Pftge Eighteen THE McHEKRY PLAINDEAIJSR Thursday. April 20.1961 McCnllom Lake WEDDING UNITES tOCAL BACHELOR. McHENBY RESIDENT Eve Levesque - St. Mary's church in Mc- Henry was the scene of the nuptials uniting Mrs. Madeleine Mayfield and Ernest Schroeder on Saturday at 31 a.m. 'April 15. Ernest is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Schroeder of fountain Lane. Mrs. Mayfield's parents are deceased. In addition to the large family on the Schroeder side, spectators also included the five children of Mrs. Mayfield. A reception for about 125 guests was held at the American Legion hall commencing ax 1 p.m. After their honeymoon jaunt to "parts unknown" for one week, the couple will take up residence at 410 Main Street in McHenry. Relatives and friends from far and near gathered for the festivities and they include Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Hoeppner. Jr., and eight children from Rock Rapids. Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. John Peters of Ashland. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen of Marengo, Wis.; and Mr. and Mrs. Will Guerin of Mellen, Wis. Present also were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Behnke and children, Marion and Arnold, and his fiancee, Betty, of Addison. 111.: Mr. and Mrs. Art Golchert and sons of West Chicago; Mr. arid Mrs. Pat Clarke and children of the city; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Behnke of Roselle; Mr. and Mrs. George Schroeder and family of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. David Schroeder and chi!- dfen; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wismer of Wind Lake. Wis. ; O t h e r o u t - o f - t o w n g u e s t s were Miss Helen Beckwith ant; Mrs. Wijliam McDermott of <3rayslake; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peters and daughter of Frsnks- >fille, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wheelock and children of Waucbnda; and local relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital, son. Don, and daughter, Elaine Super. • Our very best wishes to Madeleine and Ernest and his ifeady made family. ing of necessary roads were opened by Don Parertti and the board voted unanimously to accept the low one submitted by Liberty Petroleum Products. Our village engineers, W. A. Rakow Associates, have been employed to supervise this work. This meeting was officially adjourned and the regularly scheduled one was opened. West End drive will receive necessary repair work and the removing of trees in the fiscal year of. '61 and '62. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 24, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse and the public is invited. Population Increase The results of the special census conducted in March, 1956, revealed our total population as 685. From the office of the Secretary of State, communication was received which lists our population now at 759,. as of the 1960 census. , "Operation Abolition" Shown Through the efforts of Jake Levesque. the movie "Operation Abolition" will be shown at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry on Tuesday, April 25. The program which includes an address by Captain Hampton of Glenview Naval Air Station (Mr. Levesque is attached to this station in a reserve status) is being sponsored by the McHenry Township Republican Women's club and will begin at 7:3C p.m. The program should be rewarding and give each of us something to think about-- even though it may not add to our complacency! Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Former Resident Heads New P.T.A. Mrs. John Boehm, a former resident of the community, was elected president of the newly organized McHenry high school P.T.A. on Wednesday of last week. A large number of interested parents and teachers were on hand to hear the arguments for and against such an organization. The charter will remain open for thirty to fortyfive days and anyone interested in joining may contact Mrs. Boehm or secretary Marilyn Reihansberger. The Welcome Mat Is spread for new residents. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kare, and daughter, Peggy, of Park View West. They are residing in the former Sesko home and arrive here from Griswold Lake. Here's hoping their neighbors will greet them and help them to become acquainted. "Shades of. Robin Hood" The Northern Illini Bowmen are holding "open house" at the American Legion home this Saturday, April 22. Archery films, entertainment, and refreshments add up to a fine evening and one you won't want to miss. There is no admission charge and the public is invited. Scheduled for Surgery Frank Parkhurst, who has been hospitalized in McHenry "dressed for several days, was scheduled for surgery yesterday, Wednesday. Here's hoping this will relieve the pain and discomfort he has been enduring for far too long. A cheerj greeting would certainly help his morale! ^ " Young Lady's Delight The parents of Miss Diane Bjork, went "all out" in order to give her a memorable birthday party last Saturday when she turned 14. Bowling in McHenry first and then a 