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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1961, p. 5

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/Thursday, August 31, 1961 \ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 1 Legals NOTICE QF CLAIM DATE Estate of WILLIAM C. MICHAELIS Deceased Notice is hereby Riven to alkpersons that October 2ncl, is the claim date in the * estate of WILLIAM C. MICHAELIS, Deceased, pending in the County Court of Mo »Henry County. Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. EDGAR MICHAELIS Administrator Stueben, Attorney 3Sn W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Aug. 24-31, Sept. 7. 19611 Page Five PERSONALS NOTICE WHEREAS. ROBERT I JOHNSON and EDWIN J. KALLECK, have been doing business under tj?e firm name and style of ^JOHNSON & KALLECK, in the City of McHenry. the County of McHenry and the State, of Illinois, and have carried on the profession of Law at 3325 W. Elm Street, in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry, and the State of Illinois, was dissolved on the 15th day of July, 1961, by mutual consent, and that the profession of Law in the future will be carried on by tllgi said ROBERT I. JOHNSON, alone, who will [jay and discharge all debts and liabilities, and receive all monies payable to the said late firm. The true names and addresses of the persons who have carried on the profession of law are: ROBERT I. JOHNSON 1925 Riverview Drive McHenry, 111. '<§ EDWIN J. KALLECK 3004 Crescent Drive McHenry, 111. (Pub. Aug. 17, 24. 31, 1%1> Pl'BLK NOTICE Notice of Proposed Filing To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Boll Telephone Company hereby gives notice t^MMhe public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission a proposed change in its Telephone Local Exchange Tariff for the McHenry Exchange which involves an extension of the base rale area. A copy of the proposed filing may be inspected by any interested party at the business office of this Company at 1311 North Court Street, McHenry, l£|}iois. All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY By R. C. Zahn, Manager, (fjjib. Aug. 31, Sept. 7. 1961) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ARCHIE W. BIGGERS Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, October 2nd, 1961, is the claim dale in the estate of ARCHIE W. BIGGERS, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GEORGE BIGGERS ami THOMAS F. BOLGER, Executors JAMES M. McINTEE Attorne> 3516 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Tel: EVergreen 5-2440 pg> Aug. 30, Sept. 7-14. 1961 The Homecoming Day celebration held during McHrnry's centennial in 1936 bad Ray Mc- Gee as its chairman. The parade was led by th~ late Edward Buss, with Gilbert Howard now deceased, as parade marshal. nry Plaindealer 385-0170 or 385-0171 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry. Ill Published every Thursday .» McHenry, III., by the McHenr* Publishing Company, Inc. ft ATI ON Al EDITORIAl ' AsGhcRii&k W. BURFEINDT. Publisher ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE I In McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 6 Months $2.25 3 Months $1.50 Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, III. Mrs. William Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Justen and family of River Forest have returned from a couple of weeks' visit in the Dr. Robert Bestoso home in Newport. R. I. Mrs. Bestoso will be remembered as the former Kathleen Justen. Miss Bert ilia Freund. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. John R. Freund represented Joyce Kilmer Court of the C. D. of A. at a celebration of the golden anniversary of the founding of the Illinois State Court, held in Chicago Sunday when mass at the Holy Name Cathedrcl was followed by a rece[ Hicn at the Drake hotel. Mr. ami Mrs. Warren Holly vacationed at. Barnes, Wis., a few days last week. Mrs. Elliott Timme, daughters, Ann and Beth, of Park Ridge, '.spent a few days last week in. the Thomas Fenwick home. Julie Fenwick returned home with them for a visit. Miss Marie Ropp. a former M<JHenry kindergarten teacher, now of Peoria, visited old friends here last week. ,~ Mrs. Edna Heimer and Mrs. Clarence Craig of Chicago were visitors ih the A. P. Moritz home Wednesday and attended St. Mary's style show. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund have returned from a len day trip to Fort Hood, Texas, where they visited their grandchildren and great -grandchildren. Mrs. Kathryn Conway, Mrs. Dorothy Weber and Miss Gene* vieve Knox entertained a group of old friejids at luncheon i hursd.-.y ami later cards were enjoyed a I t he home ol tiie latter on Waukegan road. Then guests were Mrs. Merle North and Mrs. Inrv. Sprague of Lincoln wood, Mrs. Mae Kelly,. Libertvville, Mrs. Vanette McCarthy, River Foresl and Mesdames Ruth Sutton, Eleanor Foley and Edna Knox of McHenry. Mrs. Ida Quinlan. Mrs. William Snyder and Garnet Hanford of Park Ridge aMendc' the style show and luncheon sponsored by St. Mary's church here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. WuH/ returned home. Wedm sday ol last week, fimm a trip through the New Kir;land sl.iie.v Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson of. Minneapolis, Minn., were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patzke a few days last week. Mrs. Lillian Huck and grandson. Michael Muska, have" returned from ^ ten weeks visit with Mrs. William Schrimer at Squaw Lake, Minn., and Mr. | and Mrs. Walter Johnson in ; Minneapolis, Minn. j Mrs. Eugene Zoia of Wood- | stock and her mother, Mi's. , Delia Callahan, of Chicago, j were local visitors Sunday, i Mrs. Jean Hammershoy, Ros- | alyn and Ricky, attended the I Wisconsin state fair last week, j I.t. and Mrs. L. J. Mahony and son. Mark, of W.jetsmith AFB. Mich., cailed on her grandmother. Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen. | attended a reunion of the Led- ' ger family held at the Rich- ' mond community church hall, i Sunday, with eighty-four folks j present from Tucson, Ariz., ' Chicago. Lake Geneva. Ken- " osha.r Lake Como. Richmond and McHenry. j Mr. and Mrs. John Zoia and ^children, Johnny and Julie, of ; Milwaukee. Wis., are vacationing with her parents, Mr. and • Mrs. George Phalin, and with j his relatives in Woodstock, j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nehlsen and children have returned from a trip around Lake Superior. | Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ahlberg entertained their aunt and un- | cle, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Warner, and daughter, Julie, of Los Angeles, Calif., a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frederickson, son. Jimmy, and Mrs. William Johns of Elgin called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Fred Chase of Midland, Mich., was a weekend visitor in McHenry. his wife and children. Fred, Davie. Dan and Susan, who had been s|>ending the past two weeks with relatives here, returned home with him Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and daughter, Lynn, returned Sunday from a sight seeing trip around Lake Michigan and a visit with relatives in Ludington, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler of Forest Park spent a few | days last week with her sister. | Mrs. Karl Bradley, where they ! were called by the unexpected j death