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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1961, p. 3

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ApfH m 1961 THE M6HEERY FLAINDEALER I fK£^di 1fl-» Jt rHCpv iOTOV PERSONALS Sister Florence Mary, the former Jewel May, of Miller, •Ind., . was called home Sunday by the unexpected death of he: fatjier, Irvin May. *Miss Ella Jean Buss of Washington, D. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds of Burlington, Wis., were among the out of town folks here toattend the Mayfield-Schroeder wedding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews of Evanston were Sunday visitors in the home of his mother, Mrs. Delia Matthews. > ^Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Mi", and Mrs. Carl Elshoff are enjoying a ten day vacation in Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughters, Clarene and Mrs. A^arie Martin, visited their . daughter and sister, Sister Nicele, at Holy Ghost Convent, Wooddale, recently, i^Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powiers and sons of Pekin visited itheir uncle, Alford Pouse, rejcently, before leaving for Long 'island, N. Y., to make their home. j Mrs. James West, daughter, iKim, and Miss Linda Durrell, 'of Itasca, were local visitors Saturday. Miss Ann Frisby, who had spent the past week fm^he West home, returned to ^cHenry with them. I Mrs. Edward Nickels, daughter, Marie, Mrs. Robert Thomp- ;son and Miss Maude Granger spent a recent day In Chicago, where they saw the Ice Capades at the Chicago stadium. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prybil 'of Ocala, Fla., who were called to Woodstock by the death of .a relative, visited McHenry relatives last week. 'WEdward Dwyer of Chicago was a weekend visitor in the ,home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Mrs. Elizabeth Kaddatz, an ,old time McHenry resident, now of Genoa City, was a guest in the home of Miss Genevieve Knox a few days recently. Mrs. Jessie Runyard of Antioch is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Fred fRwles. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Armstrong of River Forest were weekend visitors at their summer home in Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller arid. Mrs. Alvin Miliar accompanied their brother, Art Ramaeker, of Chicago Heights, to, Humboldt, Iowa, Sunday, wfttfrt^they were called by the death of their father, Fred Pkmaeker, whose funeral tbok place on Monday. Mrs. Ray Conway spent a few c(ays this week with relatives in Grayslake where she attended the style show given for-the benefit of St. Gilbert's chUceh on Monday evening. .The 'Glen Dixon family and Mh and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl were Sunday guests in the k»me of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ffaummer in Chicago. ^lr. and Mrs. Tnomas Suttort, Mrs/ Eleanor Nye and Art Martin were Elmhurst visitors Sunday. Mrs. John Adams, daughters, Nora ^nd Alvina, of Fox Lake, lifrs. Margaret itafner and John Jackson of Grass Lake, Were among Jhe out of town folks here td attend the play at St. Mary's hall Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Burton French, , J. C. Holly, Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. Maude Beaudry attended a card party at Richmond Friday night which was sponsored by the Richmond chapter of the O.E.S. Mr. and Mrs. George Eales of 820 S. Grove, Cooney Heights, have returned from Tucson, Ariz., where they spent the winter. While there, they enjoyed a few days at Las Vegas, Phoenix and Boulder Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Freund and Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Pawlikowski attended a leading musical play in Chicago last Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Rogers, Mrs. Verona Kent, Mrs. Albert Blake and Mrs. M. F. Clark attended the matinee of a musical show last Wednesday at a Chicago theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zimmerman have just returned from a visit with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harner, at Arlington. Va. They visited all the historic places in Washington, D. C., and especially enjoyed the cherry blossoms. