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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1961, p. 17

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^Stursday, October 26,1961 THE McHEMEY PUUNDEALER McHenry Shores COSTUME DANCE DETAILS NEARING COMPLETION STAGE Terry Coates This will be the last notice l^arding our Halloween dance to be held on Nov. 4 at the Legion hall in McHenry. Come one, come all, and really feel young again. Your tickets may be secured from Committee members, Mrs. Brunke, Mrs. Schmitt, Mrs. Calvert and Mrs. Hat tan, or any member of the board of directors. Home from Hospital ' Neighbors and friends of Garret Boor will be happy to hear that he is home from the Woodstock Memorial hospital, where he was operated on for Fetnoval of appendix. He was at the hospital about a week and reports that he is feeling fine. Hope he will soon be up and around again. We all wish Barbara Pogor, Vfho is home from the McHenrjr hospital, a speedy recovery. Pat Ruemelin had some X-rays taken at the McHenry hospital recently. Little Michacl Si ark is also home from the hospital after an operation on his arm. Get well soon, Michael. Traveler Home Helen Smith of 614 Meadow r^urned home after a threeweek visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Loughrin, and her four grandchildren in Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. Helen said she had a wonderful time, but that she would never want to try driving on the "freeways" out there. Glad you returned safely. I#hturo on "Foreign Jewelry" - A group of women from McHenry Shores attended a lecture on jewelry given by Mrs. Peterson of Chicago. The talk was on jewelry from foreign tends. It was held tat the Mchenry Methodist church. "Newcomers to the "Shores'* The welcom i h g committee eddied on Arthur and Jeanne Egger of 3216 Sunrise View to welcome them to McHenry Shores. They have two children, Lorreen, 8 years old, and Randy, 2. They moved here from Skokie. We wish them every happiness in their new home. McHenry Women's Club- Three women residents of IV^Henry Shores, namely Mrs. Clarence Mueller, Mrs. John Korner and Mrs. Raymond Olszewski were elected to membership in the McHenry Women's club on Oct. 13. Happy Birthday to Glenn Tanner on Oct. 27, Sarah Partain on the twentyninth, Lynn Munroe on the tlajrtieth, Marie Mondry on the tmrty-first, Susan Olbinski on Nov. 1 and Gladys Raddatz on Nov. 2. Happy Anniversaries to Theodore and Bessie Ray on Oct. 30, John and Gladys Korner on Oct. 31, and William and Sarah Partain on Oct. 31. May you enjoy many more anniversaries together. McHenry Shores Club, Inc. All members are urged to attend the next regular monthly meeting of the club on Thursday, Nov. 2. at the V.F.W. hall on Route 120. It is possible that the board of directors may have copies of the new bylaws for consideration. Never hesitate to give lots offljfadvice. It makes you feel better, and no body else ever listens, anyway. Cusm T.Y. Tepfcs by Ml Polkey T.V. Pari Timers Occasionally, we get technical questions oil the phone and we suspect that they come from part-time TV services. The TV difficulty usually'ls of the intermitieat type that takes expensive servicing equipment and electronic training to ferrot it out. Often, ft can be one of several different components that causes the trouble, and they all react the same way. Although, we can suggest several ideas about the trouble, you 1 must actually have the s€0t<to work on. Replacing a lot bf parts and tubes in a hit-and-miss guessing job, Is expensive and time wasting. We wseteeme thesa past time services to bring their tough jobs to CUSTOM T.V- We can complete the Sob quqickly and accurately. Ptoone ESV 5-8767 or 5-6669 for an appointment. Eastwood Manor Busy Stork Favors Manor Edle Iverson The stork was kept very busy in the Manor this past week. Friday, the thirteenth, was a lucky day for the Arendt family as that was the day 7 lb., 9 oz., Robert Albert chose to join the family. David. Garry and Karen were waiting in Chicago to greet their new little brother and anxious to bring Bobby home fee- the neighbors to have a look at him. He needs a visit to the barbershop already! On the 15th, 7 lb., 12 oz., Miss