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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1961, p. 9

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Sunday. July 27, 1961 z THE McHENRY PLAIHDEALER Pag* Nina Lakeland Park DEDICATE UTTLE LEAGUE BALL FEELD AT LAKELAMD PARK Put Gelwtcko EV. 5-S712 Gloria Flannigan EV. 54711 .< dedication of the new bail field is over, but it is a day thfit will be long remembered by all. It was a very impressive ceremony, one that the whole community can be proud of. The day started with the first of three games, the Orioles topped the Tigers in a close oiie 9 to 7. The dedication started with Mr. Kujak presenting to the alienee, the McHenry Viscounts Color Guard and Drum Corps, who did us a great honor by being present. Recognition was given to the officers of the baseball club. George Mrachek, Past Post Commander, then presented the flag in behalf of American Legion Post No. 491 of McHenry. After the presentation < ofgfhe flag, the honors of raisirt* the colors went to ,two of our ex-ball players, Rich Hahndorf and Mike Mathews. The Viscounts retired from the field after giving a great display of their talents. / Ted Kaminski, president of our association, is grateful to all concerned for the work and effort that made this field and its dedication possible. All p^ers, managers, and conches took their bows by touching home plate, and after the playing of the Little League record we finally found out just what a little leaguer is. The boys went back to work, the second game ended with the Braves in front of the Sox 9 to 2. The third game rounded out the day and the Cubs nosed out the Pirates 17 to 9. It was a glfet day and we thank all who attended, the generous contributions .made the day a success. Schedule The schedule of games for the coming week: Sunday, Sox vs Cubs (1st game); Tigers vs Tigers (2nd game); Monday, Tigers vs Cubs; Tuesday, Prjaves vs Orioles; Wednesday, sm vs Pirates; Thursday, Tigers vs Sox. The season is almost over, so let's get out there, we need your moral support. Kids Contest The ice cream prince and princess contest will be held at the ice cream social Sunday, Aug. 6. All entries should be in hjfr Aug. 4. Children from toddR- s through 4 years of age are eligible. The judging will be at 5 p.m. Call or send your entries to Gloria Flannigan, 1611 N. Pleasant. EV. 5-4710. Attention Recently Paul Glass, president of the Northern Mini Bowman Club, reported that their clubhouse had been broken into recently. They would liJce to call attention to |he parents whose children own bqws and arrows to be suspicious of any non-matching arrows. They are sold only in matching sets. Sympathy j Vacationers Our deepest sympathy goes i Ev and Art Krumsee and to Leonora Abbott on the re- I children, Carol and Ron spent cent loss of her brother, An- a week's vacation in Eagle Rivthony Pickell of Wonder Lake, er, Wis. Carol was thrilled Services were held last Saturday in McHenry. Those Ha He Ho's masters of surprise over catching a 3 lb. small mouth bass. Adrienne Ozog also went along and celebrated her sixteenth birthday there. All enjoyed the vacation, but were at it again last Friday ; were happy to be home again, with the Hafers and Herzogs surprising the Hountases for their forty-third wedding anniversary on July 21. They brought loads of calories and the girls trimmed the boys at the usual pinochle spree. tras who marked their fortythird anniversary on July 22. Congratulations. Chris and Gene Foszez had a little visitor last week, their niece, Nanette Oakleaf, of Chicago. Visitors That Izaak Walton, John Arient with his brother. Ron, and buddies from Chicago en- Get-Well Wishes Get-well wishes to Harry Nicolai who spent three days in McHenry hospital last week. Double Engagement Mary and Tom Hickey of 610 joyed some fishing and boating Willow were very pleased over on the Fox river last weekend. No fish were reported seen. Don and Toots Gerstad entertained friends from college days last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hiller and five from Schiller Park spent the day swimming and wound up with a backyard barbecue and lots of conversation., their son, Tom and daughter, Marianne, recently. Marianne became engaged to Richard Tucker of Crystal Lake. Richarrl will be "graduating from DeVry Electronics school. No definite date has been set as yet. Son, Tom. became engaged to Judy Kictel of Chicago. Among the numerous guests They planned to take their present at dedication ct-remo- i vows some time in November, nies Sunday were Grandma Tom is a Chicago policeman. Laursen and Uncle Bernard j who came to watch Jim and Wedding Bells Jack play ball and also to cole- . Gordon Rehberg