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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1961, p. 16

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Pag* Sixteen THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Thursday. August, 31. 19G1 Sunnsyide Estates BERNAD1NE GRIST CONSENTS TO BE OFFICIAL GREETER Polly Stevens - 385-1256 We would like to announce that Bernadine (Inst has graciously consented to become the official jjreeter for Sunnyside Estates. We are fortunate to-get such a lovely lady to act lor us. I( someone new moves close to you t;ive her a rinu at • i:V. 5-G51S so she may welcome them to our community. Congratulations Congratulations to the Pkindealer on ihe completion of their new home. .lim and I a'.- 1 ended their open house. Saturday, Auii. 19. and it «;i> a very enjoyable and enlightened lour for us conducted by' Miss ^Artel? Krochlich. editor. Wr never before really appreciated • ihe intricacy' -ol . puhlishih'j a : - newsp;-|i>er. the many, many in- \ volved steps "to be taken before eall Marge Barth rft KV. 5-1(51 D and she may l>e able to help you. I Attention l*a rents We have received oth-T calls from residents missing their mail. A leHer was opened, another was in the vvrony mail j baked by Ka>i Rau. box, a magazine was found in j a vacant lot and other iivi Wedding Shower ' children. Jim, Jr., aged 13. Henrietta Rau was amnni' : Mary. 11. Steven. 7, Kathy, 6 the quests at a shower for Hi!- and Helen, 3. They came tx> live da Derntz of Inglcside, bride- in Sunnvside Estates in June of to-l>e of her nephew, Roijer Ol- 1959. Jim is a maintainence sen. of Round Lake and Hilda engineer on the toll road and received many lovely gilts. The his hobbies are golf, volley ball beautifully decorated cake w<;s and hockey. Marge is a born honiemaker and enjoys sewing, cooking and baking. Jim, Jr., Visitor starts his freshman year at dents. Each person's m.iil is i Lu Davis' mom. Mrs. Bertha Marian Central this fall while very important and to them ' Kirwin, of Chicago recently vis- Mary. Steven and Kathy atonlv. Children must stop play- j iled a week in the Davis home, tend St. John's in Johnsburg. ing with mail boxes before drasti" steps arc taken. Picas-* caution your youngsters a'-'ain. A n o t h c r ^implaint ;ii" children aie playing, in tinhouses under construction. Several minor injuries have resulted and serious injuries could follow, for the Thi> i h i l i i i c n . a oat >!cn at Work The last >1 t iv r<*;111 maierial was worked Sat-iti '.lay. Aug. 19. In Herb's absence hois Anderson 'and children Mary and Mike, filled, in foi him. Among others'who tuimu out Helen stays home to keep mom company. Both Morge ant! Jim were born and reared in Chicago. * A Buffet Helen and Keith Wegner recently entertained her cousins. Marilvn.,and Jim Yaltman, and est. It wav a second honeymoon children of Westmont and Ann I for them while Grandma Ncl- iiml Barney Pranno and ehillie I.yons of Chicago baby-sat «hen of Chicago. The Pr;mn<s for the young Parleys. * v i s i< (,;,me as a surprise but co- On the following weekend • incided nicely with the bufi'et Maivo's sister and children.' dinner served later in the day. She enjoyed her visit very much and especially her grandchildren. Cathy and Johnny. Second Honeymoon Mai 'jo and Jim Parley spent a receni weekend at Lake Delton. Wis., enjoying Wisconsin 'I't'c i Dells and other points of intoi- Helen Caplis. Mary Tliere^e arid Tonunv came fhr a visit. ..they print. for us ihe n^ws of | were Ted Rierchen. .lii.i Puqua. -ihe world. I' is a pleasure to be I Dick (jerke. Bill f?»Fi>i. Toni Associated witjh them and a • very, very huge orchid to M»- . rir Yegge for all her help and paiience. Congratulations again Plaindealer. May you continue to serve ihe public for many years to come. Welcome We wnnl to welcome to Sunnyside Fslatcp Barbara and David Weinman and their, ^on. Christofer. They aie residing in ihe Forrester home on Indian Ridge road. They come to us from Oak Park. Barbara has a BFA degree in theatrical arts and David has a Masier's degree in ihe same field. They boih enjoy bridge and bowling and David is an avid hunler and golfer. Welcome, may you live many happy years in Sunnvside Estates. Girl Scout -News Girl Scout Troop 295 will start its weekly meetings, Sept. 20. This year the meetings will be held each Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Last year the uniform exchange was so successful it wil 1 be tried again this year. If your daughter has uniform troubles PROFE^iQtlRL DIRECTORS' Hanahan. G. u n n a'r Johansen Jack Kelso and' s. n, Bob. A. S Kimbro. Dale Maule. and Jei'i v Olscn. Over ."'