of her husband. J Among the out of town folks | here to attend the wake or l'u- | neral of Karl Bradley last [week were his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kozelka, of Minneapolis; Minn.. Mr; and Mrs. Willis Livings'on of Rock ford. Mr. and Mrs. Mr.x i Beth and Mrs. Berniece Lvnn of Norwood Park, j Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard. I Janice and Marilyn, of Elmhurst. were guests in the home of Mrs. Irene Guffey a fewdays the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jacobson and baby ot Harvard were Milwaukee visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Carl Elshoff and family spent a few days recently with relatives in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes and sons and Mrs. Anna Diedrieh a n d Van visited Air.or,-i relatives Sunday. Miss Sharon Thompson of Omaha. Nchr.. granddaughter of M"s. Elizabeth Thompson, who recently completed an air line hostess course in Minneapolis. Minn., spent a week with relatives here before going to Chicago where she has accented a position with the United overseas airlines. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ahlberg, son. Ronny. and their guest, Mrs. Hollis S. Cnomer, were recent visitors in the home ot the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Phillips, in Chicago. The Alvin Miller family and Gerald Miller spent a few days last week in low a where they attended the funeral of Rat-macher in Humboldt ort Saturday. 'Sunday visitors in the Albert Purvey home were Mr. and Mrs. William Purvey of Huntley, and MrK John Purvey and son. Allan, of Crystal Lake. ' Guests on Tuesday were Mrs. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS merce from the University of Iowa, was born in DeKalb and ] attended McHenry high school.; WINS PROMOTION Mr. and Mrs. Fred%. Pepping of Green street have received word of their son. Jack's, promotion to assistant manager of the Gary (Ind.t business office of Illinois Bell Telephone. The younger Pepping is married to another former McHenry resident, Karen Engdahl, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Engdahl. | also of Green street. ! Father of two boys? Pepping, i 27, joined the Bell Telephone j system in June, 1956, as a sen - ice engineer at Harvey. Six months later he entered the i Air. Force and served as a weapons director. He was a i lieutenant. He returned to the telephone company in December. 1959, and joined the Wheat on district sales forces. Last September he- was named commercial assistant in the Aurora office and served there lintil recently. Pepping, who holds a bachelor of science degree in eom- Donald Church and children of Crvstal Lake. IN TRAINING PROGRAM j Robert Seymour, local repre- j sentative of th£ National Mu- I tual Insurance company, is one j of thirty-five agents who at- , ! tended the training program conducted in Peoria this month ! » j STORE EXPANSION I Custom TV at 3413 W. Elm street has undergone remodelling and expansion which allows greater display space. Un- ' til now. only a portion of the j two-store building was in use, but with the removal of a partition, the entire st£uc£pre is being utilized. - . , •, Ed. Vestgard, jstore owner, is announcing a sale this Weekend to acquaint the public with the. new facilities. Grand opening is scheduled for later in the fall. OPEN HOl'SE A large group of friends and neighbors attended open house at Camp Duncan last Sunday,*' held during the evening. BE WISt USE CLASSIFIED? 4o 1 > \Y. tlwy. l'»0 Featuring , DAY LOQUOR McHenry, III. For Haircuts With A Flair CALL ELVINA or JUDY at BEAUTY SALON ELVINA LATIMER (Formerly Jen's Beauty Salon) 1st Rldg. East of V.F.W. on Rte. 120 I'll. EV 5-0322 Closed Mondays Free Parking ettelman bottles A GtllllMAN BRi WING CO. MILWAUKEE -- A Family Ownrt Brt**n SilKf 1854 Complete Line of REEKS -- WINES and LIQUORS 'S C@5fl[p|Li'u'i g@Ca[?