1 " // Page Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July 27, 19U Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of July 27, 1911 The heavy rains and cold, disagreeable weather of the past week, have brought 1 ho summer resort doifigs at Pistakee Bay and along the Fox river to an almost complete standstill, however they have been a blessing to the farmers and the prospects are now that the corn crop will be far better than last year. _fttisses Carrie Rosker, Bessie Devlin, Margaret Laroeco. Carrie and Anna Romano. Mabel Powers, Alice and Margaret Sutton enjoyed a very pleasant trip to.the lotus beds and Fox Lake in "Rivcria" Wednesday afternoon. Members of the McHenyy County Medical Association, many of them accompanied by ttieir wives, met at the Riversfile House Wednesday morning. Following the business meeting an elaborate banquet was enjoyed after which thfe' group enjoyed a trip to the famous lotus beds on the "Navi- - gator." The rain of last Sundny played havoc with the plans of a number of local residento Who had anticipated a trip to the beautiful lotus • beds in Grass Lake on that day. Prack tfcally every passenger hoat on Fox river had been chartered and a few visited the beds in spite of the rain. Judge Smiley, State's Attorney Joslyn and Sheriff Henderson have been active the past few weeks in putting a stop to the carousing and drunkc-n brawls which have cursed the pretty shores of Lily Lake, foi s o m e t i m e p a s t , w h e r e t w o blind pigs have been in operation. James Havern, a well known McHenry village character, was charged with selling l i q u o r w i t h o u t a l i c e n s e a n d conducting a nuisance. He was sentenced to serve seventy days in jail and pay a money fine. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of July 21, 1921 Just before going to press we learn that the body of George Schreiner, son of Mrs. Christina Schreiner of this village, who died in service in France nearly three years ago. will be brought here Thursday morning. The funeral will be held . from his mother's home, to St. Mary's church Friday morning. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Arthur Adams, of Johnsburg, and Miss Helen Pearson, of Woodstock, which took place at Barrington April 9. Howard Wattles and Fred Nickels left this village Tuesday, on a several weeks' auto tour through Wisconsin. The i trip is being made in Mr. Nickels' Ford touring car and 1 he young men are carrying ; with them a complete camping i outfit, including fishing rods I and tackle. I The early potato crop ! throughout this entire section ! is a complete failure. The hay ; and grain crops are encourag- , ing, while the corn crop is sure to materialize into the biggest | . in years. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, I highly respected citizens of J Johnsburg. cele b r a t e d their | golden wedding anniversary on j Wednesday of this week.' A j dinner at Stephen H. Smith's | at Johnsburg was followed by j a dance at th<? Johnsburg hall j where the grandmarch was led by the honored couple followed by . their nine children and forty-eight grandchildren. The McHenry band, under the direction of William Sherman, will appear in its first open air concert, of the summer season, at Borden's park Wednesday evening July 27. New uniforms are expected to arrive in time for their first appearance. A number of our young neople chaperoned by Miss Lillian Stilling have been spending the past week at Bally O'Gregg | colt a go on Fox river south of • this village. Needless to say j that the young folks put in a j ' merry week. Those who made ! up the party are as follows: Misses Rosemary Nye, Marguerite Overt o n, Genevieve Carey. Rosina Freund, Alice . Vandekarr, Bern ice Smith, ! Mary and Dorothy Waish, | Adele Heimer and Genevieve Brefeld. ! I TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO j I Taken from the Files j of July 16. 