Two THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, April 2ft I* 1961 Bridal Couple MARY. A. S WEN SRI Tejl Marriage Of Maty Ann Swenski Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sweliski of Lakomoor announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Ann, to Mr. John G. Locke of Marengo, son of Mrs. LaVerne Wagner cf Marengo and Mr. Donald Locke of Detroit. Mich. The groom is attending the University of Illinois and will receive nis degree in June. He is a member of Delta Sigma Pi fraternity. The bride is a 1959 graduate of the McHenry high school. Linen Shower For Miss Susan Sayler A linen shower held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elmer Freund honored Miss Susan Sayler, who will be married May 20 to John McClory at St. Mary's church. Co-hostesses at the shower were Mrs. Thomas McMahon. Mrs. Floyd Cooley and Miss Sharon Fitz- Gerald. A buffet luncheon was served from a table decorated with a floral centerpiece of pink, lavender and white, featuring a miniature bride and j umbrella. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Patrick Reilly and Marget McClory of Oak Park, sisters of the groom-to-be; Mrs. John Kent of Crystal Lake; Joan Hodge and Marcia Anderson of Chicago; Mrs. Hubert Liptrot and daughter, Merilee, Mrs. Julia Kent, Mrs, Homer FitzGerald, Mrs. J. E. Sayler and daughter, Gretchen; Mrs. Mary Buckie, Mrs. Albert Blake and Mrs. William J. Nye. Show Film For WSCS Meeting The WSCS meeting of the Community Methodist church will be held Thursday, April 20, with devotions at 11:45 in the sanctuary. The Lydia circle will lead Spiritual Life. The luncheon at noon will be served by the Leah circle members, followed by a program which includes a film entitled "A Look At Socialism". KAREN PROUTY Announce Engagement Of Karen Joann Prouty Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Prodty cf rural Richmond announce the engagement of their daughter, *Karen Joann, to Mr. William E. Pierce, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pierce, S*. of rural McHenry. A D e c e m b e r w e d d i n g i s planned. Miss Prouty is a graduate o* Richmond Burton Community Mgh school and is a senior at Northern Illinois university at DeKalb. She has been employed by Grant high school in Fox Lake to teach home economics next year. Honored On First Communion Day Randy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Miller, and his cousin, Bonnie Becker, who received their First Communion at St. Mary's church Sunday morning, were honored at a gathering at the Miller home that afternoon. Present to enjoy a social afternoon and supper were Mrs. John Purvey, Mary Lynn and Allan, of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kiddleson of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young, Dick and Sandy, of Solom Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, Mrs. Louise Kiddlesen, Mivand Mrs. Bob Becker, Kathy afreL. Cindy, of McHenry. Surprise Shower For Marge Espey Miss Marge Espey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Espey, was guest of honor at a surprise shower held at Myra, Wis., on Saturday, April 15. with forty guests in attendance. The hostess was Mrs. Joseph Hasek, an aunt of the bride-to-be. Friends and relatives from McHenry, and also from Barton, Hartford, Saukville, Newburg and West Bend. Wis., attended and enjoyed the buffet supper which was served. Decorations were in pink and white. Miss Espey will be married to Ted Loesch at St. Mary's church on June 24. Present Program For lecture Club The last meeting of the season of the Lecture Luncheon club will be held at George Diamond's in Antioch on Wednesday, April 26, when Ann Varese of McHenry will be seen in "Fiorella", Pulitzer prize winning musical comedy. She will be accompanied by Verna Schlofner. Elmer Justens Wed 25 Years A beautiful floral piece and decorated birthday cake centered the table when Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen entertained at a 2 o'clock dinner and social afternoon at their home near Ringwood Sunday, in observance of their silver wedding anniversary. Sharing in the festivities with them were Mrs. Rose Petrosky and the Joseph Justen family of Richmond; A1 York of Harvard; the Carl Martin family of Sunnyside Estates; Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughter, Clarene, the Walter Larson family, Misses Evelyn Hay and Patsy Watts of McHenry. Miss Helen Petrosky and Elmer Justen were married by Rev. Fr. Blake of Richmond at St. Mary's churdh, McHenry, on April 15, 1936. They are parents of three children, Ronald, Margery and Dariene, all at home. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciation for the assistance rendered our ambulance by "Chuck" Miller, highway road commissioner, and his crew who opened the road to the Kellogg residence in West Shore Beach Sunday night during the blizzard enabling us to get Mrs. Kellogg to the McHenry hospital where she gave birth to a son. George R. Justen & Son Ambulance Service 4-20-61 Kotalik Photo THJS GENE HARMONS St. Maiy's Catholic church was the setting for a lovely wedding on Saturday, April 8, uniting in marriage Miss Marie Stoffel of John street, McHenry, and. Mr. Gene Harmon of Mount Vernon, Ohoo. CHICAGO BISHOP VISITS McHENRY FOR CONFIRMATION The bishop of CJhieago, the Rt. Rev. Gerald Francis Burrill, will visit McHenry Sunday, April 23, at St. Paul's Episcopal church, when he will confirm eleven new members. The family eucharist regularly scheduled for 9 a.m. will be held at 10 o'clock this day only. A short reception for the bishop and confirmands will be held immediately following the 10 o'clock Mass and confirmation. Those to be confirmed are Kimberly Davis, Patricia Jobe^, William K o r n e r, Colleen Sweeney, Jesse Stantgr, Carol and Yvonne Strach, Sharon and Thomas Wagner, Darcy Watson and Sharon Evans. - ) l l v N IS Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Das became parents of a daughter April 11 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ambrose of McCullom Lake Announce the arrival of a son at Memorial hospital, April 11. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William PInkonsly April 14 at Memorial hospital. A Ringwood couple, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Sawallisch, announce the birth of a daughter April 14 at Memorial hospital. On April 16 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolf at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Switzer became parents of a daughter at Memorial hospital April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith announce the birth of a son, Mark Douglas, who weighed 9 lbs., 10 ozs., April 17 at Memorial hospital. The Smith family includes two other sons, Edward and Craig, and two daughters, Linda and Laura. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly of Chicago are the parents of their first child, a son weighing 6 lbs., 15 ozs., born April 16 in Mount Sinai hospital. He has been named Robert Joseph. Mrs. Kelly is the former Joanne May of McHenry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. May of John street. The paternal grandmother is Mrs. Mildred Kelly of McCullom Lake and the great-grandmother is Mrs. Lucy Schandelmaier, also of McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen announce the arrival of their tenth grandchild, an 8 lb. son born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whittemore (Dorothy Justen) of San Francisco. Calif., at Presbyterian hospital in that city on April 15. This is their first child. The" paternal grandparentSf are Mr. and Mrs. Al. Whittemore of Sacramento, Calif. Lakeside Inn -- Special Fish Fry, 75c, Friday. l-19-61tf CARD OF THANKS Residents of McCullom Lake The Candidates of the Local Party wish to thank-you for fine support at last Tuesday's election. We will serve you to the best of our ability. Jake Levesque 4-20-61 Head First for Beauty . . The woman with a good head on her shoulders, lets us coif her crowning" glory "in the latest styles most suited to her . . . expert personalized attention. "Put Your Hair In Our Care' tQiveriicb J4airsiy.hng Studio ® 126 N. Riverside Dr. to Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, 111. Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri.. 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat, 8-5; Closed Mon. CAROLE SCHUELER BECOMES BRIDE OF F. T. PRILLER Wed 25 Years A wedding of interest was solemnized last Saturday, April 15, in St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenpy, at" ll:3'j o'clock, uniting, in marriage Miss Cacole A_nn Schueler, daughter of "Mr. itn<? Mrs. Xouis Schueler of Rt. *6, McHenry, and Mr. Francis Thomas Priller, III, of Mundelein, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Prijler. Rev. Fr. Parker officiated at the nuptial rite, for which the bride's uncle, peter Rose of Chicago, was soloist. He sang "On This Dayv 0 Beautiful Mother". Bouquets of white carnations decorated the altars. Miss Schueler was beautiful in white chantilly lace over white taffeta, styled with fitted fjodice and elbow . length sleeves. A design of white scrolled lace daisies with net extended from shoulder to shoulder to outline the neckline. Her Juliet cap, with seed pearls and lace, held in place a blusher veil and she carried an old fashioned bouquet of carnations with a white orchid in the center. Miss Janice Schueler of McHenry acted as maid of honor for her sister, and Miss Karen Rose of Chicago and Mrs. Jacqueline Muscato of Northbrook, cousins, and Miss Rosalie Bills of Elmhurst, a friend, were bridesmaids. The junior bridesmaid was Miss Pamela Poller of Mundelein, niece of the groom. All were attired in pink chiffon over taffeta, with Grecian necklines and pink satin cummerbunds. Their headpieces were pink nylon leaves, to which blusher veils were attached, and they had matching pink shoes. The young women carried pink baskets filled with pink and white carnations tied with pink ribbon. Robert Utich of Villa Park, a friend of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Thomas Rose of Chicago, cousin of the bride, Norman DeGraft of Spring Grove, Joseph Kelly, Jr., of Antioch, and Ivan McKinney of