!• Tan THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday* April 20» 19BI •Ringwood 3HOME CIRCLE ^ETES CORA WOOD& ION 93RD BIRTHDAY Ruby Shepard The Home Circle was enteritained in the home of Mrs. 'Ruby Shepcrd Thursday with iMrs. Roy Harrison as co-host? -•jess. Luncheon was served ai 32:45. This was followed by the business meeting and proijgram. The birthday song was , ^sung to Mrs. Cora Woods who ajvas 93 on that day and also ito Mrs. Belva Sebastian and 3itrs. Lisk. There were seventeen worsen present. Movers «*- • - Mr. and Mrs. .Bert Lisk have loved from Fox Lake to ihe Id apartment. Junior High M.Y.F. • The Junior Hi M.Y.F. visitled O'Hare Field and the Chircago Historical Museum Sat- •Jurday. Senior High M.Y.F. The Senior Hi M. Y. P. is having a spaghetti dinner at -the Church Saturday, April 22, rfrom 5 to 7 p.m. Men's Club County farm advisor Burnett ,gave a talk at the Men's club 'Tuesday evening at the church. Junior M.Y.F. The Junior M. Y. F. met at "the John Hogan home Saturday. They had their study lesion and planned a retreat JWhich will be held in June. 3They then played baseball. . and Mrs. Russel Rasmussen entertained their canasta blub at their home, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas and sons were dinner guests Sunday of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mrs. William Cruickshank and Mrs. Francis Costello attended the wedding of Helens Meyer and Rev. Robert Lee Kettlhut at the Trinity United church ot Christ and also the reception at Deerfield Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, attended the ballet recital at the Richmond high school Sunday alternoon. Krystal Harrison and Kathy Holdorf took part. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell spent the weekend at their cottage at Monoqua, Wis. Miss Ruth Ann Schoenholtz of McHenry was a dinner guest in the John Hogan home Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and children were supper guests Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mrs. Sigurd Jacobsen and daughters, Patrea and Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aissen and daughter were supper guests in the Byron Sowers homie Sunday evening. V.F.W. Auxiliary News By Connie Thomas Betty Clark Personals Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Wednesday and Thursday with .Relatives in Chicago. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pugsley 3vere visitors in Chicago Monday. [ ? Mr. and Mrs. William Heine rjjnf Chicago spent Wednesday 'foith Mrs. Ruby S hepard. Mesdames Ila Hogan, Clara JlCristy, Iona Hood, Bessie sCruickshank and Mary Schenjdelmeier attended a W.S.C.S. ,.%neeting at Ingleside Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fleiner of Chicago called on Mrs. William Hepburn Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers Were dinner guests of Mrs. Bet- »ty Tretow and children at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon -pf Kenosha spent Friday with jjheir niece, Mrs. William Hepburn. Mrs. Ansel Dewey of Pen- • Jield and Miss Virginia Jepson fChicago are caring for their other, Mrs. -Ben Walkington, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, jtlrs. Rhader and Frank Kepfer of McHenry spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. William Hepburn. Mrs. Lester Carr and ' Miss ~Mae Wiedrich attended funeral -services for Henry Miller at ^Sharon, Wis., Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. Youngstown of 'Park Ridge visited Mrs. William Hepburn Saturday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hop- ;per of Crystal Lake were calipers in the Ben Walkington rhome, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lisk were idinner guests Sunday in the "Earl Kunz home. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, l^pent Saturday evening in the ^Clifford Stock home at Woodstock. Mrs. Francis Costello and •children of Hartland spent "Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank. Mr. and Mrs. Williams' of ^Crystal Lake visited Mrs. William Hepburn, Tuesday. Weldon Andreas and son, Duane, are attending classes DeKalb university on Wednesday evenings. '2 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox if Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Ttobert Low and son of Mcjfienry and Mr. and Mrs. Wa!ti& r Low and family spent Sun- Bay in the Beatty-Low home. Our newly elected president, Flo Svoboda, was called out of town unexpectedly due to a death in