Hftursday, July 27, 1961 THE McRENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites public to use this collimn as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our ^ommunlty. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than . once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we ^nsider libelous or in objectionable taste.) ACCOMMODATION REQUEST "Dear Editor: "I have recently returned from a auto trip through Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Colorado and could not help but notice -- since the little red /*scjtf>ol house is no more -- the snHll towns we passed through, and many smaller than Mc- Henry, who maintained wash Vooms in their public squares and parks. With all the moneymaking events this city sees fit to sponsor -- Fiesta Day annually, parades and anniversary days -- such a convenience would be appreciated by many. Also, the public city b^h being so close to the park, restrooms would help here. The cost of such a building would not be so high as both water and sewer are available. Many dollars were spent in planning for the future with malls and fancy bridges, but let's have some comfort in the present. Merchants wonder why citizens go to the new shopping centers where large stlfts provide for the shoppers' comfort, and offer the filling stations here and taverns and city hall as places for comfort stops. But if you don't drink and the car is full of gas it is embarrassing to ask to use these facilities and some station rest rooms are locked. "It has been said the teenagers would destroy or overrv^ such a place but we have ponce and a half hour check could be managed. After all, they check on parking meters that often. The high school has these facilities and seems to take care of them without too much trouble. Anyone who has been on Riverside Drive on Fiesta Day and stood in line at the various taverns, realizes that we invite visitors, but pi^ide little for their comfort. "Robert Burns" Democratic party of McHenry county? This is nothing new in either political party. The fact remains that we have only $6.53 in party funds. Why should the Democratic leaders pay expenses out of their own pockets? To my knowledge, no money is deducted from the pay checks. I happen to be a 2 per cent club member and! was not forced into it in any way. "The people who got into these jobs for the state should be more than glad to help their party. It will take a great deal of moral and financial support for us to do the people of McHenry any good in the coming elections. "A Democrat "Eugene Piotrowski" Johnsburg Hiller Family Holds Reunion Betty Bettermann Scout Executive THE 2 PER CENT CLUB "Why all the fuss about the 2 per cent club started by the REINHOLD MILLER Reinhold G. Miller has been selected as the Scout executive of the Blackhawk Area council, according to an announcement made by Kermit J. Johnson, council president. He will assume his duties here on August 15. The selection was announced following a recent meeting of the council executive committee, when ratification of the decision of a selections committee appointed for the purpose of selecting the new executive was made. Miller presently serves as the deputy Scout executive of the St. Louis area council, with headquarters in St. Louis, Mo. His duties there have included supervision of the field service staff of twenty-five professional men, the organization and extension committee, and the cpmmissioner staff of 460 adult scouters. A University of Illinois fruit crops specialist reports that a'pple scab and cherry leaf spot have struck many Illinois commercial home orchards this spring. Attention! WIMMING POOL IS YOUR POOL COMPLETELY GERM-FREE AND SAFE? We Have A Large Stock Of * ALGAE KILLING ( IPiiPARAflONS • CHLOilNI DISINFECTANTS • BAOIRIA SETTLING * On Hand Today COME IN AND LET OS SOLVE YOUR SWIMMING POOL PROBLEMS BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. DRUG STORE EV. 5-4500 Some 141 members of the family of the late John and Catherine Hiller gathered on the community club grounds last Sunday for a family, reunion. The last time" a reunion was held for this family was 14 years ago. You can well imagine the changes and additions that have taken place in that span of time. The family consists of eleven children, fifty-eight grandchildren and eighty-four g r e a t-grandchildren. A picnic dinner and supper served on the clul) grounds was enjoyed by one and all. Baseball, cards and various games added to the enjoyment of all present. Page Eleven seventy-five members were on hand at the community club grounds to participate in the summer fun. Highlight of the afternoon was a baseball game between the men from the subdivisions. Sides were \ chosen and the outcome was ^'murder." I'm not saying what the score was or who the winners were but I must say the losers were "slaughtered." The losers claim they want a rematch which is in the planning stages but they also want an impartial umpire. What will happen if this rematch comes about is anyones guess, but it would be something to witness. More About Our Church Carnival As you know St. John's parish carnival will be held on the community club grounds, Aug. 4, 5 and 6. Ladies of the parish have been making door to door calls to members of the parish for donations for the carnival. If you have been missed and would like to donate, please contact Alvina Miller at 