rrrPage Eighteen THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday* July 6,1§61 "McHenry Shores .Shores Fun Fait A i; 'Opens Saturday Terry Coatrs - Sara Partain " The McHenry Shores Fun Fair which has been in the planning stage for so many •months, is due to come off on • July 8. From all reports of the various committees involved in "the planning of this event, the residents and friends who attend are in for an exciting and fun filled day. Mrs. Alice Brunke, our ways gjftnd means chairman, asks that all those ladies who signed up to bake pies or cakes to be sold at the fair to please wrap tjiem in a "see through" covering and take them to the Willis Coates' home at 110 Slillhill before 12 noon, if possible, on July 8. There is also a need for any men who could devote a little time to helping set up the necessary booths and equipment on Thursday and Friday nights. If you pre available, pleas<e bring your hammer. and throw a line in. Pretty soft, huh Another beautiful McHenry Shores home is being built on Biscayne Road by Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, and on the west end of Broadway the Petersons have a lovely new home being completed. So our community grows and grows, and we will have lots r of new neighbors to get acquainted with. Request from Grass Cutters The job of keeping the vacant lots in McHenry Shores cut and neat looking is a big one and one that needs the co- operation of the residents. It you will please pick up all _35&ns, wire and large stones Mom the vacant lots adjoining Sqjfcur property it will help the ^Cutters to do a much faster jpb, thereby enabling them to gjfjpt to more lots needing attention. In addition to the ^Speeding up of the operation, it will prevent the jamming of tractor which can put it cjlt of commission for weeks. **' Any debris which you accumulate in this clean-up may be placed in cans or containers and they will be picked up by the McHenry Shores disposal unit. This applies also to trash you may have after jjjjeaning out ryour garage or {^basement. Farewell It is with regret that we bid a fond farewell to Mrs. Joseph Moravec and her son and daughter-in-law who live at ^3109 Miller avenue. They will |move to Cicero. We hope they Iwill come back to visit often. SSAC Notice A softball game will follow the short business meeting of the Shores Social and Athletic Club Saturday, July 15, at 7:30 at the ball field. Don't forget entree fees for the forthcoming horseshoe contest will be collected at that time. All residents of McHenry Shores are eligible to participate. AjfAugust golf outing is m the planning stages. More about this next month. Hi Neighbor One of the nicest aspects of This job, we are discovering, is visiting with the folks who live around us. This week we stopped for a chat with Daisy and John .Smith who live at 213 Kinley boulevard. The Smiths are long time residents of the Shores, having moved here on Nov. 29. 1954, from Chicago, where John was employed for thirty years at the post office. He is now retired but manages to stay mighty busy serving as trustee to the V.F.W. in McHenry and pursuing his favorite hobby of gardening. He also served as chaplain of the McHenry Shores Club from 1959 to 1960. The Spencerian School of Commerce in Cleveland and Indiana Business College of Indianapolis provided him with a fine business education. The ever-busy Daisy is a nfember of the V.F.W. auxiliary, past secretary-treasurer and junior vice-president of the McHenry Shores club, as well as an enthusiastic worker for Veterans hospitals. In her "spare" lime she likes to read and garden. Her Alma Mater is Lincoln Business School of Philadelphia. The undisputed ruler of the household is a ( P e rs i a n- Angora cat named "Bonaparte" whose sex was somewhat in doubt for the first year of his life -- during that time he was called "Bonny Blue Eyes" -- need I say more? Besides Bonaparte the Smiths have a son, Dan, who is an electronic electrician, first-class, ]a?4he Navy and two daughters, Patrica Fowler of Chicago, and Joan Mc- Guire of Detroit, Mich. They also have seven grandchildren, so you can imagine what a ^ay gathering it is when they all come home. • Here and There The Ristings were visited Wednesday by their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Bernat, and their seven children, from Dallas, Texas. A day at the beach was enjoyed by all. Harry and Paula Tiggemann attended a class reunion for the alumni of the LaSalle- Peru township high school in LaSalle. On the agenda was a dinner-dance, golf tournament and picnic. They arrived home tired but happy. A birthday party for Don Schramm, who was five years old, in Emerald Park was attended by Jack and Gloria Schramm and their children. We should ask Jack