Mundelein, friends of the groorrt. Four-year-old Brian Priller of Mundelein, nephew of the groom, served as ring bearer. Mrs. Schueler selected a black and white, sheer silk dress over taffeta, with which she wore a white pill box hat and gloves and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Dolores Priller wore a green and navy silk dress- with navy accessories and a white orchid corsage, A wedding breakfast Was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Eckert in Northbrook following the ceremony, with twenty-five guests in attendance. Later, a reception was held at the Johnsburg Community hall for 250 guests. Aftet* d short honeymoon trip to Rockton, the young couple will live at 8513 N. Milwaukee, NUes, 111. The bride is a graduate cf the McHenry high school with the class of 1958 and formerly was employed in Waukegan. The groom graduated from St. Bede's academy, Peru, and also attended school in Dayton, Ohio, for the National Cash Register Co., for whom he is employed. DIVORCES GRANTED Dale Leonhardt of Spring Grove was granted a divorce from Marilyn Leonhardt in court last week. Earl W. Mecklehburg of Richmond won a d&ptee from Anna Mecklenburg. 1 CARD OF THANKS To all my friends and neighbors: Many thanks for your support in last Tuesday's election. I will serve you to the best of my ability. Emma B. Pyritz •4-20-61 THE E. J. THENNESES Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thennes, whose silver wedding occurred on Tuesday of this week, will celebrate with 125 relatives and friends at a party at the McHenry Country club next Sunday. A Mass in their honbr will be re^id „ at St. Mary's church at 7 .<80 that morning, followed by brunch at the Thennes home for their family and the attendants at their wedding-. Mrs. Mayfield Saturday Bride Madeleine Mayfield of 410 Main street, McHenry, tjecame the bride of Mr. Ernest Schroeder of 619 Fountain Lane, McCullom Lake, in a ceremony performed Saturday, April 15, at 11 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholie church, with Rev. Eugene Baumhofer officiating. The attractive bride wore a pink; Italian silk taffeta sheath with over-skirt and matching hat. Her only attendant was Mrs. Ella Buss of Burlington, Wis., who was attired in a pink embroidered cotton sheath with cape sleeves and mint green accessories. Elmer Miller of McHenry served as best man and ushers were Michael Mayfield and Robert Mayfield. The groom's mother selected a dark blue and white polka dot silk dress, with which she wore white accessories. Dinner was served at the Legion home at 12:30 o'clock to 125 guests, after which the couple left on a trip into Wisconsin. They will make their home at 410 Main street. The bride has been employed at Wattles Drug store and the groom is a sheet metal worker for M: C. Louber of Elginf ALPHA THETA HOLDS TEA FOR FUTURE TEACHERS The Future Teachers organization of the local hi^h school attended a tea party at Crystal Lake last Monday, sponsored by the Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. A discussion on how teachihg methods could be improved in this area was held. Two exchange stucf%its, a boy from Denmark who is attending Dundee high school, and a girl from France who is at Marian Central, were introduced to the group and they gave their views on American schools as compared to those in their home lands. There was also a short film strip on future schools of the United States. F.T.A. members from Crystal Lake and Woodstock were represented at the tea. BENEFIT SUPPER The public is reminded of the spaghetti dinner sponsored by the McHenry Kiwanis club, to be held at the Legion home Sunday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. All proceeds will go to the Mental Health center of McHenry county. 3L Vi irginian Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge 394 Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake Ala Carte Virginian Special Steak . . $3.75 Boneless -- 20-oz. Choice Top Sirloin .... $4.00 Boneless -- 20-oz. Filet Mignon . $4.00 • Businessmen's Luncheons Daily 11:30 to 2:30 • Dinners Daily from 5 p.m. -- Sundays at Noon • Cocktail Lounge Open Daily to 1 a.m. Private Dining Room Available for Parties Wedding Receptions, Banquets . . . For Reservation* Phone 459-9898 GUILD EXHIBITS WORKS OF ART AT NEARBY SCHOOL The Creative Artist Guild last Saturday, April 15, exhibited art work from the workshops at the Greenwood school. These included paintings and sculpture by many members of the guild. Plans have been made for the Art-For-Fun Fair to be produced by this group next Aug. 26 and 27. This fair will include art exhibits, food concessions, music and entertainment. The workshops continued at the last meeting, April 18, and will go for another five sessions at the Ridgefield school at 8 p.m. every other Tuesday. The group is beginning art, silk screen, clay modeling, plastic laminations, drawing from life and oil painting. Dues paid the guild permits all members to join any of the workshops. The groups include high school age artists and others from in and out of McHenry county. Conducts Conference 