the family, and Irene Stoller, senior vice-president, presided at our April 10 meeting. A flag was recently presented to Girl Scout Troop 408, Johnsburg, and a letter signed by all the girls thanking the post and auxiliary was read. A cancer insurance program, introduced by National, was presented and accepted by the auxiliary for the benefit of all its members. Each auxiliary member will be contacted regarding this program and its benefits. A report made by our outgoing community service chairman, Gert Barbian, for the past auxiliary year, made us very proud of the work all the girls are doing. A total of 3,309 hours were expended on community service projects during the past year and we feel Gert and all the members contributing their time and effort deserve a lot of credit. We feel honored that our auxiliary has been asked by Ifene Johnson of Geneva auxiliary who is currently secretory for the**Fifth district, to do the floor work for their installation of officers oh April 29. Irene Johnson will be thfc installing officer and the color team' participating from McHenry include Betty Clark, conductress; Connie Thomas, Mary Hetterman, Kay Stilling and Gert Barbian, color bearers; and Wilma Aylward, musician. Reminders: All members are asked to please turn in their Child Welfare banks at the next meeting, April 24. Bake sale items will be needed for the sale to bfe held on Friday, April 28, at the VFW clubhouse. Please try to get your dues in so we can once again have 100 per cent paid-up membership. Don't forget to get all your friends together to attend the dance given for the benefit of the McHenry hospital maternity ward to be held April 29 at the clubhouse. How Can I ? Q. How can I correctly apply a tourniquet? A. If the bleeding is from the hand or forearm, the tourniquet (which is at least'one inch wide) should he placed a hand's breadth from the armpit. If from the leg, a hand's breadth from the groin. In applying, place several layers of gauze or a handkerchief around the site to prevent injury to the .Ussae. Insert a stick in the knot of the tourniquet, and twist rapidly until the bleeding Stops. This should be loosened every 30 minutes for two or three minutes to prevent damage to the nerves and blood Vessels. Q. What is a good waterproofing application for Shoes? A. One very good one consists of a mixture of two tablespoons of beeswax and one tablespoon of mutton fat. Kuh this dressing on at night, and in the morning wipe with a piece of flannel. u , Q. My hands perl^Ire toti freely sometimes while I am sewing, and the material is soiled. How can I remedy this? A. By bathing your fiands in strong alum Water. Q. How pan I repair loose casters which are constantly falling out bf furniture legs? A. Select a dow$l of a size that is a\ tight fit in the holeit! the leg, coat the dowel with glue, and drive it into place. VVhen the glue has set, saw off the dowel flush with the bottom of the leg. Drill a new hole slightly smaller than the sleeve of the caster, coat the sleevf With soap, and drive it into place. Q. What is a good way to clean and renew my books? Ajp Moist wallpaper cleaner Will freshen the texture of bot.k bindings. Paper, cloth, or leather bindings can be rubbed with this cleaner, which will also whiten the edges of the pages. Q. What are the proper lengths^ of time for broiling steak rare, medium, and welldone? A: Rare, eight mintites; medium', fen minutes; Welldone, fifteen infantes. Q. What can I do if the water continues to drip after the toilet has been flushed? A. Probably the rubber tank ball has worn out and needs replacing. Turn off the water in the supply pipe, lift the. top of the flush tank, aUd then holding the rod connected to the rubber ball in one hand, unscrew the ball with the other. Screw the new rubber ball into place, turn on the water, and your probiem should fee solved. Q. How can I easily whip cream when it seems to be too thick? . A. Place the dish of cream in another dish' containing cold Water. When chilled, place hi a dish of hot water for a few minutes. It Mill then whip veCj readily. Time may fly, but old age creeps--up. FREUND'S DAIRY. Complete Line of Dairy Products FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 Tin cRccHvmm of your prescribed medicine largely' depends oa your doctor's knowledge and diagnosis which enable him to prescribe the right proportions of the right ingredients for your individual condition. So, too your pharmacist plays an important