ursday, April 20, 1961 THE McHENRT PLAINDEALEH Pag® E3ev©*i Enjoy Dance Lessons Seventh and eighth grade pupils from the Mchenry public school are shown above at one of the ballroom dancing lessons held regularly, sponsored by the McHenry Rotary club. ^Chairmen of the club program are Roy Kissling and Ernest Useman. The class is limited to thirty boys and thirty girls. Preview Tom: Reveals Entirely New, Modem McHei By Marie Schaettgen Centrally located in the heart of McHenry with easy access to main highways, the McHenry hospital outgrew its fa4«ities almost before the original building was in full operation. Like most .suburban areas McHenry has grown beyond expectation in the last decade. With this growth came the need for a local hospital. This seemingly impossible dream was realized in 1956. For at least two of the four years of^fts existence, the hospital has been bursting at the seams. The need for more hospital rooms became pressing. To the community this need was not simply for convenience -- it represented a saving of lives. With a helping hand from the many communities in the area, the business people, the many civic aiKl cultural organizations and tmr women's auxiliaries, the addition to the McHenry hospital is now a reality. On a preview tour of the hospital we marvelled at the extent and variety of equipment and conveniences. Some of these were made possible through group and individual contributions. The need for the need is vital. The new section of the building makes it possible for the McHenry hospital to offer more services to the public. One of the most important of these is in the field of obstetrics. Heretofore the hospital has been able only to care for emergency births. Ntov there are eight beds usR primarily for obstetrics. There are also two labor rooms and a room for the preparation and storage of the babies' formula. (There are fourteen bassinets and a separate area for sick babies. The labor rooms, as well as the mothers' rooms, connect with a central communication center for the area, via tele- The maternity section, as well as every other room in the hospital, is equipped with piped-in oxygen and air for suction, such as is used in stomach pumping, etc. TV, which has become so important to so many of us, is available in every room. The speakers are individual and do not disturb others. . ijl the rooms in the addition have private baths with both tubs and showers. The baths are completely tiled. Each ^ room boasts its own clothes closet -- this is a real luxury and adds to the feeling of well-being- of the patient. Every room has a chimephone connecting with a central communications area so that no patient is ever out of * cdmact with the nurse. \' All rooms face Boone creek, { the banks of which are being '1 landscaped to offer a pleasant view from the windows. The interior decor contributes something also to the patient's enjoyment of his stay in the hospital. The colors used are cheerful and bright -- blue and yellow with touches of co%il. Woodwork is all of natural walnut. The draperies throughout will be miliumlined to contribute to the efficacy of the air-conditioning system. Adjacent to the reception room there is a Pink Lady Shoppe and snack tables operated by the women's auxiliary. Profits from these sales are used to buy necessary e^npment for the hospital. The dining-room, will sometimes be used for meetings and conferences for the staff. A large kitchen will prepare the food for patients as well as personnel. This kitchen was built with a view to the hoped for future expansion of the hospital. It is fitted with all the most modern stainless steel equipment. There is a separate room for the huge electric dishwasher. Throughout the hospital there are sterilizing centers plus a large central sterilizing center. Interior weather and humidity is pneumatically controlled, all year round, from the cupola atop the roof. While the building js completely fireproof, there is nevertheless an excellent fire alarm system, to cope with any unexpected situation. Natural gas for heating and an emergency generator in the event of a power failure make the hospital more or less impervious to mother nature's whims in the way of bad weather. ' A drug room within the hospital makes another fine contribution to the independence of the hospital. These many phases are of inestimable importance during emergencies. With a change of address system now being inaugurated by the post office department the hospital's new address is 3516 Waukegan Road. ' PUBLIC PULSE (The Plalndealer invites the public to use this coltimit -as -an -expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) THE CHORAL CLITB "Gentlemen: . "For four years it has been my privilege to attend the very fine programs presented by the McHenry Choral club. "I live in a big city where entertainment with a 'home touch' is hard to find. I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see a good musical program and therefore, always make a trip to McHenry twice a year to hear the McHenry Choral club sing! "The purpose of my letter is to thank the club for their efforts to keep fine music alive in the hearts of the fortunate people of McHenry. I also want to say to the people of McHenry, you are lucky to have such a fine group of people in your community. I come a long distance to hear them sing. For most of you it is a matter of a few blocks or miles to the high school auditorium. "If you have never been to a Choral club program you have been missing something. What a wonderful wav to spend an evening listening to fine voices in harmony. What a wonderful opportunity to get away from television and to see some live entertainment! What a wonderful thing to know that people from your own home town care enough about one another to devote their time to rehearsals and long hours of music study to be able to bring an evening of song to their friends and neighbors. "McHenry should be proud of this fine organization as I am sure it is. I understand that the club donates generously to charitable organizations in McHenry. All the more reason to support this fine group and their efforts. "I am looking forward to a most enjoyable evening soon when the McHenry Choral club presents its next program- I wish them the best of luck for this year and for the years to come. May they have a full house at every performance! "Very sincerely yours, "Mrs. Emma Wolter "Chicago, 111." This may not be the Biggest Ad in McHenry's history it dees represent the Biggest Oi e to. stimulate t! in Science. Dr. DANIEL POSIN \ k Physics Professor, De Paul University 1 Science Consultant, World Book Encyclopedia , Emmy Award Winner 1959 8t I960--Best TV Educator Tonight (Js1&) at 8:15p.nt McHENRY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL And NO Admission Charge Sp@is©r@d As A Seme® To Education By YOUR McHenry Community Parent Teachers Association DON'T SEND All Y© Mren [mtiS the Aidferi fill! Tell ibm to sit in fie \tml. Dr. P ifers I hawe thdfui sitti -- And come yourself an interest in Science! "If America is going to keep up in the brains race, we must have kids interested in science. I don't care whether they learn the formulas from me - I try to trigger their interest -- They'll go on from there themselves." . . . Dr. DANIEL Q. PdSSN