Page Twelve JWWonder Lake NEW POST OFFICE COMPLETION DATE SET FOR JUNE 1 Jane Ducey Postmaster Paul Eberle has been given a Jjne 1 dale f«>i completion of Ihe new post office. Equipment has been arriving daily for the new building and it is hoped t he move can be made the first of Juno. There will be three times the window space in the new building, designed as an open counter rather than windows, in the modern manner. Twice as many lock boxes of all sizes will be provided in the .new building as compared to the old. A new stamp vending machine will be located in the lobby for use when the window is closed. . Postmaster Eberle said postal service could be improved if the SUBDIVISION NUMBER appeared on the incoming mail for the purpose of sorting, it. You are asked again to be sure to include your zone number when giving your new address as well as the house number and street. Jr. Legion Baseball Registration Registration for Junior Legion baseball is in process with a final date set for April 20. Eligible to play are boys age 14 to 18 who live in Ringwobd. Greenwood and the Wonder Lake area. You are asked to bring a copy of your birth certificate when you register. Contact Wilbur Haak at W.L. 5512 for details: This league will start to play ball June 1." "Follow Me, Girls" A treat is in store for all who attend the „Girl Scout rally in Richmond next Sunday. A silent screen epic titled, "Follow Me, Girls" will be shown at the Richmond high school at 3 p.m. Filmed in 1918. it- is one of the first community service documentary films ever made. A sound track has been added with a modern day narrator who relates this 1918 gem to Girl Scouting of today. The film follows the activities of two girls who joined Givt Scouts in 1918. Nature Workshop at Veteran's Acres Dates for day camp in Kachina Neighborhood have been set for June 12 to 16 at the Rod and Gun club grounds in Wonder Lake. Applications for camp have been given to al! leaders to give to their tropps There will be bus servicesusual. Mrs. Frank Wasielewski, day camp director, urges any one interested in day camp to attend the nature workshop to be held April 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Veteran's Acres in Crystal Lake. Any adult interested in Girl Scouts is welcome to take advantage of this opportunity to learn many new "crafty" things for the out of doors. Birthday Celebration A successful surprise party was given by Marlene Gall as and Mary Alice O'Connor foi Dan Lundberg to celebrate his twenty-first birthday Saturday night. About twenty-six kids Dan grew up with gathered in the Lundberg recreation room (which Dick and Dan have finished since his return fror * the Marine Corp. last fall) and danced with Dan's pet stereo equipment supplying the music. The newly acquired motorcycle figured prominently in the decor from Jess Seeman's poster of Dan "the Thumper" Lundberg on the wall to Mary Alice's birthday cake which completed the elaborate smorgasbord the girls prepared. Boy Scouts to Organize " Under the auspices of the Wpnder Lake Area Kiwanis club a Boy Scout troop is being organized. Initial meeting will take place Saturday, May 6, at 8:30 a.m. at the Ringwood Methodist church. All boys ages 11 to 18 are urged to attend. New scoutmaster is Arthur Frenssen. Although Cub Scouts have been active, there has been no Boy Scout troop in 4he area for several years. A number of young men of Boy Scout age have graduated from Cubs with no teen group to turn to. Kiwanians are to be congratulated for reactivating this youth group at the Lake. April 23--Day of Christian Rural Living at Newman High, Sterling. Catholic Teen Town resumes --Sunday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the school hall. Sunday, May 7, First Communion for children at Christ the King. Adult Confirmation will be held Tuesqay, May 23, at Marian Central" for all adults of McHenry Coilnty. If you have not registered at the rectory do so as soon as possible. Classes will be held May 15 and May 22 in the school hall. Spring Swing Youth. Center dance Saturday April 22, starting at 8. There will be dance contests with records for best couple. The board of directors hr.s voted to have a dance to live music every other Saturday night. May 6, the dance will be a "Turn About" with the girls