Jii&fe 15, $61 fffi ffcHENKY PLAINDEALETt Lakeland Park SMORGASBORD SERVED SATURDAY BY WOMAN'S CLUB #it GelwicKs EV. 5-S712 01 ^ EV. 5-404S This coming Saturday night, June 17, is the night to attend the smorgasbord sponsored by the Women's club. Serving time will be from 5 to 7 p.m. in the community house. Tickets are now available in the various units or from any committee member, chairman. Toots Gerstad, Petey Oakford, Muni Ladd, Jan Kozy, Barbara IVflwrer, Shirley George, Pat Brunow and Pat Gelwicks. Be sure to attend. The food is terrific! All food donations are to be there by 4:30 p.m.. Little League Outing June 17, the Little Leaguers will attend a White Sox vs. Twins game at Comisky Park. Bus transportation wil! be furnished. All boys will meet at the community house at 9;30 a.m. The bus will leave at 10. You must be in uniform. It would be a good idea to take along a sweater or a jacket. Carnival The official word has been given that our carnival this yjar will feature a roller coasted tilt-a-whirl, octapus and the many other rides and the us- Ufri arcade booths. There will be lots to eat and drink too! Location is the corner of highway West 120 and Meadow Lane. The big days are June 22 through 25. Opening night, Thursday, will be kids night aihld the rides will. be at cut pieces. We're all to pray for ggjpd weather! Let's all get out ana help them as much as we can and wish that they have as great a turnout as in the pest. i Special Carnival Meeting A reminder of the special carnival meeting to be held Monday, June 19 at 7:30 in the community house. The purpose of this meeting is to gather the (Vnival workers together anil place each with a certain duty. If you are interested in donating some of your time in helping with a booth, etc., please comie to this meeting. Assistance Wanted The park committee would like to ask for your assistance this coming Sunday, June 18, weather permitting, between HKo fend 12 ^oon,'1 WSan up the park site area and in hope of completing the ball diamond area at the new field behind the community house. Bring your rakes, shovels, wheel barrels, weed sickles with you. How about a good turnout? Postal Booth fhen you're on your vaca- $!>n this summer, be sure and remember to mail your surprise "package for the postal booth for the bazaar that is slated, for October, sponsored hy the Women's Club. You may mail your package to yourself or to Lyda Radisch at 1712 N. Knoll, if you wish. Little League Schedule The Little League Schedule for the coming week is June 18, Tigers vs. Cubs (2nd game) Pirates vs. Sox, June 19, Sox vs. Tigers, June 20, Orioles vs. Cubs, June" 21, Pirates vs. Braves, June 22, Tigers vs. Orioles. Little League Teams We would like to take this opportunity to list the teams, players and managers. PIRATES: Paul Schwegel, manager -- Mike Sullivan, Ray Barle, Tom Przetacznik, Jim Franklin, Dave Bockman, Paul Schwegel, Ken Spencer, Ed Gilbertsen, Del Gerstad, Bruce Florek, Norman Wood. CUBS: John Sphar, manager -- Bob Townsend, Sam La Cerba, Vita Forres, Jack Cuevas, Phil Bucaro, James Offling, Tom Wagner, Bill Eckhart, Dennis Druml, Allan Raiford, Bob Kroening. SOX: Jack Lavin, manager -- W. Raskoff, Ray Bottari, Bruce Okal, Kevin Lavin, Ron K a r j j p , J a c k L a u r s e n , R a y R5cle, Harold Meyer, Doug Belohlavy, Dan Kamp, Harry Maier. ORIOLES: Marvin George, manager -- Dale Woods, Kirk LinkSy James Hansen, Russell Rode, Steven George, Mike Linnane, Bob Matthews, F. Vanek, Dennis Karaskiewicz, Bill Sullivan, Kurt Pissowotzki. TIGERS: Joe Prazak, manager -- Greg Uhles, Ken Prazak, Brad Grote, John Reinke, Bob Dietz, Pinky Ozog, James Laursen, Mike Koch, Henry Oversen, Kevin Druml, Stanley Pankiewicz. BRAVES: A1 Kujak, manager -- Craig Leigh, Allen Kujak, Peter Murphy, Ken Becker, Gary Mathews, Mike Daurio, Ronald Mathews, Mike Krug, Tom Lagios, Gary Bockman and Charles Jumper. Christening Carole Fra n c e,s Matthews, four month old daughter of Bob and Jessie Matthews, was christened at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday, June 11, at the community Methodist church by Rev. Gedrge W. Martin. Sponsors for the baby are Jessie's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sandri of Schiller Park. A baked ham dinner was served at the Matthesy's home for the sponsors and families. An active afternoon was spent at the little league ball game and then swimming and the arrival of Carole's maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kampetre of Niles, aunt and uncle to baby Carole. All attended a delicious roast beef supper prepared by the baby's paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haerle on Willow Lane. Happy Birthday To Kathy Flannigan on June 9, Sue Grizely on June 15, t<* Bernice Boyce on the sixteenth of June. Fran Clark on Jun^l8 and to Carol Knor on Jane 19. Birthday Doings Fran Cina was hostess at a birthday party in her home at Edgebrook Heights for Marge Franklin. Guests for the Thursday, June 