port in translating the doctor's written Instructions into medicine perfectly proportioned tor your health. BOIGSR'S 103 S. Green St Ph. EV 5-4500 GRANTED CHARTER The state has granted a charter to the Pigtakee Community Library, a not-forprofit corporation, to provide and maintain library facilities. New York City has 1,524 wholesale firms handling fur and fur products, who produced or handled 6% million garments last yeaf". : Having decided to discontinue dairying, the undersigned yill offer the following personal property for sale at public %uction on the farm located 2 miles Southwest of Grayslake, "III., 1 mile West of Routes 83 and 21, 2 miles North of Peterson Jiload, % mile South of Route 120 on Alleghany Road, on , APilL Commencing at 1:00 o'clock 12 HEAD HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE -- 41 Milch lows -- 15 recently fresh, 6 close springers, balance bred back and milking good; 1 Registered Holstein Bull out of the jfeenry Wegner Herd. (This is a young, high-producipg herd of first, second and third calf heifers; all calfhood vaccinated.) J?AIRY EQUIPMENT-- Kraft 320-gallon stainless steel bulk fank; 3 Surge milkers; Heatmaster 50-gal. bottle gas heater; felec. radiator heater; milk house fan; barn ventilating fan; 2 Wash tanks; strainer and 2 pails. BARN CLEANER -- Jamesway barn cleaner with 3 motors &ILAGE -- 15 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo. FARM MACHINERY -- Oliver manure spreader on rubber JIM 4-bar side rake; RT wagon and box; 16 ft. elevator jlog feeder; hog waterer; RT wheelbarrow. ANTHONY G. HilTIL, Owner Behm & Stade, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk v Union Grove, Wis. -- Phone TRinity 8-2421 * a VALUES PR0VE..J8MES ARE A GIRL'S BEST FRIENPt Look what fw© nickels, ten pennies, @ tenth of a dollar will buy for you at A&P this week! A&P's !@e SALE'features a variety of items that come Sri real handy around Eiouse -- ffcings everybody can use and they enlv <sost a thin dime. Mow's Wig besv time of all to put that loose change work. Piclk up a,few of these <g@@d buys and you'll see: dimes are a gif I's best friend at MP! Lima Beans oDeAaaniis» ABm«earuictya n Dark iff Beans 15-oz. tin 15-oz. tin 15-ox. tin Bean Chinese Maid 16-62 I' 10s Pork 'n Beans 10' 10' Tomato PasteCo"'*" dine A&P Lima Beans 6whrd TI0# 15-oz. tin Mixwl Vegetables Sliced Carrots ba.:£ l4*Ig§® Pinto BeansA^" *110° Irish Poialees A". It-ox. •In Grapefruit Juice Pineapple Juice D«i. Del Monte Drink Prune Juice Lalcesh«re Breakfast ie@btail Tomato Juice szr. 6-02. tin 18-oz. •in l2-oi. •in 12-oz. tin 6-sc. tin 12-oz. •in 10-oz. •in 16-oz. Sultana tin IOl/2-oz. Soup Broob tin 10 10 10 10 10' 10' (Shoestring Potatoes z'A-o*. tin Topic For Baking 10*' T«E£lSi» Soup An&frgi Brand tin and Whipping Milnot Low !n Ca|°r?es Vegetal Ann Page 8-oz. pkg, Spaghetti & Macaroni 10 4 Season Salt 10* Choc. Syrup h.„k., '*210* Pert Paptr Napkins 10° Iona Tomatoes |QC Steak Sauce 4'I' 10' froz. lily Waffles £ I0e Mandarin Oranges ,'°T 10* FRESH BROCCOLI Tender, Green, Flavorful Bunch U'/a-or. |i| For Coffee or Baking tin tPS Fresh Asparagus ri,lZ%LZ9 10' Juice Oranges 5 Bananas Firm' Ripe CHUCK ROAST Famous A&P SupW-Right Quality Bone In, Blade Cut Super-Right, Hickory Smoked! Sliced Bacon liver Sausage Fresh or Smoked Super-Right u. 39° Shrimp OsiktalS ;®n Breasts $j'9 Pan if U.S. No.I Oxford Park Brand 5 V bag Rose Bushes (aeis Grass Seed Regalo Grass Seed Canadian Peat Moss Ti£li' *3" Our Finest Quality lb. bag A&P Brand, Our Finest APPLE SAUCE le-os. Jemima Frozen Waffles 12 la pk{. 5'/j-oz. wlh©Enj you buy the regular price 39c faiii lilil lil Life Cereal Minul laid Anaein Tablets Pure Vagelab'e '/a-eal. || 19 10-oz. Pkg. 29c rine Washday Helps Fleishman's--Made from 100% Pur* Corn Oil 2* CQi Pkg>- 09 m lielpii 50-ot. btl. 6 50 pkg For the price of the regular package of 48 Our Own tea bags, plus ic more, you get C4 tea bags* YOU MY ONLY A&P TEAS FOR TASTE AND SAVINGS! IHarcal larlaga lag Origins Dog Ft ' Liddi© ioy Dog F Vel Difirpnt iquii 73e : 25° 25e 2le PROWS fine £ Cream Cheese lb. ctn. 8-ox, pkg. m Ann Page Pure 20-ct. pkg. 16-01. tin JILLY 24-oz. iar ^ €aaraMndk» Good Houscktfplnf I4'/2-OE. tin SPARKU GELATIN u«w' HAVOXSI 4 PKCs'. 25« ANN ITALIAN DliSSING .-oi .m. 25« PAGE m 5c Off Sale Mar-Vel-Ous Detergent Unbreakable Container THE GREAT ATIANT1C a PACIFIC TEA COMPANY. INC Super I^orkets AMIP.ICA'S DIPENDABU FOOD MIRCHAHT SIHCt 1359 ALL PRICES EFFECTiYE TH{IU APjUL 22nd