Pago Ton THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park LITTUE LEAGUERS, ALL STAHS PLAY BUSY SCHEDULE r.loria Flanniean - EV. 5-4710 Chris Fosftiwi - i:V. .V4»42 Sunday. Aug. 20, Ihe first i,rnnie w^is playrd between ihe Braves and 1 ho Orioles and l lie Hraves ed^d ihe Orioles ti to 4. The,3§ir«njcl kaino was an Ait Stai trame. pla\ed between Lakeland Park All Stars and MeOulloni Lake All Stars. Final score was, McCullom L^J<e, jff.illa Poland Park, (j. Next Snlurdiiy., A u i;. 26. Ihere'll he a '">ff ijiimo for first hotweVn the Hravos and Timers, 'lame time is 3 p.m. Let's all '.'"el out and. cheorvth'o hoys. ' Wedttfcfcdiiy. Aiilt. 2.'?. ihe "All Stars" played under the Ik lit s in M< Henry. The seore will l o given in next week's issue. This coming Sunday. Autr. 27. ar3 i».m. ihe All Stars wii.l play Wonder Lafce All Stars at Christ0 I ho Kiiu; chu'vh. Wonder I*jikr. Lei's* giye tbe boys some jtrood. sup|K>rt and vet flfli' and Cheer them on. A lood Juck. boys. Mathews in honor of Mr. Bujak and his team the Braves on Aug. IB. Cake and homemade ice cream were served. The cake was decorated with a baseball diamond with the managers and all the team names on it. Those attending Ihe party were Mr. and Mrs. F\ Bartos, Mr. and Mrs. !'\ Leigh, Mi', and Mrs. J. Murphy. Mrs. C. .Jumpers, Mr. and Mrs. T. Daurie, Mrs. Irv. Becker. A j Ku.jak, Allen Kujak, Pelf) | Murphy. Mark Bartos. Mick Kru<;\ Crieg Leigh, Gary Bockj man. Ronnie and Gaty Mathjews. Chuck Jumper, Mick 1 Daurio and Tom Logio. Ken i'Becker was on vacation. I Mr. Ku.jak was presented an j ehirraved cigarelte lighter from 'all the hoys on his team. If I you notice lie has it with him nil the time. A good time wa.> had by everyone. „ Christening; Colleen Prtricia Sweeney, tiny fhtugJUer of Frank ar.d Therein Sweeney, was chrislrned "Sunday, Aug. 20. at St. M a r v ' ~ s f ' { i u r c h b y F a t h e r Baumhofer. Colleen's eodjjar- i ents ^vpie^fer aunt and uncle, j Mr. $nd Mrs. C. Sweeney of , Chicago. A delicious dinner of ; chicken, salads, cake, and cof- j fee was served to the Sweeney | Jr's, children. Mary Jo, Patty, i and Kuthv, and Colleen's broth- I er and sisters. Frank. Jr.. Mary j Therese. Alicia and Christine. I ... ! (Jet-well Wishes . To little six vear old Robby • W o h n r a d e w h o b r o k e h i s a i n i | last Thursday. Dad Wohnrade I was playing whh Robby when i the mishap occurred. Take it easy there. Dad. | Happy Anniversary To John and Gloria Flannigan who celebrated 14 years of wedded bliss Aug. 23. Happy anniversary, dear. Happy Birthdays To Ann Reno on Aug. 21, to John Arient, Jr. who celebrated his ninth birthday Aug. 20 and to his father, John. Sr. on Aug. 25. To friends, Meg Humann and Holly Arient, who will celebrate their second birthday today, Aug. 24. Also to Danny Ladd on his first birthday Aug. '25. Birthday Doings David Wohnrade is four years old today and is havintr a party. His guests are Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wohnrade of Wonder Lake, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bockman, cousins, Stevie and Wendy Wohnrade, and brothers, Scotty, and Robby. Ice cream, cake, candy, and a treasure hunt will be the highlights of the day. Billy Burmann celebrated his fourth birthday last Friday Aug. 18. Billy's guests were Chris and Paul Rogers. Davey Wickencamp, Stosh and Lee Michael Pankiewicz,'fttmny Rebel, Jeffrey Bierman and Donny Johnson, fivgryone enjoyed cake, ice cream and pop, even m o t h e r s , D e l o r e s R o g e r s , Marge Rebel. Doris Johnson and Joan Burmann. Allen Meurer celebrated his seventh birthday Aug. 10, with a party.. Allen's guests were Chuckie Campo, Gary Braum, David George, Butch Morgenson, and Donny Pra/.ak. Ice cream, sodas, cake, candy and games were enjoyed. Party Given There was a parly given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Demonstrations | Bunny Jaenicke had a demonstration last Friday evening. About ten girls attended. Loretta Jr.rman was hostess j to a demonstration last Wed- , nesdav. evening. Guests- were I Pat Sea ton, Ann Dawson. I>o lores Belohlavy, Dot tie Btvki i. i Lucille Jones, Polly Lecastro. ! Millie Schmidt, and" Mrs. Han- | ken. 'Cake and coffee \\er~ I served. Visitors Carole and Don Humann had a house full of company last Sunday. They were friends and relatives who came to celebratc little Meg's birthday ami to help pour cement. As Carole says "What a rat-race it was feeding and suppling the drinks for the bunch. Good luck next week. Carole. Gene and Chris Foszcz had company Sunday. Gene's mother and father. Mr. and Mrs Zurawski from Chicago, came over, also Chris's brother and his wife. George and Barbara and daughter. Cinthia, neighbors Tom and Joan Nick and I son. Kirk, and niece Barbara ("barman who is vacationing with the Nicks. A good dining jA'as enjoyed by all. (I hopet* Pat and Hilde Douglas had quite a bit of company of late. Mrs. Magdn Ogren of Moorchead, Minn., made a tour of Europe and while she was there she went to see her dau. lrlt r and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reynolds. Clarence is in the service and is stationed in Germany. On their return I rip they stopped at the Douglas home. From there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glosson. Hilde's brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neppl of Fargo. N. D., stopped by anil visited for four days. Pat Douglas's, grandson, Douglas Bradley, who lives in Sunnyvale. Calif., is staying with them for the rest of the summer. Last week Doctor and Mrs. Pairick A. Colliton and cltil- . ill-en; Kathy, Pat Jr., and William Scott, visited Hilde and jPat. They are Ihe son and j d a u g h t e r-in-law of HildeV. j Hilde will need a vacation herj s e l f . H o w a b o u t i t ? ? i', Gladys and Arthur Hafor j had weekend guests ,last week. They were Evelyn and Bill Furr from Chicago. Evelyn has been a friend of Gladys for many years. The two couples' | initiated the Hafers new bar- ! becue with delicious steaks and j nil the trimmings. j Gene and Ed Rak and chil- | dren Vickev, Leslie, Billy and j Kurt is came to stay a few days with Gene and Chris Foszcz. j They are from Highland, Ind. i I They came over Thursday aft- | crnoon and stayed until Saturday. The men went fishing Fri- 1 day evening but caught nothing ; but a cold. Well like they say 1 always a fisherman but netftr j a fish or something like that. | Gloria and John Flannigan ' ! had a /anniversary dinner for ! ; Gloria's! parents, Sunday, Mr. ! I and Mrs. F. Moravec of Rich- j i inond. \Th<?y j#lebrated their I thirtv-firth "anniversary Aug. j i 21. Monday evening Gloria's | ! parents took them out to din- j ner to celebrate their four- j ; teenth year. i ^ Bill and Alma Brushaber < were visited by Genevieve Fui> BEHIND EVERY SAVINGS ACCOUNT.. Si ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO STRONG RESERVES OVER $10,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Proven Perf@rMice For Over 3© Y©(sors Resources Over.. $13,500,000 Investments - Prime Mortgage Loans Current Dividend Rate 4% Federal € AND LOAN * ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 19%ft guson who resides in Fairborn, Ohio. Also Stewart Ravenbyrne from Niles, spent the day with Bill and Alma. Leo and Bertha Meller, Alma's son and daughter-in-law, spent the evening at Alma's house. They are from Palatine. Jesse and Bob Matthews had guests last Thursday and Friday. Tnf?v were Jesse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reid and sister, Kathy, of Chicago. The Matthews took them on a grand Tour of our good town McHenry. Dick and Joan Burmann had company Monday. They were Mr. and Mrs. H. Burmann and Mrs. A. Parr both of Fox Lake. They came to help Billy celebrale his birthday. Sunday afternoon the Flannigans were visited by friends, Mr. and Mrs. T. Boukal, Pete Bulthis of Cicero and Mr,. and Mrs. D. Smiih of Johnsburg. Vacations Cindy Meilahn spent . three days in Wonder Lake last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Plante of Oak Park, who have a summer home there. The Meurer family spent last week in Birchwood, Wis. They had fun fishing and relaxing to their content. Shirley and Marv George spent two days in Ohio last week. They had attended a funeral there. The George children stayed with the Mat i hews while they were gone. Visiting J.ody and Barbara Osman visited their grandmother in Chicago last weekend They visited the Lincoln Park Zoo while there. Jody and Barbara enjoyed the trip home by train. Gloria Flannigan and children, Kathie, Krisiie, Johnny and Kelly Ann, attended the Wisconsin fair last Thursday with her mother, Mrs. F. Moravec. It sure was something to see. Ronnie and Loretta Jarrnr-n visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thornton of Arlington Heights last Sunday. \ The Flannigans visited the Brookfield Zoo.last Tuesday. It was sort of a gel-together with relatives. (Not the monkeys either) John's sister from Denver and children, and cousin from New Jersey and their