Kimberly Ann joined the Rad family, which tickled them all, being the only girl child in the house. She was welcomed home by daddy, Richard, and brothers, Ricky and Jeffrey. All three children will receive plenty of tender loving care as Grandmother Rad of Johnsburg and Grandmother Colburn of Spring Grove are each taking a grandson home with them for a few days. Oct. 17, baby Lisa Marie decided to join the Ritter family. Another very pleased family, this being the only girl for A1 and Ann. Brothers Alfred, arre 9, and Jackie, age 7, were mighty thrilled with their 8 lb., 11 oz., baby sister and boast of what fine baby-sitters they will make. Grandmother Ritter was waiting to greet her latest granddaughter and to help out with the work that goes with babies and also help in the spoiling department. Seven beautiful babies were left at the Biederers. The proud mother was their beloved little pooch. That old stork really deserves a nice long rest after making all these October deliveries! across a wonderful restaurant where they enjoyed their dinner. The Walter Kucks joined their boat club members for a wonderful clambake Saturday, the fourteenth. They enjoyed the clams, chicken, and food galore in spite of the chilly weather. Afterwards they spent the evening dancing. Marie Dalton has been going places and doing things lately. Her dad, Steve Stattman, cf Elmwood Park came out Saturday night to wish her a happy birthday and join the family for dinner. During t he week her Aunt, Mary Schwabe, of River Grove and Mrs. Steve Stattman came 'out for" lunch. Marie and her Aunt Mary celebrated their birthdays together with a cake. Marie also got out of the Manor when she went to Lake Zurich to visit her4 friend, Marilyn Mcintosh. Birthday Celebrations Sunday, 7-year-old Pamela King celebrated her birthday with a party. Besides her five sisters and brothers attending were Mrs. Donna White with her five little ones frbm Cary and Laura Kellogg, Donna Meyer, Vicki Peterson, Denise Quist and Gretchen Schmidt. Oct. 14, John, Anderson celebrated his birthday with a family dinner and cake, while Susan had her turn on Oct. 17. Holiday Hills IIG PARADE. BONFIRE NEXT TUESDAY_NIGHT "Spooks" Pick Up Pals Along Way Halloween Inez Young Deepest Sympathy Extended to all the ladies of Eastwood Manor on the death of their Women's club. HI Neighbor This week let's call on Don and Pat Arendt and peek at the brand new baby. They reside at 2221 W. Manor Lane. Don hails from Chicago and is employed as a buyer in one of our local drugstores. While brothers, David and Garry, are attending school little blonde Karen keeps her mommy company. Since Oct. 13, though, she has become mother's little helper caring for tiny baby, Robert. Welcome to our Manor, we hope you enjoy it here and make many lasting friendships. Tripoli Club Lois Bianchi was hostess for the Tripoli club this week. Marilyh Fultz, substituting, took first prize and Jackie French won booby. Afterwards the gals partook of a wonderful buffet lunch. Birthday Wishes Wishing a very happy birthday today, Oct. 26, to 11 year old Beth Saynor; Oct. 27 to seven-year-old Jackie Ritter; Oct. 28 is shared by three -- five-year-old Vicki Vestgard, three-year-old Leslie Freckman, and also Frank Woohvine. Oct. 30 birthday greetings go to Frank Hoppe. Best wishes to Jack Dalton on Nov. 1. The Woman's club will include all of the young people of the subdivision, including the 'teens, in one big parade* and bonfire. The parade will begin at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, Oct. 31. at the entrance of the subdivision. It will proceed down Sunset Drive to Lilac, from Lilac around the curve on Pine street and cn to Tower (formerly Willow), Tower to Hickoi'y and Hickory down to the beach. The plan is to start with a few staunch hearty spooks on Sunset and pick up more all along the way. Find the spot most convenient to your home and join the spook parade. If you're ambitious, join at the entrance. Prizes will lie awarded for costumes. In case of rain the spooks will march the following night. mittee. If you'd like to work on this dance, call Hank at EV. 5-5437. Girl Scouts The Girl Scouts of Holiday Hills have dug another flower bed along the lake channel at Pine and North East Shore Drive. These girls are certainly showing community responsibility in trying to beautify our park and beach areas. This week the troop will hold their meeting in the evening and have a Halloween party. The members and the leaders will attend in costume. Rummage Sale Benefits Community House Fund The rummage sale held in Island Lake on Saturday, Oct. 14, was a big success. Many thanks to Phyl Harper and her helpers who sorted, priced, packed, transported and sold rummage, and baked and sold doughnuts, cupcakes and coffee at the sale. The proceeds from this rummage sale were put into a community house fund which was started some time ago when the ladies sold candy to start the fund. If any of the local organizations would like to contribute to this fund, it is not exclusively a Woman's club project, but should be one in which all of us are interested. ! Brownies The Brownies of Troop 454 held an investiture ceremony on Wednesday. Oct. IS. The girls invested and pinned were Linda Carlson, Vaiarie Fovthroan. Dede Harris and Amy Howell. Three new girls attended the meeting. Thpy were Christine Norlon. Joan Quilico and Polly Thorsten. Refreshments followed the ceremony. The troop will go on a heritage hike on Saturday, Oct. 28. and will leave front the Hnufe home at 8:30 a.m. The trirls will wear their uniforms ;.nd bring nose bag lunches. A Teens in Our Town Last week we had football players. This week we have the manager of the football team, John Jcschke. John, also plays in ihnt terrific McHenry high school band. And how about that display both band and team put on at the recent homecoming? Let's give credit to lur teens who use their time and efforts in school and community organizations and activities. NAMES LABOR DIRECTOR Gov. Otto Kerner has named Robert R. Donnelly. 62, of 5920 N. Odell Ave., Chicago, as director of the Illinois Department of Labor. A native of Chicago, Donnelly has been a trade unionist for 41 years. Spring Grove LOTUS CLUB ENTERTAINED AT McNALLY HOME Eva Freund Mrs. Frances McNally was hostess to members of the Lotus Country Women's club at her home on Wednesday, Oct. 18. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Viola McNish. The eighteen members present answered roll call by relating a favor done by a friend. After the meeting Mrs. Frances Kabot gave a demonstration on cake decoration. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Beulah Earls in Richmond. Girl Scouts A rummage and bake sale is being held at the fire house on Saturday, Nov. 4. from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.' This is being sponsored by Girl Scout Troop 519 and proceeds will go for camping equipment. Meetings Members of the Christian Mothers sodality met at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night for their regular meeting. Reports on the DCCW convention were given by the President, Mrs. Willard Ry- Chowski and the committee chairmen, Mrs. Tom McNally, j M r s . W i l l i a m S m i t h , M r s . j Charles Freund and Mrs. L. L. i Kagan. The nuns attended this meeting and were presented with a l£trge supply of groceries and meQts for their pantry. Cards w«-e played and lovely lunch waK served. Rev. Edward Lehman and the ushers met at the home of Greg Kattner for their meeting or. Wednesday nighl. Plans were discussed for the coming fall festival which will be in November just before Thanksgiving. Date will be announced later. Refreshments were served. A group of ladies enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home ' of Mrs. Arthur . Kattner on Wednesday evening. A delicious buffet supper was served. Mrs. Edna Olson of Solon Springs, Wis., was among those present and all enjoyed visiting with her. Guests were Mrs. Olson, Mrs. George May, Mrs. Shirley Dawson, Mrs. John McGovem, Mrs. William Thornton, Mrs. Charles Freund, Clarence Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. ! Freund of McHenry, Mrs. Wal- ! ter Brown and Pauline Ann. Chnrch Soeiety Plans Halloween Party The Christian Mothers Society of St. Peter's is making arrangements for a Halloween party to be held at St. Peter's parish hall in Spring Grove on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 