1262 or Lu Ann Smith at 6578. Such articles as cakes, pies, vegetables, coffee, butter, etc., will be greatly appreciated. Extends Sympathy Our community joins in relaying its sincere sympathies to Mrs. Norbert Hiller upon the recent passing of her mother. Mrs. Anna Huff, who had been sick for quite some time, passed away on July 15. Besides Lorraine she is survived by her husband, George; two other daughters and two sons. Funeral services were held last Tuesday with burial in St. Joseph's cemetery in Richmond. Association Holds Picnic The Jak-Ana Heights association made up of members from the Jak-Ana Heights, Hillers and Schaefers subdivisions, held its annual picnic and corn roast last Saturday afternoon and evening. Over BUILDING MATERIALS FREE ESTIMATES ON Aluminum Combination and Doors Haiiings -- Roofing -- Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive EV 5-1878 - McHenry 6 EAST PAYMENT PLAN Around the Town The firemen of station 2 were called to Sunnyside last week to extinguish a grass fire. The Paul Boyk family of C h i c a g o a r e s p e n d i n g two weeks vacation at the Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Florian La Fontaine and daughter, Betty, and Louise Tiell of New Regal, Ohio spent last week as guests in the Arnold Michels home. While vacationing they also v i s i t e d o t h e r r e l a t i v e s and friends. Mrs. Gerald Hettermann and family spent last Sunday visiting at the Bob Wayman home in Arlington Heights. John Wesley Powell was the first white man to explore the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, in 1869. He and five helpers ran the worst of the rapids between May 24 and August 29, of that year, and all came out alive--something that cannot be said of several later exploration parties. MYF News The M.Y.F. Council, at their meeting July 18 at the McHenry Community Methodist church, made arrangements for a planning retreat. The following council members were present: Virginia Peterson, Gayle Reid, Jackie Noel, John Creamer, Sue Gregory, Ted Hornby, Jim Marshall, Judy Martin, Valerie P e t e r s o n , Bob S t a n g e and Cheryl Wittrock. Also present were these adult counselors; Rev. Martin, Mrs. Lois Peterson and Mrs. Irene Wittrock. At the retreat, which will be held in Spring Grove on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 25 and 26, plans will be made for meetings and activities for the coming year. The plannine: retreat, the first to be held by the McHenry M.Y.F.,, should be a source of inspiration to the group. W e d n e s d a y . A u g . 2 , t h e M.Y.F. will hold a swimming party at the Shaw farm near Greenwood. Members will meet at the church at 5 p.m. Let's have a good crowd! A committee was appointed to work on the "all church" rummage sale to be held AUR. 31 and Sept. 1. Representatives of all church organizations will meet to complete plans for the sale. Proceeds will go into a fund for future church expansion. Cheryl Wittrock, Reporter Some gals keep their girlish f i g u r e - o t h e r s d o u b l e i t . GLADSTONE'S STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 27th SHOES for the FAMILY VISIT OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE FOR LEADING BARGAINS You Need m os Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump Inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wirds and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available lor all makes.... 10. Besides pump installations we do both weil drilling and drive well points. 11. EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY BEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McSfenry Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullo'm-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-07IS re spreading the NEWS around. Open Mon. & Fri. Till 9 P.M. -- Other Days Till 5:30 P.M. CERAMIC WALL TILE In this season's most exciting new colors to enhance Economy Group any Kitchen or Bathroom (many colors) Square Foot 39* Guaranteed Authentic First Quality sq. ft. 54* We Give S & H Green Stamps Valuable Green Stamp Coupon Coupon must be presented at time of purchase K Extra S & H Stamps purchase Extra S&H Stamps Extra S&H Stamps This Offer Valid Only On July 27, 28, 29, 31, Aug. 1 & 2 Complete ?@ctc3 Das SPECIAL DOOR fro* UKrffjlrt polished cccdfcod aOaraSQEim. WyEsa CzccrSr.gs opw©3o smoothly ©• Cinck. Two tlidiaq glass p@co3s have NEW ADDED tand bars. New easy door ©JSgnraont is av®!!ekle for 4V2, S end! 5'/a ft. assessed tab. Ttireo oodividuejl sisos. !UMS¥UA¥£B> $37.9S PLASTIC WALL TILE Italian Marble |# or 8c Multi - Color • ea. sq. ft. Mardi-Gras or 10c • ea. sq. ft. Free Estimates, Expert Instl. ossmesi gabhnit sal DNLIGHTil 14 v 20 MIRROR CABINET S£»S SINGLE DOOR *17** Top Light Mr. & Mrs. Sliding drs. plate glass "wi Kmm urn 219 S. Genesse 4 Doors. North of Belvidera CLOSEOUT • * • « • • * • * CLOSEOUT ONE GROUP SOME SIZES SELECTION Most Sizes Values ®2.99 - *5.99 $ CLOSEOUT CLOSEOUT with $10 'B Spatter Colors LARGE SELECTION MOST SIZES SiiiCTI MOST SIZES BETTER -GROUPS OF MEN'S - WOMEN'S SHOES ARMSTRONG Asphalt Floor Tile 'B' Colors Full Ctn. 80-pcs. $3.99 5V2* Mosaic Porcelain Tile 12" Square 625 pes. sht. 67c Tile Glue 19c Tile Grout 19c Vene. Glass sq. it $1.80 Trays 34c up Trivets 85c up f IPmCE TO BUY99 MA. 3-0855 Free Parking In Rear FOR EVERYONE" 1219 N. GREI^i STL McHENRY, ILL EV Open 7 Days A Week