Page Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, April 20# 19g)t UNDER 21 A column for ieen-sgers By Dan Halligan DEAR DAN: I'm no raving beauty and I'll be the first to aumit it but I do keep myself neat, well-dressed and have a nice personality. I work as a stenographer in an insurance office and am 20 years old. I've worked here since graduating from high school two years ago. Two weeks ago a new head bookkeeper joined the firm and was placed in charge of all- the girls. Well, he's one of these "bright young men" you always read about, the guy who wants to be president of the company by the time he's 35. He's strictly business which is fine with me but I think he is going to far. Yesterday he called me into his office and started telling me how much he liked my "work but that I wasn't doing too well where the public was concerned. In other words, he told me I should dress a little fnore attractively than I'm doing, change my hair style and wear a different shade of lipstick. He's told a couple of the other girls the same thing and we're mad. I operate on a budget because I send money home each week and4 I don't think any man has the right to tell a girl how,-to dress and how to wear her hair. Do you? Should we go over this man's head and complain to the district manager? -- Burned Up. BURNED. UP: This is one of the craziest letters I've ever received but where people are concerned, anything can happen. As long as you girls dress neatly, that's all your boss should expect. Before going to your district boss, you three girls band together and tell this fashion expert that while yon appreciate his suggestions, you'll dress as you please within the limits of your budget. If he doesn't know when he's well off and won't accept this answer, then go to your higher echelon. This bright young man is certainly nervy! DEAR DAN: All the jobs for teen-agers have been taken for this summer or at least promised and I wonder if you can tell me something I might do to earn some extra money. Would door-to-door selling work out? J always see advertisements about those jobs and think I could make some money that way. Can you make some suggestions? -- Unemployed. DEAR UNEMPLOYED: If all the homeowners are like me, you won't make a dime ringing door bells. You'll also get some frosty receptions and probably some dog. bites. I've said this before and I'll probably be' saying it again front time ,to time that where teen-agers are concerned, when no jobs are available, create some. People ""With lawns have to mow them or get them mowed. People with windows either have to wash them or pay to have the job done. People with garages either have to clean them out from time to time or hire someone to do that type of work. If you want to ring doorbells, fine. However, instead of trying to peddle magazines, brushes or other household supplies, peddle your own talent and muscles. Shop around your neighborhood arid see what you can line up -- then expand into other neighborhoods. DEAR DAN: My girl won't act like other girls and won't sit close to me when we're out in my car. Other guys say if I tell her to slideover to me instead of asking her, I'd probably get some results. What do you think? -- Si. DEAR SI: If you do any ordering, your girl might slide all right but the slide might be right out the door. Maybe she has her own reasons for wanting to sit where she does and until you find out those reasons, you'd better not take any chances and order her around. Your, buddies may not know as much as they think they do about girls. > It Pays to Save! $5.01X100 becomes $6,094.95 In 5 Short Years Based On 4% Lilymoor DISCUSS CHANGE OF SUBDIVISION NAME AT MEETING Shirley Sclluerr EV. 5-2645 The Lily moor association held its monthly meeting Tuesday, April 11. At this meeting several things were brought up. One was the repainting of the street signs. Most of the signs have had the background paint put on. The name of the streets will appear in the near future. Another thing discussed among the members present was the changing of the name of the subdivision from Lilymoor to something else. This is to be discussed further. The association would like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pat Convary as new members. The next monthly meeting will' be held Tuesday, May 9, at 8 p.m. at the white schoolhouse. • Lilymoor Cleaning Up When you ride through our subdivision you can tell the residents of Lilymoor were out in full force Saturday, April 8, cleaning up the property. Although there is still more work to do, the people were mere than happy to do their part in the clean-up. It won't be long and we will be rid of the trash, garbage and unwanted weeds in Lilymoor. James Johnson, Vern Ehredt and Bill Kohler did a good job picking up the trash and hauling it away to the dumps. As a lot of you know there was a pot-luck dinner for the workers Saturday evening at Club Lilymoor. Those who worked hard were Lil Neumann, chairman, and her coworkers, Lee Bassi, Marie Behrendt, Edna Crawley, Toni Ehredt and Lil Wijas. All of these ladies worked hard in the kitchen and serving the food. To the residents of Lilymoor: You are doing a grand joL cleaning up the subdivision, keep up the good work. New Meeting Place The Lilymoor Brownie troop 267 has a new meeting place. Thanks to Diane Fuhler and Leona Fantus and two young gentlemen, Ronnie Fuhler at'd Jimmy Fantus. They ai) worked hard in the basement room of the schoolhouse in cleaning it and painting the room yellow and the woodwork brown. The troop is very proud to have a room of their own for their meetings and doings. The young ladies are proud ol what has been done for them. Open House The Northern IUini Bowmen Archery club is holding open house Saturday, April 22, at the American Legion hall in McHenry, from 8:15 p.m. till ?? A full program, has