1936 j | A very impressive and spec- j I tacular crowd gathered on the i j front lawn of the M. A. Sutton j home Sunday afternoon clam- I oring for a complete change'of i [ road conditions along the river | road. Delegates from all the s u r r o u n d i n g s u b d i v i s i o n s a n d farms had their sheets filled with signatures of the river road tax-payers, w h o had joined the ,new Booster club. Because of horns, fire crackers, etc., it was some time before order was restored. Business was then underway. P a v e m e n t ! P a v e m e n t ! P a v e ment! was all the officers and representatives could hear from the dust eating crowd. Miss Lucille Hughes, daughter of James Hughes, and Mr. Renard Blum, of Chicago, were united in marriage at St. Patrick's church by Rev. William O'Rourke on Saturday morning, July 11, and the marriage of Miss Katherine Bishop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop and Robert Keller, of Elgin, took place at St. Mary's parish house that afternoon. William Kreutzer, who has chosen a baseball career, is now playing with the Mitchell team at Iroquois, S. D. He plays nearly every day at various points. Plans are on foot, in fact right up on the toes for a McHenry baseball team. First, we have some classy youfig players coming up that should be banded together to play real baseball. Second, we have one of the best diamonds and grandstands in this neck of the woods. Why not use them! The following players are on the list now and there will be more s o o n : C l a r e n c e A n d e r s o n , Ralph Bennett, Joe Freund, Leo Freund, Vernon Freund, Everett Hunter, Wally Kreutzer, Leo King, Walter Smith, Kirk Schroeder and "Spots" Thurlwell. The team will meet the Shamrocks next Sunday and there will be no admission charge. Fires have been numerous throughout the country during the |)0t dry weather. On Saturday afternoon the "Lorelei" summer home of N. G. Mueller was practically destroyed as the result of a fire which started in the roof of the building and was discovered about 2 o'clock. Barns on the Marron and nar© ft€PAI Nels Johnson farms, near Woodstock and the Dr. Walton farm near Marengo with their consents were destroyed by fire recently and a fire which destroyed 100 acres of upland hay and two stacks of hay, on McGee brothers farm near Woods t ock threatened the c o u n t r y s i d e T h u r s d a y a f t e r - noon. REVOKE LICENSE OF ONE, SUSPEND FIFTEEN OTHERS The office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of Roy Reynolds of Woodstock for driving while intoxicated. Suspensions were ordered for Edward J. Buss, Frank J. Kolbinger and Paul Schwegel of McHenry; Milas Gist and Glen Thompson of Cary; Allan Gust, Robert Hendrychs, Joseph Justen and Henry Jacobi, Jr., of Woodstock; James Hardin and John Schramm of Crystal Lake; Guy Robinson of Union; Frank Quitter of Algonquin; Vernon Roush of Marengo; and Thomas Watson of Island Lake, all for three violations. Probationary permits were issued to Richard, Lipinsky of Union, John Modrich of Lakewood, William Riley, Jr., and Norbert Zancha of Crystal Lake and Glen Thompson of Cary. The U. S. Government is continuing its experiments to make fresh water out of sea water -- and is considering seven Gulf Coast cities as locations for further tests. They are: Port Isabel, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Rockport, and Freeport, all of Texas; Gulfport,, Miss., and Key West, Florida. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, 111. WIN and LIQUORS 4512 W. Rte. 120 Half Mile West of McHenry OPEN 7 DAYS A Wl 9 A.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Lakeland Park EV 5-320® Tavern-Pale BEER 24 - 12 oz. Bottles Plus Dep. Schenley's Tavern • Pai@ ISiiR 12-Quart Bottles *359 Plus Dep. |yp©itTED CM! ANT! WME Romxsa-Bammer WBKIES 35c Bottle For " Thunderbird WIMii Full Quart @1110 Drewry's BEER 12 - 12 oz. Throw-Away Bottles $< ©Ifcgy's V©MA $ctl5 Fifth Full Qt. Bottle ICE CUBES & SCHILTZ BEER Premium CANADIAN ACE BEER 8 $1 Cans II' FREE Beer Glaus With Each Purchase HIRAM - WALKER'S VODKA 80 Proof 6 - 1 2 o z . Throw-Away Bottles Not-Iced EARLY - TIMES Straight Bourbon WHISKEY Schenley's GIN *<%®8 £* Bottle Filth Van = Merritt iiiR 3 OQ* Plus Quarts OSf Dep. Dr@\ S -- 12 oz. Throw- Away Bottles Not - Iced TAVERN - PALE mm 6 -- 12 oz. Cans Not - Iced Spring Grove MANY FAMILIES TAKE VACATION TRIPS RECENTLY Mrs. Charles Freund Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, daughters, Anna, Marilyn and Mary Ellen, left last week for a trip to New York where they will visit relatives. The George Waspi family have just returned from a trip through Iowa and the Wisconsin Dells. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith are also back home from a two week vacation at Wisconsin Dells. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kattner, daughter, Jean Marie, are vacationing in northern Wisconsin. They expect to stop for a visit with Moon and Edna Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schereck,, daughter, Susan, enjoyed a week's vacation in Wisconsin. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riener of Long Lake are the happy parents of a baby girl, weighing 7 lbs., 4 ozs., born July 2 at McHenry hospital. The baby has been named Leah Esther. Ushers Meet The ushers of St. Peter's parish met at the home of Alfred May on Wednesday night. After the meeting a lunch was served and the evening was spent at cards. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Korus of Chicago were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund on Sunday afternoon. Head The Want Ads SQUIRREL SEASON The 1961 squirrel season will o p e n A u g . 1 and e x t e n d through Oct. 15 in the southern zone of Illinois, the Department of Conservation has announced. The season in the northern zone will be from Sept'. 1 to Oct. 31, inclusive. The daily limit is five squirrels and the possession limit 10 squirrels, Accept on the first day of the season when the possession limit is also five. Shooting hours are from sunrise to sunset, central standard time. White squirrels are protected throughout the year. The average age of the American bride is 18 now, statistics show, with over 200,0Q| each year under 17 years <51 age. | ; Lounge & Restaurant 3924 W. Main St. McHenry, 111 Ph. EV 5-0951 Fish 'Fry Serving Hows Entertainment Breakfast from 6 a.m. Every Friday Lunch -- every Family Style 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinners -- Friday and "All you can eat." 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. featuring Saturday o o Home-Made Pies FREE COFFEE BREAKS Mon. thru FrL, 2-4 p.m.. Dining Room Closed on Mondays by the 5 p.m. -- 10 p.m. "TRI-NOTES" Open Daily: 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. -- Sat. & Sun., 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. Parking Lot across the streeL ATOM MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE 4 OZ. 4 Electric Pre- Shave Lotion 79* Motion Sickness Preventive 95* JCARYI SVIiiliM® VACATION SPECIALS SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER Travel Size JOHNSON'S MEDICATED POWDER FREE With Large Size $1.18 Value (o|O0 JUST H9 Children's Sunglasses 29c Tartan Suntan Lotion 69c Bathing Caps $1.09 Pack of 20 Paper Plates 49c First-Aid Travelkit $1.50 Flashlight Batteries 20c Chux Disposable Diapers $1.98 Black Flag Insect Bomb 75c Magnetic Flashlight 88c 75c Golf Balls 3 for $1.19 Plastic Hot Drink Cups 59c new AHilEST FOR ALLERGY & HAY FEVER New formula gives prompt, lasting relief. Makes all other allergy remedies dbsolete. El 5p®2 3 oz. 291 SERGEANT'S lifts X *1 49 JULY BEAUTY BUYS H®dl®n "Sln!A®OWK 7 Fabulous Eye Shadow Colors -- In One Tempting Collection -- Unlimited $*|)|§j|} Possibilities Lanolin Plus Hair Spray 99c Clairol Creme Color Baths $1.25 $1.49 Halo Shampoo $1.19 C®S©§piri)© $1 Cutis!© €i?©<am G^@0t Depilatory 69c ^©=5 H@iiT Dressing $1.00 M@Mzema Skin Mo^n 571 §t@gjette Roll-On deodorant 69< CiiKis Creme Shampoo Prompt PRESCRIPTION Service WE DELIVER BOLGER'S DRUG STOI SALE JULY 27-28-29-30 EV. 5-3200 1259 N. Green St. Medicated Liquid for skin & scalp irritations NESTLE B^IY BMIR TREATMENT Brush REWLON HI and DRI DEODORANT bottle Now With NEOMYCIN Stops Perspiration Odor Hp to 4 Days $2.25 LANOLIN PLUS DME)RUFF TREATMENT SHAMPOO 16 oz. 99? SAVE 40* 69c PEPSODENT m CMIS/S 2 Drop Corn Remover Plus 10% federal Eiciio Tax on Toilotriai Phone EV 5-4500