and Patribrate numerous birthdays in ! cia Chirk were joined together the Laursen family. i }n holv matrimony, Saturday, A splashing good time was • juiy 22. at Christ the King had by visitors from Lombard church in Wonder Lake. Falast Saturday. Ann Herzogs ther Vanderpool performed the granddaughter, Carole Sieen. ceremony. Peter Parisi was Happy Birthday To Lillian • Glosson who celebrated on July 25, to Lance Kuhns also on July 25. To Lee Micheal Pankiewicz, the twenty- sixth, and to Billy Burns on July 27. To four year old Debbie Schaedel on July 27. A belated birthday wish to Carol Krumsee who celebrated her sixteenth birthday July 4 with bang. Happy birthday to Adrienne Ozog whose birthday was July 20. Birthday greetings also to Lee Nuss on July 26 and to neighbors Linda Meurer and Ann Kroening who will be 6 and 8 on July 26. Also to Jack Laursen who will celebrate nine years of action on the twenty-seventh. By Henry Heise of Boiger's Drug Store TRAVEL LIGHT t^The difference between sightseeing and sight-saving is a camera. But many a traveler comes home without pictures. Why? Because he didn't want to "lug" a camera along. We can sympathize. Halfway through the day an oldfashioned camera can begin to feel like a millstone around your neck. But notice. We said an "old-fashioned" cam- «k. \ Now if you^torrfp to us before your summer trip, we can show you the new Brownie Starmite Camera. It's palmsize. Feels as if it weighs about as much as a handkerchief. Yet amazingly enough, this little gem of a camera does a man-size job of picture-taking. JJt can take color slides. Color snapshots. Black-and-whites. An even-dozen pictures on a roll of 127 film. You sight through an eye-level viewfinder that shows your subject bright and clear. No worrying about double exposures. You can't make one with this camera. To top it off, this new Brownie Starmite Camera has a. built-in flash holder that's jKst about two inches wide. Uses those new AG-1 bulbs. Seen them? They're jelly-bean size. You can slip two dozen in your shirt pocket! If you like to. travel light and still take pictures, come on in and heft the Brownie Starmite Camera. The featherlight price? Just $11.95. and three friends had a splash party at the bcach and enjoyed a barbecue and son<4fest l iter at the Herzogs. They also brought a fou r-legged pal named Snoozie who is remaining with the Herzog's for the duration. j Wisconsinites v i s i t i n g the Meurers last Thursday were Barb's sister, Betty Sandeon, and her three kids. Niece Dorothy stayed to spend some time with her cousins. Dolores Rogers was visit oci Monday, July 17, by her sister, ; Mrs. Jean Lohse. and three! children of Mt. Prospect and I cousin, Mrs. Alice Isnufmonn. 1 and two children of Arlington Heights. Audrey and Rob were visited Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Bukema of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs, Shill and daughters of Wheeling. The Wickenkamps were visited last Thursday by a very 4»ood friend of Rev's, Mrs. Bertie Goyette and sons, Jeff and Donnie, of Chicago. On tlio Go Jackie and Pat Gelwicks spent several days last week in Hazel Crest chaperoning •ephews, Doug and Kenny Freeman, while mom and dad Freeman took a short vacation in Madison, Wis. The Herzogs were in Oak Park Sunday at the home of Bill's son, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. T. Herzog to celebrate Bill, Jr's. birthday. Also present were Bill's daughter, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Marberg. Joan and Rich Burmann and sons spent a day in Fox Lake visiting Rich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Burmann. Gene and Chris Foszez had a wonderful time Saturday at the home of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz of Round Lake. There were six couples tnero and all enjoyed dancing and delicious food. best man and Maureen Clerk was maid of honor. The bridal parly had a wonderful breakfast at the Knights of Columbus hall in Woodstock. The reception was held at 4:30 at the same hall, where some 200 guests attended. A buffet style dinner was served. The bride and groom are honeymooning in Wisconsin Dells. They plan to make their home in McHenry. . Anniversary Greetings To Carl and Nancy Weber who celebrate one year of wedded bliss on July 30. To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Houn- Birthday Doings A lawn party in honor of the eighth birthday of Pamela Laursen was held last Thursday, July 20. Helping to celebrate his momentous occasion were Cindy Kujak, Deborah Gladman, Bonnie and Ann Kroening, Alicia and Christine Sweeney, Barbara Osmon, Janet Harris and Donna Kaminski. Sister Patti and brother Jack helped with the festivities. Holly