been planned with films shown, plus comics and entertainment. Refreshments will also be served. Bookmobile The bookmobile will be at the barn in Eastwood Manor and Kent Acres Saturday, April 22. It will be at Eastwood Manor from 9:30 'till 10:30 a.m., at Kent Acres from 10:45 'till 11:45 a.m. Birthday Greetings go to Lil Wijas. Lil is celebrating her birthday today Thursday, April 20. Many happy returns to you, Lil. Fun Night : If you are interested in having a night of laughs and fun and a night out, contact Isabelle Karmel at EV. 5-4698. Isabelle will gladly tell you about it when you phone her. The more the merrier. Congratulations Go to Connie Johnson and Marion Sulok on being elected trustees of the library Tuesday, April 4. They will hold the office of trustee for the next three years. Diesel locomotives will move a ton of freight a mile on a teaspoon full of fuel. AUTO GLASS , MST4LLED Furniture Tops Glazing and Picture Frames Made to Order Mirrored Plaques Free Estimates McHENRY A070- GLASS & MIRROE CO. (Across from Jewel Tea) 304 W. Elm St, ' McHenry, III. Ph. EV 5-S940 4'/2 0/ On /0 Investment Savings Accounts Current Rate -- 4% Per Annum Plus \'i % Per Annum Psty&ble at end of 4-year period Our Sese rvices fou 1. Traveler's Checks ' 2. Money Orders 3/ Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Xmas Saving Accounts 6 Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U.S. Gov't Savings Bonds CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 0 a.m. - 5 p.m. -- Fridays: 9 a.m. - 8 p.i Closed All Day Wednesdays Suddenly It's Spring! WHIT 206 W. Elm Street McHenry, HL Pkoiae EVe?g?een 5-3000 Yes, suddenly it is spring and the perfect answer for the man who wont take chances with his grooming is this spring suit by Curlee. This superbly tailored suit is curlee's answer to spring. Stop in today and see the complete line in new colors, patterns and fabrics styled by Curlee. From $48.50 to $65. From ^ ^TO.RE for MEN 117 8. Greta St Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, m. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m". to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA VFW - Auxiliary Instalation Photo by Kotalik An impressive joint installation., of officers of Mc- Henry's VFW Post 4600 and their auxiliary officers was held in McHenry on April 8. Pictured above, standing, are Ann Scarbrough, Lorraine Murphy, Ethel Groth, Marion Schoenholtz, Pauline Pries, Daisy Smith, junior past president; Genevieve Bradley, Wilma Aylward, Pat Aylward, Ann Getner and Dora Krocker. Seated are Florence Tussey, Jean Wiles, Irene Stoller, Florence Svoboda, incoming president; Teenie Morrison, Margaret Moreth and Mary Lou Miller. Irrigation in the Imperial Valley, California, formerly wasteland, has elevated the area to the seventh county in U. S. in value of crops produced. The Salton Sea, California, is a boating haven, as the low altitude helps motor performance, and the high salt content of water gives the propellers more bite. New' Drugs Discussed At Meeting of HIA Twenty-three persons attended the Health Improvement association district meeting held recently at Geneva. Gilbert Ohms of Grant Park, IHIA district director, presided at the meeting and introduced the speakers of the day. W. H. Moy, new executive director, gave an excellent talk about the rapid increase in population and new treatments and drugs now available to patients in hospitals. He also mentioned scholarships for youn& people through HIA. B.R. Williams, secretary of the TB association, sppke about treatments in these hospitals and mental health clinics throughout the state.- Mrs. Earl Kenniston's topic was "Memberships." EXPENSIVE DRIVIN^: The Central Artery, a new thruway in Boston, cost $57 million, for less than two miles --but downtown miles. I The United States maintains diplomatic connections with 85 i nations--ranging alphabetically from Afghanistan to Yugoslavia. Don't Swelter this Summer Install Quiet, Dependable Mueller Climatrol AIR CONDITIONING You deserve the comfort, the heart-easing relaxation of the finest m home air conditioning. And Mueller Climatrol Central Air Conditioning sb considerate of your neighbors. Outdoor unit purrs, never roars...quiet--as only quality can he. fffrif amt rrtimntr now no nbliguiifm_ FRI1M "lomgerBh Wlip mASwm €mdMnmks.m • CaUfrtryowwpp, McHenry Heating and Air Conditioning Route 120 East EV 5-0101 McHenry, 111. $1.89 Budget Vi PRICE SAtE Fountain Syringe ^oodbur* Creom He «s-"~ with , $J29 all attachments ©NCE-A-YEAR SAL! ItfCcbOllML SHAMPOO Sr Top Quality-Lowest Prices! NEW LANGUID PLUS Ifl will not stiffen hai $2.2 S E)( VAL W Sleeo-£ze SLEEPING TABLETS non-habit forming in 79, * SQUIBB'S SWEETA NOS«ALORIC LIQUBES) SWEETENER BARGAIN BULLETINS I Dental Cream 53* COLGATE . . . 43« 1 $2.35 LANOLIN PLUS .. $1. 75c Pain Tablets -- 100's A.P.C 2 for $1.39 |: Cream Hair Tonic 59* VASELINE . . .49* Pond's $3.00 COLi CREAM ..$1.79 $1.59 DERMASSAHi .. $129» Power Pack Toothpaste isUiuU::KUlUU:::il NEW FORMULA 1)0D-WAY D«odorlz«r Spray Giant Can Reg. $1.80 98* PLASTIC BOTTLE 69/ 98* C@LGAfI I ^ - \ ne . 8# !»3^; 1 METEECAL Dietary for weight control S Flavors 6 Pack MENNEN BABY MAGBC LANOLIN Reg. $1.25 YARDLEY Press Action HAND CREAM New Aerosol Container GET A ©LA£¥l@it@yg TAN IN 3 - 5 HOURS WITH ©1 WST^OUT THE SUN COPPERYOMEI drying 95* SPISIAL FOR MEN FREE RINSE-AWAY Dandruff Treatment with . COMMAND Hair Groom SPRING FEVER SALE Fill! FREE! FREE! Comfoifflati®!! BRUSH-C@yB Plus Hair Styling Booklet with self-styling AD@KC^ Hair Spray BY TONI Vick's wmm Nasal Decongestant Tablets 91 ALL FOR JUST '|50 Prompt PRESCRIPTION Service NEW PUSH-BUTTON RAZORS for men withtough beards with blades BOLGER'S DRUG STORE COTTON 39* BALLS Box <55 Plus 10% Federal (Eicit* Tm on TeiUtr!«S 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 L.