©iST PLAN including... "^AMERICAN ****** Heating Oil with improved SiA-CllAN I Good Housekeeping ^ OVtOTlStO PLUS Standard's Insured Budget Plan • Burner Service Plan • Sta-Ful Automatic Delivery • S & H Green Stamps (100 FREE Bonus S&H Stamps wltli first purchase) -- Radio Dispatched Trucks -- GEORGE STANDAR hgent 4012 \V. Maple McHenry EV 5-0988 T O P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S AT L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y >- £ o Ufl u. h C£ UJ o u X 111 X 0 Z </) 1 111 < (/) 00 iu < a. 2 O o VAN CAMP'S ^ j,/, Pork & Beans. • . . . ,2 Tini TV KRAFT Barbecue Sauce • • • * • .B.tL^ 33c REED'S GERMAN.STYLE ^ - J0J Potato Salad 303 Tin J* TiM BETTY CROCKER INSTANT ±0l Potato Salad REALEMON Lemon Juice KRAPT PlNEAPPLF pr APRICOT 49e 35' 2A-Ot. 49c Btl. KKAF-I PlNLArm- ArKI^Ui 4* 12-Ot. A Oc Preserves . • • • • • • • Z J a r* ^ ' G.I. $225 79° MAZOLA O i l • • • • • » . • • SNOWDRIFT 3U) S h o r t e n i n g . • • • • • • • • T i n KRAFT SALAD MUSTARD or. «qc Horseradish Mustard Z i«r» IT STAR-KIST CHUNK ' ^ '/rSif OQC Tuna ^ Ti"* OT UNDERWOOD DEVILED Ham HAWAIIAN ^ Punch . • • • • • W • • • i "n* HiLL'j BROS Coffee • • • • • ' • • • • • V° HILLS BROS INSTANT «• in Coffee Off LABEL Jar | MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT ma. Coffee Be Of 1*^^79° BORDEN'S INSTANT Coffee CFF LABEL Jar COUNTRY'S DELIGHT 49 AQ* Tea Bags • »••••••••• T1* COUNTRY'S DELIGHT 2-lb. ^AC Fig Bars «•••••••••< J » OCLAN f-rPAY jy 3M ^ V-c Cranberry Sauce • • • ""w Milnot •• • • *6 ^ 59° S w i f t n i n g • • • • • • • • • • im ^5C 46-Ox. $|00 2-Lb. $|25 ^69® ON IOWA COHM-FED Pin-ione SSKLOIN THE VERY FINEST in BEEF STEAKS With any Regular Meat IMirrhasp CLUB-SHORT OSCAR MAYER Pre-Packed WEINERS OSCAR MAYER SIJCEl) Mcllo-Crisp BACON j fb WILSON CORN KING THE "FINEST" in Canned HAMS 3-Lb. Tin $249 Country Delisht CHEESE SPREAD Jesse Jewell CHICKEN BREASTS THIGHS or DRUMSTICKS 2-lh. ioal 69f f; i mils pk::. Asst'd. Flavurs SEALTEST ICE CREAM 5 PINTS For Only $100 REYNOLDS WRAP (ALUMINUM FOIL) 25-ft. R®II 75-ft. Isdl Heavy Duty 25-ft. Roll 29e 79« 59* 5-Lb. Tin 389 6-Lb. Tin $4®9 10-Lb. Tir. $099 PHILADELPHIA ALLSWEET 2c OFF LABEL You pay only OTTAWA CHIEF Chili Sauce RED LABEL HALVES or SLICED Y. C. 12-0Z. bottle 10c SALADA Tea Bags Count 59 THOMAS J. WEBS mm WHIP 1 !0c OFF You Pay Only I-Lb. Tin FFEE! HUNT'S 14-oz. $ btls. Only TOMATO CATSr I' CERTIFIED WHITE PAPER 100 PLATES count \ i:TS NO. I Tin DOG FOOD 6 for 49* 5 S *|°° 446-Ot., $1 Tins | E; LA- . vvHOLE UNPEEIED A p r i c o t s . . . » • • t: Potato Chips . . • Twin Paelt Pkg- F A:_-:-LDY A'.-.. FID • 303 AA Kidney Beans . J Tini ^ ' FA',^rDi' ANN :• !OE5rRINO A B e e t s > • • • • • • • • • • ™ < n 49< FARM FRESH PRODUCE DAILY Jl'MBO SIZE CRISP RED RADISHES * VOI N(i TENDER <;REEN ONIONS Canteloupes 2» 4512 bunches ^ 303 Jars OK Prune Juice • • BH- 29e 39' Old Faitiion Olives • . . Gla" 45c F-' ,r- v A-n l-.-'od Ih'iwn Queen n0iM / |Tc OliveS .Mkt. JarOD P'CGEOY A^.'N 1V/EET FRESH p;nt ^-c Cucumber Slices • • • PA2-G-DY AfJN Pint Sweet Relish. . . i • • ; J,r Mm / P*OC-E3Y ANN CRUSHED ^7-Oi.OOc Pineapple KINO-SVZF: H-PHrk >lus (lepnsil -COLA Corner of Green & Elm Streets In The Heart Of Downtown McHenry (We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities.) O O 2 5l I iA X © Z o m m o > T O P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S AT L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y «

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