.'i. per cent oi" ; he male population turned out Jo help on ihe two road repair days. This is indicative of a good • community spirit. Let's hope it continues. Mel S imnioP.s did a •_< -rd job painting the scoot -kn*. Some of the signs had t<> be replaced and others with name changes. Another team ai work were the Kelso boys. John and Rob, when they painted the school shelter. Jerry Olsen was the last to take care of the chore of mowing the beach grass. Is it \oitr urn now"" 1 'Teen-aye Visitors Cheryl Simmons of Chicago has been visiting her aunt and uncle. Shirley and Mel Simmons. for the past month.-Fourteen year old Cheryl had all he male 'teen-agers heart's going pittor-p^tler during her visit and many long faces resulted on her return home. Another visitor iri the Simmons home was liieir nephew. John Simmons, of Milwaukee for a two week visit. A Wisconsin Visit Berniee and Earl Fry and: kids, Sand}' and Tommy, and surprise ^er Mother, Mrs. Tui'enne. of \ surprise birthday party for . Volo spent a day recent!.v in East Troy, Wis., visiting Mrs. Turenne's sister and husband. Frieda and Bud Austin. Berniee Fry was successfully jcarricd out Monday evening. Aug. 21. About 8'p.m. that evening up lo the door walked June Banker.' Lu Davis and daughter. Cathv. Carol Kenne- Small-fry Visit Debbie and Donna Noah l>eck and kids. Karen. Alan and , spent some time in Chicagc niece. Dawn Camperl. Lois Mc- wjth their grandparents. Mr, Donald and Emma Olson. The gais brought a gift, birthdr-x cake and even the coffee poi. Bessie Schwieger and Mrs. Lundsberg were unable to attend but were there in spirit. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Ik*. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance ol Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-095S 429 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0186 Res. Phone: Ev 5-6191 Thurs.: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tiies. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-61 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel Md Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 / / / \ \ \ NOW GOING ON Buy now. . . quantities limited and going fast... sale ends Labor Day! Popular 6.70-15 SIZE Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 CHAMPION Blackwall „ Tube - Type WHITEWALL Only $3 more NYLON" 7.10-15 -- $14.77 8-61 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Vi Mile South of Rt. 12 on •lolinshurg - Wilinot Koad n 11 -GI »R. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR JWS16 W, Main, xMeHenry, III. Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Weil. & Fri. Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 12-61 7.50-14 NYLON $ TUBELESS *Add only $3 for whitewall 1377 All sizes Bra En PAUSED Plus tax and trade-in tire off your car ftS/F Safety-Fortified cord body...extra resistance to blowouts or breaks. & Rugged 7-rib tread design... speedway-proved for non-skid safety. i* Firestone Rubber-X . . , p r o v i d e s l o n g money-saving mileage. FT ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE . . . p r o o f in writing of Firestone's extra quality. a MOWTH Road Hazard m Guarantee I fil7 ai it' IrTiT'; Every new Firestone tire is |W GUARANTEED Against defects in workman- ip. FARM TIRE DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tueg., Thurs. & Fri. 7 To 9 p.m. Saturdays: 8 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 BATTEIIES For Chevrolets 3(5 Month Guarantee ship and materials for the ilife of the original tread. \t-. 2. Against normal road hazards ip. (except repairable punctures! gjl encountered in everyday V<j passenger car use for the number of months specified, ]K( Repairs made without charge, '3. replacements prorated on tread |w wear and based on list prires !r^ current at time of adjustment. |P<1 7THTry nv TO mim CALL US for your Truck Tire Needs McHENRY TIRE MART 3931 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 8-tfl Phone EV. 5-0294 and Mrs. William .Johnston, recently. While there LaVerne's hrother, Dave, took them on a boat ride on the Chicago river, a visit to the Prudential building, shopping and dinner in a ; snazzy restaurant. Let's Go \ isitin' j LaVerne's uncle and aunt. Let s visit the Farley family i Dave and Alice Johnston, speni at 1714 W. Indian Ridge drive, a day recently with the Noahs There are mama and papa, I and enjoyed a barbecued chick- Marge and Jim, and their five en dinner in the evening. FiiUWS DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products !