asking the boys for dances. Next meeting of the directors will be May 15 which will be election of officers for 1961- 62. Drama group has gotten off to a good start with seventeen young people registered!" More about this later. Pack Meeting Open to Public Cub Pack 358 will have a special life-saving film shown at the next pack meeting Tuesday, April 25, at 7 p.m. at Harrison school. Ed O'Brien will show a film on mouth to mouth breathing in rescue work. The public is invited to see this educational film. Tickets can still he obtained to the Scout-O-Rama Saturday from any Cub Scout in the area. Nativity Lutheran Cliureh News The morning message will be delivered by the Rev. George Ehrich of Elmhurst, supply pastor for Nativity while a new pastor for the church is being called. Pastor Ehrich is now actively retired, having served as pastor of People's Lutheran church and Redeemer Lutheran church both in Chicago. The Luther League will meet Sunday, April 23, at 7:30. AL1 young people are invited and urged to attend this important meeting at which time the final arrangements will be made Jor the Luther League Confirmation, Reception beginning with the sWvice of installation at 7:30. Plans will also be completed for the Luther League rally to be held in Waukegan, May 7. Thursday, April 20, 1901 t - » : fan V . i . . » -Sr 2000 Tckke Part In Scout-O-Ramef Italian Spaghetti A spaghetti dinner will be served from 5 io 7 p.m. at the Ringwood Methodist church Saturday, April 22. Sponsored by the Senior MYF, the project is being undertaken by the young people to buy a lighted bulletin for the church. Public is invited to this family- style dinner for a most worthy cause. Obituary The community was shocked and saddened by the untimely passing of Dan A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Receipt of applications for construction permits by the Illinois Division of Waterways was announced this past week, including that of the Griswold Lake Hills Homeowners association, Rt. 2, McHenry, to construct a foot bridge over a channel leading to Griswold Lake approximately 150 feet southwest of North East Shore drive at Griswold Lake Hills. A recent survey showed that 31 per cent of Americans have Moeller who> never heard of the Bill of died Monday morning in the hospital in Libertyville as the result of injuries received in a headon crash in an auto accident last week. Sympathy is expressed" to his widow. three children. The Moellers reside in Wonder Woods and have been Lakf residents for 14 years. s Rights, and less than half, of the college students knew much about it. Months of planning comh to a climax this Saturday as Kishwaukee district Scouts present their impressive Scout- O-Rama. Starting in the Crystal Lake high school field house at 11 a.m„ the exhibitions and program will, continue at full pace until 9 p.m. District Activities Chairman Russell Reimer and his. -Scout- O-Rama committee, including Pat Ulrich of McHenry, judging, have completed the planning and arrangements and the Scouts are moving in their equipment and display items. Airplanes, science, first aid, pioneering, hobbies and many other Scout and Cub activities will be on display all during the day. All Scouts will not be there all day, for many exhibits will change h&nds at intervals during the day. Refreshments, boy style, are available at a stand manned by the De Molay society of Woodstock. A schedule of performances for the day has been arranged. Last minute changes may omit or add certain items. Events now listed will follow in this order: 11 a.m., Troop 160, Cary, Indian dancing; li:30 a.m., Troop 162, McHenry, rope making; noon, Post 168, Crystal Lake, wrestling; 12:30 p.m., fc»ack 455, Woodstock, skit; Pack 354, Algonquin, skit; 1:30 p.m.