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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1961, p. 20

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Ili • Pair® Twenty THE Mc ftfuiwlay.fiMy ll."W6l Johnsburg Many Children In Communion Class Sunday Betty Hettermann Sunday, May 7, was a very happy day for fifty-five children of St. John's parish. Six . flower girls formed a guard of honor as the First Communion class entered the sanctuary to renew the promises made for them by their god- . parents the day they were baptized. Flower gi&s were: Cindy Montalbano, Judy Cios, Debra Hansen, Maribelh Hopp, Cheryl Dowd and Carol Wilt. Small altar boys were: Timmy Hufffar, r.Donald Gerstein. Scott Wiggerman, Steven Murgatroyd, Michael O'Malley and Randy N<?iss. Altar boys serving the Mass were: James La- Fontaine, John Michels, James ~McXnerny and Wayne Hiller. At 7:30 that evening the Communion class and members of this year's graduating class marched into church to form The living rosary. Mary Jo Weingart was chosen to present Our Blessed Mother \vi1h a beautiful bouquet. The eighth grade girls formed a guard of honor. Entertains Sewing Group Mrs. Nellie Be.rgener acted as hostess on May 10 when she served a dessert luncheon tc the regular members of the Pink Ladies Sewing Guild. The members are most happy to welcome back Gert Snell after a long absence. Hospital Patient Mrs. Jacob Fritz is once again a medical patient at St. Theresa's hospital. She was taken there last Tuesday after much discomfort at home. We sincerely hope her stay will be short and she soon will be able to come home. Ladies Night Success Never has there been such a Ladies Night to remember as took place recently in the Johnsburg Community club. This year as in the past, the club members honored their ladies with a most enjoyable ; evening. The evening began with the serving of a most delicious roast beef dinner. About 100 members and their guests which added up to almost 200 altogether enjoyed this dinner to the fullest. A short business meeting was held following ^dinner at which time the clubs past presidents were honored. A most spell binding hypnotist ,-uwas engaged for the evening which proved very entertaining for one and all. The eventful """evening was climaxed with dancing to some fine musical selections. I'm sure everyone will agree -- "Let's do it again next year." A word of reminder -- the community chib will hold its annual carnival on the club grounds on the weekend of June 23, 24 and 25. Please keep these dates in mind. Lady Foresters to Meet Next Tuesday evening, May 16. the members of St. Agatha court will meet in the community club hall. Initiation of new iViembers will take placc at this lime. Chosen 'to serve on the refreshment committee for this evening is Catherine Dehn as chairman, who will be assisted by: Clara Tonyan, Isabel le Stilling, Alvina Miller, Millie Smith, Eva .Schaefer, Mary Hiller, Lena King and Rose Stillirtg. Winners of the recent card tournament are as follows: canasta. Alvina Miller, Virginia Pitzen, Kay Hiller and Anita Freund; pinochle, Lu Ann Smith, Diana May, Marilyn Thelen and Georgia Baur. .. -Passes On f^ltlidy^a-nd* refcrtrve* of John King, a lifelong resident in the McHenry community, were saddened by his death last week. Mr. King, who was 64 at the time of his death, passed away at the McHenry hospital where he was a patient for six days. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Jacob Steffes, .Mrs. William J. Meyers, and Mrs. John Bohnen and one brother, Joseph King. Our sincere sympathies are extended to the surviving members. Around the Town Many familyogatherings were held last Sunday to honor those youngsters who received their First Holy Communion. One of them was for Joey LaFontaine, who had as his guests for either dinner or supper the following people: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard LaFontaine and family of New Regal. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bugner and son of Fostoria, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and daughters. John Huff and Judy Stilling, Mr. and J^rs. "Bud" Lieser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moehling and son and the Gene LaFontaine family. A very special "Happy Birthday" wish is sent this week to John Smith who will be 86 years young on May 18. Sharing May 18 as reason for celebration is Clarence and Lucille Smith. They will be observing wedding anniversary number four on that date. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ross and Mrs. Hank Nell, Sr., of Sunnyside Beach attended the wake of Bill Mdnnes' mother recently. Mrs. Mclnnes passed away in Chicago where burial rites were conducted on May 1. Grace and Ed. Sullivan and tha's court were in Aurora for dinner last Sunday to participate in the sixtieth anniversary celebration of St. Stephanas' court there. A short program was held in the Afternoon at which time Father Everett Hiller was the main speaker. Attending the festivities were: Mesdames Marie Oeffling, Virginia Pitzen, Agnes Freund and Helen Hettermann. Bill and Dolly Schmitt are now residing in Chicago once again after quite a long stay in Denver, Colo., where he was employed. Many relatives and friends were present in the Richard Dehn home last .Sunday to pay homage to Joey who had made his First Communion earlier in the day. Present for either breakfast, dinner, supper or all three were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill May and sons, Mrs. Catherine Freund, the Art Kattner family, the Jim Hettermann family, the Bert Davis family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beeskow, the Emitt Roberts family, George Michels, Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller and daughter, Dick Hiller and Dorothy Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hiller, the Willie Klapperich family, the Tony Freund family, the Mike Schaefer family, Mr and Mrs. Walter1 Smith and daughter. Ringwood v FORMER RESIDENT, GRACE GLAUSER. ON WOULD TOUR Ruby Shepard Miss Grace Glauser of Alhambra, Calif., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glauser, formerly of Ringwood, is on a world tour. She embarked at Port of Long Beach, Calif, on March 18, on the S. S. Orsova for a 7 weeks cruise, first port being Hawaii, covering thirteen ports the final being London on May 7. Miss Glauser will then proceed on an Europ e a n T o u r f r o m L o n d o n throughout France, Italy and Switzerland returning via London on the S. S. Caronia arriving in New York on June 24. Social Club Mrs. Viola . Low entertained the women's afternoon social club at her home; Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High store went to Mrs. I tester Carr and low to Miss Lona Brever. Remember Mom next Sunday kiddies. That is her one day for this year so make it one to remember. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, May 16, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents, and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. Hash and life are similar, in that each are just what YOU make 'em. o Club Mrs. LestefMbarr entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Georgia Thomas and Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Births Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd, Jr., announce the arrival of a son born at the Woodstock Memorial hospital May 2. He will be Roy Dodd the third. Birthday Party Terry and Larry Harvey celebrated their ninth birthday Sunday by entertaining a few of their friends. They went to a movie at Woodstock and their mother served them refreshments. Girl Scoots and Brownie News At their meeting last, wpek troop 408 finished working on the centerpieces for the community club banquet. The girls then went outdoors for a game of baseball. Troop 378 held a dress rehearsal for their part in the Mother-Daughter Tea to be held this week. The ladies in charge of this project, Grace Sullivan and Helen Koch, were on hand to give the girls last ;minute pointers. Joy Ann Hettermann treated the girls to candy at this meeting. spent last weekend relaxing In Rockton. Marge's folks were here from Brookfield to watch over the children. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bugner and daughter, Virginia, of Alvada, Ohio, were weekend guests at the Arnold Michels' home to help in the celebration of Marilyn Michels' Communion Day. Other guests last Sunday were: the Joe Bugner family of Fostoria, the Bernard LaFontaine family of New Regal, the Ange DiBonna family, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels and Mrs. Helen Pitzen. Four members of St. Aga- ATTENTION MEN LEARN TO OPERATE HEAVY IOUIPM1K Scraper Grader Dragline Bull Dozer Pull Shovel Clam Shell Trained men are earning over $165 per week Complete training gives you Actual experience on friachines at our resident training center, with employment istance^Spbii completion. Mail coupon for complete information. * Qualify Now ; J For the many high pay- J UNIVERSAL EQUIPMENT | ing jobs in heavy con_ i OPERATORS SCHOOL J s'truction, building roads, J Chicago, 111. • bridges, dams, pipe lineS, i 30 W. Washington-Rm. 900 a air fields, office build- J Name Age .. *. 9 ings, etc. Local and foreign employment opportunities. You can start now without leaving your present job. Information about bur CONTRACTORS: trained operators available J Street • i City State ....*• J « i i Phone .... Hrs. at home .. i ' J upon request. 238-427 440-444 Tlturns DeKalb Hybrids jiiip bced to keep leaf Wight knees to a minimum . . . Supply often limited. Osdec carip. MAY 5-STAR SPECIALS L l4IRF w $19.95 m ^ ^eVfU> W °^pOT*a^e simii Pr yt off ° Y * * t Wn. illpt SU"Ir OP®'- \ever , °*°«n any Passim -- ***0 9Ss f(0Poed.j • r and LE MBINATION Clinton Martin Rt. 4, McHenry, IIL EVergreen 5-0527 $5.98 SPECIAL Here is a complete combination. Level wind casting reel, 5 ft, solid glass rod and 50 yards 15 lb. test braided nylon casting line. VYCITAL'S Hardware 1228 N. Green St. 1 Phone EV 5-0098 McHenry; 111, Personate; Mrs. Helen Reidy and daughter, Pamela, and Mrs. Carmeleita Horan of Chicago were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lisk, Tuesday. Miss Lona Brever, Mrs. Lester Carr and. Mrs. John Hogan attended a Moose meeting at McHenry