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Harner and family of Cooney Heights also accompanied the latter's parents to Arlington to visit with their sister and brother. DEMOCRATIC PARTY WOMEN LEADERS TO MEET MAY 15-18 Women headers of the Democratic party in the 13th, 14th and 15th Congressional Districts of Illinois will confer in Springfield, May 15 and 16 in an effort to plan a more extensive governmental role for their sex. Announcement of the twoday parley opening at 2 p.m., Monday, the fifteenth, in the St. Nicholas hotel was made jointly by its co-chairmen, Dorothy O'Brien, Northern Illinois State Democratic chairwoman, and Alice V. Mackin, 1 3 t h C o n g r e s s i o n a l d i s t r i c t committeewoman. They extended a cordial invitation to all Democratic women of the northern part of the state. Gov. and Mrs. Otto Kerner are to be guests of honor at a state dinner culminating the first day of the capital meeting. For further flgtails on the conference, contact Mrs. William J. Bolger, 604 Allen avenue, McHenry, ' phone EVergreen 5-4400. FEDERATION MEETING The annual meeting of the Eleventh district Federation of Women's Clubs will be held April 27 in the First Congregational church, Main and Maple streets, Lombard. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m., followed by a board meeting at 9:45 and a regular meeting at 10 a.m. Lakeside bin -- Special Fish Fry» 75c, Friday. l-I9-61tf April 21 Bake Sale -- Huppy & Leo's Store -- Sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal ^Auxiliary -- 2 to 8 p.m. April 25 OES Friends' Night and Parcel Post -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. April 26 Lecture Luncheon Club -- Noon. 0 April 27-28 Rummage Sale -- Methodist Ghttrch. April 29 Rummage and Bake Sale -- St. Peter's School, Volo -- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ' Benefit Dance for Maternity Ward of McHenry Hospital -- VFW Clubhouse -- Sponsored by VFW Auxiliary. April 29-30 Annual Spring Program of McHenry Choral Club -- High School Auditorium --• 8:15 p.m. May 2 Luncheon and Card Party -- Sponsored by Christian Mothe r s S o d a l i t y -- S t . P e t e r ' s Church, Spring Grove. May 6 Third Annual "Deep Sea Swing -- VFW Clubhouse -- Sponsored by St. Mary's Home and School Association -- 9 May 7 "Sound of Music" by Ann V a r e s e -- 3 p . m . -- J u n i o r High School -- Sponsored by H < m e b u i l d e r s , C o m m u n i t y Methodist Church. p.m. May 9 Semi-Annual Meeting, McHenry Hospital Auxiliary -- McHenry Hospital Conference and Dining Room. May 16 Card Party -- K of C Hall -- 7:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by Riverview Camp, RNA. May 17 Salad Bar Luncheon and Fashion Show at Noon -- Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid -- Social Hall, Highway 120 West. May'19 Rummage Sale -- Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid -- Zion Lu- :heran Church, Highway 120 West. Hours 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. CONDUCT COOKING DEMONSTRATION IN CITY NEXT MONTH ,N HH •pi THIRTY-FOUR AT MCHS NAMED TO HONOR SOCIETY fe e Ik*- ^ sit. JEAN COONEY The popular song of a few years past "Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative" expressed very good psychology, at least. The Edsel car is classed as one, of. the rqost expensive blunders made by a large firm during modern time-- losses