER I I Thomas F. Bolgtr FOR AliDERMAN • Donald H. Schaefer FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • • (By Petition) FOR MAYOR Edward J/ThesUies FOR CITY CLERK FOR CITY TREASURE OSndepeasfeht Party (By Petition) FOR MAYOR • FOR CITY CLER& O Pify ,(By Petition) FOR MAYOR • Edward J. "Jo©" Gausden FOR CITY TREASURER • • FOR CITY CLERK FOR CITY TREASURER FOR ALDERMAN Joseph A. Elton • FOR ALDERMAN • FOR ALDERMAN FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • SPECIMEN BALLOT To be voted at the regular election in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to be held Tuesday, April 18, 1961. Wu4 No. 2 EARL R. WALSH City Clerk City of McHenry Q Pr6(§fe&ive • OPeople's Party (By Petition) FOR MAYOR Kmtta P. UOWTY Olndepefiidbnt Party FOR CTFY CLER& •m . . f a b h • (By Petition) FOR MAYOR FOR err* CLERK OUnited Party • FOR CITY TREAiSiJR^R Thomas F. Bolger FOR ALDERMAN , ¥h*od&. I*. Ml • FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • FOR CITY TREASURER FOR ALDERMAN Dominic Volpendf»ta FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • • • • (By Petition) FOR MAYOR FOR CITY CLERK FOR CITY TREASURER FOR ALDERMAN Glenn D. Dixon • • • (6y Petition) FOR MAYOR Edward J.'f Joe" Gausdta " FOR CITY CLERK FOR CITY TREASURER FOR ALDERMAN FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE Donald C. Howard • FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • • EN BALLOT - .Tp be v^ ^t the regular election in the City of McHenry, County of Mcffetiry ail# State of Illinois, to be held Tuesday, April 18, 1961. OPraomil Party '(By Petition) FOR MATOLT Donald P* Dffcerty FOR CITY CLERK fLJi Earl R. Walih 0 • (By Petition) FOR MAYOR Edward J. Thennes FOR CITY CLERK Wa*tfco?3 o EABL K. WALSH City Clerk City of McHenry ICpSKfe Party (By Petition) FOR MAYOR Ifurwy (By Petition) • • FOR CITY TREASURER Tbonls T. Bolger FOR ALDERMAN Raymond L. Smith FOR CITY TREASURER • : FOR ALDERMAN • Peter J. FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE ftottlld C. towind Thelen FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • • • FOR CITY CLERK FOR CITY TREASURER • FOR kAYOR Edward J. "Joe" Gausden FOR CITY CLERK • i FOR ALDERMAN • • FOR CITY TREASURER FOR ALDERMAN 1/ FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • • FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE •