#ag©'TwMity THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July 27, IS#! McCullom Lake Lost Rites For Two Residents Eve Levesque Villagers mourned with two families on the loss of loved ones last week when Mrs. Edna Thorp of N. Orchard and Edward Jefferson Crick of West Orchard passed away. The end came for Mrs. Thorp on Monday, July 17, at the Harvard Rest Home. She had been in ill health for many years, and had been hospitalized the last time since May 20. Services were conducted last Thursday afternoon at the George Justen Funeral Home with burial' at Montrose cemetery. During her lifetime, Edna collected exquisite pieces of registered china which are part of a legend. She was also very fond of raising African yiolets and many of these plants beautified her home. Though she was the mother of pnly one child such filial devotion is seldom found. Edna was attended by her son, Elmer, constantly. During her last illness, Elmer journeyed to the hospital every day to share the noon meal with his mother in an attempt to stimulate her appetite. en Olsen Gies who was a heroine in every sense of the word on Sunday, July 16, when she pulled a life saving stunt. While watching the water panorama, she noted that a small child had been knocked into the river by a rolling tire. Unmindful of the fact that she was fully clothed, Kaaren leaped in and pulled the little lad to safety. It was later discovered that the child was one year old Douglas Viita, son of Mr. and Mrs. Urho Viita of Lakeland Park. The new Mrs. Charles Gies spent a large portion of her childhood growing up in McCullom Lake and her proud g r a n d f a t h e r a n d n u m e r o u s aunts, uncles, and cousins are still here. Verbal orchids to a young matron who can combine beauty with quick thinking! Mr. Crick A gentleman in every sense of the word, Ed Crick passed ftway in his home on Tuesday morning of last week with his wife, Hattie, and son. Edward, in attendance. They had been prepared for his demise by the family physician. . Mr. Crick was a soft-spoken man who had a trace of a charming southern accent and vie could always count on a Cheery greeting. He enjoyed fine health until he suffered a severe injury on the job in 1953. Three years later, a series of strokes began the downward trend. The Rev. G. W. Martin of the Methodist Community church conducted services for Mr. Crick at 11 a.m. Thursday from the George Justen Funeral Home with burial at feingwood cemetery. Our deepest sympathy to Eltaer Thorp on the loss of his mother and companion and to Hattie Crick and son, Edward, an the loss of their husband •nd father. Hospitalized in Chicago Mrs. Anna Marie Scarbrough. the talented young woman wfto lost an arm as a result of a recent auto accident. is a patient &t the Rehabilitation Center. 401 E. Ohio St.. Chicago. She entered on Wednesday of last week and will be there for a week or more. A morale boosting message from all of you would do much to cheer her during her confinement. For ihe journey, she was accompanied by Eileen Klappericli. Monica Morris, and son, Jim. In spite of her own suffering and handicap. Anna Marie has been a source of strength and comfort to all who come in contact with this plucky woman. Here's hoping she will be inundated with cards and letters!! otony. It was strictly a "campout" type of vacation. More Wisconsin Visitors Sally and Theodor Olsen are due home just about any time now, after spending a delightful couple of weeks in that northern state. According to their correspondence they have been covering a lot of territory. Wonder if they stopped any place long enough to catch fish? Complications Seems as though Annie Matthesius doesn't dare sit in her brand new reclining chair unless a member of the fajnily is present to help haul her out! She can't manage it alone. Speaking of the M. tribe (soon to be enlarged), daddy Fred is constantly bewildered. His office calendar can show any day and any date until Friday rolls around. Then it is immediately brought up to date. Any connection with payr day, do you suppose? Pleasant Two Weeks A - delightful fortnight for Ella and Dewey Fricke when they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A1 Daker recently, at their lovely Orchard Drive home. During the two weeks, the quartet was enlarged by Do and Charlie Brennan of Ringwood for a night on the town. Cullom-Knoll Meeting Members of the Cullom- Knoll association will meet on Tuesday, Aug. 1, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. This will be the annual election of officers po it is imperative that everyone attend. Breakfasts Ended The McCullom Lake Men's club is no longer cooking and serving the once a month breakfasts at Whitey and Bern i c e ' s . T h i s d e c i s i o n w a s reached at a meeting held on •Wednesday of last week. Stroke Victim It was reported that Harry Berry of ^Orchard Drive suffered a stroke last Saturday. An ambulance was summoned but he was not hospitalized. Here's hoping his convalescence Is a short, one. Wouldn't it be nice to give him a "sunshine j Slower" of get-well greetings? , The address is 2717 No. Orchard Drive. Harry deserves a Vote of "thanks" for breaking up and getting rid of the old raft. Campers' Special Two station wagons, and one auto departed last week Monday. loaded to capacity with kids and equipment for a tandem trip to Devil's Lake, Wis. The vehicles were populated with the Skeets Morris tribe, the Gene Frost "kit 'n' kaboodle" and the Roland Eckstrom family of Elgin. They returned last Friday, ready to face any and all problems because of the break in the mon- Pay Respects to Auntie Emma Pyritz was thrilled last Sunday when her cousins, Elsie and George Lorenz and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marshall of Edison Park dropped in to say "howdy". Emma's mother, Mrs. Augusta Hoeft, who is bedridden was considerably cheered by their visit, also. Life Begins Next Year 'Twas farewell to the thirties for Monica Morris on July 18, and the neighbors helped her to celebrate the occasion. On hand for fun 'n' frolicwere Anna Scar b r o u g h, Roseal O'Donnell, daughter, Kathryn, the John Klapperich family, Jean, Delroy Kauke and youngsters, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Liacus, Bonnie Burg, and Monica's iiii:iiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|Hiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii« For That MAN J® Your LIFE * audi! There's nothing that gets to doso to a Dad at a of wearables. Choose frera ©mr complete teledfont. brood, Jack, Jim, Janet, Clifford and Barbara. Texas Travellers Anne, Frank, Linda, and Sandy Passalaqua who used to reside next door on Spring Road, dropped in for a surprise visit last week and are still around for a few more days. They moved to Conroe, Texas last August and this is the first trip back for the whole family. They were amazed at the changes in such a short time. During their stay, they were guests of Mrs. Betty Reiter, and other friends of long standing. The girls are having a great time seeking out their former c h u m s , e s p e c i a l l y B a r b a r a Sawdo. Natal Days 'N' Matrimonial Milestones Bill Myers (still hospital lized) is due for birthday Congrats today, July 27, while Mr. and Mrs. Ronal Godina are wed 4 years also today. . . . Flashing eyed Gloria Fernandez will be 5 tomorrow, July 28. . . . Little Leaguer Brad Nye has number 10 coming up on July 29. . . .31 years in double harness for Tommy and John Fox on July 30. . . .Twins Christie and Ermgard Oberhuber will be 5 on July 31. . . . and, the Greg Burgs will mark their nineteenth wedding anniversary cn Aug. 1. Congrats to all. Bye now. See you next week. There are two kinds of women -- one kind men look up to, and th^ other kind, they look around at. (pardon our prepositions) WOMAN'S WORLD WHERE SAFETY IS CONCERNED Remember the popular so^jf about this being a I "woman's world, when she's inwove. . ."? Well, according to che National Safety Council, it's not only when she's in love that woman has things in her favor. "It's a women's world as, far as safety is concerned, too," the Council says. "We concentrate on telling women how to keep alive around the house. We virtually ignore the man of :>the family. "Yet, working-age males are dying almost twice as fast in home accidents as women, a 16-state survey shows, despite the fact that men spend a lot less time around (he house than women." Why are men dying so fast? "If there's a hazardous job to be done," the Council explains, "the man does it. His exposure to danger is greater than his wife's, and his work at home involves more hazardous tools than she uses in doing household chores. "Women can keep their men alive. Encourage your husband or boy friend to play it safe when working around t#e house (or driving his car, for that matter) and to buy the right safety equipment. "Let's not kill off the. man in the home." yeHENRY MEDICAL GROUP announces the association of V HOMER E. GOLDSTEIN, M.D. (Practice Limited to the Eye) 1110 N. Green St. Ph. 385-1050 Hours by Appointment Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park In West McHenry* ® 1318 No. North Drive McHenry. III. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND. SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phem iV 5-0724 or EV 5=4268 * COME EARLY! PRICES FOR THUR QUANTITIES LIMITS! -FRI.-SAT. NO PHONE O ERS! 50 Extra S&H GREEN STAMPS with purchase of MICRIN ANTISEPTIC 9< With Coupon 50 ixtra 5@ Extra 50 Extra 50 Extra S&H S&H S&H S&H GREEN STAMPS GREEN STAMPS GREEN STAMPS GREEN STAMPS with purchase of with purchase of with purchase of with purchase of Dr. West Colgate DOLPH DESDSTAN Toothbrush Toothpaste INSECT BOMB TASLETS 69* Economy Size Ov 98* With Coupon With Coupon With Coupon • With Coupon MILLSTREAM DRUGS "WALGREEN AGENCY' 3720 W. Elm (Jewel Shopping Center) McHenry, 111. SPECIAL! I Giant Size -- Reg. 67c CLEAN WE GIVE / I * e • • OUR PRICE 55 Reg. $1.98 Bissell KODACOH Ell H 120>127 HUH or 620 \C£oiee 00C Heroine in Our Midst Praise and plaudits to Kaar- 0 Km STORE for MEN 1345 N. Green St. Phone 385-0047 McHenry, I1L Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA "IMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllit. N WE ARE PROUD TO We Now Have An Outstanding Of RU€ SHAMPOO OUR PRICE *|49 Reg. 79c Colgate Lilac or Unscented FLOtlEIT SPRAY OUR PRICE 2 {« | Reg. 98c -- 22 Piece - Plates, Cups, Knives, Forks, Spoons PLASTIC PICNBC SETS OUR PRICE 44( SPECIAL Reg. $1.49 Silicone IRONING eewia Scorch Resistant Color Fast Porous I Our Price 98 FINE BUSINESS STATIONERY Produced By Raised Printing ^j£eliofyravinfy Styled By Regency WE INVITE YOU TO SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION 500 ZVzxU Letterheads Only $12.50 Raised Lettering on Bond Stock <» Black Ink THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER lenry, III. TOILET 1000 sheet rolls ||T^ FACIAL TISSUES Reg. 29* 1 j|C BOX 24 OY I9NANZA! CARS, TRUCKS, MUSICALS, WIND-UPS, AND MORE! TOYS for B0YSI TOYS lor GIRLS Come in--see our giant selection. ROM (SMICE AMD -- A GIANT CLEARANCE SALE -- OF POPULAR TOYS V2 Re®. Price ^ T1 Right Reserved To Limit Quantities FREE! "e9- 19c S'ze Listerine Antiseptic . . „ Whon You Purchase DOlPBLi ©UTY Hi Brush Voih for only... N< GOING mm PRICE SALE Do?othy Gray FACE CREASE SAVE NOW Quantities Limited 2 For TOOTH PASTE . . Rep. 81c Plastic Coated o\ If !!!i\vH^ C . . . Jumbo Packed SO's -- Soap Filled §£©Hj!RING . . .43* Novelty -- $1.29 Value <, THH®W " lf*m . . . 78* Pack of 100 "Cotton TaiE" -- Reg. 25c ®n n/p ^ 140 $1.49 Value! Easy Way -- 15 oz. 97* HOT WEATHER SPECIAL Full Vi Gallon BORDEN ICE CREAM 77c YOU'LL SPEWB LESS -- AND GET MORE AT YOUR WALGREEN AGENCY DRUG STORE! Reg. 98c DOLPH Insect Repellent SPRAY 2'«$147. 6 oz. Reg. 33c Infant or adult. Worthmore. 12"$ LIQUOR SPECIAL! Half (iallon q PETRI ORY WINES . $1J® ' For "Pleasant Moments" 5th PM DELUXE BLEND $2.^1 World Famous 5th ©LEMMORE GIN . $2.?® . . $3. Full Quart! Sarnoff VODKA . Full Quart -- Bourbon FOUR S@SiS . . . $3j Seven Yr. Old Bourbon 5th SllLLBROOK. . . $2.98 11 1 1 •• gilL".