children and a few aunts, too many to name. There wore twenty children in all. What a time and what a busy week. Weenie Roast" Richard and Lucille Jones were hosts to a weenie roast. last Saturday evening. Their guests were Ronnie and Lorelta Jarman, Delores and Glenn Beloh'avy, and Erv and'Dot lie Becker. A good time was had. New Addition Larry and Billy Oakford finally got their do;; they have so long wan led. It is jet black soooo they call it "Jet". A good time of training will be enjoyed by the Oakfords. Welcome Welcome to our new neighbors Bob and Dorothy Moore duty. Thursday, August 24, 1961 Iff and sons, Jimmy and Bobby, who have moved in about three weeks ago. More about them later. Meet Your Neighbor Welcome "New C o m e r s" Wallv and Margo Schaedel of 1613 N. Pleasent aVenue. They have lived here for lli years after moving from McHeniy. They have been married fiC$ years and have two beautiful children, Debbie, age four, arid Keith, who will be three this October. Wa.lly and Margo both attended Foreman high school, which is where they met. Wally was in the Navy for two years and is a lineman for a local firm. He enjoys tinkering around with his sfero tape recorder. Margo belongs ti] Women's club, is a Sunder school teacher at the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry and enjoys being a housewife. Whenever there are dishes or chores to be done, some husbands go far beyond the call of. A&P's SUPER-RIGHT - 1--^ -fw nrr"? > * W-r 1-w, V ; CHUCK ROAST Buy now and save at this low price. Bone in, blade cut, lean and juicy fender chuck. LB. 33 li c FRESH FRYERS Cut-Up, Pan-Ready 291 U. S. Government Inspected Plump, Meaty Chickens LIVER & BACON A&P's SUPER-RIGHT SLICED LIVER lb. ALLGOOD BRAND SLICED BACON 29' 49 By Henry Heise of Bolger's Drug Store HOW SMALL IS SMALL? The poet in me must yield to the mathematician. Attempting to dramatize the small size of the Brownie Starmite Camera, I've occasionally called it a "midget camera." On anolher occasion, I dubbed it "palm-size," which moved a fanciful, reader to ask, "Did you have a Royal Palm or Date Palm in mind? There is a difference." O.K. Let the tape measure tell the story. By our measure the Brownie Starmite Camera is inches high, 3V2 inches wide, 212 inches slim. And it weighs only eight ounces. Got the picture? Inside those minute dimensions you'll find a camera that can do a man-size job of picture- taking. The Brownie Starmite takes big color snapshots, black-and-white, even color slides. Its tiny flash holder -- about 2 inches wide -- uses those new AG-1 bulbs that are as big as a penny. And Ihey're penny savers too. If you've a mind to buy a camera that's easy to carry, ready for pictures any time, indoors or out, night or day, come in and see the Brownie Starmite Camera. Yours for $11.95, complete. Chuck Itsak Beef Still Steal A&P's Sup»r-Right Blade Cut Ik. i A&P's Super-Right--The King of R»ait«--5th and 6th Ribs lb. A&P's Super- Right 79c Rib Eye Steak-. Delmonico A&P's Super-Right lb. $159 Ish Stiiks iressei Whiting Cap'n John's Frozen Froien Tasty 3 5 10-01. $|00 pkgs. I lb. box 19' SEEDLESS WHITE Sultana 1 CRAPES FOOD CAKE 22"ot' K btl. 3 > , " •--: ^ Nabisco Detergent Brand ScOff Choc, er Cocoanut ies Bars, Flavorkist Handy Detergent 20-oz. ¥ i 3S-0Z. (0 Vegetable btl. Stella Brand up ItaSiin Dressi Original French efte Drip or Reg 15c Off Contains '/j ir Cold Cream 2 Hearts Delight 46-oz. •fticktlitFIAVOlS /Check the PRICE! !W oap Be Palmolive Clean Bouquet Flower Fresh f@ louqiit Famous Since 18591 AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAILER ... SINCE 1859 li© OUR ©OC3 ¥!A BA r ihta/ostjcd by ^ Umuciieojtej Preserves 2 59 59' 35 Borden's Brand Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry Jane Parker, Over Fresh Made from a 13 Egg Recipe 17-oz. she each reg. 49c Dinner Size Twin Pack Kotei Napkins mma i Pert Paper laplcims ISeenex Tow Sleiiffline ISeenex Tissue Mk • • ••• Delse) iathroom Tisi&ie Paper Plates Freshrao fix Piier 50-ct pkg. Colored or White Delsey Golden NA^heat Bondware p., I0C 4ic 19° ic 2 Z 29c 2 2 roll pkg. 12-ot. pkg. 400-ct. pkg. 3pt"kgt'. 4|e iM-fl. 9J5£C rolS (toffee Ground To Enjoy COFFEE MILL FLAVOR fr^hs^^rid flavor you can t get in a can! Mild and Mellow * ElSIf ©'CLOCK C®S¥il > LB. 1 BAG RICH AND FULL-BODIED Rii €mm 61< *1.77 1-LB. BAG VIGOROUS AND WINEY 65' iil' Ball Jars THE GREAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU AUGUST 26TH Vacuum Seal Cap For Wide Mouth Jars Vacuum Seel fez. quarts $12 9 -IT