Tltefcday, September 14.1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER P E R S O N A L S Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Bauer were happy to entertain all the members of their family at their home, near Volo, recently. They were: Brother Paul of Afnica; Sister Mary Helen of Corarnbus, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bauer, Mike, John. Ann, Joseph and Paul of Tulsa, Okla.; Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Bauer, Cindy and Mary, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steins d o e r f e r, Mark, Lynn Beth and Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bauer, Brian. Anne, Pat nnd Maureen, Mc- Henry and Joseph Bauer at hoty. real reason for the home-coming was the marriage of Miss Alice Coel of Milwaukee and Joseph Bauer which Page Three niece, Mrs. Edward Dickman, j Jier nephew, Freddy Thompson, and family in Saukville, Wis. j celebrate his birthday. Freddy, Mesdames Kathryn Worts, j a former McHenry resident, Alpa Pedersen and Ethel Holly j has returned from California to of Riverview camp,. R.N.A. i make his home with his sister, and Mrs. Agnes Wissell of Fox Mrs. Smith, and husband. River Valley camp, attended MCHS the September meeting cf the McHenry County Past Oracles club hold at the home of Mrs. Frank Hoffman in Belvidere Tuesday, Sept. 5. Mrs. Kathryn Worts will be hostess at her home on Riverside Drive at their next meeting on Oct. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams, , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Biake, f Mrs. Edward Skoney of Elmhurst was a visitor in the home o"f her mother. Mrs. Kathryn Wein^art, Wednesday. Mrs. Kdla Antonson and her guest, her brother, August Landerholm, spent a few days last week with friends in Lake Geneva, Wis. Present for a family gather- JI§® i§H INFORMATION CENTER PUNNED WITHIN COUNTY Tell Public 0! Red Menace In United States Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams : ing •'*! 'be home of Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Smith i Mrs. Charles Martin, on Sept. spent the Labor Dav weekend I 3- were Mr. and Mrs. William at Birehwood, Wis. The latter I Sutton, son. Teddy, and Mrs. two couples remained tor a ; Larry Minter of L'lmhurst. Mr. longer vacation. I and Mrs. William Martin, Patti Mr. and Mrs. Paul Achor and I ,and Pa!";. and friends of Wauchildren of Indiana spent a few , koJan' M£s Muriel Schis ing ol ?L'heh^Wn SJf ^ »£. Elea- Saturda^ Sept" 2 " °" i. Miss ' Rmh Ann Ltadber*. I ™ W*. An Martin. Mr and Included in the other folks, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olov I ^ E. Lindberg of Tower Lakes. ,!es Suttpn- McHenry. was one of a class of sixty- j seven who received their diplo- : 17 p 117 jWFW^ mas from the Augusta'na | »e ie W • llCi f» kJ School of Nursing, in Chicago, | • Sept. 3. She will be employed i Post 4600 at the McHenry hosoital. | Saturday night. Sept. 9, the Mrs. Flossie Cobb, a former < annual state membership kick- Mcllenry resident and. her off dinner was held in Chicago, niece of Naperville railed on This event each year starts the old friends here Tuesday of drive lo recruit new members last week and attended the fu- lor llie Y.F.W. and to renew neral of Mrs. Alice Lindsay. Alfwrd Pouse lias sold his home, the former Raymond Powers place on Center street to the Arnold Reinko family Ralph Brooke Commercial Aiarjory Adams Languages Ralph Seharnau Ray Shanafelt Dawn Slice History History - Science Home Economies from this vicinity, in attendance were Messrs and Mesdames Nick M. Just,en. Joseph M.J^reund, Bernard Bauer and Roman Bauer, Mrs. John R. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kennebeck, son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Adams, Nancy and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mauch, Rodney. Robert and Randy. Mr. and Mrs. George Freund, Suzanne, Miss Carolyn Bauer and Miss Marcia Anderson McHenry. Others present were William HtO-r, Johnsburg: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Diedrieh and Susie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wegener, Linda, Frances and Larry, Mrs. Agnes Wegener, son. Ronny, and lady friend, Mrs. Karl Hayden. Jack and Jim Lumber, Ingleside; Mr. and Mrs. Everelt Bauer. Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snath of Harvard. Mrs. Carrie .Juslen and Mrs. Elvera Justen, with Alex and Dan Justen as their guests, spent the Labor Day weekend in St. Louis attending the reunion of the group o) people from the midwest who travelled to Europe in 1956. Pictures taken at last year's reunion in Evergreen, Colo., were shown and later the'group attqpled a musical play at the municipal open air theatre i:1 Forest Park, St. Louis. Each year a reunion is held and next year they hope to meet in Milwaukee Where one of the group lives. Others came from Minneapolis, Minn., Cincinnati, Ohio, St. Charles, Webster Grove and Springfield, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Baold memberships. Attending were over 700 members from all sixteen districts in Illinois. Official representation from Illinois were who have been residing temp- Commander Mullcr; seniorirarily in Ringwood since disposing of their home at Lakeland Park. Mr. Police left Friday for a visit in the homo of his son and family in Oley, Pa., and plans to locate permanonl- Iv in that locality.. vice. Hill; junior vice, Heidemann; quartermaster, Glassford: Judge Advocate, Ru*>sell; and others. Those attending enjoyed a seven-course dinner, followed by talks by top shelf speakers. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest majn theme of most speak- Schroeder. son, Jerry May- : ors uas 1hc importance of signl'ield, and Richard, .lager en-! im, qu„iiiied \otorans in the joyed a camping trip to Three ! v F \V Our molto has always Lakes, Wis., over Ihe Labor ,)(vn ..j,- V(IU Nvt,,.0 OV(M. ,|1010i Day weekend. V()U i,0i0ng in the V.K.W." John Hoffman of Indianapo- : Among the local delegation lis, Ind., spent a few days last ; attending were Commander H. week in the heme of his aunt, i Thomas and wife. Sr. Vice T. Mrs. F. J. Aicher. j Getner and wife, and Jr. Vice Misses Edna and Myra ,1. Doran and wife. Speaker of Richmond visited The dinner was followed by McHenry relatives Friday. la transmittal march. To those Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. who are not informed, this is Laures have returned to their a parade of post commanders home in West Palm Beach, who present to the state quart- Fla., after a week's visit with ermaster the receipts of all relatives in this vicinity. ' members who have paid for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riedl of j 1962. We are proud to declare Northbrook were Sunday visi- our Post No. 4600 turned in OBITUARIES WILLIAM CLARK Services were held Wednesday of this week in Holyoke, Mass., for William Clark, 78, who died Saturday. Sept. 9, in the Villa -nursing home, where he had been a patient for six weeks. Mr. Clark was a retired purchasing agent for a Chicago hotel. The deceased was a native of Holyoke.'where he was born' in J.SN3. A niece. Rosemary Heil, of Gray-dake survived. KOSAIJK WIIK.HT Mrs. Rosalie Wright, S6. died Sept. N in the Villa Nursing home, where she had lived for eight \ears. Her lormer home was in Cdenview. The uoceasfu n.i> born April 21. 1ST5. There are no survivors. The body was taken to the George R. Justen & Son funeral home. Private services were held Tuesday morning in St. Mathews cemetery, Niles. CARRIE FLOOD Mrs. Carrie Flood. 69, a native oi Wauconda and sister of Joseph Vogt of McHenry, passed away in a nursing home at Daytona Beach. F!a., on Sept. 3 following a year's illness. Other survivors include her husband. Andrew: a daughter, Mrs. Carl .Mallies,- of Atlanta. Ga.: and two sisters. Mrs. Ar.- riie "W icks of Grayslake and Mrs. William Rosing of AniitK- li: a No ihree granddaughters. Services and burial were held at b yioiia Beach. .10SI:I>HI\E PEARSON Mr-, .lo-ephine Pearson, 7". die-i Sunday evening. Sept. 10, in a hospital in Miami. Fla.. where she had lived for the past fifteen years. Prior to that time, she made her home with her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Barlow, at Chapel Hill. Mrs. Pearson's son, William, was the first casualty of World War II from Mraraky. He was killed in a traiuaccident enroute to Camp Crowder, Mo. Funeral arrangements are beings made through the Peter M. Justen funeral home. Services will be in St. Mary's church, with burial in , the church' cemetery. BERTHA LEMKER .Services were held in Glendale,. Calif.. for Mrs. Bertha Lemker, ^2. of that city, mother of Richard Lemker. desk man for the McHenry city police. She died Sept. 6 following a long illness. Three daughters also survive. 