> Pack 455, Woodstock, skit* 2 p.m., Troop 170, Harvard, Johnny Jones; 2:30 p.m., Pack 168, Crystal Lake, skit; Troop 152, Lake in the Hills, navy respiration unit; 3:30 p.m., Pack 367, Woodstock, skit; 4 p.m., Troop 160, Cary, musical combo; 4:30 p.m., Post 168 Crystal Lake, wrestling; 5 p.m., Pack 354, Algonquin, skit; 5:30 p.m., Pack 357, Cary, auction; 6 p.m., Troop 168, Crystal Lake, first 'aid demonstration; 6:30 p.m., Pack 455, Woodstock, skit; 7 p.m., Troop 162, McHenry, rope making; 7:30 p.m., Troop ISO, Cary, Indian dancing; 800 p.m., district headquarters, recognition ceremony; 9 ={^p., district headquarters,closing ceremony. Over 2,000 Scouts and tl leaders will be in attendance, exhibiting, performing, or working to make the Scri$rt-' D-Rama a success. v Address for Pvt. Moore Word from Ft. Knox brings this address: Pvt. Jack C. Moore, Jr., RA 16683346, Company C, Spec. Tng. Regt., USATC Armor Class 469, Ft. Knox, Ky. Briefly Jack has been made the leader of his group, is on regimental baseball team and will be stationed on the post until after the end of the ball season. Christ The King Church News A card party and silent auction sponsored by the Altar and Rosary society will be held in the school hall Thursday, April 20, at 8 p.m. LOOKING FOR A HOME? Most Scout units are eagerly selling Scout-O-Rapra tickets. They rfetafn' one-half of such receipts fqr the unit's own Scout uses. Tickets also can be purchased at the door of the field house from 11 a.m. on April 22. TRAINING CENTER FOR RETARDED IS GRANTED LICENSE The McHenry county training center for retarded children on Hancock Drive, Wonder Lake, has been issued a license by the Illinois Department of Public Welfare, according to the provisions of tLe Child Caj;e Act, to operate for the year 1961-1962 and to c$re for a capacity of twenty children. The school for retarded children has met the standards prescribe^ by the Illinois Department of Public Welfare, and has "been inspected and approved by t}je state fire marshal. ' The training center was established in 1960 by a group of interested parents of retarded children. The school offers a constructive program which enables these children to develop socially, mentally and emotionally. Tile program includes c r e a t i v e w o r k , s i n g i n g , rhythms, stories, training ip self-help, and in ability to recognize signs necessary to safety. The children have also had the experience of a visit to tl\e fire station and a visit to a farm. Mrs* Myrtle Davidson directs the program, with the assistance of Mrs. Evelyn Carter and Mrs. Healless, Mrs. Joseph Hutf is serving as president of the board of <$urecjors; Mrs. Myrtle Davidson, vice-president; Mrs. Evelyn Carter, secretary, and Paul Amundson, treasurer. Mrs. Roy Swanson is director of the education commission. Rev. Richard Wright also takes an active interest in the program of tliBsf school. CONDUCT CANCER CRUSADE APRIL 29 AT WONDER LAKE 11 By W&yne Walters The Old And New Come to Ponca & Logan sts. & see our mode? home in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, II Open Every Sunday Afternoon -- Weekdays call . » Lee Cooney General Contractor EVergreen 5-4345 Homes Built. Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing It's su^JSmg that ther^ still is a large number, of people who think about TV in the same category as radio. Actually, the difference might be compared with the Tmodel Ford and modern V-8 engines. The number of tubes, components, wire connections, etc. in a TV set makes a seem like a toy. T ^ii-fi and stereo electronics is even more complicated in comparison to the old record player. CUSTOM TV does the serving of many of these sound appliances right in the living room of your home with fast and modern servicing instruments. Next time phone EV 5-3757 or 5-5659, and we would like to point out some of the interesting features of your set. Mow Sat. & Sun 20 2 MOWER DEPENDABILITY MOWER VERSATILITY! UU fi RipiNG MOWER Regular SALE $1Q®i $269.50 PRICED I70 0NLY$ Mows? dependability and ver America's most popular triding rotary lawn (mower. And no wonder. Rug smart design makes it year-round gardening tooL$ | 5 J5 per mon+h D0WM Gigantic 315 W. ELM STREET Jewel Shopping Plaza 132 S. Green St* McHenry, 111, Phone EV 5-0098 with every purchase McHe^rv The 1961 Cancer Crusade at Wonder Lake. will be. a two-, hour (1 to 3 p.m.) blitz on Saturday, April 29. Announcement was made by Maxine C. Bixby, chairman of th£ local fund drive. She officially opened the campaign with a cancer benefit bridgecanasta party at her Hickory Falls home. Twenty-six women participated.