8, afternoon gathering were Vickey Bottari, Mildred Pintozzi, Esther Cygan, Ruth Roach, Elaine Jett, Dorothy Humphreys, Rita Zimny. Jean Parisi and Lee Glorch were unable to attend. Cake, ice cream, and coffee were served for refreshments. Graduation Parties Paulette Rizzo, daughter of Paul and Jo, graduated from grammer school at St. Patrick's, Sunday, June 11. Sunday evening a party was given for Paulette by her parents at their home. About thirty friends and relatives enjoyed a buffet style dinner. A graduation dinner-dance party was held for Jo-Ey La Cerba and Jo Lee Panzo Sunday, June 4, at the Moose Lodge. A delicious chicken dinner was served to approximately 250 attendants. After dinner everyone enjoyed dancing. Music was supplied by a band. Jo-Ey and Jo Lee gradua t e d f r o m M c H e n r y h i g h school and are the daughters of Sam and Frieda La Cerba of Wonder Lake. Many Lakeland Park residents attended the celebration. Janice Parisi was guest of honor at a graduation dinnetgiven by her parents at their PStje Tw6faiy-Olle home Saturday evening, June 10. Janice graduated from the McHenry high school. Jean. Janice's mother, served fiftysix guests in buffet fashion. Double Graduation Party Fran and Etta Clark were two of fifty-five guests who enjoyed a buffet luncheon for Fran's cousins, Kenneth Clark, who graduated from De Paul University, and Barbara Clark, who graduated from St. Basile grammer school. The dinner was held June 11 in Chicago. Vacations Wally and Marge Schadel and family vacationed from May 26 to June 5 and visited Roger and Jean Learn of Belvidere, N. J., also with Herb and Carol Kurth, .of Toledo, Ohio. Roger and Herb were buddies in the Navy with Wally and haven't seen each crther i n f o u r y e a r s . C , / Don and Carole Humann and Bob and Audrey Ellmer returned home Saturday, June 3, from a week's fishing trip to Canada. Vacationers Nancy Matthews has returned home again after spending a few days at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Rich Sandri, of Schiller Park. An exchange was made Sunday when the Sandris permitted son, Tommy, to stay here with his aunt and uncle, Bob and Jfessie Matthews for a few days. WM. RUSSELL, Auctioneer PUBLIC AUCTION JUNE 18 - 1 P.M. Auction of all house hold goods at my place located on Rt. 120 and Queen Ann Rd. 2Vfe miles East of Woodstock. TV Set, Raytheon; Auto. Washer; Deep Freeze; Refrigerator; New Elec. Stove; Twin Beds; Two Double Beds; 2 Antique Dressers; 3 Antique Small Chests; Antique Sofa; Antique Platform Rocker; Reed Rocker; End Tables; Corner Table; 12x15 Gray Rug & Pad; 10 x 10 Blue Rug; White Leather Couch; Johnson Outboard Motor; Antique Lamps; Dishes and many other items too numerous to mention. Wm. G. AND TERMS CASH Not Responsible For Accidents Clrele Pot-Lurk The two morning circles of the Methodist church had their seasonal pot-luck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Varese, Saturday night, June 10. Circle members and spouses attending were Shirley and Marv George, Barb and Ron Meurer and Toots and Don Gerstad. Entertain Friend Last Saturday, Pat and Hildegard Douglas met a friend, Mrs. Wally Nyquist of Moorehead, Minn., at O'Hare airport. Mrs. Nyquist was returning from a nine week tour in Europe. She arrived on a German plane, "The Luftanas". Sunday -the Douglases and Bill and Lillian Glosson and Charlene and Dean took Mrs. Nyquist to Midway for her return to Minnesota. Pat and Lillian's sister, Mrs. Magda Ogren, also of Moorehead, Minn., went to Europe with Mrs. Nyquist, but remained in Mannhein, Germany, visiting her daughter arid husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reynolds. Clarence is )yith the army. Mrs. Ogren Will return to Minnesota around July 15. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stark from Chicago dropped in on Paul and Alma Brushaber Sunday afternoon, June $. Sunday evening, guests of the Brushabers were Mr. and Mrs. Walter frost. Pat and Hildegard Douglas enjoyed a week's visit from their son and wife, .Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Colliton of Kansas City, Kansas. Robert is a senior medical student at the University of Kansas. A niece to the Douglas', Mrs. Ronald Helgeson and husband of Fargo, N. D., also were guests for the week of June 10. Joyce Geltner, age 4, is staying with Paul and Jo Rizzo for awhile. Joyce is Jo's niece and is from Chicago. Jack and Petey Oakford and family spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago at the home of Petey's mother, Mrs. Eileen Gronily. They attended a gettogether at Petey's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colfer of Chicago, who are moving soon to a new home in DesPlaines. THIRTY-SEVEN GRADUATE AT ST. PATRICK Thirty-seven eighth grade students received diplomas Sunday afternoon in St. Patrick church. The boys and girls were dressed in the school colors, with their green caps and gowns and green and gold jribbons. Robert Conway, cross-bearer, and