'scavenger hunt provided entertainment for her young guests, who included sister, Bernicc. Penny Ullman, Diane Chabot, Gay Vinsik, Becky Oleyar, Chrys Levesque, Janice Sturm, and Susan Farr. A hearty birthday meal of hot dogs, potato and kidney bean salads, ancTrsoda pop provided sustenance before the young ladies indulged in the exercise. made a handsome couple. (And don't they always?) Orchid Occasions Don Vycital was scheduled to enter the service of the Coast Guard yesterday, one day before his seventeenth birthday, today, April 20. . . . Marge and Dave Reid chalk up 47 years in "double harness" today, while Erma and A1 Ob erhuber are married 10 years today, April 20. . . .Eddy Koch will be 12 tomorrow, April 21. . . .Mark Ringelstetter is in line for congrats on the twenty- second. . . Diane Schmitt will be 2 on April 24 and this is also the natal day for Marie Howe. . . .Lynn O'Day will be 6 on April 26. Best wishes to all. Golly! I Goofed (And if someone adds "Whaft, again? I shall deserve it!) We neglected to mention the wedding jaunt that May and Butch Kennenberg took last weekend. They attended the nuptials of a relative in Kenosha, Wis., and because the wedding was scheduled quite early in the morning, they departed our shores at 8:30 a.m. From all reports, May and Butch were to the teeth" and Dance In Variety Show ^Election Returns Elsewhere *For the outcome of the fourth election held in the village of McCullom Lake you i£ay turn to the returns listed cjsewhere in the Plaindealer. \yith new officials and perhaps sfme' of • the-former ones, we should and CAN go on to grea~c^ growth. With the cooperation of all working towards this common goal, no pfrmacle is too high for us to aftain. Best wishes to the victfrs and many thanks to those vpio did not win but had faith enough in the community to offer their services. Notes From the Village Board -The recessed meeting of Alarch 27 reconvened on April Id in the beachhouse. Sealed b|ds for patching and seal-coat- Save Your Duds And turn them over to the Ladies of the Lake for their annual rummage sale. This is a eood opportunity to rid your closets of unwanted clothing which has been out-grown but is Ft ill in good condition. The gals will be conducting this affair* on Saturday, May 27, so there is plenty of time to gather the/'loot". The women will turn the proceeds over to the building fund of the Cullom- Knoll association. A bake sale will be held at this time also. Chairmen for the event are Marge Stacknick and Tommy Fox. Cash donations in lieu of donated bakery goods will be accepted with gratitude! At the last meeting of the women's organization, the gals were in agreement to donate $100 to the Cullom-Knoll association to be used for beach improvement. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 27, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. This is social night so be sure to come! Registration for the Kiddies Kindergarten r e g i s t ration will be held tomorrow, Friday, April 21, at Edgebrook school between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. All youngsters who will be 5--on or before Dec. 1 are eligible. To avoid confusion, please leave the children at nome. V s As of Monday it seemed more like "happy winter" than the middle of spring, but here's hoping it won't last. Bye for now and we'll see you next week. Spring Grove JAMES MAY WINSESSAY AWARD IN K. OF C. CONTEST Mrs. Charles Freund James May, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. May, was one of the pupils of the parochial schools in the McHenry Deanery who received an award in the essay contest sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. The topic of the essay was "Christ o p h e r C o l u m b u s " . A w a r d s were presented at a banquet held at the K. C. hall in Woodstock on Wednesday night. DOUGHNUT DAY CHAIRMAN Mrs. Carl C. Grant, Richmond, will serve as "Doughnut Day" chairman for Richmond, according to an announcement made today by Mrs. Earl O. Ehrhardt of Elmhurst, suburban area chairman for the drive. Mrs. Grant also is secretary of the Richmond Salvation Army Service Unit. "Doughnut Day," The Salvation Army's twenty-third annual tag day, will be held on Friday, June 9, in Chicago and approximately 150 surrounding suburban communities. Gypsy dancers in the musical variety show, "Melodic Journey," to be presented soon, in St. Mary's parish he are these attractive young girls. Thes^ art?, right, Virginia Kauss, Barbara Shannon, Sandy Smith and Camille Lopez. The program will be presented at 8 p.m. on April 23 and April 25, and prior to the two evening shows, there will be a matinee at 3:30 Sunday, April 16. Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. Clubs Meet The birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Frank May on Thursday afternoon. Prizes in cards went to Mrs. Minnie Pierce, Mrs. L. VanEvery, Mrs. William Shotliff, Mrs. Frank Tinney and Mrs. Tom McNally. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Rev. Edward Lehman and the ushers of St. Peter's parish met at the home of Anton Meyer for their regular meeting on Wednesday night. Cards were also played and a lunch was served. The firemen held their meeting at the fire house on Monday night. There was also a social evening at cards and a lunch. Shower Miss Betty Meyer was guest of honor at a shower held for her at the town hall on Sunday afternoon. Betty was the happy recipient of many gifts. A lovely lunch was served the guests. Betty will become the bride of Bob Christensen oi Richmond in May. DCCW Meeting April 26 The McHenry Deanery Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its open meeting on • Wednesday evening. April 26, at St. Margaret Mary parish hall, Algonquin. Benediction at 7:45 will precede the meeting. Rev. Raymond Eipers is host pastor. Guest speaker will be Rev. Brenden McGrath, OSB of St. Procopius Seminary, Lyle, 111. Subject: "The Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church". The, ladies of the parish will serve a lunch after the meeting. Girl Scout Rally The Girl Scout and Brownie DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TEAIMING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMP1LETE VISUAL ANALYSIS BOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 AM. and 1 TO ft P;BL FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 Troops of Kachina Neighborhood will have a Girl Scout Rally on April 23 at Richroood- Burton high school between 2 . . p.m. and 4:30 p.m. A mowie^ entitled "Follow Me Girls" will T be shown and Scouts will Join v in afterwards in singing CP* Scout songs. Troops from Spring Grove, Richmond and Wonder Lake will be present. Parents are Invited to attend. The relative shallowness jj>f the Atlantic in the Griffin Banks area is thought to be due - at least partly to the earthy material dropped here when the Greenland and Ld&r rador icebergs are melted by the warm Gulf Stream. 0VERNEATEB MOTORS H&QmQMdk A domed radiator •on mean no) f flMBIO • raOwgMMWv ilbw Tulammm W&& RADIATOR Cleaning aal RepaHftg AT LOW, FlAT-ftATI NNR @R! Wj Complete Stock Of Rebuilt Radiators ABAMS' BROS. REPAIR SERVICE 300 E. Elm St. McHes© Phone EV. 5-0788 Only a flameless electric range # keeps your kitchen tMs clean (Electric surface units ctmte no dirt...actm®tty clean themselves) Ph. EVergreen 5-( s COLOEAMIC'S STOCK REDUCTION SELL OUT! R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lovC-'cr car oosts for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling 24-HOUR TOWING SEStVICE 516 Front St 5-0811 McHenry, 111 MmW EASY WAY TO KILL WIIDS AS YOU FEED Yes, we're selling out a large stock of floor and wall tile, ceramic and plastic tile, at ridiculously low prices. SALE NOW GOING ON -- HURRY! Open Mon. & Fri. Till 9 P.M. -- Other Days Till 5:30 P.M. C11AMIC WALL TILE Drastically reduced for this sale. All of the season's popular colors. HURRY! HURRY! ~ & sq. ft. \ Valuable Green Stamp Coupon ! J Coupon must be presented at time of purchase, j Extra S & j 300 Extra S & S 500 Extra S & Stamps Stamps Stamps with $10 purchase with $30 purchase with $50 purchase This Offer Valid Only On April 20. 21, 22, 24, 25 & 26 First Quality Economy Group 8 Colors I* 59 sq. It. Mosaic Porcelain Tile 12" Square 625 pes. Sheet 80% Gold Overlay| 625 pes. Sheet TRAYS . TRIVETS up up Armstrong's 9x9 Asphalt Floor Tile *B' Colors Full Carton § 80 pieces 'B' Spatter Colors & / ^ ea. wmm GLASS -1TUB CLOS Complete with Towel Bats Regular $59.95 SPECIAL Made from bright peliiksd onodind aluminum. Nylon bearings operate smoothly @n tap track. Two sliding glass panels have NEW ADDii (?©wel bars. New easy doer alignment is available for 4Vs. 5 end 5'/a ft. recessed tub. Three individual siies. DOOR ILLUSTRATED $37.95 RE©. 2Ss 4-INCH JCu DHACK RUQ1SQ BASEBOARD . Utfia .lt. ITALIAN MARKS. MULTICOLOR. PLASTie WALL' TILE - 1< Ea. ODD LOTS 9*9 VINYL ASBESTOtf FLOOR TILE n CIVIS CRASS A QUICK GROWTH IICI-OP. WIPSS @®t vmws o®s8s c~J cD ••IpssrartfRlelhe hw ipm wh»n lit weeds wile pew EtltS EVUY TYFE OF eaoatt-LiAFED lawn tOONGBASSY) WEED UGHiWEIGHT ***** S4I.M8 «RBS crdfHB fc®§§S®,H fi@Henry Co. Farmers Co-Op Ass EjaDIClKB (SilBlNET SMILE UNLI©MYEfs> 14h2Q MIRK@0 CAiSMGTT TOPBJSBW SINGLE DOOR *17" §e0S-llGHI S9&9GLE3 ®@©€ *19" Top Light Mr. & Mrs. Sliding drs. plate glass SlfJS "THI msmmw mMtma uv smi - tks pgMCi TP IU1r* COLORAMIC TILE 5S3 W. Waukegan Rd. Phone EV 5-0730 McHenry, 111. 219 S. Genesee, 4 Doors North of Belvidere-Waukegan FREE PARKING LOT AT REAR OF STORE Special Low Price on installation During April Phone MA 8-0854 RIC StANGE IN FOR IS MfS 0 When you do your cooking on an electric range, there are no flames or burners to create dirt. Walls and ceilings in your kitchen stay clean twice as long. And electric surface units actually clean themselves. Food almost never sticks to sides of pans, so you do less scraping. If you want to see how clean electric cooking really is, here's your chance. For the next sixty days, do all your cooking on a flameless electric range. All your money ba^k if not completely satisfied. Ask your appliance dealer to "SHOW AND TELL"--you may wia a flameless electric fanga, (J Pubiic Service Company