Tuesday evening. Miss Mae Wiedrich of Harvard visited her mother here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Park Ridge were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Monday. Miss Lona Brever and Olga Johnson spent Sunday at Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard were dinner guests in the John Woodward home at Madison, Wis., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sprouse of Camano, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Meservey of Atlanta, Ga., called on friends here Friday. Mrs. Sprouse and Mrs. Meservey were formerly the Misses Lora and Elsie Smith of Ringwood. P.F.C. Rogeir L. Kunz of Marine Reserve served with the Marines on an all night compass march, Saturday night. Mrs. Lester Carr and Miss Lona Brever attended a card party at Spring Grove Tuesday.' Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Sunday with Mrs. Ina Wingate at Crystal Lake. They were dinner guests at Elgin. ] P.F.C. Richard A. Kunz of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz. , Mr. afod Mrs. Dontid Butler and family of McHenry spent Saturday evening In the Eugene Oxtoby home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs, Joe Schmitt of McHenry spent Tuesday evening in the Bob Brennan home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison of Elgin spent Sunday in the Roy Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family were supper guests in the Dick Schmitt home at McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tom, Douglas of McCullom Lake spent Friday evening in the Roy Harrison home. Fred Wiedrich and Butch Leonard were Sunday dinner guests in the Bob Brennan home. Miss Virginia Jepson of Chicago and Mrs. Roland McCannon of "Normal are spending the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben W&lkingtpn. Mrs. George Johnson of McHenry called on Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon of Kenosha spent Sunday afternoon with" Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtcbv spent Sunday evening in the Leonard Nelson home at McHenry. Miss Clara Stoffel of McHenry called on Mrs. Ben Walkington Thursday. Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, attended a bridal shower for Miss Jean Smith's iyinement Service ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" 1813 No. North Drive McHenry, HI. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Pfe@me EV 5-0724 or EV 542A8 Scftwemnst Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Park Itidge called on Mrs. William Hepburn Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Diedrich of McHenry were callers in the Arnold Harvey home Sunday evening. \ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtobyi spent Sunday with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and family of Park Ridge spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank. Mr. and -Mrs. Earl Thomas of DesPlaines called on Mrs. William Hepburn Sunday afternoon. P r i v a t e i n v e s t m e n t s by Americans in foreign countries rose to $36.8 billion last year, an increase of almost $4 billion over the previous year. COURT BRIEFS The following cases wrap \ heard in the police magistrate ' and justice of the peace courts this past week: j Lester J. Lemar of Sound ! Lake was fined £15 for djj^url?- j ing the peace with loud mul^ ! flers. \J v A fine of $15 was charged against Hilda Himmelman df Dundee for disobeying" a traffic light in the city. Sander Eberhardt of Rouiid Lake Park was fined $10 for too fast acceleration figkn a stop while driving in McHenry. On Saturday, Harry Fiester . of Crystal Lake was fined $i&«w for having a fictitious licenae plate and for displaying only one plate. Remington's $35,Obd Schola rsh i p Sweepstakes Win a $1Q,000 scholarship or one of 50, s500 scholarships! REM-RITER MONARCH PREMIER QUIET RITER ELEVEN AND white yotfre ct it took «ttha finest poitabto* In ttwworK^ % Itemingtonl' ~~ KRAUSI NEWS AGENCY 8821 W. Elm St. Phone EV 5-4015 McHenry, HL You cut costs when y > your place of business with Got heal Is truly economical! No other fuel pan match tha pavings. You save on operation--you tave on maintenance. In fact, these saving* soon repay the nominal coat of switching to gas--and you keep era saving for years to con*. Cuts oostis not ©MteGfSB Tte ©ssibsi of .your customers b vital t® site EMCS339S of gaie She heating in youv establishment i dean, dependable and efficient--you get uniform comfort always. No waltingl Qas peffltits arc available nmduftely. Gas heat c& be installed in yoiE? jpte of Snislhess right away. Conversion is easy, oasuaUy takes Hess in & day. Now Is the time to change! Beat the summer rush. Be ready next winter start ta^g°f®B§3 s§®ss©my of £as heat. You'll IbsEsSt from Sowar pssfiis. Ssart today by filling H bid mailing die FREE STUDY Owpaet. Free Study off your heating requirefmiQ^Sol r C&srfhun uncials @00 ©ofapaap. Rears • Cio Eatsm Jtoenua 0O!C&qoi2, UUnols Cantiamani 0 c;suld Ilka adctsa on eomroftlnfl to QBS glii-- •Ninqpuiaa m potum mring* Service I around I tfl€L clock NORTHERN i ILLINOIS

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