estimated at $450 million. ENJOY YOUR LEISURE TIME! OTC appliances CM conditio® BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 Pontiac's Catalina! Trophy V-8 Power. Wide-Track balance. Nothing handles like it, hustles like It. No car anywhere near its price is anywhere near it. Drive one and youK have one delivered. P0NT1AC-THE ONLY WIDE-TRACK S&RI Pontiac tas the widest track of any car. Body width trimmed to reduce side over hang. Mote weight balanced between the vtiesis far sure-footed driving stability. Ponti C SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER TON CAPiLLAC-POMTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STREET McHENRlf, ELL. "Plain and Fancy" will be the theme of the cooking demonstration sponsored by the McHenry Jaycees on May 2. The demonstration will be held in the VFW hall at 7:30 p.m. and the public is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Jean Cooney and Miss Judy Ingwersen, home service advisors for the gas company will cqnduct the cooking demonstration. Colorful, easy - to - prepare foods will be shown, including appetizers, luncheon foods, entrees, dessei-ts and foods with special appeal to teenagers. These "Plain and Fancy" foods will be given away, as well as recipe booklets. Tickets may be obtained "Birthday" Gilt A number of juniors and seniors were recently elected into membership in the National Honor society at the McHenry high school. They will join a number of hold-over members from the previous year. Seniors new to the society are Ken Aeverman, Sharon Berkley, Nanci Buckner, Camille Covalt, Mary Dresdow, Harold Foss, Joy Fairchild, Gary Francke, Edward Frett, James Hansen, Randy Hughes, Miriam Gies. Robert Miller, Joyce Motulewicz, D e a<an n a Oonk, Edwin R e i d. Penny Scholtz, Sandi Stetson, Roger Swanson and Eleanore Wirfs. Juniors who have been named members are Bill Anderson, Bob Beckenbaugh, Dorothy Curran, Janet Eckstein, Ray Franklin, Lynn Gustavson, Bob Harris, Dorothy Kerr, Peg Marehi, Paul Morenz, Pamela M u n r o e , V i r g i n i a P e t e r s o n , Mary Jane Pitzen and Janet Schimke. Seniors who were named to the society last year and are still members include Dorothy Adams, Anita Barger, Karen Bush, Tom Creighton, Sherry Evans, Kathy Curran, Eileen Noonan, Karen Parkhurst, Donna Petersen, Alan. Rietesel, M a r l e n e S c h r o e d e r , H a r r y Stinespring and Nancy Whiting. from members of the Jaycees or at the door.\Refreshments will be served. r Auxiliary President Marie Howe is shown presenting Commander George Mrachek of the Legion a" check for $100 on the birthday anniversary of the Legion. Presentation was made recently at the annual Legion birthday party held at the Legion home. in spite of the ads, spinach Is NOT the best source of iron, mouthwashes will NOT, kill mouth. bacteria or cure unpleasant breath, and toothpaste will NOT prevent cavities in teeth. N0RCR0SS d&e&j&fwfwd? Along about high school age, boys notice ,that girls notice boys who notice girls. Our. word "zenith" ; comes from the Arabic samt arras, meaning "way over heads". OUR SINCERE THANKS: To the people of McHenry for the fine support given us in Tuesday's Election. Donald P. Doherty Earl R. Walsh Thomas F. Bolger Donald H. Schaefer Theodore Pitzen Raymond L. Smith Donald C. Howard What woman could resist them. So feminine, so l6«i lag, so right. Designed by Noraoss to please every Mother, every Wifcj BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 2 GRAND PRIZES IN THE MIDLAND ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT IN QLENDALE HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS... The Luxurious "CAMELLIA A 6-Room Bi-Level with basement. Luxurious Bv iug with modern ideas m ri°*s * c«^0' lot* *h S&8fJS Giveaway SPECIAL BONUS PRIZE! Vail M*D«l HMI UJ pick up . PINK Entry Hut FOOD STORES •Utt t y«eba»ro «frr iaenndd yoofu r tWent rwFa m fly" National Food Star*. If fee MS kei «m bo yours. Cempiathof yP fIuNrKni,s «hUe d H«i*n df uinrnteitruiorer dme ctoinr b my*M THE COTTAGE Custom Interior* • • . Victor M. Turcot MOIMIftVTOMT., SS5§l§|||ji REDEEM THIS VALUABLE ROUPOQ FOR 25 EXTRA SSTAMPS «ca Pvtkitt Of Out 6-m. Gti- FRENCHETTE lam Uler* SALAD DRESSING UmH One Coopoa Per Castomtr-- Causes Ejtpim April 22td •UAPRLIAANSIT TIN0« io rout MONIT LACN CLIP THESE COUPONS AND SAVE VALUABLE S&H GREEN STAMPS Cut From Young ... Tender Porkers PORK LOIN REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR ROAST 2S WSA S&H STAMPS WtOl The PgrclUtt 01 Our Mb Pkg. PATRICK CUD AMY SLICED BACON Lbatt One COMW Per Cuslomr -- Cotpoci Exp km Apr J 22 nd M0EEM THIS VALUASLE COUKN F0I 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS 0( One 6 DU. Cm. Or 0» Itf. DAD'S ROOT BEER 7 RIB Per Ciiicratf -- Cccpa Eipim PORTION REDEEM THIS VALUMLE C0UP0B FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WiU T»e Pwthi* Of Or* 13-02 Jv EVER6EST S*m Frrrti CUCUMBER RELISH Linit Oat Coapoa Per Cwttomer -- Cawpon Cxp4m Aprtl 22 REDEEM THIS VALUABLE C0UPBR FOR 50 IXTRA S&H STAMPS Wtlk Tte hrchut Of One IS-at SNOWY BLEACH Pw Cstt«nvr -- Co*m» Dvm A«rf1 2M TK# Port With Tk« T*nd«Hoin Loft im Bonalau -- 7 Rib Portim 79® PORK ROAST JASL. llJT Gr«r>d DottNott uu ROLLED PORK ROAST. . u>. BEEF STEAKS ..... u69* NEW AT NATIONAB. TOP TASTE Enrichod WHITE BontUti... for Broiling BUTTERFLY # Top Taste Meat PORK CHOPS Lb 98" SKINLESS WIENERS 2 89* Canter Cut PORK CHOPS . L GREEN THUMB SAQ.E @KIEN THUMB SALI PILLSOUCIY Pane Turlcey, Beef Or Chicken FrQion I®: ll Urge Leaves Mpciront Aad CM»« ^ STOUFFEITS DINNER 3r Cano A»d IMP<* 24-OX, [JfiTCO SYRUP . . • . . BIL Ihn'sst i0l mn rmww t nbrric«h*sdd * * wMklmt* e «w red a ad . .. Delivered freth daily. Top ^ ^ 4 9 e broad it ioHor «nd K«s that frash bakod br»«d ICRHN THUMB SAIE^H ORCHARD FRESH Frozen RANGE JUICE 5, oo< 6-oz. cans V*Bo. ca«. M.l^; Or SHw> «N,.M M. UBBY'S PEACHES 2 =«• 59 ss: ms GREENL^THUMB SALE LIDDY'S Tomcii© Juice ^9 Quart Decanters J™ Y S0RC3E0 BEEF HASH. . 3'^°"3 S °° i*lil msm missis} saw . . ' i MOBY'S Delicious or Corn VOEaqiPiU UfiOi*W OMr WP«irrkt Mo(*ss«s . . . Jt LIBBY'S BEANS... 4 49- Experiment with ATOMIC GARDENING "Atomic Energized" Seeds, Bulbs and Potting Soft. See the Display at your "Friend Of The Family" National Food Store. E3£BEEU THIS VALUABLE GOUPOR FOR 3§ SimtA S&H STAMPS CT.tti Tbr PorrJasp Of Oce 4 Pack Pfcg. No. 100 NYLONGE SPONGES U=M Ome Cflvaa Prr Ctntossr -- Cccft-M Expire April Pure Granulated |B A GW SUGAR 10 - 93^ "Anfad fosfar//far ffactoce* BEDEEH THIS UCLUflDLE G9UP0Q FOR 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Wil. Tl» Purchase Of 0K DUST MOP COVER HM2 C=a Br Cvnooer -- Co^oo Expkei Apd 22ad HEOEm THIS VALUABLE GOUPOG IF03 5® EHim S&H STAMPS WHi Tte PwtbMS* Of Cm Ho. 303 O* CEDAR DUST MOP BW1 0M Cne» Per CMaMr--(c«ai Edicts April Z&3 FLORIDA-JUICE ORANGES a Florida-Juice orange for IxKnt* naol snacks -- or iqiuait I' a few for vitamin «t> riched orange juice. 0^ ||NQI MAIVOBAM CCOIT. |9° STBiAWBERRIR^ . " w 39^ PINEAPPLE «- 29* 415 West Elm gft 11 TTaa"TO\ 1 n 1.,. REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPOR FOR 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS WO Tfc Plmlus. 01 0« FRANCE CORN BROOM UM 0M COMO. frr Ea«TAT IH SRI RI0EEU TtllS VALUABLE COUPQQ FOR 25 EHfSA S&H STAMPS ROMAC MOP HEAD r*--{ r>i»^wi Par Cvuarrrr--.Cx^oa LQMRS 2ZM GEQEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FC3 50 EHHM S&H STAMPS With TJa RaxiUM Of Oar Srcttfa 2 GARDEN Book ENCYCLOPEDIA EITFuA S&H STAMPS VHk TW Pvcftsa Of Cis GA&CSB S00X B4CYCLOPED1A BINDER I

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