-' The $51 revenue from the party became the first contribution to the local quota. Wonder Lakers were cit£d for their generosjty last year when $500 was contributed to help fight all forms of cancer, including leukemia -- cancer of the blood. American Cancer society ficials note that 60 per cent of all proceeds are allocated for research, with more than $1.5 million going to work on leukemia related research. • Mrs. Bixby said that teams of women volunteers will cover each subdivision during the two-hour drive to reach quota. Local businesses will not b? solicited because the owners will be called upon at their homes. No canisters will be used in local stores. Volunteer canvassers will be announced next week, Mrs. Bixby said. High-scoring^ winners of individual table prizes were Mesdames Dolores Wines, Jean Hartmann, Esther Sturm, Har- OPENSEPTgg SYSTEMS FAST NO D9GGING1 » Mm • Opm BiflKSaptk TfuikClwMf RUCK'S Hardware 501 Main St. EV. 5-0334 riet McCall, June Rink and Betty Selsdorf. „ i Others who took1 part in the benefit include Mesdarnes Plga Hnilo, June Lindgren, Ann Albergo, Martha Thompson, Greta . Wjeisenberger, \ Joanne Higgins, Lorraine Houda; Ruth Woodward, I>o r i s Andreas, Marie Shrowsbree, Alice Marion, Lois Mathews, Mary Ann Cristy, Barbara LaGreca, Jean Decker, Estelle Mendyk, Pat Strom and Amy Strefet. HONORED FOB SCHOLARSHIP Three former McHenry high school graduates are among 1,800 . University of Illinois under-graduates to receive official recognition for outstanding scholarship May 5 at the university's annual Honors Day convocation. They are Roger Benson, Robert Trendler and Carl Walker. OBSERVE SPECIAL DAY His Excellency, Most Rev. Loras T., Lane, D.D., bishop of Rockford diocese, will preside at the second Diocesan Day of Christian Rural Living at the Newman high school, Sterling, on Sunday, April 23. The spring ceremony, consisting of the blessing of soil and s#d brought in by the people, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and the outside blessing of f a r m machinery, livestock, etc., will begin at about 12:30 p.m. Immediately following this ceremony at 1:45 p.m., a panel discussion held in the gymnasium pertinent to problems of agriculture will be highlighted by a talk to be given by Fr. John George \\Mber, Executive Secretary of tne National Catholic Rural Life Conference. He will speak on "National Farm Organizations and -the NCRLC". PANTRY DELICACIES Riverside Drive McHenrjf Under New Management EVERYTHING 0ME MADE American Potato Salad -- German Potato Salad Vinegar & Oil Slaw -- Mayonnaise Slaw Kidney Bean Salad -- Pickled Beets Spaghetti Sauce -- Baked Beans Noodle Salad -- Ham Salad Wednesday -- Chili Thursday -- Chop Suey Friday -- Shrimp and Shrimp Noodle Salad Saturday -- Cakes - Coffee Cakes - Pies DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Your Order In Ph@m@ EV 5-0754 Open Everyday 9 to 9 "Delicacies From Around The World" We Sell Only Genuine T)re$fon* TIRES AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES! & Just Look at These Prices oh Champion 1km add only *1 for NYLON with 15-Month ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE 1£=Pi3©ath C^QSQirdl ©MQPQmQQ add only *3 for whitewalls (7.10.W l8-EV3@Kth Ro&d @$©g©ire§ .«M» Hazard Guarantee •all prlcet j>lu£ taa NYLON 7.90-M AD® ONIV 0 P©R IVHITEWAtL 15-Month Road Hazard Suafantee More than Just a locaO guarantee ••• t?QF©sa!one NaQOotAi-^Qde Roacsl Ofegard • honocsd by 30,000 Flrestonjft dealers and stores Firestone's superior quality allows us to give you a guarantee against tire failure from blowouts, cuts, bruises, or breaks caused by normal ROAB HAZARDS encountered ip everyday driving... plus our famous Lifetime Guarantee. | Every new Firestone tire io | GUARANTIEES 3 1. Against defects in workmani ship and materials for the life | of the original tread. J 2. Against normal road hazards \ (except repairable punctures) { encountered in everyday pasj seflger car use for the number [ of months specified. | Under these guarantees re- - I pairs are made without charge, I > replacements are prorated on I tread wear and based on list current at time of ad- We carry the complete line of Firestone tires ••• with a tire for every driver, every ear, every pocketbook O uarantM* oovor periods ol from 12 up to 36 MONTHS COMPLETE FAiMME SI . .. Call Us For Your Truck Tire Needs. BATTERIES -- We allow up to $6.00 Trade-In McHINRY TIRE MART 526 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Phone EV. S4294 >