Acolytes Alan White and John Thennes led the procession into the churc'h. After the piedge to the cross and flag, Rev. Edward C. Coakley, assisted by Rev. Eugene Parker, presented the diplomas and awards. Katherine Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer, and Victor Justes, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Justes, received the American Legion a w a r d s f o r d i s t i n g u i s h e d achievement. As had been previously announced, Allen Millen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller,, and Penny Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, were recipients of the Kiwanis awards. Classmates chose these two outstanding young people for this honor on the basis of leadership, thoughtfulness, courtesy, t r u t h f u l n e s s , s c h o l a r s h i p a n d sportsmanship. Perfect attendance awards w e r e p r e s e n t e d t o J o y c e Adams, Paulette Rizzo, Clarissa Zeien, Bernadette Hoppe, Allen Miller and Tom McCormack. Following a hvmn sun<r by the choir girls, assisted by Mi s. Carl Weber at the organ, the graduates recited an Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, Benediction of the Bless e d S a c r a m e n t c l o s e d t h e ninth graduation held in St. Patrick church. Class members were: Joyce Adams, Christine Altman, Patricia Bolton, Robert Boynton. Albert Casey, Michael Conway, John Cusack, Matt Dougherty, Bonnie Einspar, Emily Falsetti, Richard Foss and Corinne Frett. Also Judith Freund, Bernadette Hoppe, Arthur Jungwirth, Sally Justen, Victor Justes, Melinda Mass. Thomas McCormack, Allen Miller, Penny Miller, Patricia Mueller, Sheryl Nellis, Teresa Nye and James O'Brien. Also Katherine Palmer, Richard Penzo, Joanne Reid, Paulette Rizzo, John Schaber, Charles Tomasello, .Tames Thennes, Russel Weyland. Valerie White, Thomas Wiles, Mary Ellen Wright and Clarissa Zeien. OBITUARY Si- Our term lynch meaning illegal hanging, is derived from William Lynch, a self-appoifited leader of the vigilantes in Virginia and Carol inas. JAMES THOMSON Last rites were conducted ip the Wauconda funeral holme last Thursday afternoon. June 8, for James S. Thomson, 76, of Williams Park, who died in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, earlier in the week. A native of Scotland, where he was born July 5, 1884, he came to this country as a young man and had resided for twenty years at Williams Park. He was a retired carpenter. Surviving are the widow, Margaret Jeanne; a daughter, Eleanor Fomoff; • and one grandchild. ENROLLED IN COI^SE Dr. Lee Gladstone of McHenry was one of 126 physicians from twenty-eight states, the District of Columbia, two Canadian provinces and three foreign countries to be enrolled last week in an intensive postgraduate course offered by j Harvard Medical school at the I Peter Eent Brigham hospital, Boston. Mass. Not many plants are designed to catch, and digest, insects, but the Venus Flytrap, native to the Carol inas, is and does. GRAND OPENING Saturday NifH - June 17 at STIINY'S 0USE of PRAGER (Formerly^Sip-Snack Inn) 3421 W. Elm St. ELMER & GRACE NSDQFTFER FOOD -- PRIZES . . . SAFETY . . . •All accounts insured up to $10,000.00 • Strong Reserves over $1,000,000.00 • Proven Performance -- £oe over 30 years -• -Resources over $l3,OO0*6$9i00 • Investment -- Prime First Mortgage Loans CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 4% REG. Plus Vi% Extra Per Annum SAVE AT Marengo Federal IWSB® LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO. ILLINOIS 102 N. 8tate St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois 8lnce 1920 The keener your judgment of motor car value, the more certainly you will come to a Cadillac. The car's distinction ajnd elegance meet every requisite of good taste. Its masterful performance, incomparable comfort, and precise response make driving a never-ending pleasure. And Cadillac's renowned economy, dependability and enduring worth underscore, again, the wisdom of your choice. Why not visit your Cadillac dealer--soon? RADIATOR REPAIR Automotive, Trucks and Industrial 1 DAY SKKVH'K All Work Guaranteed McHENRY AUTO BODY We are not, satisfied until you are 913 N. Front, Ph. FAT.-0444 „w>... Ad*#™**'1 Induing. I«c- Give Dad a, gift that will please him the most--give him a perfect present chosen trom in ye ^mie s sparkling selection of the "Dad-Best" gifts in every price range. Whatever you spend your money buys more--goes "Father" at Nye Drug Store. c kuwssmen OLD SPICE Max FACTOR CITATION $100 BflJARGATE **• i tor $1.19 St FAT -DO Golf? life Pak of t Champion £,Z°U |«» & Up LS. . 4 for PRACTICE I Reg King Plus Tax p,;'f,rsEr'°rWEN «-*> Set * for-shave for lotions r Va Pa *!.§ C P O R t o t h e r s f r « « BRIAR WAGE7£UCTION1! ^ OF STYLES Si*** from VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER NYE. DRUG, Inc. OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTJ AC COMPANY 111« N. FRONT -STBESST 1325 N. Riverside Dr. 'WALGREEN AGENCY; EV 5 Am - "tm