-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195~or EV. 5-0232 J Sick List I Kathy and Stevie Wegner ; have been ill with colds and sis- | ter, Carol, and cousin, Debbie i Valtman, of Westmont have i been suffering with asthma, j Shirley Simmons has l)een I ailin' and daughter, Cindy, | chose this time to have two aching teeth which had to be pulled. Woe is Me! Oh! Woe is mc. Some of our readers said ihey liked our tall lale and want more. I'm strictly a one story gal. What do I do now? We'll just stick to the facts, mam! Anyway, the call.-, started coming in and we 'predate 'em. Dp your good deed for the day and call in you; news. Coming Event The P i s t a k e c Highlands Women's club will hold its annual rummage and .bake sale Saturday. Oct. 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the barn. Chairman for "the affair is Lynn ! Rosinski, co-chairman is Joselyn Staudenmaier and commltlee women are Joan Megley, Betty Sandelin and Beverly Bichler. Brownie News A new Brownie troop is in Ihe process of being formed. Any girl 7, 8 or 9 years old who is interested in becoming a Brownie this fall cbntact Alice Bieschke as soon as possible. There is also a need for a coleader and three committee women. Call Alice at EV. 5- 6166. Troop 150 will hold its first meeting Tuesday, Sept. 12, at 3:30 p.m. in the VonObstifeidcr home at 1405 Bay view Lane in Sunnyside village. I New Arrival i Alice Bieschke became the i aunt of her first niece when a |6 lbs., 9 oz., daughter was born j to her sister and husband, Dor- | othy and George Ungaro, Tues- | day, Aug. 22. Little Maria Lynn was greeted at home by throe brothers. Aunt Alice kept one year old Bobby while Dorothy was hospitalized. Birthdays | H a p p y b i r t h d a y t o I l o y , Schneider on Aug. 30 and to j Emma Olson, Jean Hamnievshoy and Rita O'Brien on.'Sept. I 1. Terri Radtke will be 6 years j old and Kenny Bute ? years on ' Sept. 2. Rosemary Felicetti and i Frank Gore celebrate their day on Sept. 3. Greetings to 2 year I old Eric John Mischke on •Sept. 14 and to Dennis Banker or. j Sept. 5. Many happy returns of 1 Ihe day to you all. NOTE CHANGES IN ! TAXING SALES OF | BUILDING GOODS Theodore J. Isaacs, director of revenue, announced todav that the department is making ; several substantial changed/in | its rule taxing sales of building i materials to construction conj tractors. | After further study of the j problem, the Department has 1 now decided that it would be ! circumventing the intention of . the Legislature to tax saies of materials to contractors with i charities, churches and schools since such institutions are per- | mitted bv law to buy the ma- ! terials tax-free if they buy them from suppliers. For that reason,; the department will consider sales of building materials to construction contractors whose customers are charities, churches or schools to be exempt from the retailers' occupation tax and the use tax. The other change concerns the method by which contractors will account for t h<*k ax when they are registered with the department as retailers and certify to suppliers that they ^ will assume the responsibility for accounting for the tax. A race-horse is worth a lot of money how about a man? Recent figures show that a trained, educated man will earn between $175,000 and S3Oa0OC per l i f e t i m e , l i e f o r e t a x e # o f . course. 1 Anniversaries Ann and Rick Radtke will, celebrate 7 years of marriage on Sept. 4 while Henrietta and Karl Rau celebrate 20 years on Sept. 5. June and Chet Banker chose Ihe wedding day of her parentN Bessie and William Schwieger. as their wedding day, Sept. 0. Congratulations to all. 2JO.1L" s Afaemsnt Service ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" 1313 No. North Drive McHenry, III. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS fkme EV 5-0724 or EV 5-4168 EN SAN© and GRAVEL READY MIXED CONCRETE 1 We mix concrete to your s p e c i f i c a t i o n s , d e l i v e r i t right to your job, ready to pour. Get our prices! GRADING EXCAVATING SAND AND GRAVEL READY-MIX AVAILABLE ON SATURDAY TIIONE: McHenry Pistakee Highlands HYatt 7-3313 O O o Let us put a new gas dryer into your home for 60 days. No obligation on your part. See how much money and work it saves. Operates for about one-fifth the cost of other dryers. See how much fluffier, fresher and softer clothes come out of a gas dryer. Faster, too. 138r» So easy to buy. As low as $1.41 per week with 36 months-*© pay. CHOOSE your from any of these famous makes...] H9R6E PHILCO-Bmku. Only $5 down puts the dryer you select into your home. If you are not completely satisfied at the end of 60 days, we will remove the dryer and refund your down payment. Act now--visit our nearby store. Trial offer expires October 31, 1961. Special values start at $169.95. Check your appliance dealer for his attractive offer on gas dryers. NORTHERN AILLINOIS OAS frfvitx around ike dock

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