31. A roast beef dinner will be served at noon. You may play your | favorite card game or bunco, j A prize is being offered for each table and many Other ! prizes will be given away. I The Manhattan, N. Y., phone | book lists almost 2 million sub'- i scribers. This is one book with no plot, but a lot of characters! No spot in Michigan is more than 85 miles from one of the 1 Great Lakes. Anniversary Wishing a very happy anniversary and many more to Mr. and Mrs. Don Roths, who will be celebrating on Oct. 30. Goblins Coming While you're out shopping this weekend don't forget the little trick-and-treaters; there are about 270 able to go out and ring doorbells this Halloween. No wonder I keep running out of goodies! Around the Manor Welcome house guest of the Jame Longs is Edith's sister, Jane.Trimm, from Mississippi. Tom and Rita Simpson had a marvelous time at the Marian football game in Gary. Afterwards they and the children enjoyed the evening in Chicag°. Saturday, Tom Simpson had a day of golf with the boys. After the game Rita and the girls joined the men for dinner. Harley and Charmaine Pohlman with baby, Cindy, drove 400 miles into southern Illinois and spent the weekend visiting. On their return home thev ran Ignorant, illiterate or lazy people seldom suffer from ulcers, high blood pressure, or nervous breakdowns. PHI WINTER WHEEL AL NMENT.. Don't wobble on the road. Stop in and let us align your wheels, balance your tires, and get your car ready for a winter of safe driving. You can depend on us for expert workmanship at reasonable rates. Prompt service always V Association Meeting The Holiday Hills Property Owners' association met at 1505 Evergreen on Monday evening, Oct. 16. With Harry Postal still out of town. Bill Abbink, vice-pres*4 ident, presided. Business of the evening included discussions on the contract for snow plowing, hiring a lawyer to attend our next meeting, volunteers to put up the pillars at the entrance, and appointing a committee for a Christmas dance. Hank Haufe is heading the committtee and has already had a meeting with his com- Ineongruous -- where laws are made, and how they appear. ROOM ADDITIONS! We can custom design your room addition to match your home. At low cost you can get the extra living space you need k . . plus add to the value of your home. We can arrange low cost, long term financing. Call for free estimate. JVI 4704 W. Route 120 • STARLITE * CELEBRATE HALLOWE'EN , with us SAT., OCT. 28 Music by ^ George Freund and THE PLAYBOYS Lakeland Parle Y AUTO BODY SMORGASBORD EVERY WED. EVEHING 6:30 - 10 P.M. Price $2.00 per person -- Children $1.00 Luncheon - innqyet and Parly Facilities Available at No Charge -- Manager Tom Bradley 3924 W. McHeary and II For Eescs^vaiions Call 385=0951 It's the dark of the night--and an unfamiliar turn lies in wait, Suddenly, at the gesture of the turn signal, the whole area is bathed in a brilliant flood of light-- and the driver negotiates the corner smoothly, surely and safely. ThisHs Cadillac's new cornering light in action. And it is yet another reason why owners tell us the car is worth its whole price in safety. Consider, for a moment, the safeguards that attend you in this latest "car of cars" . . : . . . design and construction so sound that you travel the highway in a veritable fortress of steel : ; ; craftsmanship of such care that the car approaches the absolute in dependability : . . performance that is so rewarding and so effortless that the driver remains fresh and alert at the wheel over even the longest day's drive ; . . a dual braking system that gives both front and rear wheels their own power to stop ; : . safety power steering . ; : padded instrument panel . . . three phase rear lighting system . . . and a myriad of other features. If you haven't driven a 1962 Cadillac, you've been missing something very special. You can buy the car just for safety, if you wish. But you'll also discover a dozen other wonderful reasons for wanting to make it youm. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER * OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STREET EVergreen 5-6000 FOR SIXTY YEARS TOG STANDARD OF THE WO RIP

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