0SJMU L Mr?. C. W. Goodell underwent surgery at Illinois Masonic hospital, Chicago, last week. Patty;' 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Herrmann, is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. Harvard Hospital A son was born April 17 at Harvard hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nowell. McHenry Hospital -During the past week patients at the McHenry hospital included Sandra Seibel, Howard Katzenberger and Earl Gorman, Woodstock; Edward Jacobs and Mamie Rhoton, Wauconda; Master Robert S c h n e l l , R o n a l d S t e v e n s and Hoyt Jones, Crystal Lake; Master Michael Crook and Albert Wiedenbeck, Barrington; Joseph Duley and Adeline Kalmes, Ingleside; Pearl Sehaab,. Chicago; Jeanette Donalson, Genoa City, Wis.; James Bowler and Russell Hirtz, Fcx Lake; Ellsworth Siemon, Mari«> Cicchini, Master David Hillstrom, LaVerne Aehlert, James Lennon, Virginia Posthuma, Dawn Heise, Master James Winters, Angeline Lawrenz, Leland Harper, Carol Kellogg and Master Charles Foreman of McHenry. ^ REV. FRANK BONNIKE Rev. Frank Bonnike will be the priest conductor at St. Patrick's parish's Cana conference Sunday, April 23. The conference, scheduled from 7:15 to 10:30 p.m., is designed to help married couples in their chosen vocation of marriage. Fr. Bonnike has been an administrator in Sacred Heart parish in Sterling. After his ordination in 1952 his first assignment was as an assistant at St. Patrick's church in St. Charles, where his duties also included acting as chaplain at the Illinois Training School for Boys. After graduation from Northwestern u n i v e rsity, he served in the Navy before entering the study for holy orders. The conference at St. Patrick's is essentially a series of informal talks by the priest conductor and a question and answer period on problems associated with married life. A renewal of marriage vows is made at the end of the conference. To register, and for more information, couples should call Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuda or Mr. and Mrs. August Uttich. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients at Memorial hospital included Evelyn Nehlsen, Rosalie Kausheer and Bernice Krockman of McHenry and Frances Gross, Ringwood. RUMMAGE SALE The WSCS of the Community Methodist church wiil hold their spring rummage sale next Thursday and Friday, April 27 and 28, at the church. Rummage to be donated may be arranged to be picked up by calling EV. 5-4045. The doors will open promptly at 9 a.m. When all the new federal interslate highways are completed, ('69, '70 or '71) a motorist will be able to travel from Canada to Mexico, from Maine to California without ever seeing a traffic light or crossroad intersection. FOR YOUR GIFTS - Ci and See Fred & Lil Wirtz At 111 E. Elm Sl.-McHenry (Next to the Toddler Shop) Phone EV 5-3520 "Art there any special precautions to take when writing a check?" Yes -- and they ace these: Use pen, never pencil; write the amount in words at the far left, and fill in the unused space with a heavy line; write the amount in figures close to the dollar sign; be sure that these two amounts agree; don't erase or make alterations; sign the check only when completed. The "check way" is the safe way to pay. Open your checking account soon, with us; make full use of it -- and observe the precautions suggested above to transfer your hard-earned funds with a maximum of safety. IcHENRY BANK Established Since 1906 "McHenry County's Largest and Tinnt Financial Institution" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 GARDEN CLUB WINNER Bull Valley Garden club of Woodstock, one of the smallest garden clubs in the state, having only twenty-seven members, was informed Monday that it was the recipient of the coveted purple ribbon national award. Presented by the Mational Council of State Gareren Clubs, only two .of these special awards are given annually for production of an outstanding flower show., The show. must have been sponsored by one federated garden club only, must be judged by, nationally accredited judges, and must meet all requirements as set forth by the Garden Club 'Ur Flower Shows. Sprtingfield GSrden club af& Bull Valley Garden club were the two winners selected from forty-six clubs applying for the award this year. Good intentions will not help a person much, if he is on the wrong road. 30% Discount S spring. Sal 2-PC. SUITS Reg. Sale Priced $24.95 -- $17.00 $39.95 -- $28.00 Matching Fur-Blend SWEATER & SKIRT SETS in all pastel colors $24.95 -- $17.50 usucu Phone EV. 5-2713 306 W. Elm St. McHenry >IG Heb in ise BLANKETS SLIP COVERS CURTAINS Let' SANI1 DRY CLI do the hard part You can actually see and fed the difference! Like new beauty turns to colore, patterns and textures . . . drapes hang just rigfei . . . slip covers fit to perfection . . . blankets are so luxuriously soft! Try us and see. SANIT0NE * Save 10% Cash & Carry RAINBOW CLEAMERS 100 N. Front St., McHenry Around Corner N. of National Pli. EV 5-0927 for Pickup Service Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday to 9 p.m. Free Parking at Rainbow I