how he likes rowing too, after being stranded in the Brunkes' boat in the middle of the river. It seems they ran out of gas. Girls will be girls, so Gloria and Alice sat back and enjoyed the moonlight while the boys rowed and rowed. Helen Smith, Bea MacCallum, Daisy Smith and Helen Snively attended a luncheon and card party at the VFW Thursday. A nice way to pass a warm\ afternoon. Reminder The beach area is getting more and more use as the weather warms so the importance of the cleai}-up on Sunday morning is even greater; The fellows have been doing a fine job, keep up the good work. Those scheduled for duty this Sunday morning are as follows: Gordon Hattan, Ed. Olblinski, A1 Simbourger and Allen Mieritz. Birthdays It's happy birthday time again fcrfryffired Stark on July 8. He can celebrate by going | Future Neighbors * Mr. and Mrs. William Tenfnert of Chicago are building a |new home on Beach Drive on 4the creek where they will be Sable to walk out the back door fr BI-LEVEL BEAUTY® Only $16,75^ On Your Lot HIGH STYLE HIGH QUALITY 1713 sq. ft. of Livirfg^pace -- Beautiful Cabinets Vinyl Tile --^Qak Floors -- Etc. Come in and let us show the Plans. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDERS, Inc. Richmond, 111. Ph. 4381 GLADSTONE'S to the Fun Fair. On July 10 James Ruemelin will be another year older. It's a big week for birthdays at * the Starks as Thomas Stark will be four years old on July 11. Donald Olbinski and Paul Pogor both celebrate on July 13. Have fun, everyone. TRAFFIC TOLL Motor vehicle traffic deaths in Illinois during May totaled 140, nine less than in -May, 1960. The provisional report shows that 30 deaths occurred during the four-day Memorial Day weekend, averaging one every three and one-half hours. According to the traffic Bureau's provisional records, 661 persons died in highway accidents in Illinois since Jan. 1. This is a 12 per cent increase over the 590 deaths reported for the first five months of 1960. ISUSS INSTALLED Furniture Tops Glazing and Picture Frames Made to Order Mirrored Plaques Free Estimates McHENRY AUTO GLASS & MIRROR CO. (Across from Jewel Tea) S715 W. Elm, McHenry, 111. McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 5-3940 The opaki, often- called a living fossil, and only recently discovered in Africa, has a skeleton identical to the samotherian, a native of Crete, some 8 to 10 million years ago, a blue, two foot long tongue, the body of an antelope, the a horse. hooves of an ox, the legs ^>? a zebra,'stripes and all, the head of a giraffe, and the nech' of Get in on the Giant "Gift Time Jubilee WIN A NEW t' 1961 CHRYSLER I * ' A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. 2508 West Route 120 Nothing to buy!! McHenry, 111. If you own a '57, '58 or '59 car, any make or model, you're eligible to enter the Gift Time Jubilee! All you have to do is come in and register and you may win yourself a brand new 1961 10 DAYS JULY 6-15th HEADQUARTERS FOR Sportswear -- Slacks -- Knit Tee Shirts -- Blouses -- Swim Suits Straw Hats -- Moccasins -- Deck Pants -- Pajamas -- Dress & Sport Shirts -- Canvas Shoes -- Ivy Pants -- Sweaters -- Robes -- Infants1 Wear -- Sleeveless Dresses -- Dungarees -- Sweat Shirts A complete line of Shoes and House Slippers. GLADSTONE'S Th© ^@!r Ev lilt N. ©S°©@§D if. Phone EV 5-0182 •• r in p@rsi.pal prog S v. \ #• <•> V • * wwm ^ Helping you cultivate your cash reserves for greater profit while they're insured safe. free from market fluctuation... fak« ft dbsQ0 esMcal look at your investment program. Ifou may find that some diversification would do you good...especially if it's local investment of your cash reserves with us. You are paid liberal earnings twice yearly. They're sent to you by check or they're credited directly to your account, whichever way you prefer. This income is yours without risk to your principal. Each account is insured safe up to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent agency of the U. S. government. Many times $10,can be insured safe when you open Joint Accounts. Value of your investment remains at par...you always get back 100 cents on each dollar. And you get these dollars back quickly and Conveniently, if and when you need them. To broaden and strengthen your investment program, place a generous portion of your cash reserves here where they enjoy absolute stability as well as substantial yields. 6 INVEST cash reserves before July 10 to receive maximum yield for the second half of 1961. • $254,000 jn Earnings Paid Savers June 30th 4^< Current Rate Per Annum MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State Street * JOrdan 8-7258 f f i A S IM § O , l l l l K © 0 $ TOTAL ASSETS OVER $12,0©@,@90.00' T1 Savings Insured Safe up to $10,000 by the F.S.L.I.C.