Koehle marked her seventh birthday on July 20 with a garden party. Guests were Debbie and Mike Leone, Cathy, Donna, Mary Beth and Meg Humann and their mom. Sister Sherri and a friend from Chicago, Donna, helped to make the party complete. A beautiful rose bedecked birthday cake was enjoyed by all. Michael Leone enjoyed his third birthday on July 17. A party , was given for several of his friends and sister, Debbie. A birthday party was given in honor of Mike Clark, Sunday, July 23. Helping celebrate Mike's fifth birthday were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Wauconda, Grandmother, Mrs. Reinhard, and Uncle John of Mundelein. Aunt and Uncle Ronnie and Maryann Clark and cousins, Ronnie, Jr., Tommy and Erin of Chicago. Also Great Grandipa, Mrs. Doolan of Wauconda, Aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Olendorf and cousins, Brian and Kendra of Libertyville. Brothers, Billy, David, and Kenny. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served. R o b b y Wickenkamp celebrated his seventh birthday Wednesday, July 26, with a party. Attending the party were Stanley Pankiewicz, Tommy Kozicki, Lande Kuhns, Billy Burns, Paul Rogers, Norbie Kwiatek and brother, Davey. The theme of the party was baseball. Ice cream, cake and games were the highlights of the day. Debbie Schaedel celebrated her fourth birthday Saturday, July 22, with a barbecue style party. Friends and relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Loewe, and daughter, Judy, of Lakeland Park, Mr. and Mrs. Hinrichs and son, Gary, of the Shores, Diane Wooley of Meadowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and daughters, Nancee and Debbie, of McHenry, Dick Galli and Barbara Peterson of Chicago. Sid Party? A skiing party on the Fox River was attended by several members of the Homebuilders group last Wednesday. Attending this strenuous affair at the THREE-CAR CRASH Motorists were injured recently when a three-car accident occurred on Rt. 31, near Terra C6tta. The crash took place when Robert L. Tipp of SERVE MEALS The McHenry County Home Bureau will again serve fairgoers meals in the dining hall on the fairgrounds. Mrs. Russell Beard, Hebron, is chairman of the foodstand committee^ Complete meals will be served Aug. 3 through Aug. 6. Unit members will contribute pies and workers to make the food stand a success. Read The Want Ads pass Faith Schaefer of McHenry, who was south-bound. The Tipp car skidded into another vehicle driven by Russell M. Marshall home in Johnsburg | Crystal Lake attempted to were Marv and Shirley George, and Ron and Barb Meurer. No comments were given on the prowess of this hardy group, but they sure got wet. . Post Script Don't forget to mark Aug. 6 on your calendar. The date of a good old-fashioned ice cream social. This is no time to start dieting. Phillips of McHenry, which was north-bound, and then hit the Schaefer auto. It's In The Records: Flavius Scorpus, a Roman charioteer,- won 2,048 victories before his twenty-seventh birthday; Aurelius Liber, 3,000 and Pompeius Mussoccus, 3,594 by his thirtieth birthday. TEENS! Your Petite WOOL SKIRTS for Fall are in! Sizes 8 to 16 All Colors SUPRISE ROOM EV-55900 iB WEST END OF OLD BRIDGE IN McHENRY SEE US... AT OUR Location Gr@en Si. (Across from the Bank) Niesen's Floors Linoleums -- Carpeting -- Tiles and Rug Binding 1304 N. Green St. McHenry Ph. EV. 5-0038 SWMCtfS SLi$$fc 0> Advertiser* Enchonge Inc. 1961 NlE DRUG £ ••"WW* nwir*T Savings --•• priced values in suntime needs--NYE DRUG has them by the score -- the newest things under the sun for fun -- for relaxation -- for comfort and sport. Come see -- come buy -- you'll save for sure! 25% OFF ON $1.49 LOSTOS CRi Rcr. $2.50 99* Plus Tax "fc "All he thinks about, is how our money in McHenry Savings and Loan Ass'n., at 3611 W. Elm street earns the big 4% current dividend from the first, when wc get it in by the tenth!" lV2% on INVESTMENT 6 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS $5,000 becomes $6,®i4.95 In 5 short years based on 4% on Regular Savings Accounts MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N 3611 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-3000 Removes excess mucus >FF QUICK HOME PERMANENT $1 This Coupon Worth 00 on the purchase of any summer item or items (Picnic Supplies, Beach Toys, Sunglasses) Totaling $4.00 or more. Limit 1 Coupon Per C ustomer Expires Juiy 30 Cy QUH6UHTOHf First aid dressing 1 oz. Tube CO This Coupon Worth on the purchsse of any cosmetic item or items Totaling $4.00 br more. Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer Expires July SO NYE DRUG, Inc. •WALGRiiN AGENCY" 1325 N. Riverside EV 5-4426

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