85 per cent of appointments to the Service Academies come from congressmen, the balance from the ranks of the armed forces, or from special appointments. Recently, a group of citizens, desirous of counteracting the i threat of internal communism, I met in the home of Mrs. Carl Zeiss in Hartland township. i The gathering climaxed the ef- ! forts of Mrs. Josephine Zeiss Brown of Phoenix, Ariz., to 1 foster the possibility of a Citizens' Information for McHenry county. The purpose of the center is to.provide literature, tapes and films to organizations and private citizens for the purpose of informing the public of the Red menace, and how to combat and defeat it. | The Citizens' Inform a t i o n I center in Phoenix would serve | as a guide in-establishment of j a center in Woodstock. Aceord- , ing to Mrs. Brown, the Phoenix center was begun three years ago, and has increased its weekly/attendance to well over ! 400 persons. j A large.Phoenix ccrj oration ' has offered the services of a ! director, who would assist in : e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a c c - n t e r i n , Woodstock. ' The American Legion of! Woodstock has offered its fa- . cilities for twice monthly meet- ; ings. The initial meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. at the Legion Home in Woodstock. All McHenry county residents are invited and urged to attend. In view of the proposed center, it should be of interest to hear the pians of a neighboring city of McHenry. On Sunday. Sept. 24 the peo^ pie of Rockford begin a week long study, dubbed "Freedom Week". This study will be a city-wide evaluation of the nature of domestic communism, and the value of liberty. The Rockford Chamber of Commerce will co-ordinate the week long series of meetings. Among principal speakers will be Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Congressman John B. Anderson (R-Ill.l. and Dr. George L. Ford of Wheaton, executive director of National Association of Evangelicals. It is hoped by leaders of the study program that many citizens will find renewed faith and re-dedication to the principles which made this Constitutional Republic the proud, free and prosperous nation she is. SERVICE NEWS Undergoing nine weeks' recruit training at the Naval Training center. Great Lakes, is Thomas W. Reining, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Reining of 1907 N. Rogers. McHenry. The training, which began Aug. 10, includes instruction in military drill, naval customs, seamanship, ordnance and gunnery, damage control and fire fighting. We fottnr* ike RlgM to Limit Quanfit»«i ... Prictt TKr# S*pt. 16th m Chtcaoo «nd Suburban Stor«i E-tcept L^n- •isgi §. Holland, C«lt>rri*t C'ty, Chicago GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY BACK! QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS AT NATIONAL . . . COLORADO CORN-FED BEEF tors in the home of Mrs. Kdla Antonson. Miss Rita Martin was a con and family have moved ; weekend guest in the home of fjO" Oakhurst, to the place al 'her niece, Mrs. Richard Smith, the corner of Main and Third ! in Waukegan, where she helped i 102 transmittals. The evening was rounded out by seven acts of lop flight enter! ainmenir followed by dancing. Roy Bradley «treet vacated by Mrs. Bonnie Smith and family who moved to Cooney Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Lowe and son, Bobby, have returned from a trip to Sioux Narrows. Ontario, Canada, where they visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. James Kline, and husb^ id. ®Irs. Eleanor Renard accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. Carolyn McLean of Chicago spent the Labor Day weekend in the i horhe of another cousin. Mrs. , Francis Carlos, in Hillsdale, j Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier of j Marengo and his mother, Mrs. j Ethel Courier, of Woodstock j were McHenry visitors Satur- j day evening. j ^Irs. Stanley Aim and sons spent a few days recently in the home of her sister, Mrs. I Charles Kleptz, in Kokomo. . Ind*, where they attended the j christening of the Kleptz's new j son, Timothy Charles. j Miss Nancy Whiting, daugh- ( ter of,Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whit- , ing, left, last week for Madison, j Wis., where she has entered tuning at St. Mary's School : or Nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl spent Sunday in the Frank Kraus home in Barrington. Mi*, and Mrs. Lee Cooney have returned from a ten day motor trip to Boston, Mass., where they visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Towner of Fort Madison. Iowa have been staying with their grandchiltl& n while their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Mackindcr, have been vacationing in Wisconsin. Mrs. Lyle Moore, daughter, Roberta, and son, Kenneth, of Chirago, were weekend guests of the Towners. Mrs. George Phalin and father, G. C. Peters, spent the Labor Day weekend in the tome of their daughter and ^nddaughter, Mrs. Jack Zoia. and husband in Milwaukee. Wis., where they attended a f a m i l y g e t - t o g e t h e r . O t h e r s present were Mr. Peters' two other daughters. Sister Mary- Alma, dean of St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind., and Mrs. James Richards and husband of St. Louis. A daughter from California was unable to intend. TWiss Margery Wolf, who has been spending several weeks with Crystal Lake relatives, called on her aunt, Mrs. Frances Thorne, recently to say "Good Bye" before returning to her home in Honolulu. B^r. and Mrs. John Thennes and- Phillip Thennes were rei JUST ORDER, RELAX . . . EAT, ENJOY! TAKE-OUT ORDERS Barbeque Sandwiches Hamburgers - Hot Dogs Italian Beef Sandwiches Half Fried Chicken French Fries - Salad Roll POT MAST Value Way cut and •rimmed to save you money ... all best blade cut, every piece is from lean National's corn-fed beef . . . famous for tender, juicy flavor . . . Buy it now at National! BEST BLADE CUT Breads or legs a AA. CHICKEN PARTS 2 & 89 Colorado Corn Fed CHUCK STEAKS. National's Hillside 9 Bi 59* Colorado Corn Fed STEWING BEEF . . ^ 69° Colorado Com Fed „ . Boiled Chuck ROAST " 79' SHOP NATIONAL AND SAVE TWICE... QUALITY FOODS FOR LESS, PLUS . . . S&H GREEN STAMPS REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXFUI S&H STAMPS WitK »h. Purchaio of a 4-Roll Pkg. of B*HirooM VANITY FAIR TISSUE Lrmii On» Coupon Per Cuitom«r--Coupon Expinn Sopt. 16 MOTT'S NEW PACK Appsa No. <00 far 1 4^0 Mb, Mg. 55' REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA SSCJ STAMPS Vfith Purch«i« of an B-ot. BoHl# HoUu® HAWAIIAN MMIM UmHCna Coupon Por Gu»tom«r--Coapoa E*pir«iSopK 16 HOME MADE DONUTS FRIDAY'S SPECIAL Boneless Perch Dinners $1.00 Fried Shrimp Dinners $1.35 Hisme Mode Custard FREE With EVERY SANDWICH TAKE OUT ORDER HMmmm FOOD S10RES Ffosb Froxan W@p Taste Meat Dinner or Brands Sale! Y*Dow Cling NA Your Cholca • BEEP • CHICKEN • TURKEY Birds Eyo Frozen Broccoli, Cauliflower . . . or . . . ^ . • BAST UMA BEANS . . 3 ^ National Maid Fl'Uit Cocktail CHERRY UEUH1NE . E NEW Compact SPACE SAVER 600-cf. Boxes 600-Cnl. 60x In Heavy Syrup Scott Jumbo C PAPER TOWELS. 4|AC Bread & Butter 29 FANNING PICKLES . New Small . . . Sweet ZV KOfK SIBMRLINE . . It' 39 MTO PEAS . . PEACHES Boo Polish Style Dailey's Quart nf>( 45 GUiViBER PICKLES. :Jar 29 2 no. mqc NATCO Cut GREEN BEANS Y'S DRIVE 410 Elm McHenry 'iii^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini Fof That N In Your and mmm ho..: There's nofhtng that gets so close to a Dad as a gift of wearables. Choose from our complete selections. Store for men* 1245 X. Green St. Phone 385-0047 McHenry, 111. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA cent guests in the home of their •iuuiiuuiHiinHiiiiiiiiilHlliniiBIHlUlfllUllliillUiluuiUlliiuuiilllinHiUiuillllllllllliUlllllUlllUIUIBail "LIBBY'S" Real Tomato Flavor Did You Have Your Soup Today? -- Campbell's TOMATO For Baking and Frying niDQ JUi€E SOwii' Shorten TOMATO HEINI "iswCHUP yvtfcfrf find /far fhcfoce* ^ ml? 43 C ^ 4 "RE0 ©!U€l©yS Chicken Noodle HEim SOUP QOMPARE WITH $14.95 VALUE KITCHEN STEIF S¥@@L Padded seat and back . .. steel steps. Corrugated pad. Legs tipped with plastic caps. Only h MafioMt «.ghlor Top-3 AND YOU GET tl tlH i.KTtr. .. «TAMPS TOO! WTiile Supplies Last" Help Your Child in School GOLDEN BOOK ILLUSTRATED DU.^nf v lO'/x-oz. Cans All New S(sK3Q(§K €®a^A(sT Beefrk Sbavtr. Shaving with the compact acta- ' ally costs less than shav- *•-' ing with bladol TOP TASTE AN Now Dictionary designed specifically for young poo* voi. ^ pie in grade school. Only Volume 2 thru 6 Only 99c o-r Tender Kernel Amortcan Deluxe u. s. No. i Size "A" ®EL» TS-Lb. POTATOES . /QC GOLDEN OV SWT. CORN LY FOOD CAKE wftfc purcKisa $5-00 c? I Compare with Reg. $12.95 Value 3806 West Elm Street